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How’s Your Luck With Game Consoles?

I mean, in regards to their reliability.

There's a lot of luck involved when it comes to enduring video game hardware (unless you just kept buying the Xbox 360 over and over because you're a moron). Some people have very good luck while others inexplicably have terrible luck.

I know people who really can't go more than two years without having a system crap out. They insist they're not letting the consoles sit covered in dust, and they don't do stupid things like run them on a thick rug or something like that. Even so, they have to keep replacing their consoles because they just always seem to break. If I believe that they're actually caring for their machines, I just have to conclude that their luck totally blows.

Me, I actually have great luck. Despite what I said above about the 360, I'm one of the few people you will ever meet who never had his 360 die. I got it in 2006 and it lasted until I got rid of it in 2013. Sure, it crashed a lot and I don't think I ever completed a game without running into some game-ending glitch or freeze or whatever, but hey, that's Microsoft. They make sh**, what can I say? Still, the system never completely died, although I should probably mention that I only had about 20 games for that system. Maybe it didn't burn out because I simply didn't use it that often, I don't know.

But it's par for the course, really. I've never had a system die, dating back to the original NES. I don't think you can actually kill those old Nintendo consoles, anyway; I doubt I'm the only gamer who can say their NES and SNES never once bit the dust. I lost the SNES at some point but I bought it back a good ten years ago and that one is still going strong, too. All my PlayStation consoles were perfect…well, almost. The disc reader in the original had some issue but my father managed to fix it (some piece had come loose, that's all). Otherwise, the original PS2 was perfect and I had 3: The first was stolen about 6 months after I had it, the replacement went a long time before I picked up the Slim, and the latter is still working perfectly. My "fatty" launch PS3 was fine until I replaced it with the 120GB model a few year later and that one remains flawless as well. And yes, I still have the original launch PS4 and no problems there, either.

I've also owned the Sega Genesis and Dreamcast and neither gave me any trouble, though admittedly I didn't have the DC for very long. The original Xbox was another trainwreck in terms of software freezing and glitching out but even that lasted its full term (5 years before I ditched it). Obviously, my luck is pretty darn good. 🙂 How about you?

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8 years ago

My first ever broken console was an SNES. Then I had no problems until the PS3. Both PS3 console's I've owned had issues. My first 60gb was repaired then need to be replaced 90 days later. My second 2nd gen PS3 needed a power source replacement. My Wii U is okay. Sometimes I get disc errors but nothing serious. On my 3rd PS4.

Last edited by Jawknee on 2/5/2016 10:12:34 PM

8 years ago

Early on i had horrible luck with consoles. I went through multiple Atari's, NES's, PS1's and a Genesis but then my luck turned and i have only had one system(60gig PS3) break in anyway since the 90's.

8 years ago

The only console I've really had a problem with is the 360. My first one was broken out of the box (bad disc drive), but the second one survived a California earthquake while sitting vertical without a stand.

Delsin Rowe
Delsin Rowe
8 years ago

I've always had great luck with consoles. SNES, N64, GC, PS3 and so far, PS4. The only one that didn't work out was the 360. 2 RRODs in a little over a year. Jumped to PS3 and never looked back.

8 years ago

Hmm for me the disc reader on my PS1 and PS2 died on me. Well probably because my PS1 and PS2 back then are modified consoles, meaning they can play pirated games. My first PS3, which is the fat version, also died on me due to YLOD. But my slim PS3 is still alive and kicking and I bought it way back in 2011. This 8th gen I hope that the PS4 that I bought will be my first and last console. ^_^

8 years ago

Only 2 consoles never died on me: the intellivision and the PS2

I replaced a PS1, a PS3 and the 360 a couple of times.

My PS4 and X1 are still runing just fine

8 years ago

My fat PS3 is the only console to have died on me so far, yellow-lighted. Computers on the other hand, well they don't exactly crap out on me. For whatever reason horrible accidents always seem to happen to me around them.

8 years ago

Well, I keep all of my consoles sitting on open-air, 3 tiered metal racks made just for consoles, so I know there's never a problem with them getting all the air they need. I also run a whole-room Filtrate air purifying machine so there's very little worry about any dust-related problems either.

Now….with that said, the only consoles I had any real trouble with were all of my 60GB PS3's, as I had all 3 of them YLOD on me.
All of them were re-furbs(I'll swear by re-furbs), but as time went by, all their fans started constantly kicking into high gear until they suddenly just died on me.
And one of them still has my legendary edition Skyrim disc stuck in it(but I will send it out to get fixed when I have the spare money.

Also, after a 1&1/2 years, I could hear my PS3 Slim start moving my Bluray discs constantly into a wrong spot. And they would only register & work about once in every 95 times.
So I bought a new Superslim PS3 & about 6 months later, the fan started screaming & all my games would totally freeze up. So I had to return it to GameStop for a used one(since their 90 warranty was up). Anyway, even though I hated having to replace my brand new Super-slim for a used one, I haven't had any problems with my used one at all(I'm knocking on wood, to keep it that way too).

Plus, out of my 10 PSP's, one day, I updated nine of them with no problem, but then my tenth one(my Madden metallic blue) completely bricked 1/2 way through the firmware update & it won't turn on every since.
When I get the extra money, I'm going to buy that Pandora battery & magic stick to see if I can use them to trick my PSP back into waking up. I've heard that Pandora combo is a great way to unbrick PSP's, so I want to give it a one last try before making Madden into a new doorstop.

The only other console(s) that I'm now having trouble with is with both, my Atari Jaguar, and it's 2nd odd toilet-shaped CD adaptor attachment that sits on top of it.
Suddenly since I've just unplugged them & moved them to the other side of my living room so they'd be closer to my gaming man-cave corner, neither of them will even turn on now & I'm not exactly sure why. They had sometimes acted a bit finicky when I tried to piggy-back them with other consoles or added them to certain extension cords, so I'm now thinking that maybe I should just try to plug them in alone directly to a single dedicated electrical socket instead.

As for my 360(250GB COD Modern Warfare 2-skinned Elite Deluxe) has never given me 1 single problem what-so-ever(it might be because of my newer Jasper-chipset M$ had to put into it after all the millions of the older 360's fried) And once again, I'm knocking on wood!

Of all my other consoles & hand-helds, the list below are still all working perfectly…..

Intellivion II
PanasonicFZ10 3DO
Sega Saturn
Sega Dreamcast
PS 1
PS 1 Portable(with screen)
PS 2 Fattie
PS 2 Slim
PS 3 SuperSlim
PS 4
Original Xbox
Xbox 360
11 PSP's(different colors, skins, plus 1 is CFW'ed with Nintendo & Sega games emulators)
2 PSP GO's
Sega Gamegear
PS Vita

(FYI, I had to sell off all the rest of my Ninty consoles & hand-helds just to survive a few years back, but all of them worked great too when I had them).

Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/6/2016 12:00:33 AM

8 years ago

2 disc drives on PS3 (Thanks Rockstar) Now PS4 disc drive (Thanks Rockstar) 1 YLOD after 6 years PS3 Phat (Fixed Yay me) 7 RRODSs on 360 (F U Microsoft)

8 years ago

The CEO,

Just curious, how did Rockstar kill your consoles??

8 years ago

Damn 7 RROD i only had 1 issues i swar u ride ur consoles hard

8 years ago

Aside from my 360, nothing. I've had some great luck.

mk ultra
mk ultra
8 years ago

Still have my original NES, SNES, Master System, Genesis, N64, and PS1 working. Well I haven't turned on my PS1 in 15 years but it worked last time I tried.

My launch PS2 died during the Aries battle in God of War, so around 2005, and the replacement slim is still running fine.

My 80gb backwards compatible PS3 got the YLOD about three years in and again the slim replacement is running strong.

Got my PS4 on black Friday 2014 and all is good so far.

It wasn't just the old consoles that lasted forever, I have never replaced a controller for my NES, Master System, SNES, Genesis or N64 ever, and the NES and SNES have to have thousands of hours on them now. I have replaced the sticks on the N64 controllers after they got loose, and the 72 pin connector on my NES, but everything else is original.

PS2 controllers were pretty reliable, I only had two die after many hours and the rubber fall off the sticks on one. But I was lucky to have a PS3 controller last a year, and I take excellent care of all my gaming gear. The main problem was the triggers designed with planned obsolescence. Instead of a spring it was just a curved piece of metal holding tension on the triggers. It was like bending a little paper clip back and forth every time you pressed the trigger, of coarse it's going to break eventually. All my PS3 controllers except one has a trigger mod I designed to fix the issue.

I'm still on my original two PS4 controllers and so far they seem made better to me. At least they feel more sturdy and I've had no problems.

Last edited by mk ultra on 2/6/2016 2:08:30 AM

8 years ago

I own all of the Sega systems since launch and have not had any problems with any of them,they work perfectly to this day.I've had problems with most of the playstation systems starting from ps2.Im on my third ps4,they all came with broken power buttons and two were stuck on safe mode permanently.The consoles are far more advance now so I understand if they break.

8 years ago

My atari 2600, Atari XE, Nintendo Nes, Snes, GameBoy, refurbished PS1 and Original Xbox are still going strong.

My PS2 suffered the infamous "Disc Read Error" defect.

My launch Xbox 360 red ringed on me out of warranty. Microsoft replaced it free of charge though, thank you very much. The replacement 360 still going strong.

My fat PS3 Yellow lighted on me out of warranty. Sony wanted $$$ f*ck you Sony. Bought a slim PS3. Still going strong, though it sounds louder now.

Launch PS4 has the disc eject issue.

Last edited by Ignitus on 2/6/2016 3:22:29 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

You got lucky with the 360. That "fix it for free" thing didn't show up until a good three years into that generation…and after Microsoft had raked in a ton of cash for charging $150 for each new system to get it fixed, and getting another $300 for people who just bought a new system.

Which is also why the sales numbers for that system are completely unreliable, given the sheer number of people who simply bought the console multiple times. Personally, I don't think the same customer buying a product three and four times over is the same as three or four new customers buying the product once.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
8 years ago

Atari XE? Nice. I have an Atari 800XL (similar to the XE) that I wouldn't mind playing around with if only disk drive still worked.

8 years ago

I've have great luck with consoles even the xbox 360 only 2 consoles consoles.

My consoles list shows like this 1 Super Nintendo Still works till this very day. 1 N64 also still work till this very day, Original Xbox worked up to the day i traded up, 1 Ps2 Worked up to the day i traded up, 2 xbox 360s of course. 1 system lost to the E74 error Aka red ring of death but my second one lasted till i traded it in, 2 ps3. 1 system lost due to the red light of death and also took a copy of red dead redemption with it. Still on my second Ps3 and my original launch ps4 And still on my original Xbox one.

Sometimes i laugh at people who say there on there 3rd or 4th consoles. i mean seriously what do u people do to your consoles.

8 years ago

I have good luck I would say, I have never bought a second version of any console because they have all lasted from my intellivision to my PS4, the only systems I haven't owned is the DC, Xbox and XBONE, I did own a 360 but after 6 months I sold it cause I never used it. The only console that every gave me some issues was the original PlayStation with the disc drive, but if you just put a book on the lid it seemed to work fine.

my brother on the other hand has the worst luck, has had to have every launch console he bought exchanged after 2-5 months(under warranty) so never cost him anything and the second console he get works fine and lasts him but always has to replace the first lol.

I still think the original NES and SNES were tanks though, I take really good care of my systems now but back in the day those consoles took a beating. I remember my brothers running by and tripping on the cords for the paddle and the consoles would go flying, pick them up plug them back in and blow in the cartridge and they would keep on ticking.

8 years ago

The only broken console I ever had was an old NES that when you put in the cartridge, snapped it down and powered it on the game wouldn't start. I had a SNES at the time so it wasn't a big deal. Otherwise everything has been fantastic. I always keep my consoles clean and away from the floor. Dust and heat spell death to consoles.

8 years ago

Ha, good old times blowing the cartridge to get the darn thing running.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 2/6/2016 2:25:16 PM

8 years ago

Believe it or not, the first system I had issues with was my original PS1. I don't know if it was the laser or what, but some games would just freeze at the same point every time. In FFVII, every time Priscilla came out to give you the Shiva materia it would freeze at some point during that scene. In Xenogears, it would freeze at the same boss battle in the Tower of Babel.

For both, I thought maybe it was the disc being scratched or smudged or something, but when I rented another copy it still froze. Fortunately, it was still at a time you could rent out time at the local game rental store, so I rented out a half hour of time on the PS1 at the video game store, got past those parts, saved, and got it back home just fine. Super weird!

Other games would have graphical issues like screen tearing or sprites getting just stretched right out across the whole screen in solid straight lines. Just weird.

Once I got a PS1 (the square white one) I had no more issues.

8 years ago

I must have excellent luck. I've owned nearly every console since the Atari 2600 (which still works, btw). I had an issue with my original PS1, after a couple years it would only read discs if I put it upside down. Only other problem I had was Xbox360. My first 360 was great while I owned it, but after I sold it the guy who bought it said it RRODed after a month. A friend gave my daughter another 360, and it RROD within a year, but I still have it and managed to get it to boot, but I don't have any desire to play it. I've sold off my classic consoles, and Dreamcast, Saturn, Xbox, Wii. Original pre-slim PS2 is still going strong. My phatty 60GB launch PS3 is still running, albeit a bit loud these days even after cleaning. I just got a PS4, so I hope my luck holds out on this one.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
8 years ago

The only console I had a problem with was my fatty PS3 when the optical drive went out. The slim PS3 I got to replace it has worked with no issues. Neither Xbox 360 I have has had any problems (one of them being a launch model) and the PS4 and X1 have been trouble-free as well. As far as older gen consoles, I have an original Xbox, Dreamcast, Intellivision, and Atari 7800 which all run fine, though the Intellivision has definitely seen better days.

Last edited by SirLoin of Beef on 2/8/2016 10:18:21 AM

8 years ago

I had two PS3s die on me. (Well, the same one twice, actually) I got the yellow light of death, sent it back to Sony for repair, and got the light again a few years later. The slim I replaced it with is still going strong, though.

Never had a problem with my PS2, SNES, N64, or 360.

8 years ago

Keep an eye on your PS3 "SLIMS" for a future disc tray problem, where it actually places the Bluray discs in the wrong spot & then after about 30 seconds, moves them to somewhere else inside inside the console, & then won't acknowledge them at all(but all other discs, DVD & Cd's will still work perfectly).

I can only get my Bluray disc to register in my own Slim about once in every 95 times or so, hence me buying the SuperSlim too. And I can actually hear it each time my slim moves the disc to both different areas(normal sound though).

Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/8/2016 9:14:53 PM

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