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The Holidays Without Uncharted 4: ‘Yawn’

Don't get me wrong, I've got plenty to play and I think the holiday lineup is fine.

Even if you've only got PlayStation 4, you still have access to some of the year's best, including Fallout 4 , Assassin's Creed Syndicate and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (and yes, I'm aware MGSV launched a little outside the holiday rush on September 1, but I guarantee it'll still sell well in November and December).

That being said, I do believe Sony – and the industry at large – could've really benefited from getting Uncharted 4: A Thief's End this holiday season. Not only would Sony have had a AAA PS4 exclusive to brag about, but it also would've been both a nice contrast and an interesting complement. I mean, it would've contrasted with a lot of the other holiday titles, which are open-world adventures or shooters, and it would've made for an intriguing comparison to Rise of the Tomb Raider . And with both titles only being available on competing platforms for the holiday season, that could've resulted in all sorts of fun confrontation.

I know Naughty Dog needed more time and this is one game that shouldn't be rushed. By all means, make us wait until March because we're all expecting greatness. But I still think this holiday season without that anticipated Uncharted 4 hype feels a little empty. We're also talking about one of the most acclaimed video game franchises of all time; that fact alone would've increased the holiday intrigue factor by quite a bit.

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9 years ago

It's all that woman's fault for leaving the game. In any case it is kinda sad that the big bundle this year was PS4 with 3 old PS3 games. I expect Xbox to do really well over the holidays since they have an actual lineup but PS4 will too just by being the best system.

Sony needs to take care not to miss this season again. Can't get comfortable just yet.

9 years ago

Actually the big bundle was the Star Wars bundles. I went shopping today and while the $300 price tag moved some bundles with the Uncharted collection, there were some on the shelves even after the sales ended. As for the Star Wars bundles, sold out, despite the higher price tag…

The Xbox lineup isn't anything to write home about. Same thing applies for the Halo bundle. There were many on store shelves, while the majority of consumers were walking out with the Star Wars bundles.

All this proves is what I've been saying for awhile. This year's 3rd party games are the games consumers want. That doesn't help MS much, but both systems still win because they are moving.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/28/2015 12:52:05 AM

9 years ago

Honestly most of the best games are multiplatform now. Bloodborne is a gem though if you can take the painful ride.

9 years ago

Actually I think the 500GB Uncharted Collection Bundle that Sony just allowed every vender to sell for $299.99 the last 3 days is going to become the biggest winner of all the bundles.
I know I added my own buy towards the count on Thursday to whatever the final tally's going to be.
And I really had to search long & hard before I finally found a place that wasn't already sold out of them.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/28/2015 2:28:36 AM

9 years ago

Sadly, bigrailer19 is right. I don't think uncharted would've moved much PS4's as compared with Star Wars. Being Sony, the advertisements are poor to non-existent for their games. Uncharted is unheard of outside the target the 7-10 million gamers that played the originals 3 games. Star Wars targets everyone that watched the original movies, which can range from 30-50 million viewers. The impact is huge. The brand itself is enough to advertise itself through word of mouth even if the audience has no intension of purchasing the PS4. The only game that can compete with that name is Grand Theft Auto.

9 years ago

Well I guess i just saw the Uncharted one most and got about 30 texts for it as it fell from 300 to 270

9 years ago

No, sorry if I didn't clarify myself a little better.
I didn't mean that the Uncharted game itself would beat the StarWars game, I just meant that I thought the lower $299.99 price of the Uncharted Collection would beat out the higher priced SW bundle.

And BTW, that $299.99 price was being offered everywhere, & all the places I checked(except for 1) were already sold out of them by Thursday.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/28/2015 11:47:06 AM

9 years ago

Biker – I pointed out that those $300 bundles were moving but to my surprise there was a lot left on the shelves. Meanwhile the Star Wars bundles were gone.

It's very surprising because simple math says buy the $300 console get 3 games, and buy Star Wars seperate and spend an extra $10 over the $350 price of the Star Wars bundle.

Point is that Uncharted bundle wasn't the most popular, regardless of price. Doesn't mean it wasn't popular, which is why I also said Sony wins, because regardless, they moved a lot of systems

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/28/2015 12:18:03 PM

9 years ago

By the way, Ben,

Just an FYI to let you know that damned PSN Flash Deal ad was reeking havoc with getting into the PSXE site & the ad kept freezing up, which also made the site freeze up too, plus a lot of the time when the ad would hang up, it would also kick me off the PSXE & then a pop-up stated that the site was having problems & that I should come back later to try again.
On numerous other times, the PSXE would go bat-sh*t crazy & refresh the all of the pages 7 or 8 times in a row by itself, before that pop-up once again eliminated the site altogether.

I'll you the truth, it was a real biatch trying to hang in for over a 100 try's & the only reason I'm even on steadily now is that there's a different showing at the moment.

I'm only telling you this cause that PSN Flash Deal ad stated the deals would continue till Nov 30th & I'm fearing more problems if it returns from hell till the Nov 30 end date.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/28/2015 2:44:53 AM

9 years ago

cant u use adblock?

9 years ago

I used to use AdBlock Plus all the time when I had my Windows XP machine, but it burned up & now I have windows 10 installed on a frigging laptop(which I hate) & Adblocker plus hasn't made an upgrade for W-10 yet, But I'll keep checking their site.

9 years ago

Oh you poor man. Microsoft is so terrible. I refuse any updated to 10 and use Classic Shell just to handle Windows 8 without shooting myself.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Yeah, sorry about that Biker, but that's kinda the way these ads are. It's too bad you lost XP; I run the regular ol' XP all the time with a simple ad-blocker and this site is fine.

9 years ago

Yeah would've been nice to have had Uncharted 4 this holiday season, but i have so many great games to finish on ps4, also have Rise Of The Tomb Raider on xbox one an i've got to says its absolutly fantastic,you ps4 users who hav'nt got it are in for a real treat.

9 years ago

I think advertisement no longer affect the 20-30 year old gamers like me. I have a 6 month gap of games to catch up to. It doesn't bother me at all to go for day one purchases anymore. I save money, and play more games.

Seeing how the industry is shifting to DLC for everything. It's actually better to buy game of the year editions much later that include all DLCs. So by saving money, i save even more money by buying later.

Last edited by godsman on 11/28/2015 11:00:19 AM

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
9 years ago

Agreed. There isn't any games on my Xmass list for the first time in years. This has been such a great year for gaming, which is why it feels so off. I have what I want from this year. Witcher and Phantom Pain. Plus Deus Ex: HR Director's cut was 5$on Stream the other day! Everything else on my list is slated for 2016.

9 years ago

This site is like the number one internet cheerleader for anything Uncharted, which I and many millions like me hate. But when I think of Butkiss and his decent reviews I always say to myself, "It's easy to love ….. folly in a child."

End of line.

9 years ago

I doubt millions of people hate it, maybe they aren't interested but hate is strong for probably the highest achievement in gaming in the last generation.

9 years ago

Still a minority.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Haven't written anything about Uncharted that wasn't news-related in eons but whatever.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 11/28/2015 2:53:25 PM

9 years ago

I can agree this site makes Naughty Dog UC seem like the greatess thing ever, but UC has never been "weak". Yea Uncharted 3 was disappointing, but far from weak.

9 years ago

And here I thought asexual non-gendered types were more rare than that.

9 years ago

I can easily survive this holiday season. But I wouldn't mind a nice linear action game featuring Drake this seasons end. Ahhh…well life moves on!

9 years ago

I dying for U4 to come out just so I can start hearing about TLOU2.

9 years ago

Yes, that's what I'm truly waiting for! Only game I want announced more is Red Dead Redemption 2.

Last edited by FM23 on 11/28/2015 7:12:52 PM