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Bloodborne Clearly PS4’s Top 2015 Exclusive?

At the start of the year, everyone assumed Uncharted 4: A Thief's End would be the easy choice for PlayStation 4 exclusive of the year.

But then it got pushed into 2016 (along with a bunch of other games, exclusives and otherwise) and while MGS4 was exclusive to PS3, this year's Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain was a multiplatform title. Most major franchises are multiplatform these days though ironically, Tomb Raider landed in Microsoft's back pocket in 2015. You know, the one filled with pay-off money.

At any rate, while it's probably a closer race for Xbox One ( Rise of the Tomb Raider vs. Halo 5: Guardians ?), I guess it's a given that only one exclusive this year can hold the PlayStation 4 crown: From Software's Bloodborne . It's not my cup of tea – for a few of the same reasons I can't deal with Dark Souls – but it was indeed a great game and one worthy of many accolades. I know several fiercely loyal fans who swear it's not only the best PS4 exclusive of 2015, it's also the best overall game. And let me tell you, these fans are serious ; they will defend Bloodborne to the death. And perhaps rightfully so.

I should add that for me, despite their obvious flaws, both Until Dawn and The Order: 1886 are contenders for best PS4 exclusive of the year. I don't care what anyone says about either; both are great experiences in their own right. Forgive me if I still enjoy story-driven experiences in a world where only virtual freedom and massive landscapes count for anything. But let's not forget about one other potential candidate here: Everybody's Gone to the Rapture . Thing is, as it's a smaller downloadable production, maybe it isn't in the same category as Bloodborne …? Should we be comparing all games, despite budgets and developer goals? I'm not so sure.

Oh, and I know you strategy/RPG fans are gonna vote for Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance . And that's okay. 🙂

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8 years ago

Bloodborne is the beast game that released this year.

8 years ago

Don't know, don't want to know unless I am assured of unlimited continues, checkpoints, and no severe punishments for death.

I was real excited about Rapture but after I got to the point where it seemed like there was nothing to it but walking around (VERY SLOWLY)following souls I gave up.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/20/2015 11:15:33 PM

8 years ago

Bloodborne has unlimited Respawns
Lamp posts=checkpoints
All you lose on death are blood echoes no hollowing this time around.

While still very difficult Bloodborne was toned down an awful lot compared to Dark Souls.

First three bosses are likely the hardest.
Cleric Beast for the awkward camera, norm for Dark Souls veterans but my buddy new to the series really struggled.

Gascoigne just due to his crazy speed and aggressive nature.

Blood-Starved Beast due to the poison, most simply aren't prepared for it.

Cleric and Blood-Starved are actually both optional.

8 years ago

Even if MSGSV was a exclusive I would go with Bloodborne, oh boy I'm near the end of MGSV and I'm hating the plot of MGSV A LOT, miss the days of MGS games with ton of charismatic bosses and a protagonist that actually as convos with them.

8 years ago

MGSV story is just as weird as the rest with all the melodramatics of past. But charismatic enemies are missing and the lack of a definitive ending was very weird as well.

8 years ago

Yep. Loved it and looking forward to the expansion. Better than Dark Souls in my own personal opinion. Dark Souls is still great though; the first, not so much the second.

8 years ago

Yea I like DS1 better than 2. It goes Demons Souls, Bloodborne, DS1 then DS2. DS2 mechanics felt very un-Souls like. The gameplay had a different ring to it. Plus the armor was forgettable. Fashion Souls baby!!!

8 years ago

Until Dawn would probably be the best exclusive for me. A genuine surprise. Bloodborne is another fantastic one too.

They're the only two stand outs imo, all the other great games are multiplat like Fallout 4 and MGSV.

8 years ago

looks like i need to get in on this thing called until dawn and mgs.

8 years ago

BTW Ben talking about Tomb Raider even with his quality that makes it a legit competitor for GotY on the X-Box One, sadly not much X-Box owners bought it, at sales game it's flopping really hard.

8 years ago

Source about TR sales please.

8 years ago I got my info from that place, but google there are more articles about this.

I have the feeling it gonna sell less than the first reboot.

Last edited by Oxvial on 11/21/2015 8:06:52 PM

8 years ago

This was obvious. A month where Blacks Ops 3 and Fallout 4 release, no one has a chance…well unless you're Halo or a Star Wars product. Tomb Raider chose an awful time to release. November and the same day as Fallout 4. I personally want this game, but probably wouldn't even buy it right now if it released for PS4. FO4 destroyed that interest.

8 years ago

The Order was a very enjoyable game. The linearity was not a problem, but the price tag that didn't take "2015 value" into account. Look at how London was better developed in AC Syndicate which is a game packed with value. I enjoyed the story. Cliche of course, but at this point, nothing can be original.

I mean Bloodborne at first appeared original, but the "weird underlying" story was presented before. Bloodborne is a beast. DlC this week.

8 years ago

I just couldn't get into Bloodborne, the first level is just the most frustrating thing I've played in some time. The first level after you kill the boss, if you do not reach the lamppost you have to do the entire encounter again and again. Just not really that fun after a few times since you do die very easily.

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