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A Great Game You Just Can’t Stand…?

It happens.

Every once in a while, you come across a game that you know is great, that everyone you know says is great, that wins all sorts of well-deserved awards, and sells like mad. And yet, no matter how hard you try, you just can't get into it.

As most people know by now, that game for me is Fallout 4 . Well, it's the latest top-tier title I just can't stand; it has happened to me before. I can't deal with any of the Mass Effect games, for instance, primarily because I'm not a sci-fi fan and if I want a role-playing game, I tend to go for swords 'n staffs as opposed to plasma guns and whatnot. RTS and fighting is mostly out as well, but I should add that I've always loved turn-based strategy ( Heroes of Might & Magic is one of my all-time favorite franchises) and I really did put a lot of time into certain fighting titles, like Soul Calibur and DoA2: Hardcore . So, it's hardly across the board with those genres.

Of course, I tend to like a lot of the very popular IPs, like Grand Theft Auto , Assassin's Creed and Uncharted . It's really just a matter of what resonates with me and what doesn't. So, which top-quality game or series have you never managed to like? It's one of those titles where you recognize it's a great product but something about it – or maybe several things about it – just keep turning you off. It's a game that you kinda wish you'd love, just so you could stop explaining to everyone why you don't like it…

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8 years ago

Shooting games. ugh I can't stand those

8 years ago


I really wanted to like it.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
8 years ago

Fall Out. The 50s theme is too much of a turnoff to tolerate for 200+ hours. Really can't stand that decade as the center theme for an RPG.

8 years ago

Call of Duty. For all of the reasons most of us on this site don't buy the game.

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 11/13/2015 10:59:28 PM

8 years ago

Most multiplayer shooters. I can tell when one is really good quality, and every once in a while there will be one that manages to really catch my attention (like tribes: ascend), but most of the time they just get stale for me really quickly. Also they tend to bring out the worst in people.

Edit: Oh, and MOBAs, for similar reasons and the fact that I can't be bothered to get good at them.

Last edited by Draguss on 11/13/2015 11:24:47 PM

8 years ago

I'm not a fan of crime games. I don't hate them I just don't like how I feel when playing them. Heavy Rain was the same way. I don't want to finish it because of the subject matter.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/13/2015 11:24:05 PM

8 years ago

Dishonored. Like I said the other day, I think it released at a good time to be received well. It did well in scores but when it released and I was checking out reviews, the written portions had a lot of negatives. I think they were outweighed by something that seemed fresh.

Anyways I just couldn't stand the game. The story was very meh. There was very little context in the narrative that was appealing.

The controls were atrocious being in unresponsive at times and klunky most of the time. It made for a combat situation that's not at all desireable or fun. The player was literally punished for exploring combat situations yet the gameplay wants you to explore. Its completely contradictory. The gameplay was at time so open it was very unclear how to proceed.

The AI was very suspect and made for at times an experience that made progression a non option. It was so unreliable at times that I was forced into situations that made me engage which isn't a good idea when stealth is what your built around. Also why can enemies see me when I'm a million miles away but doesn't know I'm right next to them within their peripheral vision?

I've said my peace.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/14/2015 1:06:15 AM

8 years ago

On the PC the game played like a charm. Responsive as heck, super tight I never had a problem with them.

I loved the story, and I enjoyed playing through the game without killing anyone.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

Control was fine in the console versions, too.

8 years ago


8 years ago

Witcher 3. I absolutely loathe it. I was so hyped, and ready to go but I can't stand it. to me, the combat is garbage along with a series of other things. But this is of course Bloodbornes fault. Its gameplay being so perfect, flawless, fun, tactical and all of that made playing something that..isn't any of those things just bad.

Witcher 4 though for me to watch, is amazing. I just cannot get into it soley because of the gameplay. The same can be said for Dragon Age. I want to play those two so bad but…rip

8 years ago

Dragon Age Inquisition

I felt the game had a weak story and characters compared to the previous games. Inquisition felt more like Oblivion and Skyrim the repetitive rifts and massive map full of sidequests and very little on story. Gameplay did improve but everything else it once had was lost to a massive map!!

8 years ago

Assasins creed I can't stand,mario anything gives me cancer,dragon age inquisition was beyond boring,mgs games i don't play but I have respect for them.

8 years ago

Halo for me, just can't stand those games, i never used to like fallout but man this entry is just so damn addictive.

8 years ago

Skyrim, It was just horribly boring for me. I really wanted to like it, slogged through the intro area twice. Just couldn't get into it. Damn shame too considering all the mods, and hype behind it.

8 years ago

Uncharted Series. I hate that overrated series so badly. So very very badly.

8 years ago

RPG's, how millions enjoy that stuff like world of warcraft I will never know, I spent a couple weeks on FFXIV and i liked it for a while but then just couldn't tolerate it, literally the majority of the people make you think they all live in their mothers basements and have never touched the opposite sex, within the first few days I understood every stereotype and why they existed towards the people that play these game and was embarrassed i wasted 20 bucks on it

8 years ago

People love wow because for its time it was very unique and immersive experience in which you dedicate time to a unique character that you grow attached to. Now its gone kind down hill but their really wasnt anything that could come close to wow and the player experience it could offer. Those stereotypes are complete rubbish just like the ones about gamers in general are.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

You seem to only be referring to one type of RPG. I hate those as well but there are drastically different RPGs I really like (with which you seem to be unfamiliar).

8 years ago

Strange… the people I play FFXIV with are all people with careers (or in graduate+ programs), children, and spouses/boyfriends/girlfriends.

Makes you wonder what kind of people you're drawn to! 😉

Last edited by Underdog15 on 11/16/2015 9:46:08 AM

8 years ago

Well I love a large selection of different types of games from rpgs to shooters. I dont think I hate any game specifically. Even the franchises that are being milked atm are still solid titles.

8 years ago

Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain….waits for the record of the most thumbs down on this site.

8 years ago

manage to play past the intro yet?

8 years ago

There are so many I can't even count.
I hate them only because I don't have time to play them 😀

8 years ago

MGS5. This is saddening for me because I love MGS 1-4, with 3 being my all time favourite.

I was just completely let down by MGS5, something feels off about it, I got to chapter 20 and just couldn't play anymore.

It feels like Kojima maybe worked on 1/4 of the game MAYBE. Its world feels lifeless compared to Witcher 3 and FAllout, and it became very repetitive.

I enjoyed the online portion for a while but I lost interest after a while, MGO from MGS4 kept me invested until they got rid of the servers.

I want to love MGS5 but the story just feels terribly rushed, and I think they should have actually made the game smaller and more focused. The open world is fine if there is focus. Also there was no interior sneaking really, nothing like in MGS3 which had all sorts of varied types of infiltration environments.

And the bosses were are terrible in MGS5. Anyway I want to love this game, and I know it is a quality game, no bugs, controls like a dream but I just can't play it, it bores me to death and that makes me super sad.

8 years ago

I still enjoyed mgs5 as a game in its own right, but as a mgs game I aggree with all your points. As a huge mgs fan its dissapointing, but as a game its a solid title.

8 years ago

Minecraft for me. I like terraria quite a bit, but just can't stand Minecraft.

I think games without any real sense of progress in general don't do it for me. Street fighter, and most FPS are also included.

8 years ago

Metal Gear Solid Anything. I can't stand it because no matter what anyone says about what gets you noticed by the baddies they can still see you and alert through every set piece. So I never get anywhere without lots and lots of superdeaths.

I almost went Super Sayian when I had to get far enough to review it.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
8 years ago

I've never been a fan of the Metal Gear Solid series. I'm not a fan of stealth games and MSG's storylines are confusing as hell.

I respect the series, I know they're very influential and popular but the series does absolutely nothing for me.

8 years ago

Final Fantasy Tactics. Objectively I could see that it was a quality title but it just didn't do it for me.

Wad de ye think of that Ben? 😛

Last edited by Aerifale on 11/15/2015 7:51:27 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

I think you made it up. 😉

8 years ago

GTA V: The characters: Trevor was just too over the top, not believable as a character. The other two were cliched.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
5 years ago

I&#39ve never been a fan of the Metal Gear Solid series. I&#39m not a fan of stealth games and MSG&#39s storylines are confusing as hell.

I respect the series, I know they&#39re very influential and popular but the series does absolutely nothing for me.

5 years ago

Shooting games. ugh I can&#39t stand those

5 years ago

Most multiplayer shooters. I can tell when one is really good quality, and every once in a while there will be one that manages to really catch my attention (like tribes: ascend), but most of the time they just get stale for me really quickly. Also they tend to bring out the worst in people.

Edit: Oh, and MOBAs, for similar reasons and the fact that I can&#39t be bothered to get good at them.

Last edited by Draguss on 11/13/2015 11:24:47 PM

5 years ago

I&#39m not a fan of crime games. I don&#39t hate them I just don&#39t like how I feel when playing them. Heavy Rain was the same way. I don&#39t want to finish it because of the subject matter.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/13/2015 11:24:05 PM

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
5 years ago

Fall Out. The 50s theme is too much of a turnoff to tolerate for 200+ hours. Really can&#39t stand that decade as the center theme for an RPG.

5 years ago

Call of Duty. For all of the reasons most of us on this site don&#39t buy the game.

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 11/13/2015 10:59:28 PM

5 years ago


I really wanted to like it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

You seem to only be referring to one type of RPG. I hate those as well but there are drastically different RPGs I really like (with which you seem to be unfamiliar).

5 years ago

Halo for me, just can&#39t stand those games, i never used to like fallout but man this entry is just so damn addictive.

5 years ago

On the PC the game played like a charm. Responsive as heck, super tight I never had a problem with them.

I loved the story, and I enjoyed playing through the game without killing anyone.

5 years ago


5 years ago

Witcher 3. I absolutely loathe it. I was so hyped, and ready to go but I can&#39t stand it. to me, the combat is garbage along with a series of other things. But this is of course Bloodbornes fault. Its gameplay being so perfect, flawless, fun, tactical and all of that made playing something that..isn&#39t any of those things just bad.

Witcher 4 though for me to watch, is amazing. I just cannot get into it soley because of the gameplay. The same can be said for Dragon Age. I want to play those two so bad but…rip

5 years ago

Dishonored. Like I said the other day, I think it released at a good time to be received well. It did well in scores but when it released and I was checking out reviews, the written portions had a lot of negatives. I think they were outweighed by something that seemed fresh.

Anyways I just couldn&#39t stand the game. The story was very meh. There was very little context in the narrative that was appealing.

The controls were atrocious being in unresponsive at times and klunky most of the time. It made for a combat situation that&#39s not at all desireable or fun. The player was literally punished for exploring combat situations yet the gameplay wants you to explore. Its completely contradictory. The gameplay was at time so open it was very unclear how to proceed.

The AI was very suspect and made for at times an experience that made progression a non option. It was so unreliable at times that I was forced into situations that made me engage which isn&#39t a good idea when stealth is what your built around. Also why can enemies see me when I&#39m a million miles away but doesn&#39t know I&#39m right next to them within their peripheral vision?

I&#39ve said my peace.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/14/2015 1:06:15 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

Control was fine in the console versions, too.

5 years ago

Dragon Age Inquisition

I felt the game had a weak story and characters compared to the previous games. Inquisition felt more like Oblivion and Skyrim the repetitive rifts and massive map full of sidequests and very little on story. Gameplay did improve but everything else it once had was lost to a massive map!!

5 years ago

Assasins creed I can&#39t stand,mario anything gives me cancer,dragon age inquisition was beyond boring,mgs games i don&#39t play but I have respect for them.

5 years ago

Strange… the people I play FFXIV with are all people with careers (or in graduate+ programs), children, and spouses/boyfriends/girlfriends.

Makes you wonder what kind of people you&#39re drawn to! 😉

Last edited by Underdog15 on 11/16/2015 9:46:08 AM

5 years ago

People love wow because for its time it was very unique and immersive experience in which you dedicate time to a unique character that you grow attached to. Now its gone kind down hill but their really wasnt anything that could come close to wow and the player experience it could offer. Those stereotypes are complete rubbish just like the ones about gamers in general are.

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