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Giveaway: Win Both Syndicate And Need For Speed!

Hey. Free stuff.

I'm going to make this very simple: I have an extra code for both Assassin's Creed Syndicate and Need for Speed . This means I have the digital copies to give away, so please don't think I'm going to ship you physical discs if you win.

There's nothing wrong with these codes, of course; they'll give you the full experience of each title and they won't take up extra spaces in your actual library. And just think, it'll save you what, close to $130? If you planned on nabbing both, this can become quite the fall gaming coup for you, huh? Well, here's hoping luck is on your side:

To enter, just leave a message below this post, and you can explain why you so badly want both games, too. Even if you only want one, feel free to be enthusiastic about it, and it might also help to Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter . I'll give everyone the weekend to enter; when I start updating the site on Monday morning (around 10 or 11 a.m. EST), that's when I'll pick the winner. And if I forget, someone has to remind me.

Bear in mind that these codes will only work on North American PS4 consoles , so if you're in Europe, for example, don't bother to enter. For the record, I do have the physical discs of each game but I'm keeping 'em, so too bad. In regards to the games, Syndicate is absolutely fantastic – don't really care what anyone else says – while NFS is really fun. It has its problems, granted, but once you're out there flying down the street at top speed, those problems tend to fade into the background. And besides, you're getting it for free , so why complain? 😉

Let's see those comments!

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8 years ago

I'd like to have AC Syndicate! I've played all 7 flagship AC games and I'm ready to play the 8th. Only someone who really actually likes AC a lot can say that! Importantly, I dig the idea that this one has more of a fist-a-cuffs brawler based combat system. It's the closest thing to a DOUBLE DRAGON open-world game I'm going to get anytime soon! …. probably ever. So to wrap this little diddy up I'm going to preform a little break dance event dressed up as an Assassin ….. now.

…..phew. killer moves. Yep. I want it THAT bad.

Lastly, I'm not going to lie, I couldn't possibly care less for NFS. So if I win I'll be happy to give my code to someone else who actually wants it. Someone from here of course.

8 years ago

I'll be happy to give you the Syndicate code if I win too, I already finished the game and it's awesome! I really want to drive a badass Mustang around though 😀

8 years ago

Thanks unleash_jad!

also, Ben, I'm not much of a Facebook or Twitter guy so instead I added psxexteme dot com to my PSN profile to promote the site. This way fellow online gamers I encounter can see it.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/8/2015 9:00:41 PM

8 years ago

Temjin my friend, I wish I could have seen those SWEET moves! Ha ha! That being said, I would also love AC Syndicate as I have always been a fan of AC, from the first all the way up to Rogue and Liberation on PS3 to Black Flag and Unity of PS4. Being able to play Syndicate would truly be epic and I thank you Ben for the opportunity to try and win it. Love this site and love the AC series! Truly, truly fun games! My wife even loves to help me with the games so if I did win, TWO people would be able to enjoy it!

I would also like to put my hat in for Need For Speed! I have always liked the series though some games have been better than others in NFS. Hot Pursuit and Rivals were a lot of fun thougth I wish they had done a bit more with Most Wanted. I would LOVE to see what they have done with the reboot.

Thank you for your consideration and keep up the awesome work!

8 years ago

Thanks Sonofa! The latest PS commercial was my inspiration =)

8 years ago

I figured that was your inspiration Temjin! 🙂 Best of luck to all! I was so happy to FINALLY get my PS4 after saving for 2 years to get it! Any one or both games would be awesome! Thanks again Ben! I have my fingers crossed

8 years ago

I would like to enter to win just one of the games to give away as a present to a friend. He's not doing so well money-wise, and he's stubborn and refuses "donations" so its difficult to buy something for him. If I sneak onto his account with the code and put it on without his knowledge, not much he can do now is there? He's a fan of Need For Speed, so I want to enter for that game. And I don't use FB and I followed you ages ago on Twitter.

I will say I bought it on disk and got it day one, so if that disqualifies me I am perfectly ok with that.

However with that being said, I would prefer someone who really needs a free game or two to win from Ben of course. In all the years I've been on here, I've always found it to be awesome that Ben gives away free games during the holiday season to those who cannot afford the luxury of playing new releases. Anyway, good luck to you all!

8 years ago

Gimme both games!

I often give Buttkas hell for an array of issues. But I always come here for his, Dutka's, reviews of games that come out for the ps4. While I do check many other gaming sites for reviews, his is far more in depth.

Even when he doesn't like a game, because of his type of reviews there might be some information that I read that interests me to still buy it.

Oh and I like World's boobalicious avatars.

Give Ethird those games!

8 years ago

I have had to skip AC since and including Black Flag. Add that this has a fleshed out female protagonist who can play through most of the missions, and I am over the moon excited for this game.

8 years ago

There's been a lot of games I've had to skip because I don't have time to justify purchasing every game. Ive had to become selective in which games I buy. I've skipped The Witcher 3 this year and Bioshock Infinite from last generation. I had to skip AC last year and I am a little frustrated I had to again this year.

Both of these games I wanted and I almost bought NFS but with the soon to be released games, again it's just one more I had to skip.

Needless to say winning these codes means I can play a couple more games that I wanted to play.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/6/2015 11:53:03 PM

8 years ago

Honestly, I've never had the chance to get into the AC series. Outside of the hype(and amazing bugs), never played it. I'd like to dip my feet into the series. I've heard some great things about this entry. Any sort of historical game scene type thing always seems fun and interesting. Mainly to see how much they got right(or didn't).

As For NFS, I saw a trailer where they used my car(Squeee!). I so want the shot at driving my little Acura(RSX) around. Race and crash it everywhere. (Mind you I don't drive like that IRL, lol) Just would be a blast to race, and make some new friends while doing it.

Good Luck Everyone!

8 years ago

I'm gonna keep it simple too and get to the point. I have already played Syndicate so I don't need that one, let someone else have the code and enjoy the great game! As for Need For Speed, I'm really excited to see what the devs have made this time around since they took a full year's break for the first time in the franchise's history. Also, well, I WANT A MUSTANG! 😀

8 years ago

Well I have never actually played an Assassin's creed before aside from at a friends so winning Syndicate would be nice.

As for NFS it sounds great! Always online doesn't bug me at all and should they patch the rubber-banding due to enough complaining it sounds like it could be the best NFS since Underground 2.

8 years ago

I would very much appreciate the code for Syndicate. I do prefer physical media (as I suspect you do yourself, Ben)but hey, free is free! I've had my eye on it but I'm trying to close on a house before the end of the year and there was no room in the budget for it.

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 11/7/2015 5:51:15 AM

8 years ago

I been saving for 2 years to get my PS4, not because i cant get the system but because anything you buy online over to $200 where i live (Dominican Republic) you have to pay a special tax, so the PS4 price would be around $550 to 600. (Hope someone i know go to the US so i can give them the money to buy me the PS4)

So i would appreciate the AC Syndicate code since the more games i can start my PS4 collection the better. 🙂

8 years ago

I really want AC Syndicate because I'm looking for a reason to love Assassin's Creed again after last year! And I need to give Need for Speed a chance cause I've always sucked at racing games but they look amazing on the PS4. Please hook me up!!

8 years ago

Technically I'm still in the R & D department of this site so I can't enter.

Look for a forthcoming article that'll rattle yer bones.

8 years ago

If you are allowed to say — What are the requirements to post articles on this site?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

There aren't really any requirements. If you have an article you'd like to submit for consideration, just send it to me.

Of course, it would help if you can write a little and know a little something about games. 😉

8 years ago

Thank you for the information. I love writing about stuff that interest me so I would definitely do it but only I after I finish my MBA (I barely have time to myself lol)

I'll keep you posted 🙂

8 years ago

What are the chances that I'll win a 2nd year in a row?

8 years ago

I haven't played an AC game since AC III, but I've been wanting to jump back in for a while now. I also like winning and free stuff.

8 years ago

Hey all!

Long-time visitor/lurker here.

I'd love to have a shot at both those games! Been gaming since the dawn of man and have played the living heck of various entries of both of those series, so I'd love the chance to play 'em this go-around.

I don't have a Facebook or Twitter account, but I'll start a Twitter account and give a follow.

And thanks for the consideration!

Last edited by PoopsMcGee on 11/8/2015 1:12:12 AM

8 years ago

I set up an account on Twitter and followed the site.

Thanks again!

8 years ago

Man, ive loved both these series since the beginnings. I have so many fond memories of playing the original need for speed with my best friend when we were kids. Racing lambos on the ever classic coastal course. We played through the original ac together too in one weekend. It was the first time id visited him in college. Ive owned every title in both series ever since. He's recently moved away with wife and child and we've mostly lost touch.
Both of these newest enteries were games i was looking forward to the most but in a tail end of a long line of misfortunes ive lost my job of 6 years, lost my apt of 3 and had to move back in with my mother.
I frequent this site daily though i rarely comment, i probably dont deserve these as much as some of you others but man…theyd go a long way towards taking my mind off everything thats going on.
Good luck to all

8 years ago

I'd like a chance to win in case I pick up a PS4 deal now on black friday so I have something to play on it 🙂

8 years ago

I'd like a chance to win AC syndicate since it looks better than unity which I decided to skip to take a break from a AC game but watching gameplay from syndicate makes me wanna jump back into being a assassin again .

Last edited by burnedknight on 11/8/2015 1:42:38 PM

8 years ago

Need for Speed 2015. NFS got me into racing games initially when I was younger. My last great Need for Speed experience happened back in 2006, my college days. One ps2 in the house and 3 other roommates, all fighting to play the same game. Fun times!!! But this franchise has disappointed me far too much after.

NFS Pro Street, the Run, and Shift 2 were a waste of money indeed. The Run was interesting, but way too short. Pro Street was cartoon-ish nonsense. And Shift 2, freaking Shift 2. Worst handling physics ever due to 1 second delays in steering. I returned that the first day. Carbon and Most Wanted (2012) were decent, Most Wanted being the best since the 2005 version, but honestly both were mediocre games with little value in retrospect. Didn't attempt to try to like Rival since I didn't even know it existed. That's how over NFS I was, but somehow I will always have a soft spot for NFS. The Run was a clever idea and I would like to see that as an extra mode in future NFS games. But overall, I'm cautious about NFS. After so many backfire purchases, I said no more.

But NFS 2015 has caught my attention, but not sure if I wanna spend my hard earned cash on it. Money is so limited because of "adult stuff", but also because there are so many games out too. But I would love to dive back into NFS, without the concern of "Did I waste my money?"…AGAIN.

I've played Syndicate to pieces and loved it. One of those games you have to play all the way to the end to appreciate it. That game is complete. I need another game to round out my holiday season with Fallout 4/Battlefront and NFS sounds right.

8 years ago

I discoverd Assassin's Creed after a long term relationship ended. It had been a few years since I had done any hard core gaming, so to cheer myself up, I purchased a PS3. I started with the original, and have loved every minute…from Altiar to Ezio, Kenway and even Connor.
Already a history Nerd, I love how Ubisoft immerses the gamer, me, into each different time period. I get to experience worlds that I only read about in books. It made me forget my every day problems and briefly pretend to be someone else, living in a different world. I even admit to buying the mini movie just to see how Ezio's life plays out. And admit it…who doesn't want to belong to a secret order of assassins!
Honestly, this is the first time in many years since I have not purchased Assassins Creed prior to release. My son was just born a few months ago, and my PS4 has gotten a little rusty! I would relish the opportunity to once again delve into a world full of mystery, history and intrigue – love nap time and early bed times haha.
NFS has also been a fun escape from reality, but in a completely different way. I started playing racing games on much earlier platforms – Commodore and Intellivisiion. But my all-time favorite growing up was Top Gear II for the Super Nintendo. NFS brought my love of racing into the newer platforms – from PS1-3. I admit, my alter-ego is a bit of a badass – master assassin and masterful driver who can outrun and outsmart the cops.

8 years ago

I would love to get both of these game. They both look awesome but I'm limited on what I can get and just got BO3. I've always been into the NFS and this one looks amazing.

Mr Bubbles IGR
Mr Bubbles IGR
8 years ago

Was a huge fan of NFS underground series and blacklist. Would be interested to see how this new NFS game compares to those others.

I have always been a huge fan of the assassins creed games, ever since the first.

If I could only choose one, I'd pick assassins creed syndicate!

Also my birthday is coming up Dec. 12. Would make a great early birthday present ^_^

8 years ago

Aww crap hopefully it's not too late!
I really liked the NFS beta. Although it's a different take on NFS in general with more cinematics, it's definitely entertaining.

Both of these franchises have been going downhill, imo, but from everything I've been reading these two games are bringing them back! And I'm super stoked!
(In the middle of the move right now so don't have the cash, but would be cool to play either one / both nonetheless!)

8 years ago

After saving every dollar i could i bought my son a PS4. It was difficult since i have three teenagers and they can be quite expensive. I would love both games, Syndicate for my son and Need for speed for myself. thanks again for all your great work PSX

8 years ago

Hope I'm not too late. As a player of the original AC and having played them all up until now, I'm definitely wanting the Syndicate code! Also played a ton of Need for Speed, but missed out on Rivals, so it'd be great to be able to try this one, especially if it's a lot like the Underground titles.

Last edited by TGSA on 11/9/2015 11:13:59 AM

8 years ago

Did Ben announce the winner(s) yet? If not, reminder to Ben for announcement please?

Last edited by Sonofa777 on 11/9/2015 12:50:54 PM

5 years ago

Technically I&#39m still in the R & D department of this site so I can&#39t enter.

Look for a forthcoming article that&#39ll rattle yer bones.

5 years ago

Need for Speed 2015. NFS got me into racing games initially when I was younger. My last great Need for Speed experience happened back in 2006, my college days. One ps2 in the house and 3 other roommates, all fighting to play the same game. Fun times!!! But this franchise has disappointed me far too much after.

NFS Pro Street, the Run, and Shift 2 were a waste of money indeed. The Run was interesting, but way too short. Pro Street was cartoon-ish nonsense. And Shift 2, freaking Shift 2. Worst handling physics ever due to 1 second delays in steering. I returned that the first day. Carbon and Most Wanted (2012) were decent, Most Wanted being the best since the 2005 version, but honestly both were mediocre games with little value in retrospect. Didn&#39t attempt to try to like Rival since I didn&#39t even know it existed. That&#39s how over NFS I was, but somehow I will always have a soft spot for NFS. The Run was a clever idea and I would like to see that as an extra mode in future NFS games. But overall, I&#39m cautious about NFS. After so many backfire purchases, I said no more.

But NFS 2015 has caught my attention, but not sure if I wanna spend my hard earned cash on it. Money is so limited because of "adult stuff", but also because there are so many games out too. But I would love to dive back into NFS, without the concern of "Did I waste my money?"…AGAIN.

I&#39ve played Syndicate to pieces and loved it. One of those games you have to play all the way to the end to appreciate it. That game is complete. I need another game to round out my holiday season with Fallout 4/Battlefront and NFS sounds right.

5 years ago

I haven&#39t played an AC game since AC III, but I&#39ve been wanting to jump back in for a while now. I also like winning and free stuff.

5 years ago

Aww crap hopefully it&#39s not too late!
I really liked the NFS beta. Although it&#39s a different take on NFS in general with more cinematics, it&#39s definitely entertaining.

Both of these franchises have been going downhill, imo, but from everything I&#39ve been reading these two games are bringing them back! And I&#39m super stoked!
(In the middle of the move right now so don&#39t have the cash, but would be cool to play either one / both nonetheless!)

5 years ago

After saving every dollar i could i bought my son a PS4. It was difficult since i have three teenagers and they can be quite expensive. I would love both games, Syndicate for my son and Need for speed for myself. thanks again for all your great work PSX

5 years ago

Man, ive loved both these series since the beginnings. I have so many fond memories of playing the original need for speed with my best friend when we were kids. Racing lambos on the ever classic coastal course. We played through the original ac together too in one weekend. It was the first time id visited him in college. Ive owned every title in both series ever since. He&#39s recently moved away with wife and child and we&#39ve mostly lost touch.
Both of these newest enteries were games i was looking forward to the most but in a tail end of a long line of misfortunes ive lost my job of 6 years, lost my apt of 3 and had to move back in with my mother.
I frequent this site daily though i rarely comment, i probably dont deserve these as much as some of you others but man…theyd go a long way towards taking my mind off everything thats going on.
Good luck to all

5 years ago

I figured that was your inspiration Temjin! 🙂 Best of luck to all! I was so happy to FINALLY get my PS4 after saving for 2 years to get it! Any one or both games would be awesome! Thanks again Ben! I have my fingers crossed

5 years ago

I would very much appreciate the code for Syndicate. I do prefer physical media (as I suspect you do yourself, Ben)but hey, free is free! I&#39ve had my eye on it but I&#39m trying to close on a house before the end of the year and there was no room in the budget for it.

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 11/7/2015 5:51:15 AM

5 years ago

Well I have never actually played an Assassin&#39s creed before aside from at a friends so winning Syndicate would be nice.

As for NFS it sounds great! Always online doesn&#39t bug me at all and should they patch the rubber-banding due to enough complaining it sounds like it could be the best NFS since Underground 2.

5 years ago

I really want AC Syndicate because I&#39m looking for a reason to love Assassin&#39s Creed again after last year! And I need to give Need for Speed a chance cause I&#39ve always sucked at racing games but they look amazing on the PS4. Please hook me up!!

5 years ago

What are the chances that I&#39ll win a 2nd year in a row?

5 years ago

I been saving for 2 years to get my PS4, not because i cant get the system but because anything you buy online over to $200 where i live (Dominican Republic) you have to pay a special tax, so the PS4 price would be around $550 to 600. (Hope someone i know go to the US so i can give them the money to buy me the PS4)

So i would appreciate the AC Syndicate code since the more games i can start my PS4 collection the better. 🙂

5 years ago

Thank you for the information. I love writing about stuff that interest me so I would definitely do it but only I after I finish my MBA (I barely have time to myself lol)

I&#39ll keep you posted 🙂

5 years ago

I&#39ll be happy to give you the Syndicate code if I win too, I already finished the game and it&#39s awesome! I really want to drive a badass Mustang around though 😀

5 years ago

I set up an account on Twitter and followed the site.

Thanks again!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x