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What Game Made You A PlayStation Fan Forever?

PlayStation is currently celebrating its 20th anniversary. Yep, two damn decades, if you can believe it.

If you like, you can vote for the best original PS1 titles , which for some is a very difficult task.

But let's probe a little deeper into our gaming pasts and reminisce about what made us PlayStation fans. If you ask around, you'll find that many believe there's one game that made them a PlayStation follower for life. It's the one title that wowed them to the point of tears, that kept them coming back to the brand for more moving experiences. Can you pinpoint one game in PlayStation's history that solidified your loyalty to the brand, or perhaps converted you? And of course, these don't have to be PS1 games; if you came late to the party, you're hardly excluded from this question.

For me, I'd say it was a combination of two things: The original PlayStation really opened my eyes to the world of role-playing games, which I never really cared much about before. Yes, I went back to play games like Chrono Trigger , Final Fantasy VI and Secret of Mana , after I realized they were just the kinds of titles I'd love to try. It was PlayStation that sparked this in me; it was Suikoden , Tales of Destiny , Wild ARMs and Beyond the Beyond that began my love affair with the genre, and Final Fantasy VII that solidified that love. Even though I've since moved away from JRPGs for a variety of reasons, I will never forget the glory days of the PS1 (and into the PS2).

Secondly, I'd probably have to say that aside from FFVII, Final Fantasy Tactics and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night had an indelible impact. If I had to pick one, I'd say it was FFT that actually turned me into a die-hard PlayStation fan, just because I'd been sort of building to it for some time. I'd been ignoring Nintendo, Sega and PC for a while and when FFT came out and I got hooked, I started to realize that Sony might be the only company I really needed. Of course, that's not the way it turned out, as I continued to be a multi-console owner in each generation, but I knew that if I wanted games like FFT, I'd have to go PlayStation. Okay, so Koudelka and Tactics Ogre weren't anywhere near as good, but don't forget about Disgaea in the PS2 generation!

What about you?

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8 years ago

Ive always gone to every console that had enough worthwhile content. So grabbing the PSX was a no brainer. I also grabbed the N64 and Sega Saturn as well and happily played them for years. At the time I was all about having all the best games as an option to me. Whether that was the defacto tri-force of N64 games: Mario 64, Zelda 64, and Golden Eye, each without equal from PSX's side. Or Sega favorites like Virtua Fighter 2, Daytona, Sega Rally, panzer Dragoon, or the massively superior import version of Xmen vs Street Fighter. If the games were there, I was there.

I didn't actually feel lasting PS brand preference until PS3. I think this is because it had so much potential and lots of unfair hatred and I saw through that, trying to defend the underdog and make known the truth of its strengths. It made me value Sony themselves more.

Ultimately, forever is a long time and I can only be a fan of PS for as long as Sony does their job well.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 9/11/2015 10:26:37 PM

8 years ago

Agreed! Keep making worthwhile products and I will purchase it.

8 years ago

My first gaming console was a Playstation. So I kind of just kept coming back because I was famaliar with it and it offered more advanced games.

Never cared for Sega or Nintendo. Always viewed them as goofy childs play and still do. Xbox never appealed to me although in college I had a good time playing Project Ghotham at my friends house.

Mass Effect though was the only game that made me consider an Xbox 360, but it went multiplatform with ME2 so that kind of killed Microsoft hopes of getting my money.

8 years ago

Metal Gear Solid.

8 years ago

Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy and Gran Turismo. Those were the three games on the PSX that got me hooked on the Playstation platform.

8 years ago

Silent Hill and YAKUZA!!!

8 years ago

Final Fantasy

8 years ago

Resident Evil 2. When all my friends were getting a Playstation, I was a huge nintendo fan so I got the N64. After seeing the very first cutscene from RE2, I immediately sold my N64 and bought a PS1. Since then, I have been on board for D1P of every Playstation system. Cannot wait for the HD remake of RE2 to revisit what made me a PS fan.

8 years ago

FFIX, never played a game so simple yet deep and fun.
A great game but a very underrated FF that's always overshadowed by FFVII.

8 years ago

Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil 2, Syphon Filter, Final Fantasy 7, and the criminally under rated Fear Effect.

8 years ago

Descent. It was my very first game for the PlayStation and it all just got better from there

8 years ago

I remember asking friends should I get a PSone or a N64 and all of them said at once get a Playstation. The games I say that got me hook to the PS brand Resident Evil and the EA Sports games.

8 years ago

Twisted Metal

8 years ago

I don't know if it was one game. It was the continuous flow of games that kept me going back. Games like Twisted Metal helped with that trend.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 9/12/2015 2:02:34 AM

8 years ago

I guess technically it would've been Spyro. There's no one game that really made me a fan, more of a combination of all the experiences over the years. The PS1 was my first console, so the PS2 was a natural choice afterwards, and after having played and loved so many games on them it was natural that I'd stick with Playstation. I still remember the day I got it, I was 6 years old and getting a console as a slightly belated birthday present. I was trying to decide between a PS1 and an N64. I remember the guy at the store recommended the N64 to my parents, saying it had more games that were more age appropriate for me. When I was looking at the actual games on the shelf, I saw Spyro, and I really like dragons. So yeah, if not for that game I would've probably had an N64 for my first console and who knows how things would've gone.

8 years ago

twisted metal 2.

8 years ago

Metal Gear Solid and Syphon Filter for me. Also the Crash Bandicoot games. I do believe it was Naughty Dog who now do Uncharted and The Last Of Us.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
8 years ago

yeah. If it weren't for Universal Studios semi owning the Crash title we could have a current get Bandicoot from ND. You can imagine how grand that would be.

8 years ago

There were lots of games that had me hooked. Metal Gear Solid, Crash, Spyro, Twisted Metal, Gran turismo, Dino Crysis, the list goes on. What a great time for gaming it was!

Huge shout out to the SOCOM series as well!

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
8 years ago

Ha! Was about to say "FFVII, Metal Gear Solid. No explanation needed" But then I remembered that Twisted Metal 2 preceded those two masterpieces for me.
Wow! my cousin and I played the hell our of TM2 for a summer or two.

8 years ago

Me too man, I rented Twisted Metal 2 so many times with my friend because we were so addicted to it.

8 years ago

Metal Gear Solid and Tenchu were the two games that got me really on board the Sony train.

However there were so many games, I don't know if it was one game but the fact that there were SOOO many options. Twisted Metal, Crash Bandicoot, Tony Hawk, Syphon Filter, Nightmare creatures….the list goes on and on.

8 years ago


8 years ago

Shane Warne Cricket, played a heap of it :).

8 years ago

First PS1 game I ever played was Twisted Metal 1 at a KB Toys back in 1995. I wouldn't say it's the game that defined PlayStation for me but it was the one that first made me take notice because it was so different from what I was used to being a Nintendo and Sega gamer before that. The games that really got me hooked? I'd say Resident Evil 1 and 2, NFL Gameday (a shame the series went downhill, and then gone, around the early-mid 2000s) and Metal Gear Solid.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 9/13/2015 1:53:56 AM

8 years ago

I first had a taste of the new era of gaming on a 3do machine and played road rash which i loved,then the ps1 come out not long after and stuck with playstation when gran turismo and ratchet and clank come out .!!

Ps. Has anyone had any overheating problems with the ps4?, as ive been told by my elec guy who has fixed my ps3 a few times for ylod.

Last edited by jaytee on 9/13/2015 4:54:15 PM

8 years ago

Gran Turismo

8 years ago

… It was Toy Story for the Sega Genesis. I would just replay the heck out of that game everyday. Until I could finish it in less than few hours. It became a daily thing, y'know.

8 years ago

I could never get past Sid's room, that game was hard as hell. I put a ton of hours into Toy Story when I was younger.

8 years ago

… and may I add, you weren't kidding about that poll. That was easily one of the hardest decisions I had to make in my life!

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

Final Fantasy, Jap soundtracks (covers all games with great Jap soundtracks) and weaboo shit.

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

Mainly weaboo desu desu ka shit.

8 years ago

Funny,nothing about games made me a Playstation fan. Had a N64 then had a big break from gaming when I got married and had kids.

When I got back into it I did some research between XBox 360 and PS3. Xbox scratching DVDs and not having a Blu-ray player. That was my decided factor. Have been Playstation since and it would take a lot for me to swap brands.

8 years ago

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was the first game that really made me realize that consoles can do more than just platformers, racers & fighters. Up until the PS3-gen I'd been a computer-gamer only, all the way from ZX Spectrum 48k (yeah 48k was the amount of memory it had!) to Amiga and later to PC, and never really bothered with consoles because I didn't really care about the types of games that were most common on consoles, and they were typically so dated technically compared to computer games from the same time.

I then got the PS3 basically at launch, mainly because of the blu-ray player, finally HD-ish resolutions & just showed promise of being able to deliver some pretty good games too… And while oen of the first games I played – Resistance Fall of Man was pretty good, it was still just a FPS which you get all day long on PC, but when Uncharted came along was when I truly realized that Sony, and especially Naughty Dog could produce some really unique & special games you won't find anywhere else but on PS3.

8 years ago

Crash Bandicoot and Syphon Filter were the first games I played to really get me hooked on PlayStation. But I would have to credit MGS and Chrono Cross as the two games that sparked the inner fanboy in me.

5 years ago

There were lots of games that had me hooked. Metal Gear Solid, Crash, Spyro, Twisted Metal, Gran turismo, Dino Crysis, the list goes on. What a great time for gaming it was!

Huge shout out to the SOCOM series as well!

5 years ago

First PS1 game I ever played was Twisted Metal 1 at a KB Toys back in 1995. I wouldn&#39t say it&#39s the game that defined PlayStation for me but it was the one that first made me take notice because it was so different from what I was used to being a Nintendo and Sega gamer before that. The games that really got me hooked? I&#39d say Resident Evil 1 and 2, NFL Gameday (a shame the series went downhill, and then gone, around the early-mid 2000s) and Metal Gear Solid.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 9/13/2015 1:53:56 AM

5 years ago

Shane Warne Cricket, played a heap of it :).

5 years ago

I first had a taste of the new era of gaming on a 3do machine and played road rash which i loved,then the ps1 come out not long after and stuck with playstation when gran turismo and ratchet and clank come out .!!

Ps. Has anyone had any overheating problems with the ps4?, as ive been told by my elec guy who has fixed my ps3 a few times for ylod.

Last edited by jaytee on 9/13/2015 4:54:15 PM

5 years ago

I could never get past Sid&#39s room, that game was hard as hell. I put a ton of hours into Toy Story when I was younger.

5 years ago

Funny,nothing about games made me a Playstation fan. Had a N64 then had a big break from gaming when I got married and had kids.

When I got back into it I did some research between XBox 360 and PS3. Xbox scratching DVDs and not having a Blu-ray player. That was my decided factor. Have been Playstation since and it would take a lot for me to swap brands.

5 years ago

… and may I add, you weren&#39t kidding about that poll. That was easily one of the hardest decisions I had to make in my life!

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
5 years ago

Ha! Was about to say "FFVII, Metal Gear Solid. No explanation needed" But then I remembered that Twisted Metal 2 preceded those two masterpieces for me.
Wow! my cousin and I played the hell our of TM2 for a summer or two.

Banky A
Banky A
5 years ago

Final Fantasy, Jap soundtracks (covers all games with great Jap soundtracks) and weaboo shit.

5 years ago

Gran Turismo

5 years ago

… It was Toy Story for the Sega Genesis. I would just replay the heck out of that game everyday. Until I could finish it in less than few hours. It became a daily thing, y&#39know.

Banky A
Banky A
5 years ago

Mainly weaboo desu desu ka shit.

5 years ago

Crash Bandicoot and Syphon Filter were the first games I played to really get me hooked on PlayStation. But I would have to credit MGS and Chrono Cross as the two games that sparked the inner fanboy in me.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
5 years ago

yeah. If it weren&#39t for Universal Studios semi owning the Crash title we could have a current get Bandicoot from ND. You can imagine how grand that would be.

5 years ago

Uncharted: Drake&#39s Fortune was the first game that really made me realize that consoles can do more than just platformers, racers & fighters. Up until the PS3-gen I&#39d been a computer-gamer only, all the way from ZX Spectrum 48k (yeah 48k was the amount of memory it had!) to Amiga and later to PC, and never really bothered with consoles because I didn&#39t really care about the types of games that were most common on consoles, and they were typically so dated technically compared to computer games from the same time.

I then got the PS3 basically at launch, mainly because of the blu-ray player, finally HD-ish resolutions & just showed promise of being able to deliver some pretty good games too… And while oen of the first games I played – Resistance Fall of Man was pretty good, it was still just a FPS which you get all day long on PC, but when Uncharted came along was when I truly realized that Sony, and especially Naughty Dog could produce some really unique & special games you won&#39t find anywhere else but on PS3.

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