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When Will The Quiet Obsession End?

I mean, I'm just wondering.

How much longer do I have to see countless headlines about this particular character? Yeah, I get it. She isn't wearing much. Can we please move on?

I'm sure it will evoke some pretty great cosplay (here's one example ) but really, could we maybe focus on the game? It's not like Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a merely average production and the only thing worth talking about is the half-naked character. This is easily the best game of the generation thus far (in my estimation and in the eyes of many) and all I see is Quiet dominating the web. So, if someone could maybe just give me an estimate as to how long the adolescent obsession will last, I'd appreciate it. I'll just mark my calendar; that's when I can start looking at game news again without rolling my eyes.

Here's what gets me: This industry has seen countless scantily-clad hotties. The list is endless. And yet, every time we get a new one, we run around with our tongues hanging out, drooling over another virtual form. All we're really doing is proving that in truth, nothing about the gaming community is all that mature and, aside from the basic tenet that sex sells, we're basically sending the wrong message. Put some half-dressed chick in a game and we'll be fascinated; the game doesn't have to be good and in fact, there could be much bigger news but we won't even notice. And then we freak out when people like Jimmy Kimmel and Colin Cowherd have a few unkind things to say about gamers (even if it's in jest).

We have no right to posture and parade about, trying to educate people on just how mature and well-adjusted this community is, when every single time a new hot character lands on the Internet, we can't think about anything else for weeks. Plain and simple.

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8 years ago

Most wussy effeminate statement I ever read. I want to play with a character like Quiet who is hot. Not some fat chick with a porkchop stuck underneath one of her fatty boobs.

The gaming community is still 75% all men. All men are stupid for hot chicks. Always have. Always will be.

End of line.

8 years ago


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

"Most wussy effeminate statement I ever read."

And that would be…?

8 years ago

You just answered your own question… Probably never.
If that is ok is up to individuals to decide.

Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
8 years ago

Here's the deal, if some whiny feminist/sjw/pc whine about it enough to get Quiet changed, I'll flip my sh*t and hunt down everyone responsible,PERIOD!! Kojima, Konami dont you even dare give it to these wastes of life!
If it were to happen it would be via a patch,which I would outright refuse. I did the same thing to GOW:Ascension. The trophy is called ”bro's before ho's” and thats how it will remain! Same goes for Quiet in MGS V. She WILL remain the same!
I've had ENOUGH of this pathetic generation were everybody is offended and that non-existent "trigger warning" bs from these groups of vapid people who have no business in the first place telling creators what they can and can't make. If you dont like it dont pay attention to it,shut your mouth, and mind your own damn business!!!

Last edited by Lone Wanderer on 9/4/2015 11:54:28 PM

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
8 years ago

+100 ups! Leave the creators alone. They take enough orders from the publishers as it is.

8 years ago

Couldn't agree more. America has become one of the most pussified nations on Earth.

8 years ago

Before playing the game, i thought i wasn't going to enjoy her as a character. unfortunately, most of this was because of the bad publicity, and obvious over sexualization. However, after playing through the game, she ended up being my favorite character somehow. She has no dialogue, but is simply a brilliantly done character. She could have done with less body exposure, but still, i really hope for her return if there is an upcoming entry to the series (which some of the removed content heavily suggests that there is going to be a sequel).

Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
8 years ago

Removed content? What are you talking about? No spoilers if you can help it please.

8 years ago

If you can get a hold of one of the special edition copies, watch all the videos on the second disc. It's difficult to explain without spoiling it. I saw it on youtube though. Basically, the game obviously didn't reach it's deadline in time. there is a ton of content that happens after the game as we know it that didn't make it into the released copy. This content is majorly important to the franchise as well, i'm shocked after seeing it that it didn't make it into the final game. I assume because kojima got the boot, or just deadline issues, i'm not sure. spoiler warning here: basically Eli takes the mech to an island off the coast of africa with all the child soldiers, you go and retrieve it and napalm the whole island. that's obviously very brief, but i'm trying as little to spoil anything i can.

8 years ago

You probably wearing outfit like that too if you breathing through your skin…

8 years ago

Thanks for spoiling that for me, I was interested to find out Kojima's big reason for her exposure during my playtime.

8 years ago

for a character who says little I like her a lot in this game. It's the way she interacts that's interesting

8 years ago

But the Japanese do it so well…

I game from an adolescent position unless the game is super serious or realistic. So yeah if a sexy star is born then I roll with it.

It's actually good news, if the presence of it is prevalent then a new generation of gamers is experiencing the franchise.

8 years ago

When… when?..NEVAAA

8 years ago

Konami making a goodbye vid for the most welcome by gamers and idolized and the most gifted man in the whole industry it tells me one thing,… Kojima made them, so don't post a "try hard to be" total fake try to cover them selves for they're biggest soon curse they're action video..
Kojima RULES.. Konami…your thoughts
P.S. just posting my frustration, Metal Gear should be continued release for years to come especially with the new graphics of the new consoles not terminating it when the real fun is all about to begin…
R.I.P MGS franchise you will be remembered
i can't wait for kojima's next big game

8 years ago

I had abit of a lump in the throat while watching that video. Hideo Kojima's MGS journey is over. This is the end.

I only wish he got a chance to remake MGS1 using the Fox engine.

8 years ago

I don't know what parts of the internet you hang out in to see all this attention about this scantily clad lady in the game, but I had to go Google her just so I could understand what the hell you're talking about. Turns out I still don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

Then I must be wrong because I'm always wrong.

8 years ago

I'm not saying you're wrong. If it's your experience seeing this obsession, I can't tell you you're wrong. But they must hang out in your local Gamestop, you know the one that has all over weight staff that tells everyone to buy XBOX's and that relatable to every other Gamestop in existence because, well, that's what happens in your world. Who am I to disagree?

Last edited by frostface on 9/5/2015 6:00:24 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

God, you're a dick.

8 years ago

Looks like shes just walked straight out of the Dead or Alive character select screen.

I haven't encountered this character in my MGSV playthrough yet.

8 years ago

While reading some of the comments here, I can't help but notice the slight disregard for what the article was all about. It's not an attack on Quiet or her outfit. It's a critical observation on how people react to what Quiet is wearing (or what she isn't).

While I do agree on the comment that questioned where the writer might have been "hanging out" to have observed "a lot" of these kinds of sexualised reactions, I wholeheartedly agree on what the article says about this generation whenever someone like Quiet is introduced into the market. Just like the article, I do believe we can learn to appreciate the art, beauty, and the mystery of how these in-game characters are created without having to drool over the oozing curvaceousness of every sex organ we tend to see…

…I mean, y'know, we could probably stop after the first 48 hours and just focus on the gameplay xD

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

"Most wussy effeminate statement I ever read."

And that would be…?

5 years ago

If you can get a hold of one of the special edition copies, watch all the videos on the second disc. It&#39s difficult to explain without spoiling it. I saw it on youtube though. Basically, the game obviously didn&#39t reach it&#39s deadline in time. there is a ton of content that happens after the game as we know it that didn&#39t make it into the released copy. This content is majorly important to the franchise as well, i&#39m shocked after seeing it that it didn&#39t make it into the final game. I assume because kojima got the boot, or just deadline issues, i&#39m not sure. spoiler warning here: basically Eli takes the mech to an island off the coast of africa with all the child soldiers, you go and retrieve it and napalm the whole island. that&#39s obviously very brief, but i&#39m trying as little to spoil anything i can.

5 years ago

for a character who says little I like her a lot in this game. It&#39s the way she interacts that&#39s interesting

5 years ago

You just answered your own question… Probably never.
If that is ok is up to individuals to decide.

5 years ago

You probably wearing outfit like that too if you breathing through your skin…

5 years ago

Couldn&#39t agree more. America has become one of the most pussified nations on Earth.

5 years ago

When… when?..NEVAAA

5 years ago

Most wussy effeminate statement I ever read. I want to play with a character like Quiet who is hot. Not some fat chick with a porkchop stuck underneath one of her fatty boobs.

The gaming community is still 75% all men. All men are stupid for hot chicks. Always have. Always will be.

End of line.

5 years ago

Konami making a goodbye vid for the most welcome by gamers and idolized and the most gifted man in the whole industry it tells me one thing,… Kojima made them, so don&#39t post a "try hard to be" total fake try to cover them selves for they&#39re biggest soon curse they&#39re action video..
Kojima RULES.. Konami…your thoughts
P.S. just posting my frustration, Metal Gear should be continued release for years to come especially with the new graphics of the new consoles not terminating it when the real fun is all about to begin…
R.I.P MGS franchise you will be remembered
i can&#39t wait for kojima&#39s next big game

Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
5 years ago

Here&#39s the deal, if some whiny feminist/sjw/pc whine about it enough to get Quiet changed, I&#39ll flip my sh*t and hunt down everyone responsible,PERIOD!! Kojima, Konami dont you even dare give it to these wastes of life!
If it were to happen it would be via a patch,which I would outright refuse. I did the same thing to GOW:Ascension. The trophy is called â&#128&#157bro&#39s before ho&#39sâ&#128&#157 and thats how it will remain! Same goes for Quiet in MGS V. She WILL remain the same!
I&#39ve had ENOUGH of this pathetic generation were everybody is offended and that non-existent "trigger warning" bs from these groups of vapid people who have no business in the first place telling creators what they can and can&#39t make. If you dont like it dont pay attention to it,shut your mouth, and mind your own damn business!!!

Last edited by Lone Wanderer on 9/4/2015 11:54:28 PM

5 years ago

Thanks for spoiling that for me, I was interested to find out Kojima&#39s big reason for her exposure during my playtime.

5 years ago

Before playing the game, i thought i wasn&#39t going to enjoy her as a character. unfortunately, most of this was because of the bad publicity, and obvious over sexualization. However, after playing through the game, she ended up being my favorite character somehow. She has no dialogue, but is simply a brilliantly done character. She could have done with less body exposure, but still, i really hope for her return if there is an upcoming entry to the series (which some of the removed content heavily suggests that there is going to be a sequel).

5 years ago

I had abit of a lump in the throat while watching that video. Hideo Kojima&#39s MGS journey is over. This is the end.

I only wish he got a chance to remake MGS1 using the Fox engine.

5 years ago

But the Japanese do it so well…

I game from an adolescent position unless the game is super serious or realistic. So yeah if a sexy star is born then I roll with it.

It&#39s actually good news, if the presence of it is prevalent then a new generation of gamers is experiencing the franchise.

5 years ago


Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
5 years ago

+100 ups! Leave the creators alone. They take enough orders from the publishers as it is.

Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
5 years ago

Removed content? What are you talking about? No spoilers if you can help it please.

5 years ago

I don&#39t know what parts of the internet you hang out in to see all this attention about this scantily clad lady in the game, but I had to go Google her just so I could understand what the hell you&#39re talking about. Turns out I still don&#39t know what the hell you&#39re talking about.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

Then I must be wrong because I&#39m always wrong.

5 years ago

Looks like shes just walked straight out of the Dead or Alive character select screen.

I haven&#39t encountered this character in my MGSV playthrough yet.

5 years ago

I&#39m not saying you&#39re wrong. If it&#39s your experience seeing this obsession, I can&#39t tell you you&#39re wrong. But they must hang out in your local Gamestop, you know the one that has all over weight staff that tells everyone to buy XBOX&#39s and that relatable to every other Gamestop in existence because, well, that&#39s what happens in your world. Who am I to disagree?

Last edited by frostface on 9/5/2015 6:00:24 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

God, you&#39re a dick.

5 years ago

While reading some of the comments here, I can&#39t help but notice the slight disregard for what the article was all about. It&#39s not an attack on Quiet or her outfit. It&#39s a critical observation on how people react to what Quiet is wearing (or what she isn&#39t).

While I do agree on the comment that questioned where the writer might have been "hanging out" to have observed "a lot" of these kinds of sexualised reactions, I wholeheartedly agree on what the article says about this generation whenever someone like Quiet is introduced into the market. Just like the article, I do believe we can learn to appreciate the art, beauty, and the mystery of how these in-game characters are created without having to drool over the oozing curvaceousness of every sex organ we tend to see…

…I mean, y&#39know, we could probably stop after the first 48 hours and just focus on the gameplay xD

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