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Ben’s Week In Review: July 26

MGSV creeps ever closer and I try to play the Street Fighter V beta without success . Oh well.

Rise of the Tomb Raider for holiday 2016? Sure, fine

If it isn't exclusive, it isn't exclusive. I've never been one of those impatient people who simply can't handle waiting for a game, and I'm sure I'll have plenty to play throughout 2016.

But when we heard the news that Rise of the Tomb Raider wouldn't reach the PS4 until late next year, I think a lot of gamers were miffed. They were simply annoyed that Microsoft had once again shelled out a chunk of change to grab timed exclusivity for a big title, and a title that follows a standard multiplatform production. Some have condemned developer Crystal Dynamics for being sellouts but quite frankly, they're not sellouts. They're in business. They took what I can only assume is a very generous offer, especially considering the fact that PS4 has greatly outpaced Xbox One sales so far this generation. I'm not losing any sleep over it, that's for sure.

And really, we all know what we'll get when the new Lara adventure hits PS4. It'll be another "definitive edition;" it'll have the spruced up visuals (most likely) and we can probably expect some new content as well. I'd be shocked if the PS4 iteration didn't turn out to be the best possible version by a significant margin, which is why I couldn't possibly care less about this timed exclusivity. Let me know when they announce a Lost Odyssey 2 that's exclusive to Xbox One and maybe then we'll talk.

Not sure about that "Law of Third Titles" theory, Matsuda

So, Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda has offered an interesting theory concerning the success of new IPs. He calls it his "Law of Third Titles" rule , meaning you can't determine an IP's true potential until the third entry is on store shelves. He says many franchises didn't really take off until the third installment and I imagine he's probably right. But I'm just not sure there's enough evidence out there to make this a "law," as there are lots of successful franchises that didn't follow this formula. I also question which of Square Enix's current franchises followed this rule; are we talking Final Fantasy , perhaps? Not sure about that. It certainly doesn't hold true for Deus Ex or Tomb Raider (IPs they now control).

I really believe that if an IP has a chance at being a successful series, there are glimpses of that in the very first production. And if the second makes a similar statement, I think you're good. I mean, Matsuda was referring to their pursuing a second Nier adventure and I'm fairly certain that if it fails, there won't be a third. I seriously doubt Square Enix will go for the "law of third titles" if Nier 2 falls flat. Know what I'm saying?

Personal gaming update

First up, if you're looking for a fast-paced, old-school platformer to put a smile on your face, you might want to try Tembo the Badass Elephant . It has a ton of charm and it's really well put-together; it will especially entice those who miss the good ol' Sonic days. Of course, if you're too emotionally invested in Journey on PS4, I don't blame you. I really didn't think it would affect me the same way three years later but somehow, it was even stronger. I think it's just because it continues to stand head-and-shoulders above the crowd, because it stands out as a supreme artistic achievement. Such an accomplishment doesn't dull with age.

Still banging away at cleaning up The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and there are still way too many bugs. Yeah, Patch 1.07 added several great features (I love the alternate control scheme and the inventory management upgrades), but there are lingering issues. I actually have three missions in my Quest list that I can't do because the game is screwed up: It's pretty well-documented now that the latest patch broke the "Skellige's Most Wanted" contract; it's a damn good thing I had a few saves before I accepted the mission. Then there's one of the "Statuette" side missions with Triss (where she frees someone trapped in a jade figurine). I don't have the statuette in my inventory and yet, the mission is there and when Triss goes to do her thing, nothing happens. Whatever.

It'll end up being my favorite game of 2015, I bet, but there's zero chance it wins Game of the Year.

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9 years ago

I really enjoyed the TR reboot. I look forward to eventually experiencing the sequel, whenever that is.
I really dislike this third-party buyout exclusivity of franchises that's been going down this gen. What's the next big franchise that's going to get stolen? If buying a game for a platform is voting with you dollar then I don't like the idea of supporting these deals on console. I'd prefer to vote with my dollar on a neutral PC platform that gets left out of the console war. It would seem so as long as a game ISN'T panned out to a PC port team at launch (see Batman AK for what happens when they are) a game is supposedly just as stable as any console game can be these days.

Witcher 3, while usually works well enough to be worth my time on PS4 it is a constant annoyance that the game can be so problematic. I believe I have a quest I can't complete myself, due to a bug. It's as if their patches fix some bug yet creates another some place else. It's a mess and the game has long since fallen off of my GotY radar too. It's grating when I hear about new DLC and expansions weighing in at a size equal to the Witcher 2. All I can think is "stop making the game bigger" It doesn't need bigger. It needs polish. Anyway. I'm done talking about Witcher even if I'll likely turn it on now and again.

PGU: I think Destiny has bit me again and I'm sinking into it's mezmorising abyss of fun. I love how they added matchmaking to more events, including the weekly nightfall strikes that dish out Strange Coins.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/25/2015 10:43:17 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Which mission do you think is bugged?

9 years ago

I can't quite remember. It was an earlier mission involving reading some book of Ciri's or something. When I assign it as an active mission the game doesn't show a nav point. I also read all of the books I have. So the mission is just sitting there incomplete.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/26/2015 1:19:17 AM

9 years ago

btw. major revelation about PSTV. The WHOLE time I was testing it I had my PS4's remote play setting set to 'direct connect'
This is a Wi-Fi only setting. I turned off that direct connect feature and now my PS4 link for remote play is through LAN. Something that appeared to be happening by default (but isn't). The difference is pretty nice. DOA5 even with high image quality and frame rate (remote play settings) works quite well. It's a 60fps game so it's a great benchmark. It's playable and surprisingly nice. PSTV now feels like a well spent $40.

So if you've been on the fence about getting one I say go for it!

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/26/2015 1:27:21 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Sometimes the nav point won't show if you're not in the correct region. Try making it active in another part of the world and see if you can get that nav point to show up.

I had that happen with one of the Scavenger Hunts. When I made it active in Skellige, I got nothing on my map. It also didn't tell me from the world map where the nav point is (the region it's in should have a little gold marker underneath it). But when I went to Velen, the marker showed up.

9 years ago

Thanks Ben, I'll check that out the next time I play.

9 years ago

When the Witcher works it's amazing, but unfortunately it really needed another 6 months of polish at least. But like Ben, it'll probably be my favourite game of the year, it just has something that keeps drawing me in despite the significant technical shortcomings.

9 years ago

The whole Tomb Raider thing is just a joke. Personally this type of practice makes me sick. I'm not one to call a business sellouts, because they have to think business. In the long run they may lose a few of the early PS4 consumers, but they are almost double dipping. They get the cake and will be eating it. But, it's not fair to the consumer who has supported them with the last entry, and even the remastered version. Then again if it was exclusive to PS4 for a while, we wouldn't be talking about it, so…

It's funny how technicalities in one game weighs differently for another. For instance one person might overlook the technical issues of game *A*, but when game *B* has issues, its going to become a problem.

PGU: ESO. Nothing else on the horizon. I'm in this game for the long haul. It's so good, I'm actually susprised more people are not playing it. However my friends list is full of people on this game day and night. But its not a hot topic by any means. And it really should be.

9 years ago

I'd be just as much against PS4 exclusivity of TR, it's just not cool either way.

8 years ago

Exclusitivity of popular third party franchises means no winners, only losers.

9 years ago

PGU: The summer of backlog gaming continues for me. I should have Heavy Rain polished off within the next few days. Next on my list Assassins Creed Revelations is next on my backlog list. I also need to get back into The Halo MCC on my X-box 1 so i can be ready for Halo 5 Guardians when it releases.

Im still debating if i wanna get Metal Gear Solid 5 or just say FU konami and not buying it all or wait till it hits under twenty and buy it used. As for Tomb Raider i'll just buy it on my xbox first then next year play the complete edition on my Ps4. This is why i love owning both consoles for stuff like this.

9 years ago

enjoying Heavy Rain?

9 years ago

Yup i am. I had it in my Ps3 collection for awhile now

9 years ago

yeah SF5 oh well companies just never seem to guess just how many people want to play their games beta.

then too rise of the tombraider yeah i'll just wait i don't need another console to get it day 1 when it comes out originally i'm ain't that impatient.

"Law of Third Titles" theory by Matsuda yeah i mean i feel like it might has some truth to it but i'm not entirely convinced cos i think of new IPs that sold well namely jak 1, rachet 1, and unchartered.

then finally PGU: well lets see played a bit of PoE on this new server the other day. so theres that but i've still been catching up on watching a few more movies but other than that not much this week. oh and the only other thing is playing a bit of rachet 3 multiplayer with my lil brother and some family friends so theres that i almost forgot about.

and as always have a great week guys and,

happy gaming

9 years ago

The Tomb Raider thing does bother me. The old business is business excuse is nice but it may not even be sound. Unless that chunk of change is really huge the game becomes old news fast for PS4 gamers and in the mean time they only have the little Xbox audience to cull money from.

It might've been wiser to release on both and cull DLC profits from both. The PS4 version may be sprucey and including the DLC but whose gonna care in a year?

The first game did cost too much to make ($100 million), but laying in bed with MS doesn't always mean more money. You gotta sell out a certain amount.

Look at CD Project Red and their free DLC customer centric model. I don't think they would have taken money to keep it off PS4 shelves.

Elsewhere and meanwhile: I beat Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. After the whole thing, it was awesome. Maybe even better than the main game. Plus it took me over 8 hours so that was a good deal. (The credits revealed a fascinating item I should have known, the game goes through a censoring board in Germany since they have laws about talking about Nazis.)

I got the American version of Oneechanbara and it's nice to have some english in the story plus it has been improved a bit. Very cool zombie/bikini game.

The hype is all about Fallout 4 now so I'm poking around in New Vegas DLC.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/26/2015 2:05:48 PM

9 years ago

Let's put the Tomb Raider thing to rest now.

Better not forget that FFVII remake is also timed exclusive on the PS4 and that the Xbox version might be a definitive version.

8 years ago

maybe but at least PS has a claim on FFVII

Legendary Minja
Legendary Minja
8 years ago

If it's from a money making perspective, I can't say it's a bad move. Especially M$ being in the position they're in. They need all the help they can get in terms of sales so yeah they decided to fork out some money and entice Crystal Dynamics for getting it to be a timed exclusive. I get it, makes sense for both sides of that deal. Crystal Dynamics gets some more money to help stay afloat and M$ get's more sales possibly. I'm not FOR the exclusives thing but coming from their view, I see it. Also, if you have both consoles I guess that makes swallowing that bitter pill easier.

5 years ago

Yup i am. I had it in my Ps3 collection for awhile now

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

Sometimes the nav point won&#39t show if you&#39re not in the correct region. Try making it active in another part of the world and see if you can get that nav point to show up.

I had that happen with one of the Scavenger Hunts. When I made it active in Skellige, I got nothing on my map. It also didn&#39t tell me from the world map where the nav point is (the region it&#39s in should have a little gold marker underneath it). But when I went to Velen, the marker showed up.

5 years ago

The whole Tomb Raider thing is just a joke. Personally this type of practice makes me sick. I&#39m not one to call a business sellouts, because they have to think business. In the long run they may lose a few of the early PS4 consumers, but they are almost double dipping. They get the cake and will be eating it. But, it&#39s not fair to the consumer who has supported them with the last entry, and even the remastered version. Then again if it was exclusive to PS4 for a while, we wouldn&#39t be talking about it, so…

It&#39s funny how technicalities in one game weighs differently for another. For instance one person might overlook the technical issues of game *A*, but when game *B* has issues, its going to become a problem.

PGU: ESO. Nothing else on the horizon. I&#39m in this game for the long haul. It&#39s so good, I&#39m actually susprised more people are not playing it. However my friends list is full of people on this game day and night. But its not a hot topic by any means. And it really should be.

5 years ago

btw. major revelation about PSTV. The WHOLE time I was testing it I had my PS4&#39s remote play setting set to &#39direct connect&#39
This is a Wi-Fi only setting. I turned off that direct connect feature and now my PS4 link for remote play is through LAN. Something that appeared to be happening by default (but isn&#39t). The difference is pretty nice. DOA5 even with high image quality and frame rate (remote play settings) works quite well. It&#39s a 60fps game so it&#39s a great benchmark. It&#39s playable and surprisingly nice. PSTV now feels like a well spent $40.

So if you&#39ve been on the fence about getting one I say go for it!

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/26/2015 1:27:21 AM

5 years ago

Thanks Ben, I&#39ll check that out the next time I play.

5 years ago

I can&#39t quite remember. It was an earlier mission involving reading some book of Ciri&#39s or something. When I assign it as an active mission the game doesn&#39t show a nav point. I also read all of the books I have. So the mission is just sitting there incomplete.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/26/2015 1:19:17 AM

5 years ago

When the Witcher works it&#39s amazing, but unfortunately it really needed another 6 months of polish at least. But like Ben, it&#39ll probably be my favourite game of the year, it just has something that keeps drawing me in despite the significant technical shortcomings.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

Which mission do you think is bugged?

5 years ago

PGU: The summer of backlog gaming continues for me. I should have Heavy Rain polished off within the next few days. Next on my list Assassins Creed Revelations is next on my backlog list. I also need to get back into The Halo MCC on my X-box 1 so i can be ready for Halo 5 Guardians when it releases.

Im still debating if i wanna get Metal Gear Solid 5 or just say FU konami and not buying it all or wait till it hits under twenty and buy it used. As for Tomb Raider i&#39ll just buy it on my xbox first then next year play the complete edition on my Ps4. This is why i love owning both consoles for stuff like this.

5 years ago

maybe but at least PS has a claim on FFVII

5 years ago

Exclusitivity of popular third party franchises means no winners, only losers.

5 years ago

yeah SF5 oh well companies just never seem to guess just how many people want to play their games beta.

then too rise of the tombraider yeah i&#39ll just wait i don&#39t need another console to get it day 1 when it comes out originally i&#39m ain&#39t that impatient.

"Law of Third Titles" theory by Matsuda yeah i mean i feel like it might has some truth to it but i&#39m not entirely convinced cos i think of new IPs that sold well namely jak 1, rachet 1, and unchartered.

then finally PGU: well lets see played a bit of PoE on this new server the other day. so theres that but i&#39ve still been catching up on watching a few more movies but other than that not much this week. oh and the only other thing is playing a bit of rachet 3 multiplayer with my lil brother and some family friends so theres that i almost forgot about.

and as always have a great week guys and,

happy gaming

5 years ago

Let&#39s put the Tomb Raider thing to rest now.

Better not forget that FFVII remake is also timed exclusive on the PS4 and that the Xbox version might be a definitive version.

5 years ago

I really enjoyed the TR reboot. I look forward to eventually experiencing the sequel, whenever that is.
I really dislike this third-party buyout exclusivity of franchises that&#39s been going down this gen. What&#39s the next big franchise that&#39s going to get stolen? If buying a game for a platform is voting with you dollar then I don&#39t like the idea of supporting these deals on console. I&#39d prefer to vote with my dollar on a neutral PC platform that gets left out of the console war. It would seem so as long as a game ISN&#39T panned out to a PC port team at launch (see Batman AK for what happens when they are) a game is supposedly just as stable as any console game can be these days.

Witcher 3, while usually works well enough to be worth my time on PS4 it is a constant annoyance that the game can be so problematic. I believe I have a quest I can&#39t complete myself, due to a bug. It&#39s as if their patches fix some bug yet creates another some place else. It&#39s a mess and the game has long since fallen off of my GotY radar too. It&#39s grating when I hear about new DLC and expansions weighing in at a size equal to the Witcher 2. All I can think is "stop making the game bigger" It doesn&#39t need bigger. It needs polish. Anyway. I&#39m done talking about Witcher even if I&#39ll likely turn it on now and again.

PGU: I think Destiny has bit me again and I&#39m sinking into it&#39s mezmorising abyss of fun. I love how they added matchmaking to more events, including the weekly nightfall strikes that dish out Strange Coins.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/25/2015 10:43:17 PM

5 years ago

I&#39d be just as much against PS4 exclusivity of TR, it&#39s just not cool either way.

5 years ago

enjoying Heavy Rain?

Legendary Minja
Legendary Minja
5 years ago

If it&#39s from a money making perspective, I can&#39t say it&#39s a bad move. Especially M$ being in the position they&#39re in. They need all the help they can get in terms of sales so yeah they decided to fork out some money and entice Crystal Dynamics for getting it to be a timed exclusive. I get it, makes sense for both sides of that deal. Crystal Dynamics gets some more money to help stay afloat and M$ get&#39s more sales possibly. I&#39m not FOR the exclusives thing but coming from their view, I see it. Also, if you have both consoles I guess that makes swallowing that bitter pill easier.

5 years ago

The Tomb Raider thing does bother me. The old business is business excuse is nice but it may not even be sound. Unless that chunk of change is really huge the game becomes old news fast for PS4 gamers and in the mean time they only have the little Xbox audience to cull money from.

It might&#39ve been wiser to release on both and cull DLC profits from both. The PS4 version may be sprucey and including the DLC but whose gonna care in a year?

The first game did cost too much to make ($100 million), but laying in bed with MS doesn&#39t always mean more money. You gotta sell out a certain amount.

Look at CD Project Red and their free DLC customer centric model. I don&#39t think they would have taken money to keep it off PS4 shelves.

Elsewhere and meanwhile: I beat Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. After the whole thing, it was awesome. Maybe even better than the main game. Plus it took me over 8 hours so that was a good deal. (The credits revealed a fascinating item I should have known, the game goes through a censoring board in Germany since they have laws about talking about Nazis.)

I got the American version of Oneechanbara and it&#39s nice to have some english in the story plus it has been improved a bit. Very cool zombie/bikini game.

The hype is all about Fallout 4 now so I&#39m poking around in New Vegas DLC.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/26/2015 2:05:48 PM

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