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Ben’s Week In Review: July 12

I haven't had a problem with the summer drought in years. Who the hell doesn't have stuff in their back-logs to play?

Lovin' that Horizon: Zero Dawn info

I've always respected Guerrilla Games as a developer, as Killzone 2 and Killzone 3 are still a couple of my favorite shooters ever. I always wanted them to try something different and now, I'm super pumped for Horizon: Zero Dawn .

The gameplay demo during E3 was pretty amazing but now we've got some concrete design details that are awfully encouraging. Firstly, I really like the idea of being able to explore everywhere; if you're going to make a sandbox game (which, unfortunately, appears to be the only type of game developers are going to make in the future), you may as well go nuts. Why restrict any aspect of the world you present to the gamer? I love The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt but even there, I'll stumble across areas they just won't let me explore (why do I have to "turn back?" What's the problem?). Secondly, the three distinct gameplay styles indicate a deep and diverse mechanic, and one that will allow the player to experiment and customize to his or her heart's content.

Oh, and no competitive multiplayer. I really don't care what anyone says; if a studio wants to dedicate all their time and resources to the single-player adventure, fine. It'll probably turn out better. I never have any inclination to play multiplayer in The Witcher 3 (or really, any open-world game, for some reason), so I've got no problem with this choice. All it tells me is that we'll probably end up with a massive, wildly immersive single-player experience, which I can't wait to try.

I wonder if Corvo and Emily will get different storylines, too

We just heard that there will be two playable characters in the upcoming Dishonored 2 : The protagonist from the first game, Corvo, and Emily Kaldwin, the daughter of the late Empress. It's cool that they'll play very differently from one another, and I'm anticipating wanting to play through as both. However, I wonder if the writers are penning slightly different stories for each…I mean, I doubt they can be completely different, but shouldn't we expect to see some new scenes based on the fresh perspective? Actually, wouldn't it make perfect sense to implement such a feature, as it makes a second play-through a lot more appealing? I still remember wishing there were more Rena-specific scenes in Star Ocean: The 2nd Story ; there were a few, but her story wasn't much different than Claude's. It's probably why I never finished the second play-through.

Anyway, I'm really hoping we see some gameplay for the Dishonored sequel. I think Gamescom is too close but perhaps Arkane and Bethesda will release something before the summer is over. Don't forget that the original was one of the very best games of the previous generation . If you missed it, you must remedy that.

Personal gaming update

I had very high hopes for Whispering Willows but it was another textbook example of "great idea, not so great execution." It's nice to put all these indies up on pedestals – "yeah, not beaten down by orders from publishers!" – but in reality, tiny teams with tiny budgets have extreme difficulty following through on their lofty ideas. This is a game that needed more time, more money, and quite frankly, more effort. I don't want to say more talent because if the developers were simply constrained by money and manpower issues, it's not a question of talent. But regardless, such unique and wonderful concepts sometimes need more to push them forward and we need to remember that.

Still savoring The Witcher 3 and playing a bit of Rory McIlroy PGA Tour ; look for the review early this week.

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9 years ago

Horizon does look amazing. I haven't followed any of the new info though. I was already sold from the start, even not knowing exactly what I would be getting into.

Bioshocks and Dishonored are the top games from the prior gen I regret missing. I'll try to squeeze them in somewhere.

PGU: Finished off the story in Batman AK last night with a 71% overall completion. All in all it was a great game that left me happy… mostly.

The ending. Terrible. I actually thought most of the story was an improvement over the past Rocksteady games, and easily more interesting then, say Infamous SS, but the ending? Probably one of the worst I've encountered in gaming. The very final events happened so dang fast, without providing much closure, even just a little dialogue with Robin or the Arkham Knight would've worked wonders. Instead. It left gaping holes… and did anyone catch WHY Night Wing wasn't contacted by Alfred to help Batman? He was brought into the mix earlier in the game. And how was Batman so sure the Arkham Knight would save him? "Trust me, Gordon" He tells him/them. Idk. Not happy with that.


The game was great overall though. I felt like the hand to hand combat could've been tighted up. No matter how hard I tried the o, x, x, square stun-to-bash-down of shielded enemies rarely worked. I think it could be a bug, but maybe it's operator error. I could complain about a few other things concerning the RED danger flash during fights. I also thought the Batmobile in non-tank mode felt way too skiddish at times. Too slippery for my liking.

Anyway. Those were my gripes. But other than that I liked it much.

Right now I'm heading back to Destiny to catch up on the two expansions I missed. I'll probably roll some Witcher 3 in here and there as well.

9 years ago

I feel like you are definitely missing out on the Bioshocks. Dishonored… not so much. I missed out on Bioshock Infinite and unless they create a direct sequel to it, I probably won't ever play it just because of time. Sucks.

If you are playing Destiny solo I would almost recommend waiting for the next piece of dlc just because there is not a lot of content for a solo player. However that can all be disregarded if you like to grind.

9 years ago

Thanks bigrailer. I actually have Bioshock on my PC. I just need to play it. I also have Dishonored on my PS3 (from PS Plus) I just need to play that too.

I already snagged the Destiny DLC bundle from PSN this week because it was on a good sale. Both expansions for $24. I'm actually not expecting a whole lot new but I do want to bring myself up to speed because I'll probably be hitting up The Taken King. Apparently it's meaty in single player stuff. I also just flat out miss the excitement that it's brand of gameplay brings, particularly with the Strike Missiosn. No mmo'ish game I've played feels, PLAYS, or looks like Destiny.

9 years ago

Dang see… great things come to those who wait. Both dlc for that price is a steal.

Yeah Destiny has this thing about it that's makes you want more. Solid gameplay is what I always come back to as a conclusion.

9 years ago

Dude, this is how most DC stories end in the animated shows and movies so not all is lost. With that said, Batman AK was the funnest game I played all year while Bloodborne still being my GOTY.

9 years ago

Thanks FM, I'll be sure not to watch the animated shows and movies.

9 years ago

Oh. and props to Geometry Wars 3 on Vita! I decided to try that little gem out from PS Plus this week for FREEEEEeeeee. It's one addictive game and it has intelligently implemented classic game design. It amazes me how these retro devs can think up this stuff.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/11/2015 11:07:23 PM

9 years ago

Ah, geometry wars 3 is such a great arcade game! I return to that little gem constantly.

9 years ago

why would you do geometry after high school?

9 years ago

I'm already sold on Horizon so I havnt been keeping up with it. I try not to divulge in ever piece of info for games I'm truly interested in.

Not even a little bit excited about Dishonored 2. Not even a 2nd playable character can get me interested in it at this point.

PGU: Elder Scrolls Online. When I first started this game I felt like I did when I first played Oblivion. So much to do, yet no idea how to tackle it all. I kept thinking to myself, "should I start forming my character by getting better at crafting specific armor and weapons. And in turn should I even waste my time to learn echantments to add to that armor and wepaonry? Or should I save those skill points for other things?" It's just an overwhelmingly big experience that doesn't miss a beat from The Elder Scrolls series.

Everything is executed well and it's easily the best mmo on consoles and one of the better rpg's on consoles. It's easily the best bang for your buck game at $60 and no subscription. And it's not pay to win at all. You can purchase items for real dollars (crowns) but it's things like different breeds of horses, different pets and things of that nature that are different from in game currency that you can buy. Alternatively you can buy a subscription which gives you crowns, and you do gain like 10% more XP and 10% more currency from quests. But it doesn't make a huge difference as I have a buddy who subscribes and plays far more than me and he's only ever 2 levels ahead at most since we've started playing. But its a nice perk to power level I suppose.

9 years ago

I've been playing Deception IV Nightmare Princess which seems to be a fairly obscure title. It's a bizarre one but it's probably the most addictive game I've played in months.

Also had a nostalgic moment and played some dusty old PS2 games i forgot i even owned. Anyone remember Death By Degrees or Primal?

Last edited by Kevin555 on 7/12/2015 12:10:54 AM

9 years ago

I've considered the purchase, I was just worried that either the protagonist wasn't sexy enough to keep me in the game or setting traps for baddies wore off as fun quickly.

9 years ago

I've been playing saints row 4/gat out of hell since it was on sale.
I'm still not done arkham knight, got bored at the last major tank battle. Supposedly there are over 60 tanks to destroy in that one fight, like I haven't already fought what feels like hundreds of them. What started out as a great game has become more and more of a chore to play.

I have one last merchant in the witcher I hadn't heard about to see if I can finally get that trophy for collecting every gwent card. If that doesn't work, I'll officially give up on the platinum, which is a pity since every other trophy is quite manageable. Either way the expansions should be fun.

9 years ago

Lot of Batmaners out there. Nuts to that tired universe.

It's too early to be excited about Horizon so I'm chillin.

After 2,648,449 years of downloading, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is mine. Yeah there goes the wonderful idea of getting your games digitally and quickly versus a hard copy. Pfffff

I broke down and purchased a PS4 wheel so I can play Driveclub. I don't wanna build up my profile until it's delivered. Controller driving isn't hip.

I'm addicted to Omega Quintet and it's turn based battles. Plus I get to monkey with everything the girls wear (or dont) and create on stage pop idol routines. Bet you can't do THAT in Yakuza's hostess club!

I wanna write something for the site again, what should my topic be?

9 years ago

The trick to getting games quickly digital is new releases. You can pre-down load and actually begin playin at 9:00 pm cst or 12:00 am est the night before release. Those on the west coast obviously benefit from it the most.

Otherwise yeah your gonna play the waiting game. Unless of course your Internet bandwidth is healthy. I typically have a game downloaded within 3-4 hours if it's in the 30gb range. ESO took 5 hours but it also had a massive update to boot.

9 years ago

I've got the best internet Xfinity can buy. Though it's not like it's great.

I liked wolfenstein but was gonna pass on old blood until I needed to play an FPS so i ordered it and it's all 99+ hours. I'm like whaaaaaaaa, I had to leave the system on a lot all night.

PS4 needs a Flagship FPS.

9 years ago

I'm PST and I have to wait until 9:00pm, 3 hours before midnight.
It is nice having a game fully patched and ready to go a day before.

9 years ago

Right now the worst thing about digital on console is the lack of option to trade a game. I believe Steam lets you trade your game license to others.

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

Horizon looks great, might intentionally stay in the dark as it gets revealed because I think I'll already like it. Dishonored is one of the only games left in my PS3 backlog and I have the PS Plus copy, but I might wait for the PS4 version.

PGU: Going for my Last of Us PS4 plat. I picked up everything I remember being there and got all the collectibles and for some reason my collect all artifacts trophy wont pop idk.

Off Topic: If anyone here watches Jeopardy, my sister Lauren Donahoo is going to be on tomorrow!!

9 years ago

Go Lauren!

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Good luck for your LoU Plat! Definitely good choice on having multiplayer done and dusted.

Check each chapters collectibles list for each chapter select. The trophy should pop up when you get 140 — it'll also say 141 if you pick up Bill's note again after he trashes it.

It glitched and handed it to me early when I only had ~137

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago


Platinum'd Killzone Mercenary.
Dang took me a while. A sweet two years between many huge breaks from boredom.

9 years ago

yeah i do indeed have a back log that i'm still working on for sure(even though its the middle of winter dow here in NZ), but still yeah couple of months of nothing really coming out all those old games that you've been trying to get around to come out when nothing new is on the horizion

Horizon: Zero Dawn looks so sick really keen for that game,has a really nice feel to it and i do also like the gameplay ben and the mechanics look pritty good and smooth in implementation, so should be really good i think.

next off for Dishonored 2 will"Corvo and Emily will get different storylines" good question maybe wouldn't be a bad idea would certainly make thing more interesting and more replayability for sure.

then sad to hear about Whispering Willows its always a shame when that happens.

the finally PGU lets see what have i been up to i have been watching/catching up on alot of movies lately from as far back as 2010 so i haven't acutally played any games recently but i think me and a couple mates are going to play some warhammer 40K dawn of war online Lan thursday or friday that'll be what my gaming will have consisted of this week not much really i've also had some other things to do and a friends birthday to go couple days ago theres that too.

oh and just a heads up if any reads this my birthday is on 18th what ever day that is for you guys where ever you are in the world its a saturday for me just thought i's share that little side note

but anyways

happy gaming

5 years ago

why would you do geometry after high school?

5 years ago

Ah, geometry wars 3 is such a great arcade game! I return to that little gem constantly.

5 years ago

Dang see… great things come to those who wait. Both dlc for that price is a steal.

Yeah Destiny has this thing about it that&#39s makes you want more. Solid gameplay is what I always come back to as a conclusion.

5 years ago

I feel like you are definitely missing out on the Bioshocks. Dishonored… not so much. I missed out on Bioshock Infinite and unless they create a direct sequel to it, I probably won&#39t ever play it just because of time. Sucks.

If you are playing Destiny solo I would almost recommend waiting for the next piece of dlc just because there is not a lot of content for a solo player. However that can all be disregarded if you like to grind.

5 years ago

I&#39ve been playing Deception IV Nightmare Princess which seems to be a fairly obscure title. It&#39s a bizarre one but it&#39s probably the most addictive game I&#39ve played in months.

Also had a nostalgic moment and played some dusty old PS2 games i forgot i even owned. Anyone remember Death By Degrees or Primal?

Last edited by Kevin555 on 7/12/2015 12:10:54 AM

5 years ago

Thanks FM, I&#39ll be sure not to watch the animated shows and movies.

Banky A
Banky A
5 years ago

Good luck for your LoU Plat! Definitely good choice on having multiplayer done and dusted.

Check each chapters collectibles list for each chapter select. The trophy should pop up when you get 140 — it&#39ll also say 141 if you pick up Bill&#39s note again after he trashes it.

It glitched and handed it to me early when I only had ~137

5 years ago

Thanks bigrailer. I actually have Bioshock on my PC. I just need to play it. I also have Dishonored on my PS3 (from PS Plus) I just need to play that too.

I already snagged the Destiny DLC bundle from PSN this week because it was on a good sale. Both expansions for $24. I&#39m actually not expecting a whole lot new but I do want to bring myself up to speed because I&#39ll probably be hitting up The Taken King. Apparently it&#39s meaty in single player stuff. I also just flat out miss the excitement that it&#39s brand of gameplay brings, particularly with the Strike Missiosn. No mmo&#39ish game I&#39ve played feels, PLAYS, or looks like Destiny.

5 years ago

I&#39m PST and I have to wait until 9:00pm, 3 hours before midnight.
It is nice having a game fully patched and ready to go a day before.

5 years ago

Dude, this is how most DC stories end in the animated shows and movies so not all is lost. With that said, Batman AK was the funnest game I played all year while Bloodborne still being my GOTY.

5 years ago

Horizon does look amazing. I haven&#39t followed any of the new info though. I was already sold from the start, even not knowing exactly what I would be getting into.

Bioshocks and Dishonored are the top games from the prior gen I regret missing. I&#39ll try to squeeze them in somewhere.

PGU: Finished off the story in Batman AK last night with a 71% overall completion. All in all it was a great game that left me happy… mostly.

The ending. Terrible. I actually thought most of the story was an improvement over the past Rocksteady games, and easily more interesting then, say Infamous SS, but the ending? Probably one of the worst I&#39ve encountered in gaming. The very final events happened so dang fast, without providing much closure, even just a little dialogue with Robin or the Arkham Knight would&#39ve worked wonders. Instead. It left gaping holes… and did anyone catch WHY Night Wing wasn&#39t contacted by Alfred to help Batman? He was brought into the mix earlier in the game. And how was Batman so sure the Arkham Knight would save him? "Trust me, Gordon" He tells him/them. Idk. Not happy with that.


The game was great overall though. I felt like the hand to hand combat could&#39ve been tighted up. No matter how hard I tried the o, x, x, square stun-to-bash-down of shielded enemies rarely worked. I think it could be a bug, but maybe it&#39s operator error. I could complain about a few other things concerning the RED danger flash during fights. I also thought the Batmobile in non-tank mode felt way too skiddish at times. Too slippery for my liking.

Anyway. Those were my gripes. But other than that I liked it much.

Right now I&#39m heading back to Destiny to catch up on the two expansions I missed. I&#39ll probably roll some Witcher 3 in here and there as well.

5 years ago

Right now the worst thing about digital on console is the lack of option to trade a game. I believe Steam lets you trade your game license to others.

Banky A
Banky A
5 years ago


Platinum&#39d Killzone Mercenary.
Dang took me a while. A sweet two years between many huge breaks from boredom.

5 years ago

Oh. and props to Geometry Wars 3 on Vita! I decided to try that little gem out from PS Plus this week for FREEEEEeeeee. It&#39s one addictive game and it has intelligently implemented classic game design. It amazes me how these retro devs can think up this stuff.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/11/2015 11:07:23 PM

5 years ago

yeah i do indeed have a back log that i&#39m still working on for sure(even though its the middle of winter dow here in NZ), but still yeah couple of months of nothing really coming out all those old games that you&#39ve been trying to get around to come out when nothing new is on the horizion

Horizon: Zero Dawn looks so sick really keen for that game,has a really nice feel to it and i do also like the gameplay ben and the mechanics look pritty good and smooth in implementation, so should be really good i think.

next off for Dishonored 2 will"Corvo and Emily will get different storylines" good question maybe wouldn&#39t be a bad idea would certainly make thing more interesting and more replayability for sure.

then sad to hear about Whispering Willows its always a shame when that happens.

the finally PGU lets see what have i been up to i have been watching/catching up on alot of movies lately from as far back as 2010 so i haven&#39t acutally played any games recently but i think me and a couple mates are going to play some warhammer 40K dawn of war online Lan thursday or friday that&#39ll be what my gaming will have consisted of this week not much really i&#39ve also had some other things to do and a friends birthday to go couple days ago theres that too.

oh and just a heads up if any reads this my birthday is on 18th what ever day that is for you guys where ever you are in the world its a saturday for me just thought i&#39s share that little side note

but anyways

happy gaming

5 years ago

I&#39ve considered the purchase, I was just worried that either the protagonist wasn&#39t sexy enough to keep me in the game or setting traps for baddies wore off as fun quickly.

5 years ago

I&#39ve been playing saints row 4/gat out of hell since it was on sale.
I&#39m still not done arkham knight, got bored at the last major tank battle. Supposedly there are over 60 tanks to destroy in that one fight, like I haven&#39t already fought what feels like hundreds of them. What started out as a great game has become more and more of a chore to play.

I have one last merchant in the witcher I hadn&#39t heard about to see if I can finally get that trophy for collecting every gwent card. If that doesn&#39t work, I&#39ll officially give up on the platinum, which is a pity since every other trophy is quite manageable. Either way the expansions should be fun.

mk ultra
mk ultra
5 years ago

Horizon looks great, might intentionally stay in the dark as it gets revealed because I think I&#39ll already like it. Dishonored is one of the only games left in my PS3 backlog and I have the PS Plus copy, but I might wait for the PS4 version.

PGU: Going for my Last of Us PS4 plat. I picked up everything I remember being there and got all the collectibles and for some reason my collect all artifacts trophy wont pop idk.

Off Topic: If anyone here watches Jeopardy, my sister Lauren Donahoo is going to be on tomorrow!!

5 years ago

The trick to getting games quickly digital is new releases. You can pre-down load and actually begin playin at 9:00 pm cst or 12:00 am est the night before release. Those on the west coast obviously benefit from it the most.

Otherwise yeah your gonna play the waiting game. Unless of course your Internet bandwidth is healthy. I typically have a game downloaded within 3-4 hours if it&#39s in the 30gb range. ESO took 5 hours but it also had a massive update to boot.

5 years ago

Lot of Batmaners out there. Nuts to that tired universe.

It&#39s too early to be excited about Horizon so I&#39m chillin.

After 2,648,449 years of downloading, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is mine. Yeah there goes the wonderful idea of getting your games digitally and quickly versus a hard copy. Pfffff

I broke down and purchased a PS4 wheel so I can play Driveclub. I don&#39t wanna build up my profile until it&#39s delivered. Controller driving isn&#39t hip.

I&#39m addicted to Omega Quintet and it&#39s turn based battles. Plus I get to monkey with everything the girls wear (or dont) and create on stage pop idol routines. Bet you can&#39t do THAT in Yakuza&#39s hostess club!

I wanna write something for the site again, what should my topic be?

5 years ago

I&#39m already sold on Horizon so I havnt been keeping up with it. I try not to divulge in ever piece of info for games I&#39m truly interested in.

Not even a little bit excited about Dishonored 2. Not even a 2nd playable character can get me interested in it at this point.

PGU: Elder Scrolls Online. When I first started this game I felt like I did when I first played Oblivion. So much to do, yet no idea how to tackle it all. I kept thinking to myself, "should I start forming my character by getting better at crafting specific armor and weapons. And in turn should I even waste my time to learn echantments to add to that armor and wepaonry? Or should I save those skill points for other things?" It&#39s just an overwhelmingly big experience that doesn&#39t miss a beat from The Elder Scrolls series.

Everything is executed well and it&#39s easily the best mmo on consoles and one of the better rpg&#39s on consoles. It&#39s easily the best bang for your buck game at $60 and no subscription. And it&#39s not pay to win at all. You can purchase items for real dollars (crowns) but it&#39s things like different breeds of horses, different pets and things of that nature that are different from in game currency that you can buy. Alternatively you can buy a subscription which gives you crowns, and you do gain like 10% more XP and 10% more currency from quests. But it doesn&#39t make a huge difference as I have a buddy who subscribes and plays far more than me and he&#39s only ever 2 levels ahead at most since we&#39ve started playing. But its a nice perk to power level I suppose.

5 years ago

Go Lauren!

5 years ago

I&#39ve got the best internet Xfinity can buy. Though it&#39s not like it&#39s great.

I liked wolfenstein but was gonna pass on old blood until I needed to play an FPS so i ordered it and it&#39s all 99+ hours. I&#39m like whaaaaaaaa, I had to leave the system on a lot all night.

PS4 needs a Flagship FPS.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x