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Games That Top Your Tear-Jerker List?

Growing up, video games really weren't capable of eliciting heavy emotion. At least, not from me. There was only so much tugging on the heartstrings those old pixelated characters could manage, you know?

But when stories really started to become a driving point in the industry, we began to see some really effective narratives. There have been a great many games that are capable of moving the sentimental (and even the not-so-sentimental) to tears. What titles have done that for you?

I know most people of my generation immediately cite Aeris' death in Final Fantasy VII and I agree that it was one of the most powerful scenes in history. But my reaction was different: I wasn't nearly as sad as I was pissed . One of the reasons Sephiroth is the greatest villain of all time in my estimation is because he's still the only one that made me hate him. After driving his blade through Aeris' back (couldn't have been more cowardly), I resolved then and there that I would make him pay . Had never had that happen before. Or since, really.

But I think maybe the most moving ending I've ever seen was in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater . Those last scenes, especially with Snake in the graveyard at the end, just got to me. The franchise is well-known for fantastic – if admittedly way overblown – storylines that touch on a variety of emotions, and that climax remains at the top of the list for me. Still my favorite ending ever, I believe. I should also add that Heavy Rain got me a few times, too, simply because it was so unbelievably atmospheric and it actually told a human interest story that operated on multiple levels.

Oh, and the last ascent in Journey , while it didn't make me cry, possibly made me the most melancholy I've ever been during the final stages of a game. It was just so surreal and touching… Okay, how about you?

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9 years ago

Virtue's Last Reward – Luna's ending

Persona 4 – a certain series of scenes in a hospital…

MGS3's ending is definitely up there. Haven't gotten around to Journey yet.

Last edited by outcelgeist on 7/11/2015 1:23:23 AM

9 years ago

Final Fantasy 6 – after a specific moment Celes is left on an island and if you fail an objective she can end up all alone. The sense of isolation gets too much and seeing here utterly hopeless on top of the mountain is very heart breaking (I'm holding back details for spoilers but it's a very sad scene indeed)

Metal Gear Solid – choosing another moment for the series I have to choose the conclusion to Sniper Wolf's battle. It wasn't just a game trope of beating the bad guys and celebrating, it was far more tragic, also most like participating in euthanasia. Hearing her talk about the savagery and brutality of her childhood was so sad. Also how she felt ashamed for her sins she bares. The added sound of the hospital beeps and her own self-pity was very intense along with Otacons grief and how Snake States she is not a Dog of War but unchained and free.

9 years ago

um yeah thats a really good question i guess one would be a couple of clank moments on the rachet one and then even one of those in rachet 2 aswell. but i'll let you know of any other ones as i think if them but those are the ones that come to mind first of the top of my head.

happy gaming

9 years ago

Locoroco, every time one of my little goo balls shriveled away so did a part of my soul

9 years ago

Shadow of the colossus is the saddest game i've ever played…

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

That was a really powerful moment the second you realized what you were actually doing. I felt so used and sympathetic to the colossi.

9 years ago

The Last of Us had more than its fair share of scenes that made me tear up, most notably the Sarah scene, Henry and Sam, Ellie and David, and Joels injury.

I swear ive played this game 6-7 times and watched more than a few lets plays on youtube and Sarah dying still chokes me up

Last edited by newchef on 7/11/2015 10:01:17 AM

9 years ago

I could've with TLOU but I suppressed myself from tears.

9 years ago

Yeah, Sarah scene got me. A little to close to home.

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Last of Us the masterpiece.

9 years ago

Maybe not making me cry, but a scene in Valkyria Chronicles on PS3, in a cut-scene where someone close and important to the main character gets killed off with a head shot.

It was a brave move and a very Game of Thrones like kill in a game. That was a WTF moment in the game.

9 years ago

Be me to it. I cried!

9 years ago

That was absolutely heart breaking. I loved Valkyria Chronicles, and I was attached to all the characters. A friend of mine was playing through the game at the same time as I was, and we grieved together.

I think I cried even more when Rosie sang for her at the end though. I was a mess.

9 years ago

Agreed on the ending of MGS3, that was really a kick in the balls and one of the only times a game has actually made me cry. The only other I can think of right now is Fate/Stay Night, though I imagine most people here haven't played it.

9 years ago

Aeris' death had already been spoiled before I got to play FFVII. So it was sad, but I knew it was coming.

Lavitz on the other hand… that was crushing. Lloyd, you platinum haired bastard! I've replayed Legend of Dragoon many times since, and I'm still distraught every time it happens.

9 years ago

I didn't think anyone was going to remember this!

I honestly was so sad when Lavitz died. He was my favourite character in the game and honestly Albert didn't quite make up for it.

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

OMG Lavitz. Albert you're cool as but I don't care about your Blossom Storm!

9 years ago

Someone already said it but when Lavitz died in Legend of Dragoon I was beside my self, mostly with anger.

MGS1 I was sad when Gray Fox got crushed.

Kingdom hearts 1 and 2 had a lot of moments that made me choke up. The games theme of friendship really hit home for me.

However NIER playthrough number 2 is the saddest thing I have ever experienced in a game. Anyone who has played the game knows why anyone who hasn't well I wont spoil it. But there are extra scenes and a couple are just depressingly sad.

9 years ago

Yup that scene where gray fox lost his arm and get crushed is kinda sad…

9 years ago

The water ending in Silent Hill 2 was the most depressing thing I've ever seen in a game. Powerful stuff.

mike rlz
mike rlz
9 years ago

How about the end of Red Dead Redemption? Everything you worked for just go to out in a hail of gunfire… trying to walk the straight and narrow and then your son ends up following in the footsteps of your dark past.

9 years ago

I agree with Nier and am happy you didn't elaborate as so few people played the game that i would consider it a spoiler even though it came out years ago.

I cannot recall getting emotional over LoD even though i played through it atleast 3 times, i guess that one just didn't connect with me on that level.

Valkyria Chronicles also had a couple of amazing moments that were mentioned.

And of course FFVII is a given even with you saying it inspired hatred Ben it is still the samething to me.

"was supposed to be a reply to xenris"

Last edited by Rogueagent01 on 7/12/2015 11:22:29 PM

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

One thing comes to mind in recent memory:
The Last of Us – everything that happens around the time of UEC + David.

Jesus Christ the humanities.

The rest, some also shared by fellow users:
Valkyria Chronicles, Legend of Dragoon, Shadow of the Colossus, Heavy Rain, Journey, FF8, FFX & X-2. GTA4 also personally got me.

I'd like to add, while I'm having fun now, screw Valkyria Chronicles 2. I don't care about half your damn students even though there's a Daily Life event every day. Nothing will overtake the console experience that the original brought to the table. No amazing cutscenes to bring anything home.

5 years ago

Virtue&#39s Last Reward – Luna&#39s ending

Persona 4 – a certain series of scenes in a hospital…

MGS3&#39s ending is definitely up there. Haven&#39t gotten around to Journey yet.

Last edited by outcelgeist on 7/11/2015 1:23:23 AM

5 years ago

Be me to it. I cried!

5 years ago

Maybe not making me cry, but a scene in Valkyria Chronicles on PS3, in a cut-scene where someone close and important to the main character gets killed off with a head shot.

It was a brave move and a very Game of Thrones like kill in a game. That was a WTF moment in the game.

5 years ago

Aeris&#39 death had already been spoiled before I got to play FFVII. So it was sad, but I knew it was coming.

Lavitz on the other hand… that was crushing. Lloyd, you platinum haired bastard! I&#39ve replayed Legend of Dragoon many times since, and I&#39m still distraught every time it happens.

5 years ago

Locoroco, every time one of my little goo balls shriveled away so did a part of my soul

Banky A
Banky A
5 years ago

OMG Lavitz. Albert you&#39re cool as but I don&#39t care about your Blossom Storm!

Banky A
Banky A
5 years ago

Last of Us the masterpiece.

5 years ago

The water ending in Silent Hill 2 was the most depressing thing I&#39ve ever seen in a game. Powerful stuff.

5 years ago

Final Fantasy 6 – after a specific moment Celes is left on an island and if you fail an objective she can end up all alone. The sense of isolation gets too much and seeing here utterly hopeless on top of the mountain is very heart breaking (I&#39m holding back details for spoilers but it&#39s a very sad scene indeed)

Metal Gear Solid – choosing another moment for the series I have to choose the conclusion to Sniper Wolf&#39s battle. It wasn&#39t just a game trope of beating the bad guys and celebrating, it was far more tragic, also most like participating in euthanasia. Hearing her talk about the savagery and brutality of her childhood was so sad. Also how she felt ashamed for her sins she bares. The added sound of the hospital beeps and her own self-pity was very intense along with Otacons grief and how Snake States she is not a Dog of War but unchained and free.

5 years ago

The Last of Us had more than its fair share of scenes that made me tear up, most notably the Sarah scene, Henry and Sam, Ellie and David, and Joels injury.

I swear ive played this game 6-7 times and watched more than a few lets plays on youtube and Sarah dying still chokes me up

Last edited by newchef on 7/11/2015 10:01:17 AM

5 years ago

I could&#39ve with TLOU but I suppressed myself from tears.

5 years ago

Agreed on the ending of MGS3, that was really a kick in the balls and one of the only times a game has actually made me cry. The only other I can think of right now is Fate/Stay Night, though I imagine most people here haven&#39t played it.

5 years ago

Yeah, Sarah scene got me. A little to close to home.

5 years ago

um yeah thats a really good question i guess one would be a couple of clank moments on the rachet one and then even one of those in rachet 2 aswell. but i&#39ll let you know of any other ones as i think if them but those are the ones that come to mind first of the top of my head.

happy gaming

mike rlz
mike rlz
5 years ago

How about the end of Red Dead Redemption? Everything you worked for just go to out in a hail of gunfire… trying to walk the straight and narrow and then your son ends up following in the footsteps of your dark past.

5 years ago

I didn&#39t think anyone was going to remember this!

I honestly was so sad when Lavitz died. He was my favourite character in the game and honestly Albert didn&#39t quite make up for it.

mk ultra
mk ultra
5 years ago

That was a really powerful moment the second you realized what you were actually doing. I felt so used and sympathetic to the colossi.

5 years ago

That was absolutely heart breaking. I loved Valkyria Chronicles, and I was attached to all the characters. A friend of mine was playing through the game at the same time as I was, and we grieved together.

I think I cried even more when Rosie sang for her at the end though. I was a mess.

5 years ago

Someone already said it but when Lavitz died in Legend of Dragoon I was beside my self, mostly with anger.

MGS1 I was sad when Gray Fox got crushed.

Kingdom hearts 1 and 2 had a lot of moments that made me choke up. The games theme of friendship really hit home for me.

However NIER playthrough number 2 is the saddest thing I have ever experienced in a game. Anyone who has played the game knows why anyone who hasn&#39t well I wont spoil it. But there are extra scenes and a couple are just depressingly sad.

5 years ago

I agree with Nier and am happy you didn&#39t elaborate as so few people played the game that i would consider it a spoiler even though it came out years ago.

I cannot recall getting emotional over LoD even though i played through it atleast 3 times, i guess that one just didn&#39t connect with me on that level.

Valkyria Chronicles also had a couple of amazing moments that were mentioned.

And of course FFVII is a given even with you saying it inspired hatred Ben it is still the samething to me.

"was supposed to be a reply to xenris"

Last edited by Rogueagent01 on 7/12/2015 11:22:29 PM

5 years ago

Yup that scene where gray fox lost his arm and get crushed is kinda sad…

5 years ago

Shadow of the colossus is the saddest game i&#39ve ever played…

Banky A
Banky A
5 years ago

One thing comes to mind in recent memory:
The Last of Us – everything that happens around the time of UEC + David.

Jesus Christ the humanities.

The rest, some also shared by fellow users:
Valkyria Chronicles, Legend of Dragoon, Shadow of the Colossus, Heavy Rain, Journey, FF8, FFX & X-2. GTA4 also personally got me.

I&#39d like to add, while I&#39m having fun now, screw Valkyria Chronicles 2. I don&#39t care about half your damn students even though there&#39s a Daily Life event every day. Nothing will overtake the console experience that the original brought to the table. No amazing cutscenes to bring anything home.

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