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Ben’s Week In Review: June 14

E3 is almost here. Everyone excited?

Ratchet & Clank on PS4 looks amazing

Those Ratchet & Clank trailers were something else, weren't they?

I never really got into this franchise when it first rolled around. Even though I had started branching out into different genres besides RPGs, a game like R&C just didn't appeal to me. However, a friend of mind loved these titles so I saw a lot of them. They always seemed like lots of fun and later, when I got a chance to review a few of the games, I realized just how entertaining they could be. Problem was, some other game always seemed to get in the way; whenever a new Ratchet & Clank launched, it never hit the top of my priority list and subsequently got passed over.

Maybe this PS4 remake is my chance to right the wrong. Besides, look at everything Insomniac is doing to it; this is far more than a "remake." It was re-built for PlayStation 4 from the ground up and it shows. Plus, we're getting a lot more content, including new weapons, bosses, planets and story segments. It really looks like one of those stellar productions that reminds everyone just how great Insomniac has been over the years. On top of which, it proves that revisiting a classic title doesn't have to consist of a mere point job.

Gran Turismo 7 is essential for PS4

Polyphony boss and GT creator Kazunori Yamauchi says it'd be a mistake to wait until 2017 to launch Gran Turismo 7 . Well, that's probably true.

These titles have always given the PlayStation brand a significant boost. PS2 wasn't exactly owning the earth before Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec came out; that bundle made a very big difference and began the explosion that continued through 2001 and beyond. In general, GTs have a great impact on PlayStation hardware sales and with the exclusive future looking somewhat dull right now, a formal GT7 announcement would go a long way toward refueling interest in the PS4 platform. I know PS4 was back on top in May but I really don't see that continuing unless we get some big PlayStation news soon. Gran Turismo 7 , even if it's a ways off, would help to generate some really positive buzz.

Personal gaming update

Obviously, still The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt . The game is so massive I can't picture doing everything I want to do until the end of the summer. Of course, I still have to handle Batman: Arkham Knight very soon, so I'll have to take a substantial break to play that. I really tried to like Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy but despite my appreciation of the depth and unique art style, it was just too irritating and frustrating. I don't remember all Japanese games being quite so…unfair. It just seems like that's the hallmark of the Japanese game these days: questionable design that results in unnecessary tedium.

Hey, I've been playing for a long time and I well remember the days when just about all we had were Japanese titles. And yes, they were harder. But there's a very big difference between a true challenge in excellent game design (i.e., Bloodborne ) and artificial challenge via shoddy design.

So, what will you playing this week?

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9 years ago

I have a similar story with Ratchet during the PS2 era. I can't remember why but I remember consciously passing on the series back then. But I gave the series a shot on PS3 and I've been a fan ever since. I'm deep into Ratchet 2 from the PS3 collection currently.

PGU: mostly Witcher 3. I've made level 12. I've been doing a lot of stuff that feels like something from an Assassins Creed game. It's such a huge experience. I'm taking my time on it. I'm basically doing every secondary quest I can before moving the main story forward. I'm in no rush to beat it. And if I don't I'm okay with that. It's like an episodic experience to me.

Other than that I graduated today, with honors even, which was fun.
I start work on a new job next Tuesday. (Argh. On E3 Sony presentation day!)

9 years ago

Me too. I largely ignored most games during the PS2 if they weren't developed by Squaresoft, Konami, Capcom or Nintendo. My first Ratchet game was Quest for Booty then A Crack in Time which I absolutely loved.

9 years ago

Congrats on multiple levels, Sensei Temjin. Very happy for you and your fam.

9 years ago

Thank you master shams =)

slow and smart
slow and smart
9 years ago

Yes ,very excited for E3:a release date for Fallout 4[guessing oct this year] and i did see some rumors on the web about mods for this gen consoles[is this possible?,just curious] …w'll see very soon.
Also excited for Deus ex: mankind divided.
And will sony have some exclusives?

PGU;the witcher 3,i'm now at level 10.This is soooo good.I'm doing all kinds of side Quests and it's still not boring,just wow.

Last edited by slow and smart on 6/14/2015 3:32:58 AM

slow and smart
slow and smart
9 years ago

and about the witcher 3:the highest level-quest that i found till now is 33,curious how high they go

9 years ago

GT7 @ E3 is pretty much zero percent. If it does appears, it is the greatest kept secret Sony has ever done. I'm going with no GT7 @ E3, as much as Sony needs to, especially with all the racing SIMS heating up with Project Cars, FM6, and Asseto Corsa.

Sony missed a huge chance. Had they sell/release GT7 concurrently with the logitech G29, they would've struck gold. Project Cars, along with the expensive T300RS wheels have skyrocketed in sales. Clearly, there's a big market for such games, and GT at this point is still biggest one at it. It just needs to be done!!

9 years ago

Looking forward to Ratchet. Such a fun series and kid friendly. Which is a plus.

Stoked on GT7 too. I always played the hell out of these games when I bought them. I largely skipped them on PS2 but I played the PS1 games a lot. I have over 15 million credits in GT5. I haven't played GT6 quite as much but it's not for the lack of trying.

Man, Splatoon is addicting. Smooth gameplay mechanics and it's a new take on the shooter genre. Very silly and is quite hardcore when playing the Ranked matches. Also been trying to download the new Smash Bros content. The servers are overloaded at the moment. Stages and new fighters. Including Ryu who looks freakin awesome to play with.

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/14/2015 11:16:26 AM

9 years ago

Kid friendly is a plus. Heck it seems quality teen rated games practically don't exist anymore. Even franchises like Batman have jumped over to the mature side.

Basically, these days, if it's AAA and not sports it's probably full of brutal killing.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/14/2015 3:15:14 PM

9 years ago

Yup which is tough when you have kids in the house. I haven't been able to really dig my teeth into MKX because of my kids always being around. But they loved A Crack in Time, they love Splatoon and Smash Bros so I'll be sticking with those until I can find some private time. 😛

9 years ago

Hmm, maybe I should take the plunge into the R&C games, probably settle for the future settings part of the games.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 6/14/2015 4:07:41 PM

9 years ago

I forgot how great Darksiders was.

9 years ago

Lol, I bought the second one based on recommendations and because it was on sale on the eShop for $7.99. I wish I could give it away.

9 years ago

I liked and finished the first but lost interest while playing the second. Some games don't need looting.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/15/2015 9:42:52 AM

9 years ago

R&C is right up there with Uncharted, NG, and Wipeout HD/Fury as my personal favorite experiences on the PS3. I'm still missing the like of them on the PS4.

9 years ago

The upcoming Ratchet and Clank game is how remakes should be done. If you're going to re-release a game, put some effort into it. Upscaling PS2 games and calling it an HD game is ridiculous.

9 years ago

Like a lot of people, I'm still knee-deep in the witcher. I'm back up to lv 17 after starting over for the 3rd time, I was annoyed by how missing out on the first innkeeper's cards was really holding my gwent deck back.
Now that I started off on the right foot, the only gwent quest I have left is the high-stakes tournament. I made it to the 2nd round, but they always seem to have more spies than me, and I have 3.
Hopefully I can grind enough to beat the final boss on Death March, and get every last gwent card, because getting a platinum on this game would be sweet.

Last edited by Nerull on 6/15/2015 4:52:43 PM

9 years ago

so first of the rachet stuff look amazing and i'm realy keen and i must say i have a good long history with the series so there is a little bit of bias but also with said it does look really great though.

next i must say ben i know that not everyone gets into games like this cos no game is every for everyone. but with that say know this series so well i did notice hte things that they had added and such like things. that was really cool to see what they had done with this new and improved version of rachet and clank of the first one so i'm happy to see all that good ness coming our way next year.

then yeah i can see what your saying with GT7 it is a really important game for the playstation eco system so get some more info on that release will be quite important for the future for sure.

then on my PGU: i did play a bit of BF4 on the PS4 with my mates last night( i know i'm a bit late this week) then i have been playing a bit more of C&C 3:tiberium wars on the PC and then theres the BO2 zombies i play after school most days when the boys come home from school. inbetween all that i have been working on unchartered 3 with unchartered 4 coming up soonish.

and on another side note for those of you who don't know or didnt see it i graduated with my electrical engineering degree a couple weeks ago.

5 years ago

I have a similar story with Ratchet during the PS2 era. I can&#39t remember why but I remember consciously passing on the series back then. But I gave the series a shot on PS3 and I&#39ve been a fan ever since. I&#39m deep into Ratchet 2 from the PS3 collection currently.

PGU: mostly Witcher 3. I&#39ve made level 12. I&#39ve been doing a lot of stuff that feels like something from an Assassins Creed game. It&#39s such a huge experience. I&#39m taking my time on it. I&#39m basically doing every secondary quest I can before moving the main story forward. I&#39m in no rush to beat it. And if I don&#39t I&#39m okay with that. It&#39s like an episodic experience to me.

Other than that I graduated today, with honors even, which was fun.
I start work on a new job next Tuesday. (Argh. On E3 Sony presentation day!)

5 years ago

Me too. I largely ignored most games during the PS2 if they weren&#39t developed by Squaresoft, Konami, Capcom or Nintendo. My first Ratchet game was Quest for Booty then A Crack in Time which I absolutely loved.

5 years ago

Congrats on multiple levels, Sensei Temjin. Very happy for you and your fam.

5 years ago

Looking forward to Ratchet. Such a fun series and kid friendly. Which is a plus.

Stoked on GT7 too. I always played the hell out of these games when I bought them. I largely skipped them on PS2 but I played the PS1 games a lot. I have over 15 million credits in GT5. I haven&#39t played GT6 quite as much but it&#39s not for the lack of trying.

Man, Splatoon is addicting. Smooth gameplay mechanics and it&#39s a new take on the shooter genre. Very silly and is quite hardcore when playing the Ranked matches. Also been trying to download the new Smash Bros content. The servers are overloaded at the moment. Stages and new fighters. Including Ryu who looks freakin awesome to play with.

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/14/2015 11:16:26 AM

5 years ago

Thank you master shams =)

5 years ago

Kid friendly is a plus. Heck it seems quality teen rated games practically don&#39t exist anymore. Even franchises like Batman have jumped over to the mature side.

Basically, these days, if it&#39s AAA and not sports it&#39s probably full of brutal killing.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/14/2015 3:15:14 PM

slow and smart
slow and smart
5 years ago

Yes ,very excited for E3:a release date for Fallout 4[guessing oct this year] and i did see some rumors on the web about mods for this gen consoles[is this possible?,just curious] …w&#39ll see very soon.
Also excited for Deus ex: mankind divided.
And will sony have some exclusives?

PGU;the witcher 3,i&#39m now at level 10.This is soooo good.I&#39m doing all kinds of side Quests and it&#39s still not boring,just wow.

Last edited by slow and smart on 6/14/2015 3:32:58 AM

5 years ago

GT7 @ E3 is pretty much zero percent. If it does appears, it is the greatest kept secret Sony has ever done. I&#39m going with no GT7 @ E3, as much as Sony needs to, especially with all the racing SIMS heating up with Project Cars, FM6, and Asseto Corsa.

Sony missed a huge chance. Had they sell/release GT7 concurrently with the logitech G29, they would&#39ve struck gold. Project Cars, along with the expensive T300RS wheels have skyrocketed in sales. Clearly, there&#39s a big market for such games, and GT at this point is still biggest one at it. It just needs to be done!!

5 years ago

Hmm, maybe I should take the plunge into the R&C games, probably settle for the future settings part of the games.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 6/14/2015 4:07:41 PM

slow and smart
slow and smart
5 years ago

and about the witcher 3:the highest level-quest that i found till now is 33,curious how high they go

5 years ago

Yup which is tough when you have kids in the house. I haven&#39t been able to really dig my teeth into MKX because of my kids always being around. But they loved A Crack in Time, they love Splatoon and Smash Bros so I&#39ll be sticking with those until I can find some private time. 😛

5 years ago

Lol, I bought the second one based on recommendations and because it was on sale on the eShop for $7.99. I wish I could give it away.

5 years ago

R&C is right up there with Uncharted, NG, and Wipeout HD/Fury as my personal favorite experiences on the PS3. I&#39m still missing the like of them on the PS4.

5 years ago

I liked and finished the first but lost interest while playing the second. Some games don&#39t need looting.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/15/2015 9:42:52 AM

5 years ago

I forgot how great Darksiders was.

5 years ago

so first of the rachet stuff look amazing and i&#39m realy keen and i must say i have a good long history with the series so there is a little bit of bias but also with said it does look really great though.

next i must say ben i know that not everyone gets into games like this cos no game is every for everyone. but with that say know this series so well i did notice hte things that they had added and such like things. that was really cool to see what they had done with this new and improved version of rachet and clank of the first one so i&#39m happy to see all that good ness coming our way next year.

then yeah i can see what your saying with GT7 it is a really important game for the playstation eco system so get some more info on that release will be quite important for the future for sure.

then on my PGU: i did play a bit of BF4 on the PS4 with my mates last night( i know i&#39m a bit late this week) then i have been playing a bit more of C&C 3:tiberium wars on the PC and then theres the BO2 zombies i play after school most days when the boys come home from school. inbetween all that i have been working on unchartered 3 with unchartered 4 coming up soonish.

and on another side note for those of you who don&#39t know or didnt see it i graduated with my electrical engineering degree a couple weeks ago.

5 years ago

Like a lot of people, I&#39m still knee-deep in the witcher. I&#39m back up to lv 17 after starting over for the 3rd time, I was annoyed by how missing out on the first innkeeper&#39s cards was really holding my gwent deck back.
Now that I started off on the right foot, the only gwent quest I have left is the high-stakes tournament. I made it to the 2nd round, but they always seem to have more spies than me, and I have 3.
Hopefully I can grind enough to beat the final boss on Death March, and get every last gwent card, because getting a platinum on this game would be sweet.

Last edited by Nerull on 6/15/2015 4:52:43 PM

5 years ago

The upcoming Ratchet and Clank game is how remakes should be done. If you&#39re going to re-release a game, put some effort into it. Upscaling PS2 games and calling it an HD game is ridiculous.

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