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Why Can’t I Stop Playing The Witcher 3?

It has been a long time since a game has hooked me in this fashion.

I mean, I tend to get pretty immersed in certain open-world games, anyway. It's why the Grand Theft Auto and Assassin's Creed titles are some of my favorites of all time.

However, I've always been a little stymied when it came to open-world RPGs. Perhaps it's because, stemming from my love of linear, story-driven RPGs in the original PlayStation days, I really don't like playing RPGs where the narrative essentially disappears in the first hour. And that's really not what happens in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt . In fact, in so many ways, it plays very much like a linear adventure because you're always drawn to the next main mission, and as main missions are your primary source of experience (secondary stuff is often just for money and equipment), there's an excellent balance between extras and the main story.

Or, maybe it's just because it's the gameplay balance that strikes me. You never feel overpowered and you never feel under-powered; you never feel as if you're wandering over barren stretches of land with nothing to see or do for miles, and you're never inundated with enemies and quests. Towns are nicely appointed and you want to explore, but you don't want to spend your life ransacking people's homes because for the most part, the practice doesn't yield much. It's as if the developer did absolutely everything in their power to keep the game moving at a steady, satisfying clip. And that ain't easy to do when you're talking about a game that's this huge.

Three hours of game time disappears in the blink of an eye, that's all I know. Can't remember the last time that happened to me. And yes, I'm aware that people can't figure out how I can love a game so much and still give it an 8.7 . But I'm not going to explain myself again. 🙂

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9 years ago

I'd like to play more per session but I'm so time constrained. An hour and a half is a stretch for me but it's still satisfying and the time does go by fast.

If patch 1.4 makes the same strides 1.3 did, including the better text, I'll be much more comfortable with a 9+ rating. I'll get a chance to try it tonight.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/5/2015 10:16:28 PM

9 years ago

Because Witcher 3 is a great game, that's why…

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

I think it's 100%, solely, because Geralt is just medieval Batman in mythical Europe.

9 years ago

That makes sense, there's nothing more badass than medieval Batman who use sword and magic…

9 years ago

Except Geralt has no problem killing people 😛

slow and smart
slow and smart
9 years ago

And now with patch 1.04 the text is ok,great…important with all that text…
I'm trying to save my skillpoints as long as i can,and then when i really have to, make a save, and use all my skillpoints at signs etc. .

Last edited by slow and smart on 6/6/2015 7:22:39 AM

9 years ago

You can purchase a skill reset for 1000 gold from a character you meet during the single player. Don't worry about it too much, also there is no level cap so you can keep leveling up and get all the skills at some point.

slow and smart
slow and smart
9 years ago

Yeah you're right,and the sooner i use my skillpoint the sooner i can enjoy them…what a game,just wow

Last edited by slow and smart on 6/6/2015 11:51:23 AM

9 years ago

Plus you also get skill points from places of power so it's not like they're limited to what your level is.

9 years ago

Three hours? I had Thursday off of work and I played from 7AM to 3PM and the only reason that I stopped playing was because my eyes started hurting lol.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

My eyes will start hurting long before that. LOL

Did you see my other response to you about dealing with eye strain?

9 years ago

No I did not have the opportunity to read it. Do you remember which article that was? Thanks.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

No, I don't remember. But I'll repeat:

After suffering from bad eye strain from years, I realized that heat is a major component. The strain in your eyes causes the heat to build; the more strain, the more heat. So, I've discovered a very simple fix:

If you work on a computer all day, or you're in front of any video screen for an extended period of time, take breaks and slap an ice pack over your closed eyes. As long as you can stand it (which won't be very long). Do this once or twice until your eyes and forehead feel cold. This reduces the heat and lessens the strain; it's almost like resetting your eyes to when they were feeling normal.

Trust me, it works extremely well. 🙂

9 years ago

Wow, that actually really works. How have I not heard of this before? Thanks!

9 years ago

Thank you for the tip and repeating it a second time. Greatly appreciate it since I do work on the computer all day. Perhaps every three hours would be ideal time to place the ice over the eyes.

Thanks again.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

No problem. You can gauge the time that works best for you, as some people have more severe cases of eyestrain than others. Me, if I'm in front of a video screen for more than an hour and a half or two hours, I go to the ice pack.

I mix this in with activities that don't involve a screen at all; i.e., reading (a REAL book), crossword puzzles, etc. By using the ice pack on the eyes and taking these little breaks, I almost never encounter awful eyestrain anymore. On particularly tough days, even the ice pack can't ward off the strain but even then, it's not anywhere near as bad as it used to be. And it's rare.

9 years ago

It may ease the pain. but I'm not so sure if it is healthy to keep straining the eyes with the same activity after they start to pain. If I were you I'd rather take a break, and especially try to do things that varies the focal range (distance) for the eyes.

In my line of work (computer programmer) eye and wrist issues are very common, and my employer has a huge focus on these things with regular health checks, ergonomic equipment, quality chairs etc. And not once have I heard health personell give this advice to just cool down the eyes and keep doing what you're doing.

If I were you guys I'd take the signals from my body and change activity instead.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Beam: So, my solution shouldn't be considered because some random people at your office say so?

This is what happens when people stop thinking for themselves. They'll listen to ANYONE who they think is an authority figure, rather than doing the slightest ounce of research on their own.

Strained eyes generate heat. Cooling them down helps. It's as simple as that and no, it's not wrong because some authority figure hasn't signed off on it. Of course you want to take breaks; I specifically mention taking breaks. But if your livelihood depends on being in front of a screen, you do what you need to do.

I mean, telling people not to do something when they have to do it anyway is just dumb. Yes, not doing it would be better than doing it and trying to treat it. I'm merely offering advice on what has worked for me, someone who has suffered from eyestrain throughout his adult life. I've done the ergonomic chairs and distance from screen and blah blah blah. I'm telling you what works for me, if I'm allowed to do so.

And by the way, Beam, know how I stay healthy? By completely disregarding so-called advice from "health personnel." Fastest way to end up in a medicated, hopeless daze, 25 times worse off than you were when you started. We are a now a nation of people who have deified doctors and health professionals for years and we're in the worst damn shape in the country's history. If they're really gods, shouldn't we be going in the OTHER direction?

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 6/7/2015 4:32:56 PM

9 years ago

I really wish I had this issue. Sadly, Nier and FFX HD have grabbed me in a way I can't stop playing them when I have a chance. I did try and play Witcher 3 last night and was instantly bored and went back to play more Nier. I did manage to find some lv12 bandits and I did manage to kill all of them even though I'm only lv3.

9 years ago

… Because it's not a futuristic setting? 🙂

9 years ago

Somehow it hasn't captured me and I was sure it would. Maybe it's because I have a character, he's not my creation with my story to tell. Just a theory.

Why you can't stop playing is probably because Witcher (doing something new and next gen here) is the only one of these games to ever make the side missions, side characters, extra places, etc get the same quality treatment of cut scenes, conversations with good voice actors, and having your brain put to work rather than KILL, GRAB, GO BACK.

Most times you just walk up to someone, they tell you the cat is in the tree, mark it on your map and you leave to get said cat.

9 years ago

I don't disagree overall but Mass Effect games also gave lots of treatment to the side stories as well, with quality acting and episodic like mini-stories. Heck. That's one reason why I played so much of the ME DLC. They were all side stories but many were high quality. I would'nt have done them otherwise and so I couldn't say Witcher was the first to do it. ME has also tied those side stories into the main story line, even from game to sequel.

I actually see a lot of similarity in the way these two franchises handle themselves concerning side stories and main plot.

The quest for Ciri can be likened unto the race to prepare for the Reapers etc. Geralt and Sheppard are in such a hurry to get to their objective yet are often found doing all kinds of things totally extraneous to the main plot. I'm accepting odd contracts to go kill some "shrieker" or agreeing to meet up with the Baron to go take out the bogs etc. I even went off to help some old Witcher friend go kill some thugs that had nothing to do with what I was doing. Sure it gives you the option NOT to do such missions but in doing so you're throwing away tons of exp, items, and value. It's similar to Mass Effect like this.

EDIT: so basically the design aspect of these two games I don't feel have anything to do with the processing and memory of the new gen, rather it's strength comes from the implementation the designers chose to take with the game.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/6/2015 4:00:16 PM

9 years ago

They are sort of similar, but when I think Mass Effect I think of most conversations being premade, Shepard stands here, other person stands there, swap camera angles and hand gestures, then discharge responses based on choice words. Not that it's bad, I mean I was super impressed at the time. It just doesn't feel the same to me, Witcher is closer to what it might be like if the adventure were real imo.

9 years ago

You've lost me. The same exact thing could be said about Geralt. Complete with recycled hand gestures. Heck. I've seen the same exact underhand forearm raise happen in dialogue dozens of times.
That is two characters standing there exchanging lines while this stuff happens. They both have mini stories and they both have dedicated scenes that are doing something a lot more than working through dialogue trees.

I think Witcher 3 has built off of ME's approach, and in some ways improved upon it, but I definitely can't claim it's doing something side story wise that's never been done before. That's just false. It has it's inspiration. If it didn't it wouldnt be as good as it is.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/6/2015 6:02:36 PM

9 years ago

Because throughout the moment-to-moment experience of playing The Witcher 3, you feel the game respects your time, making you want to put more into it.

At least that's how I feel 🙂 I've put in almost 80 hours of playtime.

Coming away from having played The Witcher 2 on my 360 also helps 😀

9 years ago

Guys with their own families… how do you balance family time and play time with such a game? 🙁

9 years ago

why? hmmm… cos its a really good game with a really good hook to it and its game play and story etc…

happy gaming

5 years ago

Because Witcher 3 is a great game, that&#39s why…

5 years ago

Plus you also get skill points from places of power so it&#39s not like they&#39re limited to what your level is.

5 years ago

I don&#39t disagree overall but Mass Effect games also gave lots of treatment to the side stories as well, with quality acting and episodic like mini-stories. Heck. That&#39s one reason why I played so much of the ME DLC. They were all side stories but many were high quality. I would&#39nt have done them otherwise and so I couldn&#39t say Witcher was the first to do it. ME has also tied those side stories into the main story line, even from game to sequel.

I actually see a lot of similarity in the way these two franchises handle themselves concerning side stories and main plot.

The quest for Ciri can be likened unto the race to prepare for the Reapers etc. Geralt and Sheppard are in such a hurry to get to their objective yet are often found doing all kinds of things totally extraneous to the main plot. I&#39m accepting odd contracts to go kill some "shrieker" or agreeing to meet up with the Baron to go take out the bogs etc. I even went off to help some old Witcher friend go kill some thugs that had nothing to do with what I was doing. Sure it gives you the option NOT to do such missions but in doing so you&#39re throwing away tons of exp, items, and value. It&#39s similar to Mass Effect like this.

EDIT: so basically the design aspect of these two games I don&#39t feel have anything to do with the processing and memory of the new gen, rather it&#39s strength comes from the implementation the designers chose to take with the game.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/6/2015 4:00:16 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

No problem. You can gauge the time that works best for you, as some people have more severe cases of eyestrain than others. Me, if I&#39m in front of a video screen for more than an hour and a half or two hours, I go to the ice pack.

I mix this in with activities that don&#39t involve a screen at all; i.e., reading (a REAL book), crossword puzzles, etc. By using the ice pack on the eyes and taking these little breaks, I almost never encounter awful eyestrain anymore. On particularly tough days, even the ice pack can&#39t ward off the strain but even then, it&#39s not anywhere near as bad as it used to be. And it&#39s rare.

5 years ago

I really wish I had this issue. Sadly, Nier and FFX HD have grabbed me in a way I can&#39t stop playing them when I have a chance. I did try and play Witcher 3 last night and was instantly bored and went back to play more Nier. I did manage to find some lv12 bandits and I did manage to kill all of them even though I&#39m only lv3.

5 years ago

You&#39ve lost me. The same exact thing could be said about Geralt. Complete with recycled hand gestures. Heck. I&#39ve seen the same exact underhand forearm raise happen in dialogue dozens of times.
That is two characters standing there exchanging lines while this stuff happens. They both have mini stories and they both have dedicated scenes that are doing something a lot more than working through dialogue trees.

I think Witcher 3 has built off of ME&#39s approach, and in some ways improved upon it, but I definitely can&#39t claim it&#39s doing something side story wise that&#39s never been done before. That&#39s just false. It has it&#39s inspiration. If it didn&#39t it wouldnt be as good as it is.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/6/2015 6:02:36 PM

5 years ago

… Because it&#39s not a futuristic setting? 🙂

5 years ago

Because throughout the moment-to-moment experience of playing The Witcher 3, you feel the game respects your time, making you want to put more into it.

At least that&#39s how I feel 🙂 I&#39ve put in almost 80 hours of playtime.

Coming away from having played The Witcher 2 on my 360 also helps 😀

5 years ago

Wow, that actually really works. How have I not heard of this before? Thanks!

5 years ago

Guys with their own families… how do you balance family time and play time with such a game? 🙁

5 years ago

Somehow it hasn&#39t captured me and I was sure it would. Maybe it&#39s because I have a character, he&#39s not my creation with my story to tell. Just a theory.

Why you can&#39t stop playing is probably because Witcher (doing something new and next gen here) is the only one of these games to ever make the side missions, side characters, extra places, etc get the same quality treatment of cut scenes, conversations with good voice actors, and having your brain put to work rather than KILL, GRAB, GO BACK.

Most times you just walk up to someone, they tell you the cat is in the tree, mark it on your map and you leave to get said cat.

5 years ago

It may ease the pain. but I&#39m not so sure if it is healthy to keep straining the eyes with the same activity after they start to pain. If I were you I&#39d rather take a break, and especially try to do things that varies the focal range (distance) for the eyes.

In my line of work (computer programmer) eye and wrist issues are very common, and my employer has a huge focus on these things with regular health checks, ergonomic equipment, quality chairs etc. And not once have I heard health personell give this advice to just cool down the eyes and keep doing what you&#39re doing.

If I were you guys I&#39d take the signals from my body and change activity instead.

5 years ago

I&#39d like to play more per session but I&#39m so time constrained. An hour and a half is a stretch for me but it&#39s still satisfying and the time does go by fast.

If patch 1.4 makes the same strides 1.3 did, including the better text, I&#39ll be much more comfortable with a 9+ rating. I&#39ll get a chance to try it tonight.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/5/2015 10:16:28 PM

slow and smart
slow and smart
5 years ago

And now with patch 1.04 the text is ok,great…important with all that text…
I&#39m trying to save my skillpoints as long as i can,and then when i really have to, make a save, and use all my skillpoints at signs etc. .

Last edited by slow and smart on 6/6/2015 7:22:39 AM

5 years ago

You can purchase a skill reset for 1000 gold from a character you meet during the single player. Don&#39t worry about it too much, also there is no level cap so you can keep leveling up and get all the skills at some point.

5 years ago

Except Geralt has no problem killing people 😛

Banky A
Banky A
5 years ago

I think it&#39s 100%, solely, because Geralt is just medieval Batman in mythical Europe.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

No, I don&#39t remember. But I&#39ll repeat:

After suffering from bad eye strain from years, I realized that heat is a major component. The strain in your eyes causes the heat to build; the more strain, the more heat. So, I&#39ve discovered a very simple fix:

If you work on a computer all day, or you&#39re in front of any video screen for an extended period of time, take breaks and slap an ice pack over your closed eyes. As long as you can stand it (which won&#39t be very long). Do this once or twice until your eyes and forehead feel cold. This reduces the heat and lessens the strain; it&#39s almost like resetting your eyes to when they were feeling normal.

Trust me, it works extremely well. 🙂

5 years ago

Three hours? I had Thursday off of work and I played from 7AM to 3PM and the only reason that I stopped playing was because my eyes started hurting lol.

5 years ago

That makes sense, there&#39s nothing more badass than medieval Batman who use sword and magic…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

My eyes will start hurting long before that. LOL

Did you see my other response to you about dealing with eye strain?

5 years ago

They are sort of similar, but when I think Mass Effect I think of most conversations being premade, Shepard stands here, other person stands there, swap camera angles and hand gestures, then discharge responses based on choice words. Not that it&#39s bad, I mean I was super impressed at the time. It just doesn&#39t feel the same to me, Witcher is closer to what it might be like if the adventure were real imo.

5 years ago

Thank you for the tip and repeating it a second time. Greatly appreciate it since I do work on the computer all day. Perhaps every three hours would be ideal time to place the ice over the eyes.

Thanks again.

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