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Ben’s Week In Review: May 31

We get a little break before Batman: Arkham Knight shows up, so maybe we can all put a hefty dent in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt . 😉

No, I don't like the online requirement for the Need for Speed reboot

Electronic Arts confirmed this past week that players will need an Internet connection to play the upcoming Need for Speed , recently dubbed a "full reboot" by developer Ghost Games.

First, let me say that EA doesn't care about my disinterest. Nor do they care about yours, if you're someone else who doesn't appreciate this restriction. The reason they don't care is because we're in the minority. The overwhelming minority. Need for Speed is a mainstream franchise and according to the last industry estimate I heard, over 80 percent of game purchasers these days qualify as "casual." These people don't care about the online requirement because, A. Most of them always have their systems hooked up, anyway, and B. They just don't care enough to raise a stink.

So yeah, EA can get away with it. I understand. But I reserve the right to be disgusted at the continued emphasis on "connectivity" in some form or another. It pissed me off in Assassin's Creed Unity and when Diablo III was announced for PC with an online requirement, I immediately said, "I'm out." Thankfully, they removed that caveat when it came to PlayStation 4 and you know what? I ended up playing for many, many hours. I just don't like to feel constantly manipulated in my entertainment, that's all. It's not a big deal to be connected; I get it. It's just one more thing I have to do to play my games, one more requisite, and one more way to keep me "connected."

Just leave me the hell alone for two seconds while I relax. Yes, I'm allowed to have that sentiment.

I have a feeling I'll be bored with E3 this year

I'm hoping Sony has a few aces up their sleeve but I'm not holding my breath. Even if they do make a surprise announcement ( Gran Turismo , God of War , whatever Guerrilla Games and Quantic Dream is working on, etc.), the game very likely is a ways off. One clue is that Sony boss Andrew House admitted that this year's PlayStation 4 first-party lineup was indeed thin , which tells me they don't have any mammoth 2015 surprises planned. The other problem with this year's E3 is the apparent emphasis on VR . I have zero interest in virtual reality. In fact, I fear its long-term effects and I always will. Personally, I won't do it simply because it'll give me a migraine in about two minutes. So, if they spend a lot of time with Project Morpheus and Oculus and all that, I'll just be bored.

And I've long since given up on Square Enix doing something to impress me at one of these shows. Actually, the only thing I'd like to hear about is a Dragon Quest confirmation for PlayStation. I've so missed that franchise!

Personal gaming update

Despite what anyone may erroneously believe, it's all about The Witcher 3 . I love the game. The fact that some people can't reconcile themselves to this truism when they see my score is proof of one thing: Review scores still have a way of pissing people off. The ironic part is that once again, gamers simply show their blatant hypocrisy. For months now, the community has been screaming about how critics shouldn't give a pass to games that launch with significant bugs and glitches. And the instant one does, these same gamers flip out, completely forgetting that they asked for it. You can't have it both ways. Some people also need to figure out that subjectivity is only a portion of any review; you can like a game, despite its lacking quality, the same as you can dislike a game even if its quality is obvious. This isn't hard to comprehend, is it?

So, anyway, enough of that. In a matter of weeks, we'll probably have enough patches (like this one ) that will make CD Projekt RED's RPG that much better. And I'll still be playing, I'm sure.

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9 years ago

I've been on Bloodborne, FFX, FFX, and Witcher 3. I've been dabbling on The Order again as well. I can't bring myself to stop playing FFX though. Its bewitched me, ya'know?

Also, EA is making a huge mistake with this stupid online only nonsense. Way to ruin the hype I had for NFS Reboot. Customizable cars whilst racing around online with friends. Like Midnight Club 3 or NFS Carbon.

Me too. MS's been talking about VR crap too so essentially as I said before, its going to be up to the 3rd parties to show up and show off what they got cooking. Sony and MS are going to be embarrassing to watch this year. Well, its just another year for MS but I feel Sony's been doing great since I first started watching E3. (2010)

Also, reviewing Unity and giving it a high score was completely bogus. Reviewing and giving Witcher 3 a high score is not bogus. Let people be angry. Witcher 3's gameplay is not perfect and does indeed hold the game back. 4 years to develop and fix the bugs and glitches too. Awesome game though irregardless.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

You really need to stop implying I'm clueless when it comes to reviewing the Assassin's Creed games and that somehow you're the universal authority on the subject. I count dozens of such posts from you. Knock it off. NOW.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 5/31/2015 1:20:29 AM

9 years ago

Ire + re + gardless = gardless

A lot like (-1) * (-1) = 1

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/31/2015 1:50:20 AM

9 years ago

Actually on a second take, I think the ire is a negative and the less is a negative.
So it's the ire and the less that cancel that then leaves you with regard.

Yea, the retarded things I think about =p

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/31/2015 11:09:08 AM

9 years ago

He's right irregardless isn't a word, besides I'm the king of Assassin's Creed reviews and everyone knows it 🙂

9 years ago

Actually 'ire' is a word meaning anger, not a prefix. You are thinking of 'ir-' which is a prefix meaning not or none. '-less' is a suffix meaning without. 're-' is a prefix meaning again.

9 years ago

Irregardless is most definitely a word, World, it is just not a proper word. There is a difference.

9 years ago

I liked when people talk about word that I've never heard before…

9 years ago

Well, Fareez, it at least (hopefully) stopped what looked to be another brewing comment flame war 😛

9 years ago

Okay I'll give you that, but it won't be found in the halls of gentlemen and intellectuals.

I spit on irregardless and I spit on the new definition of "literally" to include things that are the opposite of literal.

9 years ago

To be fair, real gentlemen and intellectuals wouldn't really give a shit because they'd be smart enough to know it's a nonstandard word, that colloquialisms are a normal part of everyday conversation, and they'd also be too polite to nitpick about it in a comments section 😛

But I ain't not gonna conversate bout that no more irregardlessly anyways because that would be totally ironicalistic.

9 years ago

I was obviously having a bit of fun, no reason to be a dick.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/31/2015 5:25:56 PM

9 years ago

Uh, so was I, which is why I put the universal sign for "I'm just joking" at the end there ( 😛 ) and then followed it up with the most intentionally stupid sentence I could think of.

Keep calm and carry on, World.

Last edited by Bio on 5/31/2015 5:46:21 PM

9 years ago

You don't have many friends do you Bio?

9 years ago

Why are you two fighting World and Bio,as the only two human beings to like DmC you should be comrades for life 😛

9 years ago

Uh, we're not fighting, Hexen. At least I'm not.

And if we're really the only two people on PSXE to like the new DmC, I guess that just means we're the two smartest people here 🙂

Last edited by Bio on 5/31/2015 10:46:15 PM

9 years ago

Of course you will be bored with this year e3, because you are so damn old. It's suck to be old… 😉

I loved the Sex scene in witcher 3, especially the unicorn one, it's funny…

9 years ago

Clearly you are under 10 yrs old.

9 years ago


9 years ago

I've heard of a donkey show but not a unicorn show.

9 years ago

I'm super excited for the batman.
Anyone notice the game is over 48 GB? Huge.

I'm quite the contrary. I'm all about VR and Gran Turismo. Before I'm old and die I'll need to play VR racers. GT7 just might be the entry point. Though I suspect I'll probably be put off by the visual downgrades sure to happen by asking the PS4 to work double duty in producing effectIvely 120 fps.

I just can't get into NFS games so I don't care too much. I care on princeple though. That is, the prospect of requiring online connectivity to play. I don't want that catching on.

PGU: I'm enjoying the Witcher 3. Though I feel like progress happens at a snails pace. I'm close to level 7 and I've played as an alternate character. That was sorta fun. It's a cool game. Anyone notice how similar the combat can feel to Assassins Creed? Though it doesn't really feel as deep… yet. Yea, you have your force powers but I don't feel as dynamic as an AC guy. It's fun rolling around while eating wolf liver inbetween sword slashes though to gain vitality. Someone needs to do a parody of that. The game does place a premium on getting to those annoying crossbow guys who take cheap shots at you. I take them down first when I can get to them.

Edit: and not just the combat but also attacking them question marks all over the map. Those repetive filler quests of clearing out bandit camps or destroying ghoul nests. It gives me this AC or infamous style repetitious grind feeling.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/31/2015 2:09:30 AM

9 years ago

I played an AC yesterday, I was unable to jump into the battle controls and just use them. It was sad. I can't seem to get it right.

9 years ago

48GB isn't really that much anymore. Titanfall was 50GB, Max Payne 3 was 35, Uncharted 3 was 40 something, FFXIII on PC is over 60. GTA V on PC is over 60.

Makes it all the more dumbfounding that both Sony and MS went with 500GB HDDs this gen.

9 years ago

Bio. Let's keep it to consoles because PC games often have more files than a console counter part. Titanfall on XO doesn't crack 17GB. Witcher 3 on PS4 doesn't crack 36GB (initially it was going to be bigger but the file size became trimmed down leading up to release). Yes, Uncharted games are big. This has a ton to do with the quantity of high def video the title uses to mask load times. Same went for TLoU. It wasn't that long ago when I thought GoW Ascension was a mammoth for being in the 35gb range (I own it digitally).
I'd say Its still far from common console side. I'm pretty sure other games I have like Destiny are well south of even 40GBs.
And if Batman Arkham Knight isn't using lots of compressed hi def video, 48gb is pretty massive.

But yea, I agree about HDD space. I'll be making a PS4 HDD upgrade in due time because 500gbs is still going to get cramped.

Edit: btw as something somewhat exciting I noticed GoW3 ps4 remaster was only like 20gbs. This suggests to me that perhaps the whole experience is rendered in realtime, without needing to resort to pre-rendered fmv, like the PS3 game had.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/1/2015 9:20:00 AM

9 years ago

God of War III was done entirely within the game engine, yes.

slow and smart
slow and smart
9 years ago

Need for speed/online:I will not buy these "online" games,they can put it where the sun doesn't shine.

I'm very excited for this year's E3,
Fallout 4[ guessing for a 2015 release],Deus ex mankind divided,No man's sky,Doom and i hope for some other great announcements for 2016.When it comes to Sony,yeah we need some exclusives.

I finished wolfenstein the old blood,and now i'm playing The witcher 3,i started with patch 1.03 from the start,so far so good and what a great game it is..But why is there no possibility to store your stuff?

Last edited by slow and smart on 5/31/2015 2:46:22 AM

9 years ago

I agree with E3. I too am getting very bored of all the lackluster showings year in year out from that event. There is always so much hype and promise which usually ends with dud results.

What I hope to see at E3

– Fallout 4 announcement
– New Uncharted 4 trailer
– God of War 4 trailer
– The Last Guardian update
– New "BIG" PS4 exclusives
– Silent Hills revival
– New MGSV gameplay
– Hideo Kojima announcing something new

What i will get at E3

– No Fallout 4 announcement
– Same Uncharted 4 gameplay but looks prettier
– GoW4 logo teaser and nothing else
– No Last Guardian news (again)
– The big PS4 exclusive is an indie game
– No Silent Hill revival
– MGSV gameplay showing Snake under a cardboard box for 3 minutes

But wait….the lights have dimmed and Hideo Kojima has walked onto the stage and announces that he is working on….

new games and apps for mobiles…

That's E3 wrapped up for another year.

9 years ago

Sadly we will not seeing the revival of Silent Hill, what a bummer…

9 years ago

I like your cynicism my friend.

9 years ago

I would happily soil myself for god of war 4 but for some reason i feel like even that won't happen

Eros Twixfreak
Eros Twixfreak
9 years ago

MS is rumored to be the ones picking up Silent Hill.

9 years ago

Started playing through FFIX again on my PSP. Every time I play through this game I like it more and more. At this point I think it might be my favorite FF game ever.

That said, Trance is still the shittiest, least useful limit break mechanic of all time. Nothing like building up your limit break over 30 random battles only to have it wasted on some nothing enemy 20 seconds before fighting a boss where it might have actually come in handy.

9 years ago

I think I once I did a full playthrough without Garnet never going into Trance. I hate hate hate that system.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/31/2015 1:46:22 PM

9 years ago

I'm only up to the second visit to Conde Petie on my current playthrough, but I've already hit trance with one character or another at least 20 times. 3 of those are scripted at the start of boss fights, but of the remaining 17, none have occurred during a battle in which they were of any use whatsoever.

I also like that you can trance after having input a command for the character, and if the command you input is a non-trance related move (like using a potion or support magic) it basically wipes out your entire trance gauge before you can even use it, because non-trance actions deplete the gauge twice as fast, for no logical reason whatsoever.

Whoever thought up that limit break system should have been punched in the junk.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

My most vivid memory of FFIX is when I was fighting Ozma and given his STUPID speed, I was getting my ass kicked. I was going to die on his next turn so just to see what would happen, I tossed a piece of Dark Matter at him. 9999 damage. Dead.

It was pretty amazing, actually.

9 years ago

I don't know if I have any particularly weird/awesome memories of FFIX, I just know that any time someone starts up a conversation about best FF characters, I think of Vivi and get the urge to play through the game again.

Easily one of my favorite FF characters ever, along with Auron.

9 years ago

Witcher isn't really grabbing me like I hoped it would. Maybe I overdid the open world fantasy games thing before it arrived and now I'm burnt out on them for awhile.

Should I give FF Tpye-0 another chance? Crap I have to write a review today, I better go.

9 years ago

It really is starting to bother me how similar so many open world games feel to me. Sure. Dialogue and graphics change etc, but yet I'm still going about business the same general way.

its like taking the same underlying structure and reskinning it to look and feel new. It's beginning to feel stale.

As much as I look forward to games like Batman, MGS, and Syndicate I get the notion I'll be playing stuff that is all distant cousins from each other.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
9 years ago

I'm kind of excited for the VR progress update. So many big names are on board for the VR movement it seems like the final product is going to be well polished if it needs to beat out the competition. If it can jump into any game on the current gen that would be really helpful, vs having to start all over with VR enable games.

I wouldn't be the slightest bit disappointed if GG and QD shed some light on there mystery projects. Not to mention some Last Guardian.

PGU: All I want to do is play The Witcher! The satisfaction of completing a fleshed out side quest is outstanding! It has the Skyrm level "it's better than real life" entertainment.

I went to see Mad Max last weekend. I enjoyed it. Like most films it had a lot of missed opportunities and unanswered questions, but maybe that's just the nerd in me. The art direction was the biggest draw imo.

okay back to The Witcher!

9 years ago

I haven't heard anything about the Mad Max movie, which tells me it's another bust in terms of resurrecting an old favorite.

9 years ago

If you haven't heard anything about Fury Road, World, you have been hanging around the wrong people. It was a huge critical success and it's earned double its budget in just 3 weeks. Several sequels have already been approved for production, so it's actually been fully resurrected.

I'd suggest seeing it, because on top of everything in my previous paragraph, it's also just a freaking awesome movie. I don't think there were any missed opportunities, as Solid says, and the fact that they left a lot unanswered was intentional and the movie was better for it. Definitely the best action movie of the decade so far, IMO.

9 years ago

Is that so? I guess I am more of an Avengers geek but I'll catch Max on blu ray.

9 years ago

I really liked Age of Ultron, in part because it was just really well done and in part because I'm a pretty big fan of Whedon, and I thought Mad Max was much, much better.

9 years ago

I'm excited about E3, mostly for Uncharted 4, but as always I'm sure Sony or one of their development studios will have something up their sleeve.

Witcher 3 continues to be my main focus. I have not felt this satisfied by an open world game since Red Dead Redemption, and honestly Witcher 3 is worlds better. The side quests and contracts are better crafted then anything seen in Dragon Age or Skyrim, and rarely ever feel like simple fetch quests.

Combat has it's issues, it wants to be challenging like Bloodborne, but it simply doesn't have the timing or reliability that it needs, thus its easier to simply level up rather than become more skilled at the game. That said I've can relax and play the game, rather than having to have 110% of my focus on it like Bloodborne.

I am not a fan of open world games usually, the first one I even completed was Red Dead Redemption, I have never been able to play a Grand Theft Auto title form more than 3 hours, Skyrim while vast and full of scenarios, simply lacked any character and the combat was about as dull as it gets. I finished Dragon Age Inquisition simply because I was a fan of DA2 and Assassin's Creed Unity only because I had never manage to make it all the way through an Assassin's Creed before due to repetitious nature of the games.

Witcher 3 has me hooked for all the reasons I dreamt and open world game would be, random adventures, encounters, and discoveries which are nearly always meaningful or beneficial, and a beautifully crafted world that flows believably and naturally with realistic and character filled cities and towns. Witcher 3 may not be my favorite game but in my opinion it's the best open world game out there period. Thank you CD Projekt Red for finally getting it right, but when ya get a chance please tend to those glitches and bugs.

Last edited by Squirreleatsman on 5/31/2015 9:09:27 PM

9 years ago

so first off yeah the next big game is batman for sure and everyone and their brother will want the game

then secondly i could agree with you more ben all this connectivity crap is getting really irritating. i personally don't find it so much annoiying about the internet cos i connected most of the time the prinicipal of having to be connect all the time is so anoiying cos its like the wone time that your internet cos out for just a few seconds and stuffs you up is so frustrating which i can't stand with is a point that i made in a FB group call GamingBattleGround aka GBG last week.

as for E3 this year it might be a bit lack luster probably a few good games but nothing much to jump up and down about for sure maybe next year will be really good but we kinda know that E3 won't that great this i think most people have accepted that.

then PGU: 1st thing i really hope you continue to enjoy the witcher 3 ben it sounds like mean as game. the as for myself i've been play BO2 zombies and warhammer 40K dawn of war soul storm UA mod with my friends as is the usuall for me last few weeks so yeah thats me in a nut shell and when i get a chance i might get bk to unchartered 3 at some stage but other than tat not much.

happy gaming

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