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Ben’s Week In Review: May 17

Two more days. Can you wait that long? And you know what I'm talking about, don't you? 😉

Yes, I'm excited for Assassin's Creed Syndicate

As I am for any new Assassin's Creed . I'm aware that Ubisoft pissed me off with last year's Unity but I have to assume they learned their lesson.

They fixed a lot of the crap in that game, and that includes erasing the idiotic need to play the Unity app in order to unlock chests. The entire game was manipulating me into being "connected" in some way or another and I was not the only one who was irritated. Furthermore, Ubisoft's reaction made it clear that they acknowledged the backlash and therefore, I'd like to think they won't make the same mistake twice.

Aside from that, I really love the setting for Assassin's Creed Syndicate . I've been waiting for them to do something in the Victorian Era and next to my desire for a medieval Europe setting (during the time of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table), it's my most-wanted virtual playground. I just adore the time period. That's a big reason why I can't wait to play Syndicate , but I do question the additions. Being able to jack carriages ala Grand Theft Auto ? It just seems unnecessary. Part of the fun is free-running along rooftops; I never used a horse in the series, unless I had to, or unless I had to cover a lot of boring open ground. As for the rope launcher, it's going to depend on how it's implemented.

But yeah, I have really high hopes for this one. I want it far more than I want Final Fantasy XV . …even if that isn't saying much.

Sony better blow us away at E3; I want to see AAA holiday exclusives

One Sony boss says he "doesn't have any concerns" about the 2015 PlayStation holiday lineup. The only way that statement isn't total BS is if the company has some announcements up their sleeve.

Look, PS4 can't continue to dominate in this way. It's still more expensive than Xbox One, the exclusive software isn't here yet, and Microsoft has a pretty solid holiday season planned ( Halo 5 : Guardians , Forza Motorsport 6 , Rise of the Tomb Raider ). Plus, PS4 just lost out to Xbox One in the US in April . If people want to think that doesn't mean anything, that's just naive. Microsoft still packs more punch in this country and the Xboxers are starting to come out of the woodworks, crowing about how great their console is and how it has – or will have – better exclusive software. And for 2015, they might not be wrong.

That's why we need to see something special for PS4 at E3. I've no doubt that PS4 will eventually have the best exclusive game lineup because PlayStation always has a vastly superior exclusive lineup to Xbox. But it's happening too slowly this generation, despite the greatness of Bloodborne .

Personal gaming update

Project CARS is just beyond me. It's a great game but it's incredibly niche; it's for those who only want to drive. For anybody who wants a regular video game experience, with some sense of progression and reward (aside from achieving a perfect tune job on your favorite car), it's going to be extremely trying. And I really wanted to like Toren , which turned out to be a disappointing, bug-ridden game with only snippets of colorful brilliance. Some might say I need to cut new studios more slack. I say, this is a hugely competitive industry and you need to put your best foot forward immediately . That just didn't cut it.

Well, everything is coming to a head: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt launches this week. It keeps looking more and more incredible; there's the gorgeous cinematic launch trailer , that mind-boggling jaunt across the entire world map , and some of the best cosplay I've ever seen . Yes, I know the latter doesn't have anything to do with the game itself (in terms of gameplay hype) but it's still pretty special. I just wonder what I'll end up giving this game. I don't really believe in handing out 10s; I did for The Last Of Us: Remastered but I mean, what else was I supposed to do? All Naughty Dog did is improve on a masterpiece. 🙂

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9 years ago

I love how glitchy the gameplay for syndicate was. I also like how graphically downgraded it looked. All in all, another bad Assassins Creed game. Shame too, since its my favorite historical era.

Some surprise PS4 games for the holidays would be nice. Maybe they'll release The Guardian. No…Last Guardian? I forget the name. Anyways it'd be cool to see that resurface and release this year. I'd rather let everything else be a surprise for no speculations from me. I just hope the VR stuff doesn't rule this years E3.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Interesting that you can pass final judgment on a game without playing it, and over five months before it comes out.

You must be some sort of prophet. Newsflash- No "bad" Assassin's Creed game has ever been made.

9 years ago

From the 8 or so hours that I've played The Witcher 3 thus far I know that Ben will not score it a 10.

It's a great game, great presentation, the story is good thus far, the voice acting, the level of immersion, the environment are all near perfect but the same thing cannot be said for the game play and it's mechanics.

Controlling the camera can be somewhat annoying at times even if you adjust the sensitivity. Even in the heat of battle you don't feel this sense of accomplishment like you do in other RPGs.

Now I don't mean to put the game down but with the level of hype that Witcher has some of you might be disappointed in certain things but one thing is for sure — there is so much to do that it can keep you busy for months to come.

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 5/16/2015 11:21:07 PM

9 years ago

The Witcher series combat… it's 100% garbage, but hey I think the same about Skyrim and that was a great game that entertained me a lot.

There are some hype about Witcher 3 combat being the best of the series but I don't see much of a upgrade on the gameplay previews.

I say this has someone that pre-ordered the game gonna get it day one and I'm sure it gonna provide me with tons of funs.

9 years ago

Can't be as bad as Dragon Age.

9 years ago

I only played Dragon Age 2 demo I remember that I had to quit it immediately and return to the PSN to watch if that was some kind of arcade'ish spinoff only digital release demo or maybe a joke of the devs. I can't believe that huge pile of trash was so hyped back in the day.

Last edited by Oxvial on 5/17/2015 1:49:33 PM

9 years ago

Dragon Age series needs its combat overhauled, they just need to copy Dragons Dogma's combat and it would be a gigantic step up.

9 years ago

As an owner of an Xbox One, I don't think winning an NPD means much at all. Despite the price drop it hasn't touched the sales of the PS4. Yes, there is Halo 5 and others this holiday, however, there is also Call of Duty and whatever else right around the corner. Let's just hope for MS's sake that Halo 5 isn't as abysmal as Master Chief Collection or it's all over for them. At least where Halo is concerned.

9 years ago

Halo was destined for diminishing returns the moment Bungie left.

9 years ago

I look forward to AC Syndicate as well. I think though it has the odds stacked against it. I seem to be regularly reading negative feedback from gamers just from that unveil earlier this week.
I just hope this one receives the much needed polish that Unity was sorely lacking at launch time.

I do agree that Sony needs to respond to MS. I would imagine, if I was a satisfied 360 owner looking to upgrade I would view the two current gen boxes as more or less the same and just stick to Xbox. The same underlying tech. The same sort of built in features. The same sort of games, with only a handful of exclusives to separate them. I think most people by and large just don't notice or care about 900p vs 1080p arguments. With all of this similar why not save $50 and stick to the hardware brand you're used to and keep your Gamer Tag and friends and all those achievements you already have. Heck, you're XBox LIVE would probably already be active anyway. More up front costs saved.

I also agree that MS has a stronger looking holiday lineup. I feel like MS is just going to drive that point home over and over again at E3.

I look forward to Witcher 3. I'll get to play it Monday night for just a bit.

PGU: The PS4 has clearly been tapped out with Hamster's overpriced port of the arcade classic Double Dragon. Slowdown. Nasty slowdown when too many enemies are on the screen, like with 3 enemies or more. If there was ever a time I felt like I was robbed and should write Sony a letter for a refund this would be it. Why? Because something like this shouldn't have been approved with a quality guarantee. How hard is it really to get a nearly 20 year old arcade game to run on the PS4? A
PS4 gamer should never have to be concerned as to whether or not this game runs better than the NES port. And Sony should know that.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/16/2015 11:30:15 PM

9 years ago

pgu: been playing little big planet 3 on ps4. i really like it. dont know why it got ignored by psx. i think its a fantastic game. if anyone is a plus member and wants to play i will share/play with you. it works quite well. i have been doing it with jawknee when he had time and it worked awesome.

9 years ago

Speaking of exclusive, ps4 have another exclusive this year called Until Dawn, it's horror game, I know u guys excited right? No?

I'm watching HD p0rn on my ps4 right now, wow everything seems so clear, this is why i luv mah ps4…

9 years ago

This new Assassin's Creed interest me purely for the era. Otherwise I'm growing tired of the gameplay. Love Black Flag though, easily my favorite in the series.

So Xbox One sold more in April! Who cares? I dont. Consumers shouldn't. Sony might care but what they've done with the transitions from the start of the PS3 to now is nothing short of incredible. The PS3 was considered a success (which it was written off by many) by the time PS4 came out and the PS4 has been ridiculously successful. It's been a great launch and it's not showing signs of slowing. Certainly not because of one month worth of sales. It's April for crying out loud. As a consumer we shouldn't be wrapped up in this console sales war so much. As long as both parties are successful gaming is healthy and that's all that should matter for consumers.

PGU: Borderlands Handsome Collection – got a second Gunzerker going and Over got him to level 60 so far this time around.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 5/17/2015 2:29:27 AM

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago


Easing my way into the PS4 family with my recent addition. First new game I played was Trine: Enchanted Edition, co-op with Annelise.

Already have a 2nd controller due to PS Vita and the console link. We played co-op right out the box! Woohoo.

9 years ago

im glad you happy with your ps4 homie…woohoo

9 years ago

I think Sony is gonna be fine.
Last year they were kinda underwhelming so this year will be better.

9 years ago

I bought Driveclub, but I don't want to play it with a controller.

Also I imported a badass red PS4 controller since America gets no colors.

Finally saw Age of Ultron.

9 years ago

''Finally saw Age of Ultron''

Sorry to hear the bad news, I also watched that garbage.

9 years ago

I liked it. Not as good as the first. But it had a lot of Captain America in it so that made me happy.

Cap 3: Civil War is gonna be better.

9 years ago

But… it didn't have much of Captain America, the focus of the movie were on Bruce Banner, Widow and Hawk eye.

Hope they don't repeat the same error Bruce Banner sucks I only want to watch him being Hulk xD, Widow and Hawkeye are nice in the comics but they serve better in this kind of movies as support roles, that's why Avengers 1 was a lot better they focused on Thor, Iron Man and Captain America.

I fear about Civil War, they had to have a Spider-Man for that first…. but whatever they already make Tony Stark and Bruce Banner being the ones that made Ultron with Loki's staff lol.

Last edited by Oxvial on 5/17/2015 3:52:38 PM

9 years ago

Age of Ultron was awesome, and better than the first, IMO. We've seen plenty of Cap, Iron Man and Thor, given that they've all had at least two standalone movies already. I liked the focus on Hawk, Nat, Banner, and the twins.

9 years ago

Might not have been about him but Cap was stealing every scene. He had a lot of screen time.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/17/2015 7:46:00 PM

9 years ago

Better than the first o_O, nah the only Marvel movie better than the first Avengers was Guardians of the Galaxy, oh well you people must have a very different way to get your fun about movies, Age of Ultron was extremely awful imo.

9 years ago

age of ultron was about setting up the fact that the avengers is not just iron man cap and thor.

i dont think hawkeye and widow will be around much longer.

expect cap to die in the next few movies and the falcon will be the new cap.

iron man will be done soon.

thor will have huge changes after the next movie.

by 2020 it will be all different characters and we wont see much more iron man thor and steve rogers as cap.

9 years ago

I can't wait for Anthony Mackie to become Cap and Chris Hemsworth's Thor to be replaced by a lady. The nerd rage alone will make it entertaining, but it's also a smart move on both parts, IMO. Chris Evans f'ing hates Marvel at this point, so much that he's said he's done acting as soon as his contract is up.

9 years ago

Ubisoft didn't learn their lesson, because Ubisoft never learns their lesson. They may not make you play stupid cell phone apps with their next AC game, but most of the problems that have been a part of AC from the start will be a problem with the next AC, and the next 500 after that.

9 years ago

Syndicate will make you pay for your default assassin gear through a Uplay account.

9 years ago

Ubisoft is basically EA in my opinion, and as long as the blatantly take advantage of consumers I will never directly support them. If they happen to make a great game…and that's a strong if…then I'd still by it used over new.

9 years ago

Ubisoft is far worse than EA, IMO. They're by far the most deceptive developer/publisher out there (any time they debut a game with 'gameplay' footage, just picture it looking half as good when it actually comes out and you'll be close to the mark), they milk franchises harder than anyone else (we're up to 9 installments in the 'main' AC series and 22 overall, in less than 7 years), and Uplay is easily the worst implemented, least stable publisher specific DRM out there. It serves absolutely no purpose other than to get in your way at best, and crash your game at worst.

9 years ago

Ya know? The Witcher might be a huge Sony success over MS just due to the attach rate. Yes the Xbox crowd is familiar with the Witcher more but coming mainly from the PC world its gamers actually do pay attention to that 1080/ 60fps stuff (or was this one 30?) In any case it could be the game people want on the best performing console platform and lookee here, everybody seems to own that platform already.

I also predict millions of gamers giving Microsoft a big black eye when Tomb Raider comes out and people find out they paid money to make sure it didn't show up on PS4 as well. Gamers to not forget or forgive.

9 years ago

I can't say that I'm excited for AC Syndicate, interested yes. The AC series has never been able to hold my attention, I literally had to force myself to complete Unity. I don't disagree that the attention to detail and vastness of the city is incredible, but the mission designs lack any real creativity and are more repetitious than anything. I'm not too worried about the glitches, even if they exist they'll patch it. Personally I think the AC series should be more of a linear sandbox game in the vein of Hitman, then the open world…especially since it's an annualized series. That said I'll probably give Syndicate a go.

Finally started Wolf Among Us today, and I'm excited to say that it is a big step up from the Walking Dead series (which I enjoyed immensely). The graphic and art style definitely works well for it.

I do hope Sony has some exciting exclusives to reveal, but I've been pretty damn happy with the year so far. The Order 1886 and Bloodborne really came through, though I really didn't think I'd like the latter as much as I did. I'm anxious to see more Uncharted 4, Naughty Dog just does games right.

Witcher 3 is downloaded and ready to go for tomorrow, and I can't be more excited.

9 years ago

so first off everyone is waiting for the witcher 3 its tipped to be one of the best if not the best game of the year, i'm sure it'll be a 10/10 game.

so i've haven't been very regular round here like i have been in the past . have had a lot going on recently at home and stuff so sry bout that do wish i put more time in day for psxe like i used to.

next yeah i'd have to agree with ben on the AC stuff, i'm looking forward to it if i can save some money for it by the end of the year.

as for sony and M$ at E3 this yeah M$ looks pritty solid atm and sony is gunna have to come up with a home run comparitively speaking with its comes line up for the end of the year.

then for PGU i still same as last time which was finished unchartered 2 and up to chapter 4 in unchartered 3 and i did get a new highscore in the version on power of two on the android play store that has a 5×5 grid of just over 114,000 points which was when i get up to 8192 for the 1st time just in the last couple of weeks which was pritty cool.and then just a bit of BO2 zombies every other day with my cousin after school. oh i'm also quite keen to get project cars asap as well keen for a sick circuit racer after nfs shift was last good one i played on the ps3

happy gaming

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