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What Game Has Excited You Most This Generation?

With all the hype surrounding next week's The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , one has to conclude that it has generated a huge amount of excitement.

But is it the game you've been most excited about thus far in the new generation? Or were you even more excited for another title? And what happened? Did you end up disappointed?

Chances are, you did. There was a ton of hype and lofty expectations behind games like Watch Dogs , The Order: 1886 , Killzone: Shadow Fall , and Assassin's Creed Unity but while they were all great games (and we at PSXE will always stand by that claim), many could argue they all fell shy of the mark. Well, at least in terms of failing to meet expectations. But were you more excited for any of them as opposed to The Witcher 3 ? And what about games that aren't here yet? Maybe you're holding onto a deep, warm, glowing enthusiasm for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End . Or perhaps you're just more psyched for Batman: Arkham Knight , Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain , Star Wars: Battlefront , or Final Fantasy XV .

Those who who super stoked for Bloodborne probably got their wish. But when expectations are as high as they are for The Witcher 3 , one wonders if, no matter how good the game is, someone somewhere ends up disappointed. Anyway, what titles have topped your priority list in the past few years?

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9 years ago

Witcher 3 by far surpasses the hype for Bloodborne, the game was fun and still is, but Witcher 3 is gonna kill it.

9 years ago

Well, I've been playing The Witcher 3 for about three hours now and I must say it's very good. Don't worry I won't include any spoilers. I must say there's a large amount of exploration. There's so much to learn and experience.

The voice acting, the dialogue, the story telling are all on point in this game. If I wasn't so tired from a long work day then I would probably play the game the whole night.

9 years ago

How'd you get Witcher 3 so soon?

9 years ago

My Witcher III is fully downloaded, patched, and ready to go. I just gotta wait for that timer to expire on Monday.

9 years ago

I know a video game store owner. I will be playing tonight after 8pm and most of tomorrow so if any of you want to see it before you play it then the gamer tag is the same as my username here.

9 years ago

I have played through Bloodborne 5 times and platinumed it and I still mess around helping out people with bosses.

That being said I think the Witcher is going to be the bigger and better game, but I'm not sure if it is going to hook me like Bloodborne.

I find the world of the Witcher 3 to seem almost too big to me. I loved the Witcher 2 because it wasn't open world per say, but it was really dense, and everything felt hand crafted.

I hear that the witcher 3 does some amazing things but still I have reservations. No doubt I will love it but I'm not sure if it will steal my heart like Bloodborne.

As for what game has me most excited, Kingdom Hearts 3. I've been waiting 10 years to see this story to its end, and I pray they don't screw it up.

9 years ago

Wow 5 times? Nice.
I'm on my second play through. I had to take a break from RDR because Bloodborne beckoned me away.
That and RDR started to feel pretty repetitive and the RPG-aspects have been so weak that I can plow through any mission using Uncharted style basics–just crappier controlling– not having to worry about anything other than the action. I made it a few missions into Mexico though (about half-way through)

Question: If you got the time. I just worked the Bloodstarved beast (totally exploiting her with Visceral Attacks). Are there any game play character building secrets or advantages I should be considering when I level up my stats? I use the Holy Sword. I ask because I assume you know this stuff having played it so much.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/15/2015 11:25:41 PM

9 years ago

You must be really good after beat it for 5 times right? I only played through it 2 times, you make me feel like a noob…

9 years ago

@Ferez Hahah, well new game and new game plus were fun, and I have made a Chikage only character, and a Whip only character. I have a kirkhammer character at the beginning of the game as my next dude.

I'm debating doing a level 4 waste of skin run. I got to the end boss with my whip only character and was only level 30 and it was quite easy because that was my 4th playthrough and I knew how to do everything. I'm curious to see if I can do that challenge.

I just love how the game feels it is so fun to play.

I just really got the feel down and am very confident running through areas.

@Temjin, Nothing comes to mind, once you get the weapon to +10 and your scaling stats to 50/50 you are going to be pretty much unstoppable with the ludwig.

Just make sure you have enough stamina and vitality, I have a 30/25 split vitality being 30 stamina being 25 and it works well for me. But I know a lot of people who crank vitality to 50. I find this a waste because if you are good you can dodge pretty much everything.

High Vitality is insurance really.

Edit, I've only beaten it 4 times I thought it was five but I realized I am on my fifth playthrough with my Kirkhammer.

9 years ago

I'm expecting most of those games listed to be good, but for me, I'm personally waiting for that huge JRPG for me to escape to, hopefully that RPG will be Persona 5.

9 years ago

I was disappointed with KZ ShadowFall. I was most excited for Destiny.
While it wasn't exactly what I thought it would be it was ultimately a fun time with thrilling moments and style of design I wasn't used to.

Bloodborne was the biggest surprise and the most impressively engrossing experience. I had little interest leading up to it's release, but certain cues from the reviews told me this wasn't necessarily "just another Souls" game. I took the plunge and it has been just WOW.

Witcher 3 is one where the hype got to me and I started seeing qualities that could appeal to me. I'm excited but also skeptical to some extent. I feel like it's out of nowhere popularity stems from many of the passions of today's PC'ish hardcore RPG gamers. I remind myself there hasn't been a single open world-style (a huge open map) RPG that has held me through until the end except for Fallout 3. I've started a bunch. But I lost interest somewhere along the line. Something tells me those who are really passionate about said RPG's have also spent 60-100+ hours with these said RPGs. Though I have hope because it seems Mass Effect'ish to some extent with it's fleshed out mini-stories.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/15/2015 11:09:51 PM

9 years ago

I have high expectations for watch dog before, but in the end the game turn out to be just OK not great.

Right now Im excited for Witcher 3 and Mgs 5. Also excited for FF 15 because the open world look damn amazing…

9 years ago

I've been fairly excited for several titles but not really super hyped for anything. Honestly, JRPGs are still the only ones that really push me to that level of excitement and the biggest name in the genre this gen so far is FFXV, which I'm basically just optimistic about.

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Final Fantasy XV.

It's been a long time coming.

slow and smart
slow and smart
9 years ago

i'm most excited for
Fallout 4
No Man's Sky
The Witcher 3,
[Fallout 4 is my most wanted of this whole gen]

Last edited by slow and smart on 5/16/2015 2:43:26 AM

9 years ago

Nothing by Ubisoft.

I hope to see everyone else come into their own, and really show what they can do without being held back. Otherwise all the lies about PS3 and 360 holding back games will just cause games to get dumber and dumber.

I got what I wanted with Bloodborne. Now I look forward to what Witcher 3 can do for me. I hope the gameplay is not as bad as it was in the previous ones. Gameplay is also the only thing holding me back from being fully immersed in Inquisition, which I stopped playing solely because of the gameplay.

Other than that, Fallout 4, and a true blue AAA horror game. The Evil Within was super good, but not super scary. It was everything I wanted from a Mikami horror game, down to the inside jokes. Silent Hills (too soon) was everything I wanted from a scary game.

9 years ago

While I stuck it out all the way for Dragon Age Inquisition, I completely agree, the gameplay is simply boring. All the tactics are stripped away from the previous entry, and now its 80-100 hours of holding R2 with the occasional pressing of square, circle, triangle.

Sadly the story is pretty weak too, and choices don't have much of an impact.

9 years ago

wait. so DA Inquisition's combat is a downgrade from DAII?
I hardly played DAII but I can say from what I played of DA Inquisition it was highly tactical. I constantly paused the action and assigned orders. If I didn't I'd die or suffer too much loss. I liked that aspect of it a lot. The only thing that really bugged me is that the tactical cam just wouldn't zoom out enough to get a good bird's eye view of the battlefield.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/16/2015 12:34:06 PM

9 years ago

Temjin001, I only used that tactical camera a couple times early on in the game, and then found it pointless. I rarely if ever switched between my characters, and when I did it was either because I needed a mage or my character was stuck on a glitch.

Dragon Age II on the other hand, I regularly switched between my characters and assigned them attack and commands as well as positions. While DAII doesn't have the open world and the ridiculous amount of fluff that DA Inquisition has, it did have a much more intriguing story and characters…In my opinion.

9 years ago

were you playing on easy or massively building your levels up a lot before moving on?
I had several encounters that I could only survive if I carefully called the shots.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/16/2015 1:09:13 PM

9 years ago

No, I played on normal, completed the game in about 80 hours, I don't remember what my level was when I beat the game, but after going back and finding most of the dragons post final boss I was at Level 23

9 years ago

I see sir Luke.
I suppose I may really suck at the game then….

9 years ago

By no means am I trying to attack your ability to play the game, maybe its just because I played the second a lot and had a really strong understanding of the mechanics.

Regardless, God knows I leveled up like crazy to get through Bloodborne.

Last edited by Squirreleatsman on 5/16/2015 2:44:14 PM

9 years ago

If any of you decide to play The Witcher on Death match difficulty then hats off to you. I am playing on Blood and bare bones difficulty and if you get hit around 3 times you die. I fell off from like a second floor and Geralt die.

I am away from home and just itching to play.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
9 years ago

If you pay close enough attention to the comments you can probably predict who is excited for what. That being said who's on the edge of there seat for September 1st? Metal Gear fans, that who!

9 years ago

Indeed as much as I want to play some black ops zombies on the next gen, MGSV has me thoroughly aroused

9 years ago

I don't really have much excitement for MGS V, to be honest I wasn't very impressed with Ground Zeroes in terms of the the gameplay department.

Witcher 3 is gonna be fantastic, and is definitely high up there on the list.

I guess the Order 1886 was exactly what I expected, I felt RAD was very clear as to the game they were making, and it still remains my current favorite.

Bloodborne was a fantastic journey, but for me it was a one time thing.

Uncharted 4 is where my heart truly lies…that and pretty much whatever else ND decides to come out with next.

9 years ago

I'm excited for batman AK and DMC:ED for the moment.The hype and the 10 articles each outlet including this one has on the Witcher 3 has me completely turn off.I'll get it when they decide to port the first two,I waited for Mass Effect 1 before playing the others and I'll do the same here.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
9 years ago

If you've been paying close enough attention to the comments you can probably predict who is excited for what. That being said who's on the edge of there seat for September 1st? Metal Gear fans, that who!

9 years ago

Metal gear solid 5: The phantom pain is my most anticipated of the year. My most anticipated of the generation will no doubt be Kingdom hearts 3. It has been essentially 10 years since the last official installment and i feel like when this one ends my childhood will end with it. I hope it closes amazingly!

Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
9 years ago

Fallout 4,The Witcher 3, and MGS V. If these all release in 2015, they will be all i play for a very very long time.

Last edited by Lone Wanderer on 5/16/2015 10:33:10 PM

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
9 years ago

House of Wolves.

Not a game, I know. But I don't really anticipate any game right now. It should be Battlefront but I don't have my hopes very high for that game right now. Don't want to be disappointed with the final product.

9 years ago

Uncharted 4. What ND is doing is beyond most developers dreams. They continue to take leaps instead of steps.

I'm looking forward to the more open approach to gameplay, the refined combat, and where the story goes next. I get the feeling this will be a darker story than the last 3, which I'm fine with so long as the personalities don't change.

Anyways I have no doubt I'll like the Witcher, but even Elder Scrolls Online has a higher – me being – anxious for it reading.

9 years ago

Excited? DOA5. Sexually.

Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
9 years ago

Will they just make a nude mode for that game already! Lol

9 years ago

Star Ocean 5 and Disgaea 5 are about it for me. Though it is gorgeous and – at the moment – very entertaining, I will withhold any form of anticipation of FFXV until it is released.

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