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Ben’s Week In Review May 10

First and foremost, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. 🙂

Don't care about Titanfall 2, DO care about Mirror's Edge 2…hopefully

Looks like we have estimated release windows for both games and while I couldn't possibly care less about Titanfall 2 (no confidence they're going to put in a campaign, and my interest level rises only slightly if they do), I can't wait to learn more about Mirror's Edge 2 .

I just need to know what direction they're taking. Obviously, as we're not allowed to have linear adventures anymore – not without critics slamming it for virtually no logical reason whatsoever – there's no hope the game will be as linear as before. There's also little hope that the game will remain centered on that unique form of platform-based puzzle-solving. That's unfortunate but provided they at least retain that former focus in some capacity, I think I'll be happy. I want this new game to be about free-running, agility, and using your head as opposed to another open-world third-person shooter. We've got enough of those. The reason Mirror's Edge was so good wasn't necessarily because of its execution, but because it felt fresh.

Guys like Riccitiello say they want to see more innovation in the industry , and I agree. But we can't have that if all we do is follow the same set of tried-and-true formulas. Turning Mirror's Edge into a basic third-person open-world action game with some nifty platforming elements doesn't cut it. I'd like to think the developers understand this. Of course, if they do release such a game, it'll probably sell great, which will only further prove that gamers today really only want one or two standard gameplay types. At which point, we discover that it's not the fault of the developers, but the consumers. Supply and demand.

Never really cared about Tony Hawk but even so…

Yeah, I was deep into my RPG world during the Tony Hawk Pro Skater heyday and besides, I really wasn't part of the skating culture, so-to-speak. I found the whole thing intensely boring, to be honest with you; there's a reason I didn't buy SSX at the PS2's launch.

However, with the announcement of Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 , I have to say I'm pleased. I did play the first few Tony Hawk games on PS1 because really, you just couldn't avoid them. If you had any friends at all, chances were, at least one of them had a Tony Hawk game. And I remember actually having some fun playing them, despite the fact that I always wanted to get back to my "real games," as I called them then. I always appreciate any franchise that responds to its fans and returns to its roots; when you return to what made you great in the first place , you finally get it. You realize that it doesn't have to feel "old" and that you can marry the older concepts with great new tech. Nothing is stopping you. That's why I'm willing to bet THPS5 will be a damn great game and potentially the only skating title I ever own. Who knows?

Personal gaming update

As much as I enjoyed Broken Age , there's really no reason to go back through it. That's one of the biggest problems with even the best adventure games: Once you know the story and you've figured out all the puzzles, the magic is kinda gone. But it was a great ride nonetheless and one I definitely recommend, especially if you're a long-time lover of the genre. This week, it's all about Project CARS and next week, obviously, it's all about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt . Did you see that amazing 1080p PS4 gameplay footage ? I mean…damn. It could indeed be a "gateway RPG" for many, and I expect nothing less than the next level of role-playing immersion. Nothing less, CD Projekt Red, nothing less.

I was actually on vacation all this past week but nobody even noticed, I'm sure. That's because, despite the ocean being about fifty feet from me, I still worked. 😉

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9 years ago

People will buy mirrors edge regardless of what they make it. Unless there is an early demo of gameplay people will buy it because they enjoyed the original one. The little gunplay it had just didn't feel natural in the original, if they could expand it without it being a normal run and gun game it could work.

After playing skate and olliolli, sadly I can't go back to tony hawk. It just loses its appeal so quickly for me. Even thps2 just seems boring. I remember how fun they used to be, guess some games really don't age well, reminds me of syphon filter. The psp and ps2 ones were some of the better ones.

Anyways, good to see you have fun and such. We all need a little vacation from work, especially here :p.

9 years ago

It would seem to me a game like Mirror's Edge would be awesome with a VR headset.

9 years ago

The original Mirror's Edge wasn't very linear, really. If you just ran straight and looked for red things to jump off/climb, then yeah I guess. Experiment even a bit, though, and you quickly realize many parts of every level have various paths to success, some slower but safer, some quicker but riskier. I racked up 100 hours with that game on Steam for a reason – there's always a quicker route, always a faster completion time (down to about 82 minutes start to finish now).

Last edited by Bio on 5/9/2015 9:51:18 PM

9 years ago

well firstly ben hope you had a mean as vacation i know you deserve to put ur feet every one in a while.

now i'm so/so on titan fall personally i guess that was partially cos it was xbox(and PC only to begin with) but i also felt like it didn't have the longevity that like bf3 has cos people still play that. then mirrors edge looks great and tbh its the sorta game we need with so many shooters out there(not to say there are good ones, sure there are theres just too many FPS games). it alteast feels more inivative on alot of levels cos there are so many shooters.but i'm sure titan fall 2 will be fine just hope it lasts longer than the 1st one.

as for tony hawk pro skater 5 i couldn't been happier so keen for this game to come along love the origonal series on the ps1 THPS1 and 2 played them alot as a kid in the late 90's at youth groups and stuff. it might be the first tony hawks pro skater game i acutally personally own.

now with PGU: i manage to finish unchartered 2 finally after being on the last 2 or 3 chapters for like 1 or 2 weeks. so now i started unchartered 3 and up to chapter 4 atm having a good time with it.

happy gaming

9 years ago

Let me guess, you don't have any interest in Titanfall 2 because you feel shooters are beneath you?

9 years ago

Let me guess, you don't know Ben at all and just felt like being an arse?
He's got nothing against shooters. It's multiplayer and sci-fi he's not a fan of.

9 years ago

He plays lots of shooters, me too, but an online one? That is beneath me 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

I think I've played every major shooter ever released since the late '90s. Pretty sure I completed most of them, too.

And my first FPS was Heretic, I believe.

So yeah, they're "beneath me."

9 years ago

I completely agree with Ben in regards to Mirrors Edge 2 and Titanfall 2. Having recently played Mirrors Edge I can confidently say that it holds up well and still does first person parkour better than Dying Light. Titanfall 2 on the other hand is just another first person shooter with several gimmicks in a over saturated genre.

As for this past week, I finally completed Bloodborne, I started New Game+ but can't say I have the motivation to continue. Having already explored nearly every inch of Bloodborne and fought all of the bosses I',m really not interested in returning to it right now, perhaps in a year. That said Bloodborne felt like Nightmare Creatures from the PS1/N64 days meets Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. While the story was forgettable the mood, atmosphere, challenge and sense of discovery were not. Boasting one of the greatest adventures in gaming and most satisfying leveling up and stat adjustment systems Bloodborne is a force to be reckoned with.

I will admit despite how much I enjoyed Bloodborne, I still find it hard to recommend, as it is by no means a relaxing experience.

I also played through the game Contrast, twice. While only about 2 and a 1/2 hours long, Contrast was a magical experience blending 3d and 2d platforming throughout the use of light and shadows. Unfortunately there are some frustrating control and mechanic issue that are too repetitive to ignore, however with some more polish contrast could have been the next Journey. Hopefully Compulsions next game We Happy Few will contain all of the magic and none of the mechanical issues.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Contrast was a very interesting and unique game. The mechanics were just a little wonky.

9 years ago

I feel like Contrast was rushed, the beginning felt so polished and then it became less so as it went on. That said I really enjoyed the experience.

9 years ago

PGU: Playing the P.T demo and dreaming about what could have been… 🙁

9 years ago

If it's not too personal to ask, how was the vacation and where did you go?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Outer Banks, North Carolina. Girlfriend and I rented a house for the week, 10 miles up the beach, only accessible via four-wheel drive. We didn't NEED 7 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms but it was just too amazing…full-on oceanfront, about a hundred feet from the surf, even our own heated, gated pool and dune-top gazebo. 😉

9 years ago

Sounds nice and relaxing. Glad you had a grea time. Well deserved vacation.

9 years ago

I'm playing Risen 3 to fill in for Witcher 3 and Omega Quartet for turn-based jrpg fun.

9 years ago

oh yeah! Ether One, free PSPlus on PS4 looks promising for first person puzzling with mental hooks.

9 years ago

Project Cars…

Getting great scores yet so many people are on the forums everywhere talking about all the bugs and other issues.

I am more confused then ever. I am officially holding off my purchase until I see what Ben has to say.

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