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Ben’s Week In Review: May 3

Is everyone just lying in wait for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ? I know I am. 🙂

Square Enix is like the pathetic kid in school who just wants to be your friend

There was a time when I felt sorry for Square Enix. But you can only be oblivious for so long; companies that continue to blindly pursue the wrong path don't deserve my pity.

Now, it seems plain that the publisher desperately wants to retain the few role-playing fans it has left, and reclaim those it has lost. There are surveys asking about the franchise – and not just yes/no surveys; in-depth surveys where you can leave super long answers – and now they're talking about maybe releasing an updated version of the Final Fantasy XV demo. They'd deliver a new sample that reflects the feedback they've received from fans concerning that demo. They even addressed each of the top 15 complaints publicly . I mean, have you ever heard of any publisher ever doing something like this? It basically never happens for a full game, let alone a freakin' demo. On the one hand, I suppose we could be optimistic and just say they're trying to reconnect with their fans, and trying to get an idea of what we really want.

Unfortunately, I can't be quite so lenient. They could've taken these strides a decade ago. And it's not like they haven't asked questions in the past; there's just zero evidence of them actually listening to the answers. Again, I think they want to produce another demo to prove they're listening but at this point, after so many comical decisions on the path to Final Fantasy 's destruction, they've lost all their bargaining chips, as far as I'm concerned. They're really like the sad kid in school who would do anything for you if you'd just be his friend. …and I never thought the once-mighty Squaresoft would basically admit that they're entirely clueless as to what gamers want. The reason other game makers don't do all this? Because they actually have a finger on the pulse of their fan base, that's why.

Maybe a 3-year development cycle is the best thing that oculd've happened to Call of Duty

You can still complain that a new title comes out every year, but you can hardly make the claim that each one only had a year of development time. Even last generation, Treyarch and Infinity Ward had two years and this time around, with Sledgehammer Games added to the mix, everyone gets three years. It's really a great thing for fans of the series.

No, they're never going to overhaul the entire franchise. CoD is a shooter, first and foremost, and the minute you start to change it into something else, you'll start to lose your fans (are you listening, Square Enix?). The best you can do is a continued attempt at freshness and minor innovation, all operating within the confines of the first-person shooter genre. And that's what I think we saw with last year's Advanced Warfare , and what we should see in this year's Black Ops III . Developer Treyarch is obviously appreciative of the extra year , and it's clear that more time results in more brainstorming and ultimately, more features and more innovation. Will every new idea work? No, but then again, they're new ideas so we shouldn't fault the teams for trying. That would make us hypocrites, would it not? We scream at the designers to do something new with CoD and when they do, it's still not good enough…? Let's not go down that road. Let's just say that three years is a good thing.

Personal gaming update

It's all about Bastion for me right now. That game is just so great. It's really refreshing to find a game that knows exactly what it wants to be and the end result is a supremely well-balanced, well-paced game that never grows tiresome. It's also beautiful from a visual standpoint and the sound – especially the narrator – is worthy of remembrance. It's a great game to play between now and the The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , which is just around the corner. I'm also going to try to deliver a review for either Paperbound or Broken Age . In the meantime, I can still go back to games like GTAV, Super Mega Baseball , and Axiom Verge .

Too bad about Silent Hills . I was really looking forward to that project. There are so few true horror titles in the offing; for a while there, we enjoyed a minor resurgence, what with Outlast and The Evil Within . But I thought a new Silent Hill would cement the comeback and it just won't happen. Now, it's kind of up to Resident Evil to fill the void; it's actually an enviable position, if Capcom can pull it off . But after RE6, I'm not sure what to expect…are you?

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9 years ago

I never actually finished Bastion. I liked it enough though to get Transistor on day one.
I finished that. I may go back to Bastion sometime.
Supergiant Games is one of the only indie devs I follow and will take time out of my AAA diet for.

I'm glad CoD is on a three year cycle. That's impressive considering a massive game like Witcher III also took 3 years. Though I don't know if that's cause to worry for Witcher's sake.

PGU: Been mostly playing RDR. It's some fun wild west stuff. It's managed to hold me. I've also played some Bloodborne on the plus mode. I ripped apart Father G. on my first attempt.
Anyhow. I look forward to Witcher III day. Get your digital pre-order in and play it a day early, pay 10 percent less, and pay no tax. Killer.

9 years ago

So you gonna get The Witcher 3?, I'm curious to know what about the game made change your opinion.

9 years ago

hype, for one.
I like what I've been told about the combat for another.
good price. Getting a hot brand new game for what would effectively be $49.99 for me at retail entices.
I liked that it has some sort of Magic The Gathering card game in it. I played that years ago. sorta miss it.
It's new and different. The series had a strong rep from PC and X360 and I'm curious how the flavor of this franchise tastes.

It's been one exciting year of PS4 for me. If this sucker can deliver it'll be like this seamless year of back to back awesomeness.

After Witcher it's Batman. Then Metal Gear. Battlefront. Assassin's Creed. Probably something else I can't remember. Non-stop awesomeness.
We also have E3 next month. Who knows what excitement that'll bring?

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/3/2015 7:12:11 PM

9 years ago

Is SE losing money?
Cause if they weren't, I don't think they'd bother doing what they're doing now.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

I don't think they're losing money, no. But it's because of the games they publish, not games they develop in house (Deus Ex, Tomb Raider, Sleeping Dogs, etc.).

They're in-house development used to be unbelievable. Guess it's only good for portable stuff now.

9 years ago

They must have lost countless millions on development of FFXV across 2 platforms for 12 years and for the awful sales of FFXIII, XIII2, XIII3.

9 years ago

They should just sell the FF franchise or simply let a 3rd party studio handle it, such as Mistwalker or Level 5.
World, I don't think the sales of FFXIII was bad, only XIII-2 and LR.
Still, LR's sale was disappointing, FFX HD's sales was close to it in Japan and it's not even a new game.
That's the biggest out of many wake up calls for SE and still they don't get it.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 5/3/2015 5:16:08 PM

9 years ago

FFXIII across 2 platforms couldnt reach a normal FF on a single PS2 in sales, plus the development required 2 new engines and toolsets. It accounted for a lot of that 92 million in losses.

9 years ago

Regarding Silent Hills, I hope Kojima starts a new company, gets back together with Del Torro and Reedus, and starts to make a horror title under a different name.

9 years ago

I want Sony to get him.

9 years ago

Probably del Toro is asking Kojima to help him with Pacific rim 2 right now…

9 years ago

Ben I doubt Capcom cared about get some purchasers from the Silent Hill fanbase if they wanted the would taken advantage in the PS3/360 era in were all the Silent Hill games were disappointing, they can barely manage to keep the RE fanbase they would explode adding another task like that xD

Last edited by Oxvial on 5/3/2015 4:34:00 AM

9 years ago

I imported that lovely red PS4 controller 🙂

9 years ago

My pgu is that I'm still playing AC:U. Played some co-op last night. My partner was absent the entire time. Did it all on my own, and I didn't see him once… until this happened. Gave me a good laugh.

9 years ago

so yeah first everyone is waiting for the witcher 3 its the game that everyone is wanting right now

secondly your right about SE with regard to their japanese games atleast their western stuff maybe not so much but they aren't doing themselves any favours as of more recently.

and yeah the 3 year cycle will probably atleast bring COD up to par and make it okay again so i'll give them that and i will say EA and ubisoft could take a few points from activision alteast from the dev cycle rather than rushing their probucts out too fast cos that sucks for us.

PGU i haven't really play much of anything PC or console last few days but i have still been playing a bit words and the power of 2 on my phone but thats about it i have still been working on the stairs project at home and grad programme applications for electrical engineering companies as i am graduating on the 23rd this month. so i haven't had heaps of time for games as of more recently. but when i do play though its either unchartered 2 or warhammer 40K dawn of war soulstorm(mod)

happy gaming

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