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Ben’s Week In Review: April 19

Lots of fresh information for new games this week, so let's start with that.

New Star Ocean and Guitar Hero, and Star Wars: Battlefront dated

If you hadn't guessed, I no longer consider myself a fan of JRPGs. I really can't, as I haven't played a new one in years. I still like the older RPGs from the original PlayStation and PS2 eras but the genre has slipped so badly, and there are far better games out there.

Even so, I have high hopes for Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness . Even though I never finished Star Ocean: The Last Hope International , it was still a really solid and entertaining game. If the new entry builds on that foundation and opens the world up a bit more, I can envision an excellent role-playing game with the appropriately intricate narrative and combat system. I just hope they don't go full-on action, which all JRPGs are apparently trying to do these days. No one can figure out why but whatever.

As much as I don't really care about music games (outside of the old-school titles), I think Guitar Hero Live is a step in the right direction. They're overhauling that dated cartoon-y exterior, upgrading the guitar peripheral, and producing a one-and-done, all-encompassing title. In other words, we shouldn't get an endless slew of spin-off;s they'll just build on that this one game with future content. It's really the best plan for that series. As for Star Wars: Battlefront , I don't care about the setting but it'll be nice to get something different in the multiplayer sphere. It won't be entirely different but at least it's a twist.

One of my most anticipated games? Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

Have you been following this game at all? I have. It's one of those creepy adventure titles that piques my curiosity, and I really love that new gameplay trailer . Not only is the game unbelievably beautiful, but it's also highly atmospheric. It was the right move to utilize the first-person perspective for such an experience, as one really senses the confusion and fear when exploring a seemingly dead town. It reminds me of the Silent Hill franchise, actually. It's like a blend of mystery, adventure, and perhaps horror; we haven't seen anything truly "horrific" just yet, but I imagine the key to this particular mystery isn't exactly cheerful. Everyone is dead ; how can the situation be rosy? I just hope these developers know what they're doing (never heard of The Chinese Room).

I do know they made a game called Dear Esther and based on what I'm seeing with Everybody's Gone to the Rapture , maybe I should look into it. Gotta check on platforms…it's not on PlayStation, is it?

Personal gaming update

I think Mortal Kombat X is a great game but I'm just not into fighters. I'm now about 30 hours into Shadow Hearts: Covenant and I still love Axiom Verge . And I will have a review for Stealth Inc. 2: A Game of Clones this week; it's a challenging, enjoyable follow-up that's definitely worth looking into. Above all else, though, like many others, I'm anxiously awaiting The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , which has finally gone gold . For once, a huge game is coming up and I might actually have the time to sink my teeth into it. There isn't much scheduled for the summer, besides Batman: Arkham Knight and I'm not a superhero fan.

I'm not so excited that I have to gain access to the game a day early , though. Really, just give me my physical copy; I'll wait a few more hours. 🙂

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9 years ago

Star Wars Battlefront looks like a childhood dream come true. I'm pumped. I'm thinking of pre-ordering it. I have this apprehension though that EA will manage to screw up something about it when it goes live.

On the flip side I have little to no interest in the new Star Ocean game.

PGU: I finished Bloodborne last night. Woo hoo!
On PSXe's grade system I'd probably give it a 9.2
Graphics: 8.5
Control: 8.0
Sound: 8.5
Gameplay 9.5
Lasting Value: 9.0
It was one heck of ride and I'll revisit it sometime again. I suppose there is still a better ending I could get, had I found some umbilical cords or something.

Other than that I'm ready to settle back into my arcade roots and snuggle up to some fighters. I would be more excited for USFIV on PS4 but the dang system doesn't support my Hori RAP3 stick. SF just needs a stick to be enjoyed right. Anyway other than that…
I have downloaded that Dishonored game from PSN+ I had a twinkling of an urge to try it out a bit ago.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/18/2015 9:57:49 PM

9 years ago

Nice, I hope you have fun with Dishonored, I really loved that game.

I think you should go through Bloodborne NG+ or make a new build. I have been playing with my Bloodtinge Chikage build and I'm loving it. I'm just sitting around helping people with bosses. I fought amelia vicar about 10 or so times just for funsies.

Oh Temjin Ninja Gaigen Sigma 1 and 2 are on sale same price which should I get? I feel like number 1 appeals to me more, but which one would you recommend.

9 years ago

I think I had the hardest time with Amelia of all the bosses. But I think that had something to do with trying to take her down too soon in the game.

Anyway, NG Sigma has more of an adventure element to it once you get into Tairon, like level 4 of the game. And keep in mind NG started as an original Xbox game so it's a little older. Though I do recommend you start with the first game as an entry point. There's definitely some hidden aspects to the combat of the NG games, much like the visceral attacks in Bloodborne. If you're curious just ask, but I would imagine they're documented online somewhere.
Anyhow, NGS2 is the better action game, with more fleshed out combat.

EDIT: and something I love about the NG combat is how dynamic it is. So many of your actions are built into whether you're standing, running, running across walls, running up walls, and even while falling etc. Behavior is entirely dynamic based on what you're doing. It's feels seamlessly blended once you get used to it and learn that it's not nearly so choppy as other games of a similar genre because physics really do matter. And nearly every action, whether attacking via melee or projectile, or evading, blocking etc, most everything has a specific purpose and utility that will be needed at some point in time. There's little to no fluff moves, and the game is about being deadly, not being stylish, much like Bloodborne.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/19/2015 12:29:57 AM

9 years ago

Oh and seeing that you're coming straight from bloodborne do yourself a favor and reverse the default horizontal cam movement. It's opposite of bloodborne and it screws with the brain when trying to adapt. =)

Oh and with what I was saying about the dynamic stuff, some of that doesn't get realized until after you unlock some abilities. I forget the first game restricts you at first.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/19/2015 12:43:31 AM

9 years ago

Thanks for the advice temjin! I will probably pick both up, but will start with the first one.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Just one question: If control, a driving force behind gameplay, only gets an 8, how does gameplay get a 9.5? 😉

9 years ago

It controls great, hence the 8.0 (which i think is 8 range) The game play is incredible. Sure game play is interfaced by control but the experience the game play offered me was so rich, both thought and emotion provoking, including also fantastic level design and enemy and locale variety, it was hard to give the game play anything less.

On the flip side, I've played plenty of games that controlled better from a control stand point, like 9 range, but made far less the impression from a game play one, even into the 7 range. It goes both directions for me.

But I'm sure game play means different things to different people. To me it's more about the overall design that drives the experience.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/19/2015 6:46:38 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Gameplay is indeed a very subjective term.

But you explained your stance quite nicely. 🙂

9 years ago

Thanks Ben. Ordinarily I'd write a user review but I'm so dang busy right now to do that.

9 years ago

Do they not give you a review copy for the Witcher 3? I would have thought that since the game requires so much time they'd let start playing ahead of time.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

I'll probably get a copy, yeah. But it's way too early for one.

Bigger sources get review copies earlier, anyway, but I doubt anyone has one yet. I'm expecting mine maybe a week before it releases.

9 years ago

Finished The Last of Us on Grounded this week, Elli and David's clicker battle was definitely completely unbalanced in terms of difficulty to the rest of the game and led to quite a bit of frustration. This games art direction is absolutely gorgeous, and puts most current generation games to shame. I never thought I'd say this, but I really do want to see a sequel especially having played the DLC Left Behind. Elli is a really complex character and I'd love to see her story continue 10-20 years after the events of the Last of Us. Last of Us continues to be my favorite game of all time.
I haven't logged anymore hours into Bloodborne, simply because I have been looking to games for relaxation more this week than challenge.
That said I started Shadow of Mordor, and I can't help but be disappointed by how shallow the combat feels in comparison to Bloodborne. I have a strong feeling I'll be hitting Bloodborne pretty hard this upcoming week.

Star Wars Battlefront looks like it'll be every thing that Rogue Leader III wasn't, so I'm excited to say the least.
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture has me intrigue, but I imagine its like Journey, the first play through will be amazing, emotional, and adventurous, but in order to keep that experience sacred you can never play it again.
I'm not ready for the Witcher 3, don't get me wrong I'm excited and as the weeks have gone on I have little doubt that it'll be anything but great, but I've fallen behind in Bloodborne and I simply can't be juggling to complex RPG combat systems.

9 years ago

And my excitement for Battlefront just died….Sorry Ben I didn't read the full article initially, I just went straight to the trailer. No campaign means no purchase.

Last edited by Squirreleatsman on 4/19/2015 11:01:14 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

I'm with you on that.

9 years ago

Just pre-ordered the Witcher at best buy. Can't wait.

9 years ago

yeah so first off new info is always really great.

secondly i can't really say anything on star ocean cos i really know anything about it, but as far as starwars battlefront and guitar hero live, i like starwars and guitar hero but guitar hero got satuated in the market by a gungho activision where as starwars hasn't been around for ages so there is plenty of appitite for that.

then theres bens games that hes keen for again i can't say much cos idk much about them.

for the PGU: as for MKX, Shadow Hearts: Covenant Axiom Verge. And Stealth Inc. 2: A Game of Clones i'm interested in MKX idk much about Shadow Hearts: Covenant, then axiom verge looks alright i think i have the origonal stealth inc. but i don't think i have the 2nd one yet but i think i will eventually. then theres the witcher 3 and batman and i'm keen for both even though i have yet to play any of the earlier ones i do have the wicher 2 on PC but my laptop isn't up to scratch so yeah

my actual PGU is i got up to chapter 20 something in unchartered 2, the bit when you have to go stop the bad guys at their mountain fortress. i think that was it yeah so thats my gaming activities atm

happy gaming

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