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Here Come The Star Wars Nerds Again

After the big unveiling for Star Wars: Battlefront , this is precisely what happened:

I rolled my eyes and said the words in this title aloud.

Look, I have nothing against the "Star Wars" movies – hey, I really liked most of them – and I've got friends who absolutely qualify as "Star Wars" nerds. I know Lucas could never write dialogue for beans (seriously, how do you not wince in the theaters?), but I also know he could weave quite the sci-fi drama. And of course, there are several reasons why "Star Wars" became the legend it has become. You can trace it back to the original '77 movie, which kicked everything off, and there are several fascinating documentaries about it.

All of that is fine with me. I've even watched those documentaries. What bugs me a little is just how much people revere this series. With Battlefront grabbing headlines now, I just know I'm going to make some slip-up concerning "Star Wars" lore and someone is going to write a novel about how clueless I am. Yeah, well, there's a reason I didn't play dress-up and stand in line for the latest film. I like the movies; I don't want to be in them. And truly, I'm starting to wonder how the franchise has maintained such immense staying power, and how it continues to appeal to younger gamers.

Is "Star Wars" indeed timeless? I guess it must be. It's not only dudes pushing 40 who are excited about Battlefront , right? It's not merely nostalgia; this mania doesn't hinge entirely on memories of seeing the initial trilogy for the first time. This is getting passed down to the young'uns out there but I'm just not sure how it's happening. We haven't seen much in the video game world recently to push the legend further, and the movies are behind us, too. And yet, here we are, watching the "Star Wars" fanatics drool. Well, okay. I didn't really get it in the '80s and I don't quite get it now…just don't leap down my throat because I'm reporting on the game without holding a light saber in one hand.

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9 years ago

"Chewy? We're Home."

9 years ago


9 years ago

The games going to not be good I think. I say it a lot but its true. Some of the coolest things about Battlefront 2 was all in the single player. Executing order 66 and murdering jedi. Going back to Kamino as Boba Fett with the Empire and wiping out the true clone army.


Without those things, and with EA's recent track record, its not going to be good. Not to mention last year they said they were proto typing the damn game and had ARTWORK to present. Now the games going to be finished in time to launch along side the movie?

And I don't care about the movie or lore. Its all about Battlefront as a game.

9 years ago

Nah the mp was the main attraction with the game and the single player just always felt like you were just playing the mp levels. But they should include those great space battles that is a shame.
The previous games were great though and ea had better not screw this up.

9 years ago

Everyone who played Battlefront 1 and 2 played it for the multiplayer.

Sure SP would be cool, but MP is where this series has always been.

9 years ago

This one will have offline co-op if you're just looking for a more solo experience. As far as the space battles go, the space missions in Battlefront 2 were some of the most forgettable of the game. Never saw too many people play those especially since the X-Wing vs TIE Fighter franchise was still going strong at that time. Now THOSE were great space battles.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
9 years ago


That's where you're wrong. I played Battlefront 1 and played the hell out of Battlefront 2, never once did I play them online. Conquest Mode was my main attraction and I played it so very often.

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

It's true, Battlefront was for the multiplayer.

9 years ago

I've always wondered the same thing, same thing with Star Trek for that matter, and I'm even the prime candidate & stereotype for being a fan of both franchises: Grew up in the 70's/80's, computer/tech geek etc, I essentially fill all those check boxes and yet I was never a big fan of either one…

I did play one or two games based on Star Trek, but never watched any of the tv series/movies that I always felt was so awkward and fake until the new movie remake by Abrams which I thought was pretty ok, not so much the sequel though…

Star wars… yeah I "think" i've seen all the movies, but I'm not even sure, I definitely recall liking the original movie when I was a kid, but again I probably only saw it once, and not even sure if I saw both original sequels or not, but probably… I know I saw at least the first two movies of the new trilogy, and didn't really care for them so not sure if I ever bothered with the last one…

So yeah I can definitely relate with your "what's all the fuss about" regarding Star wars Ben.. (and Star Trek too)

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Never got Star Trek, either. LOL

9 years ago

Trek yourself before you wreck yourself. LOL

9 years ago

Nothing quite like walking into the cinema and seeing throngs of Star Wars cosplayers trying to communicate with one another using the voices of the characters they're trying to impersonate.

I remember going to the cinema during the Harry Potter craze and had crowds of people of all shapes and sizes wearing glasses with pointy hats and putting on terrible English accents. It's extremely dorky but their passion for the source material is admirable at the same time.

Last edited by Kevin555 on 4/17/2015 11:33:13 PM

9 years ago

I'm not sure why this is hard to figure out. I'm not a Star Wars nerd by any means. I have a friend who is. And I totally get it. When the movies came out he was younger. But there was nothing like these movies prior. So that's part of the excitement that started it all.

But there is so much material out there not just aimed for original fans. There's books, comics, cartoons, toys, everything that can't easily turn someone into a fan exists. There's so many stories to keep the old fans interested, but also intrigue new fans. It's a huge world and I totally get it.

I think it's funny that this article is calling out the Star Wars fans but it's no different than say someone's interest in Final Fantasy. Some may be a little more passionate to dress up. But if you havnt noticed people dress up for anything and everything now days.

Difference is, Star Wars has a long history, fantastic lore, and great content to go with it. I get it and I'm not even a huge nerd about it. But the whole thing intrigues me.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/18/2015 2:00:04 AM

9 years ago

Except Disney wiped all of the side lore and everything the novels built upon the original universe and now the only thing canon are the 6 movies. =

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Yeah, I got news for you: Star Wars fans and Final Fantasy fans are completely different beasts.

9 years ago

You completely missed point.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/18/2015 11:36:34 AM

9 years ago

I can respect that you don't get it, that's fine, but man some of that seems a bit insulting to people who genuinely enjoy Star Wars in general. I'm no where near 40 and I don't dress up, but I love the movies and the story. Regardless of anyone's opinion over George Lucas and his obvious flubs. The guy has paved the way for where cinema is today with a lot of the special effects and what not.

I'm quite looking forward to this game as I have enjoyed the previous Battlefront games. Is it so wrong to actually want to play a Star Wars game after a long absence of one?

This same sentiment can be extended to LOTR fans, Star Trek fans, Marvel Fans, Halo fans, any fanbase. You just like what you like and that's the way it is. It's like Apple jacks, the old saying "Why do kids like Apple Jacks? They just do."

Last edited by DIsmael85 on 4/18/2015 2:03:39 AM

9 years ago

My thoughts exactly, there are many people who would read this site and see us getting excited for the release of a GTAV or something and go oh here come the gaming nerds…to each their own, no need to write an article insulting them.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Nobody's insulting anybody. It's merely a question from someone who has had plenty of interaction with all types of fans. If you make a mistake about GTA in the presence of a GTA fan, he doesn't launch into a ten-minute diatribe. A Star Wars fan very well could.

It's a fascination bordering on obsession (and for some, it IS an obsession) and I'm pretty sure you'd have difficulty finding the same following for Apple Jacks. I mean, that's just an asinine comparison.

9 years ago

Just about as asinine as your assumption of Star Wars fans in general. I've met my fair share of Final Fantasy elitist. Like I said all fandoms share the same types. And like I said, people like what they like. Correct? Or am I wrong?

If you are going to debate with a person on something they are passionate about, which I'm not sure why unless you are as passionate, then yes expect to hear corrections and what have you. Unless you are lumping in all fan bases into this I find it insulting. Just stating what I think any how.

9 years ago

Still rather of had 1313 sucks Disney had to cancel it along with a crap ton of other stuff. From the very little gameplay we had it looked like it was going to be Uncharted: Star Wars Edition.

I just think this is going to be BF4 with Star Wars tech, hell even Battlefront PSP had ground to space battles. So far this looks like it is simply going to have the ships stuck on the planets.

9 years ago

yeh i thought 1313 looked great, dunno why they cancelled it.

slow and smart
slow and smart
9 years ago

Too bad it's not for me,the hart of this game is mp,like Destiny and probably also The Division.
For the gamers who like mp,enjoy!

9 years ago

There's probably allot of people out there who don't get why someone would be into Final Fantasy or video games in general. How would we take it if one of them pointed their finger at us and said "here come the Final Fantasy/gaming nerds again"?…

There are some similarities between the two fan groups, both are very passionate about their interest. Allot of the articles on this site complaining about how Square Enix has handled the last few Final Fantasies remind me of some Star Wars fan's reaction to the last few movies.

9 years ago

Every major media franchise has its casual fans and those people who get way, way too into it. I don't think Star Wars is very different at all in that regard.

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

I guess if you have to ask, you'll never know.

I agree with some others here that this same mentality could easily be used against gamers. I know you understand games and gamers and would likely take offense if someone not in the know wrote this same article about them. I don't think they're different beast as you told someone else, you're just looking at it differently. I've had multiple Final Fantasy fans jump down my throat about weapons, powers, story you name it and I like and know my FFs pretty well. XII and before at least.

There's something about Star Wars that's just fascinating. I showed my 7 year old nephew the original trilogy on VHS without him knowing anything about the movies and he instantly became fanatical about them. And those were the ORIGINAL versions with original special effects and everything on VHS and a tube T.V. I still keep for my VCR. So it's definitely not just nostalgia and parents passing down the passion. They truly are Timeless I believe.

9 years ago

i'm pritty keen aye loved star wars for like forever and although i didn't get to play much Star Wars: Battlefront 2 i did play a little i am super keen for Star Wars: Battlefront 3( or Star Wars: Battlefront as they will be calling it)

happy gaming

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