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Ben’s Week In Review: March 15

Playing Battlefield: Hardline now. Review coming ASAP this week.

Titanfall 2 for PS4…I figured as much and I don't care

If you have a functioning brain and you know anything about this industry, you knew the next Titanfall effort would be multiplatform.

So, most people just shrugged their shoulders when the official word came down the pike. By the time the game arrives, even Microsoft couldn't pay enough to make up for the sales EA would lose by not putting the game on multiple platforms. So yeah, we all saw this coming. But really, I'm having difficulty caring about the project.

Firstly, after playing some of Titanfall last year, I was only mildly impressed. I like the spin they put on multiplayer and the graphics are nifty but aside from that, it was just another shooter. I understand that Respawn Entertainment tried to shake things up a little but they didn't go anywhere near far enough, as far as I'm concerned. And if they don't have a campaign in the sequel, I won't go near it. That's a personal thing, though; I imagine many would be anticipating a fantastic multiplayer experience. Sounds to me like Respawn isn't all that interested in making a more robust solo adventure, and that's okay. There's no reason for them to be interested; the overwhelming majority of shooter fans today simply don't care.

Bloodborne is sounding more and more intimidating

Well, at least it can't get delayed anymore: Bloodborne has gone gold , so it's cleared for takeoff in the US on March 24.

And while I really hope it'll be the PS4 exclusive that system desperately needs, I'm no masochist. It's sounding more and more like the game will require at least some semblance of a masochistic mentality. Hey, I loved that launch trailer but when you hear things like this , you have to hesitate, don't you? If the freakin' creators can't finish a challenging mode, that speaks to the game's immense difficulty, does it not? I fully understand the sense of satisfaction that goes along with conquering a stiff task. I get it. I'm just wondering if this game will only cater to a very select few due to its inherently restrictive nature.

Not everyone who plays video games these days is into such experiences. In fact, I think only a very tiny minority will be able to beat Bloodborne . …there are a lot of mobile "gamers" out there these days, don't forget.

Personal gaming update

As I said above, I'm working my way through Hardline . Due to the embargo, I really can't say anything about it, but I will say it's a definite twist on the standard Battlefield formula. So much so that I wonder if core FPS fans will even like it… Anyway, I've got that to deal with and then, if I can manage to struggle through, there's Bloodborne the week after. I wish I had time to go through the DmC Definitive Edition but I really don't. I haven't even restarted Grand Theft Auto V yet, which I've been wanting to do for months. Oh, and if you're looking for a wicked entertaining and challenging co-op-centric game, you gotta try Helldivers .

And don't forget about Mortal Kombat X next month!

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9 years ago

This week is FFtype-0! I know you don't really care about it, but still a review from you would be nice.

I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully it is at least as good as Crisis Core.

I don't think Bloodborne will be as hard as the devs say. I'm thinking it is a marketing ploy saying that the devs can't beat NG+. Mostly because a lot of fans said that Dark Souls 2 was way to easy compared to the other souls games. Either way I think its going to be steller, Miyazaki doesn't disappoint.

I'll get Titanfall on the PS4 if there is nothing else interesting out at the time. Honestly if its multiplayer only I don't know if I'll buy it. I have lots of those on my PS3 and PC. I like the premise of the game but still, what I played on the PC was good but Planetside 2.


Playing lots of Helldivers and loving it a lot. That game is such an amazing twist on the twin stick genre I love it. It could be even better to the IP has so much potential. I'm looking forward to seeing the future of that franchise!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

If they send me Type-0, I'll review it.

Edit: Actually, Type-0 is too important. I'll find a way to do a review even if they don't send me a copy.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 3/15/2015 1:40:46 AM

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Damn right it's too important.

9 years ago

I wish I could write off video games as a business expense! 😉

9 years ago

I could review it for ya Ben I'll have it 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

That'd be great, World. Actually, it might be good to have two reviews here for the game, so readers can get different perspectives.

But if our reviews are very similar, I wouldn't bother. 🙂 So email me when you think you know what your review is going to say (and what kind of score you think you'll give it).

9 years ago


9 years ago

yeah well i don't care much for titan fall 2 either not to mention hardline but i will problem still have a look at ur review just i like to get a feel for you thoughts on games.

then with blood bourne sounds like a longer goal to me and thats not saying i won't get it it just won't be right away

then to PGU i have played some BO2 with my cousin again some zombies and bots. then yesterday i played some BF3 with a friend online 2 or 3 matches i'm thinking about putting dark souls 2 on hold and playing some unchartered or GoW 3 watta you guys think???

happy gaming

Last edited by Rachet_JC_FTW on 3/15/2015 1:29:06 AM

9 years ago

I really didn't like the Hardline beta. At all. It felt like a step backwards compared to BF3 and 4.

9 years ago

I don't careless for titanfall 2 either, same goes for battlefield hardline, they just don't interest me, still trying to finish dragon age inquisition, the game is so huge , so much to do.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
9 years ago

Really would appreciate a Type-O review. Most everything looks solid, it's just a matter of the hands on experience with the battle system.

Blood Born looks like one of those games I would rather watch someone else play. Too stressful for my style.

PGU: Still grinding away at Rainbow Moon. Hopefully it won't take me over a 100 hours. Done with TLoU DLC. Well for a little while anyways. Still need to play Chrono Trigger as I promised my friends I would. But right now it's a combo of The Order 1886 and Transistor. Nothing like a good high end graphical liner TPS on a Sunday morning. And an indi cyberpunk after dark is almost bliss.

9 years ago

If you can shove another classic into that schedule, you want Suikoden II, probably even before Chrono Trigger

9 years ago

Titanfail no

Battlefield, being a cop doesn't appeal to me cops are evil. I'm thinking of replaying Resistance 2, the best single player experience next to Resistance 3.

It's all about DmC DE right now. I love the lock on (found it!) and the Hardcore mode rebalances things pretty close to the old game. Somehow though I can't tell that Turbo mode is any faster. All I know it the combos you can do are so incredible it boggles the mind. The community vidz are way better than mine. On this third playthrough now I think folks judged it without paying attention. Limbo is actually twisting the grungy real world into a Gothic architecture for almost half of the game on and off.

I also don't think people "get" Dante here. Ninja Theory aren't stupid, when he tells bad jokes and spits lame one liners it's to be corny and sarcastic in a bad way on purpose. And I'm like that all the time. It's really worth the second look because you notice so many things, like what it's really about and that Mundus isn't the main antagonist.

I've decided I want the series to continue from this reboot, but I'm gonna write about the series options going forward anyway.

Edit: Anybody else think the big sales on Saint's Row Everything is to raise money for the new guys (who have no funds or history of AAA games) to make Darksiders 3?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/15/2015 1:49:04 PM

9 years ago

PGU: I have to finish Shadow of Mordor and Far Cry 4 in order to dedicate my complete time to Bloodborne. I would like to think that I am on track since I am at 70% in both games.

9 years ago

BLOODBORNE!! It's not going to be easy, but I'm all for it. I'm not a masochist either, but enjoy the challenge.

Cashed out my Playstation rewards card points and grabbed Driveclub! FINALLY!! Also, scored my $50 PSN card, which will up my PS+ come May. Man, a year if it for free sure is awesome!

9 years ago

I've never been a multiplayer guy so Titanfall2 and BF: Hardline is a definite no.

Although I am interested in Helldivers, I've been anticipating that since reveal but then decided not to get it when it was released (because it was mp game) now I'm bashing my head bc I really want to play it but not willing to pay full price.

PGU: Finished The Wolf Among Us, now a little Diablo 3 and trying to finish TLOU: Left Behind before FFXV demo and the game that comes with it.

9 years ago

Been playing The Evil Within Assignment DLC which i have found much more enjoyable than those RE Revelations 2 episodes.

9 years ago

As a longtime PlayStation and Sony fan, I absolutely loved Titanfall. The speed, the precision, the verticality… it was so damned addicting for me, and it was the only online shooter I've played since Counter-Strike and Unreal: Tournament back in my college days. Sadly, I have problems playing FPS games on the PS4 controller, so I'll stick with the XBone for that release (but my PS4 gets love for everything else).

9 years ago

I liked titanfall, but it got old really quick. Just like Destiny. It's going to take a major effort to make me return for part 2.

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