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Ben’s Week In Review: March 8

A week closer to Bloodborne and while it's not my cup of tea, I'll be excited to see if we finally get that all-important AAA PlayStation 4 exclusive.

MGSV on September 1…are we ready?

So, we've got an official date : Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will launch worldwide on September 1, 2015.

Hideo Kojima can say it's his last Metal Gear title and maybe this time he means it. Well, okay; he has too much talent to waste it all on one franchise, regardless of just how incredible that franchise really is. I would've been okay if MGS4 had been the last, honestly. But as it stands, The Phantom Pain has a tremendous amount of potential…I just hope it really can retain the classic series roots, despite its more open-ended nature. I've voiced my concern over Final Fantasy XV having a throwaway narrative due to the new sandbox structure because by default, compelling, cohesive stories just can't exist when the player has more freedom.

That still worries me in regards to MGSV, but I think Konami and Co. are handling the open aspects a little differently. I see it as a much larger playground, certainly, but hardly what one would call true "sandbox." And I'm fine with that, provided I still recognize this as Metal Gear Solid . I like what I'm hearing in terms of general depth and "attention to detail" and of course, Ground Zeroes was great. That's good enough for now. It's just a matter of deciding which special edition I want . 😉

Anything Insomniac says or does, I'm interested

I've always considered them an elite developer in the industry, and it pained me to see them leave the Sony exclusivity fold. But I remain always intrigued by their projects and comments; Sunset Overdrive was the only reason I ever considered an Xbox One purchase.

Now they're working on rebuilding the original Ratchet & Clank from the ground up for PlayStation 4, and they say it looks pretty phenomenal . I don't doubt it does; you know, these games looked great when they were initially released. But I can just imagine all that fantastic color and world design remade for PS4! We really don't have many games like R&C, either, which makes it doubly appealing in my eyes. As for the possibility of a Resistance sequel (also referenced in that interview), I like to hear them saying they'd welcome the opportunity. There's no guarantee it'll happen but as my favorite FPS franchise from the previous generation, I'm really hoping the IP makes a return at some point.

Those who well remember the glorious PS2 days probably recall the R&C games with some fondness. They were all great.

Personal gaming update

If you haven't yet, you really need to check out Olliwood2: Welcome to Olliwood on either PS4 or Vita. It's just such an excellent retro-style game and it's everything a sequel should be: Bigger and better in just about every way. I'm considering trying to get the Platinum in The Order: 1886 but I'm not sure…also thinking about going after the Assassin's Creed: Unity Platinum. With only co-op missions and no real multiplayer, the Trophy list basically just revolves around finding and doing everything. I could do it but I think I'd rather get back to Grand Theft Auto V . See, this is the problem: One of the biggest reasons I don't have any Platinums is because I'm always behind and I'd much rather play a new game than playing one I've already beaten for many more hours just to get some silly Trophy.

Obviously, Bloodborne is on the way this month, and I'll soon deliver a review for DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition .

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9 years ago

I have lots of faith in Kojima and his talents to make each Metal Gear great.

So lots of FFXV news hit the scene today due to the PAX presentation. Most of what I've read and seen seems optimistic and positive, despite it being a massively different kind of FF. It seems to me while there's plenty of old school fans, there does seem to be a newer school fan base that doesn't quite see things the way us guys in our thirties see them….

The Ratchets are great. Ratchet 2 was a gigantic leap over Ratchet 1. More so than say uncharted 1 and 2. I'm really glad they're redoing the original. It needs it most.

PGU: so yes, I allowed myself to be deceived by the hate machine mounted against the Order. Reluctantly I decided to play it because of you guys defending it, and I'm glad I did. I finished up the game this week. I was really taken aback to how this one got blasted by many. Yes it has a variety of minor problems, and perhaps some of the stealth components could've presented a more fleshed out implementation, but as it stands it gets a solid 8.5 in my book. It's a refreshing kind of experience, rich with incredible visuals and sound, and some solid scripted events that draws you into the emotions the director wants you to feel. I won't let myself be so easily fooled next time by the naysayers and I do eagerly want a sequel.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/7/2015 10:22:20 PM

9 years ago

Oh, and I did try Olliwood 2 on Vita today as well. It's fun. I nearly quit after the first two minutes but I held in there and got a little way in and eventually enjoyed myself. It's a neat simple game. It dug up memories of playing and enjoying THPS4 back in the day.

I also finally unlocked the Legend championship event in Drive Club's tour. That's no easy feat either. It's like Dark Souls hard to get there, but in the form of a racer.

9 years ago

Im excited for MGS. I can wait though. That's a franchise I got into last gen and after 2 hours of MGS4 I decided to get the collection of MGS 1-3 (I had the original PS3) so my time with it really just started and I played through 4 games in about 5 months or so. So I'm not as anxious as my wait has been shorter compared to most big fans.

I'm not as big on Insomniac as most I guess. While the R&C series is fantastic and Resistance FoM was one of the best shooters of last gen, nothing else of theirs got me excited enough to say everything they touch excites me. Of course they are good developers but they appeared more out of touch with their own work when R2 dropped and that trend continued to the point that it's forced them to walk way from Sony exclusivity.

I think we got a glimpse of what we can expect from R&C with Knack. What a visual experience. Can't wait for more of that type of artistry.

PGU: Still back at Destiny. I'm starting to find out what drove me away last time. The lack of content. It's frustrating because it's so good but there's nothing to do at a certain point and I've hit the wall twice now. Without getting to much into specifics let's just say this game is nowhere near as big as it should have been. Bungie really limits the player in their progress. But I'll continue to play until The handsome collection drops!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/8/2015 1:03:54 AM

9 years ago

Totally ready. Been ready. This is the main reason I got a PS4 when I did. So I could play Ground Zeroes. Not worried about the openness of this title. I'm sure he'll nail it.

I'm stoked for the Ratchet remake too. Loved a Crack in Time. These are great games for kids to play as well.

Lol, I just started a new play through of The Legend of Zelda for NES on my 3DS. How many of you have played that game in the last 5 years? I periodically get the urge to play it.

9 years ago

I always get the urge to purchase it on the wii, but I never do. In fact I never get to he point to boot up the wii to see if it's even available.

9 years ago

It should still be available on the Wii. I'm pretty sure they haven't shut down the Virtual Console shop yet. If you have a 3DS or ever get one it's really best played on that. Something about retro games just feels better suited for handhelds these days.

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/8/2015 5:17:52 AM

9 years ago

I predict this WILL be Kojima's last MGS, but the series and spin-offs will continue. It's too big of a money-maker for Konami to just shelf it.

9 years ago

PGU: Torchlight 2!
Since it finally arrived to Linux last week I had a chance to revisit that charmer of a game. And people can claim it's just a Diablo clone all they want: It really is great fun, and the quality is impressive for an indie release. This could just as well have been released/distributed by any of the big ones.
Look forward to try the coop mode with a buddy this week.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/8/2015 11:57:56 AM

9 years ago

It was made by some of the guys who worked on Diablo 2 sooo its okay if it is a bit of a clone. 🙂

9 years ago

Aha that explains it all. 🙂

Only problem so far is that it seems to be far too easy? I've expected things to become harder but I'm now at level 20 and things are still a breeze on "normal" difficulty?

9 years ago

You have to play it on at Veteran Beam otherwise it is way to casual and you don't really have to think about your build.

Elite mode is crazy hard but super fun once you learn what build you want to use. I got to level 45 in Veteran it was challenging in all the right ways.

9 years ago

Resistance needs full backing and a real history

9 years ago

Ben you gotta review Helldivers! Its seriously one of the best downloadable games I've played on the PSN.

I'm ready for MGS and I'm glad it comes out in September, there are so many games to play in the meantime.

I would love a new Resistance game, that series is great and could be ever more amazing.


All about Helldivers right now, seriously this is the best Downloadable console game I have ever played. It is super challenging, has fantastic features, and the co op elements are spot on.

The game always has friendly fire on, and the emergent gameplay and accidental deaths makes for some very hilarious moments and also some clutch recoveries. I know it might not be everyones cup of tea but it is incredibly well made.

Everyone who owns a PS3 or PS4 or Vita should get this game, and support these guys.

Ben you gotta review this, its cross buy and cross play for the Vita PS3 and PS4.

Last edited by xenris on 3/8/2015 12:16:48 PM

9 years ago

what does one do in helldivers?

9 years ago

Liberates the galaxy from alien scum, spreads democracy and freedom, those sorts of things 😛

Watch the launch trailer, has a Starship Troopers vibe.

9 years ago

I've heard others talk warmly about Helldivers too.

9 years ago

Helldivers is the biggest surprise Beamboom. I never thought I would get this much enjoyment out of this game. It is fantastic.

9 years ago

yeah olli olli 2 is just out now so that cool its free on plus and like 15 nzd so its pritty cheap, not sure when i'll get it

but as far as bloodbounre, MGS and insomniac goes i think that bloodbounre and MGS both look good from a general gamers point of view and i wll always love insomniac and its games loved R&C during the golden years of the ps2 good times man good times

then PGU i haven't gone back to dark souls yet as i'd had other things taking my time but i will get back to it some time

happy gaming

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Evening Ben, are you going to review:

Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines for the PS Vita?

Looks like an Afternoon Delight.
I'm getting it 100% but it'd be cool to have your view and input spread the word out there.

9 years ago

"…by default, compelling, cohesive stories just can't exist when the player has more freedom."

GTA? Red Dead? Assassin's Creed?

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

I'm still convinced Kojima changed Big Boss' voice knowing he'd make a Metal Gear remake. Hayter talking to himself in that could get weird.

I'm feeling the R&C remake, but I think I'm done with Resistance. I loved the first one, the second was good and the third just okay. I didn't really like where they went with it and the first also had the best MP.

PGU: Still working on Ground Zeros and playing Destiny when I get invited. Been pretty busy and haven't gotten much play time though.

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