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Ben’s Week In Review: February 22

I'll be out to shovel after I write this. I've missed it so. No, really.

PS4 will have a 40 percent market-share lead over Xbox One in 2019…?

I'm not saying it won't happen. I'm just wondering how it will happen based on the current market landscape.

A new report claims PlayStation 4 will have a huge lead over Xbox One by the time 2019 rolls around. I'm all for it (mostly because I can't stand Microsoft as a company) and while I don't doubt it's a possibility, I question Sony's potential domination.

Right now, I'm not even sure that PS4 is a better buy according to most consumers. Xbox One is officially cheaper, most games released these days are multiplatform, and both systems have proven relatively stable. In fact, I've seen more PS4-related problems in the news (typically due to a firmware update) than Xbox One-related hiccups. Sure, a lot of high-profile multiplats have boasted better tech numbers on PS4, especially in regards to resolution, but the overwhelming majority of consumers don't know or care. They really don't, trust me. And as far as I can tell, Sony's first-party exclusives have been coming up short thus far in the new generation. Not that Xbox One's exclusives are faring any better but even so, things appear to be on an even keel.

How does the console that costs more and doesn't necessarily guarantee a beter gaming experience result in "PS2-like domination?" The PS2 was a perfect storm in the industry and you'll never see that again. The idea that PS4 will even come close to PS2 in terms of overall worldwide sales seems laughable to me. PS3 sold about half what the PS2 sold and while the PS4 has certainly started much better, the competition will remain. Xbox and GameCube really weren't competition. I guess I just don't get how they came up with that 40 percent number.

The Last Guardian ordeal is just painful

So, first we think it's dead and then Sony resurrects the IP and returns it to "live" status . The explanation being that after the trademark office sent them a reminder last July , they just forgot until now. Who buys that? Seriously?

If it was really an active project, I seriously doubt that would've fallen through the cracks. But even if I give them the benefit of the doubt, and this is really what happened, I've never understood Sony's approach to The Last Guardian 's PR. It's just absurd and it doesn't fall in line with any other title they've ever promoted. They never say anything about it and frankly, neither does the development team. It's like the game doesn't really exist but they keep telling us, "don't worry, it does." It does? Really? Why is it such a big secret? Why keep it under wraps like this? They have to know that such a tactic only creates more widespread suspicion and eventually, after years of delivering nothing, apathy.

Unfortunately, while Guardian was once one of my most anticipated titles ever, apathy has indeed taken over. And it's entirely because of how Sony has handled things.

Personal gaming update

If you didn't play Unmechanical on PC and you're interested in taking on a unique, challenging puzzler, you should definitely try Unmechanical: Extended Edition for PS4. It's really quite enjoyable for those looking to flex their problem-solving muscles.

But of course, it's really all about The Order: 1886 . I won't rehash everything I've said about the game but I will remind everyone of one thing: For months and months, I was accused of bashing on the game. Then, leading up to the launch, I was accused of defending it. In truth, I never did either. I simply asked the questions most people were asking. I voiced concerns because there were concerns; then I defended the concept of such a game, not the game itself (as all these articles were written before I ever played it). I will always defend the idea of a narrative-driven linear adventure because I don't believe they're inherently inferior to open-world games, and I don't believe the reason they're disappearing is entirely due to technological advances.

I will say that while I often applaud my fellow reviewers, I'm disappointed with how many of them approached this particular game. I've read dozens of reviews now and it seems clear to me that personal preferences and bias, along with a complete dismissal of the excellent elements of the game (as if they just don't exist), hints at something rotten. Unfortunately, The Order does not live up to my expectations; it's not the GotY contender and AAA exclusive I'd hoped it'd be. That will be reflected in my score. However, there's a lot to say concerning this game and I'll say it soon…expect to see the review on Monday.

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9 years ago

I think the ps4 will do just fine. As for the order I have not played it yet,but I intend to. I will say what I always do,people please stop basing your purchases on reviews. I must say iam very interested in what your opinion of the game is ben. (I will buy the game regardless) but still interested.

PGU: just bought tomb raider DE on psn for 14 bucks playing that trying to 100 percent the game. Also playing deus ex HR. Trying not to kill anyone. And still playing dying light, working towards 100 percent on that as well.

9 years ago

I'm sure Guardian will come out one of these days just like FF15 did. Don't care what it is called I'm just curious what development hell it went through.

I am loving the Order right now. I will voice my biggest complaints about it in Bens review page but they are more about things I wish were added to the game not problems with what is there.

The Order is refreshing especially given how most games don't care at all about the narrative. Also one has to say it is just about the best controlling TPS I have played, the game plays smooth as butter.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

I'm not sure I agree about the control part, xenris. Galahad is too sticky when it comes to cover, I think.

Otherwise, I do agree it's refreshing.

9 years ago

I know what you are talking about, I find he does stick to things, but I have never gotten stuck, if that makes sense. Not the same way you get stuck in an Assassins Creed game >.<

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

It's really only in Unity where the character was that sticky. It was never the case before.

And Uncharted remains far and away the best third-person mechanic I've ever seen.

9 years ago

I beg to differ — I think Ground Zeroes has had the best third person game play.

I like Uncharted but sometimes the character moves too much… like a puppet almost.

9 years ago

Ground Zeroes controls really well I agree, I forgot about that one.

I think uncharted controls great too, I dunno playing the order it just felt way better than anything I have played recently, but that could be because I haven't played a TPS since Binary Domain, which controlled amazing as well.

I didn't mean it to sound like this is THE best but it is up there with the best in great controls, responsiveness etc.

9 years ago

There is no input lag in the order, even running at 30fps it play better than games at 60fps. I think that is what you noticed xenris, i think it plays better than the last of us, and I play the hell out of that game on mp.

9 years ago

sawao, by default a 60fps game would be smoother than 30fps. Saying 30fps is better than 60 is like saying a 30mph fastball is faster than a 60mph fastball.

9 years ago

I agree with Xenris, the TPS gameplay is soooo smooth at least for me it beats Uncharted and Gears hands down. If you are moving your fingers right without twitching and mashing it is an incredibly smooth gameplay experience.

9 years ago

No bio. You are wrong. They made sure their engine had no input lag, it plays better than a 60fps game. Please get educated about the engine before you spout off things you do not know. I play games in 60fps and this game hands down has a better response time.

9 years ago

I think the order is a great game, but three things concern me about the game, one of them is the cover, i have to agree with ben its to sticky, i'll voice my other two down points of the game when ben has the review up.

9 years ago

Sawao, wait: You're claiming that this game plays better than *any* game out there, on any engine, any rig, that has ever delivered 60 frames a second? Like, if it's 60 frames it's playing worse than this game? This game is the smoothest release ever, beating all games in history that ran on 60 frames?

And you claim so without even feeling a little sting of silliness? You don't even finch?

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/23/2015 1:32:55 PM

9 years ago

I'm passed the disappointment of the Order. Yes, I was quite excited for it, all ready to drop $60 the moment it could happen. All I expected was Sony's version of Gears of War. That would've been enough for me. I respect that Ready at Dawn tried something unique with Order. I can commend that. But like anything, execution is ultimately everything no matter how special you intend your offering to be. I've seen enough and read enough to know that I would regret $60 spent. I look forward to renting it or buying it on the cheap.

I don't know what to expect from the console war from here. Sony had a year of huge momentum. MS has managed to claw back some of their ground. I say it's real hard to close gaps with what I would consider the worst launch of a platform I can recall. I imagine once systems get rooted from the start they sort of multiply in their ecosystem. Johnny, my good friend got a PS4, so I got a PS4 too this gen etc.

PGU: Been enjoying DOA5 LR and Drive Club. DOA5 LR looks more lovely now. Yes. It has some minor bugs. I've had the game lock up a couple times. It also thinks the "option" button is the control pad button. I literally couldn't start a throwdown match because of it.
I'm so glad this Kotaku guy wrote this today.

We both seem to be rooted similarly in our fighting game lineage. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it too.
And what's with Marie Rose? She does not look old enough. Yes, I know there's such a thing as petite women. But when Marie looks like she could be 14 or 15 in body proportions, and I'm not just talking breasts, it becomes sort of creepy. Creepy to think some of the other audience who could be playing the game. I don't know.

Anyway, Drive Club is always satisfying and I can pick it up whenever and have a great time working on some tour event etc.

I'm also starting to get something of hankering again for some more Dragon Age Inquisition.

9 years ago

Driveclub is my go to leisure game at the moment. I love playing online since I'm pretty much done with the single player portion. I will also be renting the Order. I can't justifying spending $60 on a movie again like Heavy Rain. Well maybe not never because I loved Heavy Rain. The Order seems to be falling victim to something else which I will find out for myself soon from Gamefly whenever I reactivate it.

9 years ago

I know I made it seem like I like subjective reviews, but that's not true especially when idiotic bias dictates the score. A great example is Gamestops poor poorly written review of the Order. Talk about a frustrating read. I look forward to your review of the Order.

PGU: I just got around to playing Left Behind and it is hands down the best dlc I ever played. Crazy how nothing this generation has really touched Last of Us overall quality. This gen needs to catch up already.

Finished AC Unity as well. Ubisoft needs to go ahead and move away from euro history and focus on a new era. Also lets get some better writers because ever since AC2 and maybe brotherhood, this series has been going south as far as storytelling goes. AC3 ending alone made me say "F" a Black flag purchase. People complained about fetch quest in DAI, maybe AC fans should complain about the lack of story missions and bevy of pointless side content on display. With that said…enjoyed Unity, flaws and all.

9 years ago

I believe the PS4 and Sony are in a position to just that, have a huge market share. Reason being? They did everything right post launch to attract all their original consumers and attract new consumers who never owned a PS3. Microsoft did the opposite upsetting consumers from both sides and it's still obvious when MS is basically giving away the Xbox One and it barely takes a step forward. Consumers bough it because it's a great deal, but only a fraction bought it because they could finally afford their console of choice.

I'll be honest I thought all along The Order was going to be an action TPS, like Gears. I had no idea it was a more story driven cinematic adventure. I don't mind that, in fact it's very intriguing. But, it's not what I thought I was going to purchase. However, I think the apology they offered for not making it clear was a little late. It felt like RaD were doing damage control when they probably didn't have to.

As I said I am intrigued by the game and I will purchase it. My decision not to on Friday wasn't because of the reviews or because of what I thought it was. It's merely because I bought Evolve, and the two dlc packs for Destiny. Which also stopped me from buying LBP3 in the flash sale and is preventing me from getting Tomb Raider during the sale now. I got caught up in the Destiny hype again!

PGU: speaking of Destiny that's all its been this past week. I did get caught up in the hype surrounding all this talk about upcoming dlc. I'm very excited about the expansion set for September. Luckily this time around (after a few month break) I know what Destiny is, and am able to enjoy it more for that rather than wishing it was what Bungie explained when it released. It offers much of the same in redundant fashion but they do a great job in keeping the player coming back despite my frustrations at times!

I'm still playing Evolve. I really like the game. The appeal is lasting longer than I thought it would. However, I desperately wish I had 2 more friends to play with to fill the roles of those who are incompetent of creating a solid team. I'd say it's a 50/50 toss up as to if you will be paired with a solid companion, or Rambo.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 2/22/2015 12:42:03 PM

9 years ago

I really think people need to give up on The Last Guardian. I was excited like everyone else when it debuted six years ago, but I agree with Ben that their message is not at all in line with a product that is actually under active development.

9 years ago

Still enjoying Dying Light. And it's strange, but the game grows on me again. Initially I'd give it a rating of 8, then it dived to around 7.4, but now I'd say I'd rate it a 7.7, with a steady course towards 8 again. The parkour is really good once you get down a few skills. I'm still not far into the story, though. We'll see how it goes.

Also, I've finally seen The Edge Of Tomorrow. It was surprisingly good. But the reason I mention it here is cause that story/universe was the *perfect* framework for a game to be built on. Absolutely perfect. For the first time in a game, spawn and try a map again after death would actually make *sense*, story wise. It flat out annoys me that this movie never made it to the gaming shores. Some dev MUST pick this one up!

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/22/2015 12:58:47 PM

9 years ago

I loved Edge of Tomorrow as well!

9 years ago

Dying Light is awesome, it returns the same feeling I got from the first Dead Island only with the betterment of being able to climb shiz to get away from the zombs. I play in small portions cuz I'm busy but I bought it digitally so it's always right there to jump into. Totally underrated game but I'm glad it has enjoyed popular success.

9 years ago

… And much better graphics, World. And a darker, more interesting atmosphere. In fact I find it to be an overall better game than Dead Island, with the exception of the technical issues.
The PC version has some serious framerate issues.

9 years ago

Anybody else notice The Order has an addictive quality, in that you want to get back in each day to see what's next?

9 years ago

This is good to hear. Games with 10 hour campaigns are just fine with me if it's worth playing more than once.

9 years ago

I hope it's not just me but when I wake up the first thing I wanna do is get to the system and advance the thing. After that first encounter with a goddamn werewolf it becomes personal.

9 years ago

I agree with world, it doe's have an addictive quality to it that makes you want to get to it an progressxa bit further 🙂

9 years ago

I just finished the Order and I felt the same thing. I was compelled to finish it, and it lasted me a good 10 hours playing on hard mode. I explored thoroughly and still managed to miss some of the collectibles.

I'm going to platinum the game I think, there are about 4 trophies I need all within my reach.

9 years ago

I played on normal difficulty an it took about 7,5 hours, going to do another playthrough because i hav'nt got all the trophies, still can't get over the graphics, they just ooze so much quality.

9 years ago

As for personal game updates I went back to Kingdoms of Amalur last night. It's Skyrim Lite, but in many ways so much better than Skyrim.

9 years ago

yeah I go back time to time, but somehow never have the inspiration to finish it.

9 years ago

I think you should maybe give it a chance. It is a game that tends to grow on you. I like it because it's Skyrim if Skyrim had crappy world building but REALLY AWESOME combat.

9 years ago

oh I have, I've got 30 hours in that thing I just can't stick to it for whatever reason.

9 years ago

40% is a longshot. It'll be shocking if it's any greater than it is right now. Totally have to agree about the technical advantage of the PS4 vs XB1. It's there, but doesn't the price gap kind of dictate that? Microsoft isn't exactly my favorite company in the world, proving time again that it's out of touch with their consumers. Vista sucked and brought 7. Windows 8/8.1 is a freaking disaster and guess what? Windows 10 is carrying the torch that 7 had lit. XB1 wouldn't even be relevant had MS stuck to their initial plan. Lastly, the 360 failure fiasco was pure insanity. Much like Vista and 8, the XB1 brought on a massive case for hardware that's on a architecture processing that's far more energy efficient/cooler running than the 360 at idle. Really, I can go on and on for half a dozen more paragraphs. I'm happy that the new leadership took it to another direction, but question the ethics of MS as always.

You know what I enjoy about this site? It's the mature view of games, both review and society, that makes PSXE a great place. It's certainly something that is unique to this place.

PGU: I'm done with DL and glad it's over. Really enjoyed the game, but couldn't love the first person. Such a shame that third person wasn't an option, but I get it. It's their product and totally respect that.

I've been impatiently waiting to unwrap GLAD, which has been sitting there since Xmas! So far, it's a blast! Vehicle controls are a bit sloppy to me. It's not that it's arcade like, but the delay in turning is a bit overwhelming at times. Fine corrections feel crisp, but turning onto different streets, for example, seem very numb and slow to execute. Odd… I'm getting into the groove of the games overall mechanics (didn't play it on ps3) and begin playing First Light. Sooo much to play! Once I knock out infamous, I'll pick up The Order.

Is that Unity patch live already? Me thinks it's time to revisit that game. I really miss it.

9 years ago

good to know about that game ben

and idk either about the ps4 dominating i mean i could happen but the likely hood seems kind low i mean maybe 25% or 30% maybe but 40% that would mean that the xb1 would do that much worse over the long term.

as for the last guardian i really don't know anymore i mean it looked to have alot of promise but thats all is ever been cos sonys been very tight lipped about it.

as for a personal level i finished doing what i want to do on rachet 2 and ended on challenge mode 3 and about 6mil bolts with everything maxed out and now i've start Dark Souls 2 on the ps3

have a great week guys

happy gaming

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