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Evolve A Sleeper For Game Of The Year?

We've been talking about The Order: 1886 quite a bit, but don't forget that another potentially top-tier game comes out this month.

It's the new effort from Turtle Rock Studios, the 4-on-1 co-op shooter, Evolve . It has the chance to really go over well with critics and gamers alike.

Thing is, the industry still loves its shooters, especially if we perceive a slightly new theme. In this case, it's not all about running around in circles killing as many people as you can find. It's not about teaming up and fighting a bunch of random, faceless enemies. No, this is a strategic duel between four hunters and one monster and given the major differences between allies and foes, this could shape up to be one of the most cerebral shooters available. Plus, I really like the idea of such a drastic contrast: One minute, you can play as the super powerful monster and the next, you're collaborating on the best way to take said monster down.

With shooters, we rarely have to worry about technical problems with the controls (they've been refined and fine-tuned a hundred times over) and all we really care about is content, style, entertainment value, etc. And as the FPS has become a multiplayer-oriented genre, there's no doubt that legions of hardcore followers will sign up to try Evolve . What they may find is an innovative title unlike anything else out there, despite its familiar core. This is precisely what developers should be doing, in my estimation: Making new experiences with established, accepted foundations. It's the next best thing to complete innovation. 😉

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9 years ago

This won't be game of the year. There's no way. It won't present anything other than a mp experience and that will hurt it. And it's not quite the competitive type mp people are familiar with in CoD which also might hurt it.

But the single thing that will hold this game back are the players. I've been following this game for awhile, I've talked to beta participants and watched gameplay videos and all of the above. This game relies on team work from 4 players to try and take down 1 other player. The biggest downfall we can expect and is highly likely is the 4 players not working together. If a medic isn't being a medic your doomed. If support isn't supporting it's over. All the playable characters have roles and if they aren't being fulfilled the team will fall.

The second thing is the enemy monster player. If the player has no idea what they are doing, and not "evolving" it's easy pickings and that can be boring.

This game is built on two things that would make it excellent. The first being teamwork. Coop gameplay is always excellent when done correctly and everyone is on the same page. The second thing is this game could be that game that if you just wanna jump on real quick get a few matches in because that's all the time you have, you can and actually feel like you've done something. But again if the players you get matched with ruin it for you, this game could be that one that gets played for a few days then tossed aside. It won't have long term appeal with the limited gameplay variations it has.

Now with all this said I am excited for this game. I'm excited because I know I'll have 3 other friends that I can count on. I also know in the case that players taking on the role of the monster are not making it interesting there is an option to play against an NPC and I've heard good things about the AI. But this still doesn't fix the long term appeal. In that I'm unsure of.

9 years ago


the game really does look like it could have the potential (at first i thought it was gonna be a turok rehash until i later found out the mechanics of the game), but as you said, youre gonna have a bunch of kids who are gonna run around killing everything in sight, not knowing how to cooperate.

i mean hell, i cant even find 2 decent players in destiny when doing 3v3 or even one person for 2v2!!! okay ill KIND OF take that back. today for the first time ever since this game came out, i actually found 2 people to where we literally dominated 11 straight games of 3v3 and thats bc i found them randomly to play crotas end (those 2 were actually real life friends so we just paired up perfectly)

9 years ago


9 years ago

If the final product is pretty much a mirror image of what the beta versions have been, then the game shouldn't win any awards at all. It's a pretty game but that's about all the good things I have to say about it.

9 years ago

Is it okay if I overlook it? These guys were behind Left 4 Dead, quite possibly the most overrated games in the history of games, rivaled only by Half Life 2.

Evolve is like a nifty idea for a MP mode but not anything you box up and sell for sixty greenstamps.

Speaking of shooters, has anyone seen that Persona 5 trailer? Incredible.

9 years ago

Overlook it for sure , at least until it reach the price it should have started with ( 39.99 ) .Just like l4d it s gonna be over in 2-3 hour .Of course this is unless you really like it and don t mind replaying the same 4-5 map with some small difference in gameplay because of the mp randomness .

Last edited by berserk on 2/7/2015 7:57:23 AM

9 years ago

i think evolve is going to be a sleep hit like shadow of mordor and possibly a contender for GOTY

happy gaming

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