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Top 10 Hottest Women In Games 2014

2014 is over and as your backlog is ten miles long at this point, why not take a break and peruse the 10 hottest ladies of gaming?

There weren't too many major female protagonists in 2014, although there were a few very effective and critical female roles. We check out the ones that had the biggest impact; they were easy on the eyes and they added a great deal to the interactive experience. And yes, we go beyond the PlayStation realm for such a list; it wouldn't be fair to all the great virtual ladies out there if we didn't! Let's get going.

#10: Amanda Ripley, Alien: Isolation

All this does is prove that a strong, attractive female character doesn't have to be all dolled up to have an effect. Amanda Ripley, the heroine in Alien: Isolation , is a really compelling character and one worth knowing. She's not donning a bikini; she's in the fight of her life and that alone can be sexy!

#9: Abigail Walker, inFamous: Second Son

Also known as "Fetch," Abigail was a major character in the PlayStation 4 exclusive, inFamous: Second Son . If you're into the tough, punk chick, you've probably got a thing for her, and it's okay to admit it. A fantastic power, a spunky, in-your-face attitude, and just a hint of a more vulnerable side makes her a worthy pick.

#8: Kai Tana, Velocity 2X

Blonde, agile, and oh so versatile, Kai Tana is like one of those hot comic book superheroes come to life. Sure, she's only a cartoon, but that doesn't really hurt her appeal, especially for those with an active imagination. She's a leggy, butt-kicking dame with a whole lot of pizzazz and she commands attention.

#7: Leliana, Dragon Age: Inquisition

She's been in the series before, of course, but never has she looked quite as good as she did in the most recent Dragon Age iteration. She often sports a dark, all-business countenance, but most guys would be willing to let her dictate in the bedroom, anyway. The warrior mentality combined with a smoky appeal makes for a good day!

#6: Cortana, Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Yes, Cortana makes her triumphant return this year in this collection and she's hotter than ever. Okay, so she's basically a hologram, which makes it difficult to cozy up to her, but she's got the body, the vulnerability, and the loyal personality that has stayed with Halo fans since the beginning. She's far more interesting than Master Chief, as far as we're concerned.

#5: Princess Zelda, Hyrule Warriors

Princess Zelda has been a part of video game culture for decades and she looked good in Hyrule Warriors . As kids, we always tried to envision what Zelda might look like with sharper, more advanced graphics, and now we know. She's iconic and she has that fantasy attractiveness that long-time followers embrace.

#4: Yuna, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster

She's back! She stole many a JRPG fan's heart back in 2001 and now she has returned in the high-def overhaul for Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 . The hardcore fans can argue 'til the cows come home concerning the hottest character in those games (Rikku and Paine are in the conversation) but really, it's all about Yuna.

#3: Lara Croft, Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

It's hard to beat Lara whenever she's got a new game out. And even though the Definitive Edition was hardly "new" in the strictest sense of the term, we still got an updated Lara. Cleaner, smoother and hotter than ever, this retooled heroine is no longer the busty Barbie doll from yesteryear. We loved her transformation in the reboot and she's better than ever in the re-released version.

#2: Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2

The ultimate fantasy witch. She has a ridiculous figure (some would say supernaturally impossible) and a sassy, sexy attitude that permeates to the core. Toss in those spectacles that make some guys start drooling – as if they weren't already – and you've got a virtual bombshell to top all bombshells. The sequel was only available on Wii U but you can't constrain Bayonetta's sex appeal!

#1: Elise de la Serre, Assassin's Creed Unity

Firstly, we really wanted to give the #1 spot to a brand new character. Secondly, Arno's flame-haired romantic interest in Assassin's Creed Unity is just beautiful. Perhaps one of the most well-rounded female characters in the list, she's got strength, a multi-layered personality, screen presence, and oh yeah, she's gorgeous. Arno would do anything for her and you know what? We get it.

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9 years ago

… really?

9 years ago

ugh. not my list.
My list would look more like:

Alex Vance
Samus (check out that newer blue jump suit.)
Lara Croft
Meryl Silverburgh
Jill Valentine
EDI (robots are hot too!)
Ayane (not because she's my fav DOA character but she has a more developed character from the NG games)
Enslaved girl
Heavenly Sword girl
more as I think 'em


Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/6/2015 10:26:28 PM

9 years ago


EDIT: Yea, I know. My list spans more than 2014 but I dont care. but if we're counting remasters and re-releases, including PC, I'm sure most of my list is current.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/6/2015 10:34:14 PM

9 years ago

Who's the Snake/Viper style woman who feuds with Helana? She's my favorite of the DOA ladies now. Used to be Hitomi.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Thanks man. Heavenly Sword girl os Nariko and I think Trip was the name of the girl in Enslaved.

9 years ago


That butt though….XD

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Yeah, not much from 2014 in there.

9 years ago

Can't help noticing the list includes Lara Croft because she was in a remaster, but skips Ellie who was in an even better remaster…

9 years ago

ELLIE WAS 14! Given that this list is basically a 'who would you bang if they were real' list it would be all sorts of wrong to include a 14 year old girl!

9 years ago

Bruh, age is just a number.

9 years ago

Seriously? I'm assuming (and hoping) you're trying to be funny but really your comment just makes you look like an immature idiot.

9 years ago

Anytime someone begins a comment with "bruh", you can safely assume he's going to make a douchey joke.

9 years ago

"Bruh, age is just a number."

Yea that will hold up in court.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Zelda over Cia???

9 years ago

I honestly thought Lana was the cutest character in Hyrule Warriors.

9 years ago

I agree but I give Cia the edge because she's a villain and villains are the best. lol.

9 years ago

Ben…your number 1…Please.

My top ten are:

Lara Croft
Lara Croft
Lara Croft
Lara Croft
Princess Zelda
Lara Croft
Lara Croft
Lara Croft
Lara Croft

Ben is seriously obsessed with french culture and women cause…GG. Also, I NEVER expected such an article from Ben. I'm confused but at the same time…Eh.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

WTF? I'm "obsessed" with French culture and women? I can't stand the French. Where the hell did that come from?

And you're obviously obsessed with Lara. But I guess that makes you better.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 1/6/2015 11:56:04 PM

9 years ago

Wild guess: You probably don't play with Lara Croft in the manner that the devs had in mind…

9 years ago

for a moderator ben you sure are childish. getting butthurt over someones comments. the fact you even made a post like this to not first off discuss and vote for the hotteset. and then getting all moody when they disagree with you

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Nobody cares what you think.

9 years ago

I dunno buckoboy… I'd be at least a little annoyed if someone made generalizations about me that weren't even a little true.

9 years ago

Where the hell did this article come from? Normally this site is one of the most intelligent and mature gaming sites out there, which is why this article feels so out of place.

9 years ago

You can have fun and still be intelligent and mature. Nothing in the article betrays those things.

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

I think Ben has a crush on Elise, and wanted to make a list where she was the best at something.

Jk Ben

9 years ago

Had the article been about tit sizes and fan service, I'd agree. But it's not. It's about good, attractive, and interesting female characters in games.

9 years ago

It's as if grown-ups could write about video games or be attracted to women on multiple levels!

Crazy! :p

9 years ago

The actress that played Fetch is prettier than I thought she would be. Fetch's character doesn't do her justice. She's kind of tiny though.

9 years ago

"Fetch" has been the name of my MMO female characters for YEARS. "Fetch Kinsman" has been the only Fetch for as long as I can remember. Ever since that released, I've noticed there's suddenly multiple Fetch's in FFXIV.

Ah well… I'll just have to be happy that my Fetch is an original worthy of imitation.

9 years ago

Zelda was cutest in Skyward Sword imo though she doesn't look nice in Hyrule Warriors.

Last edited by Jawknee on 1/6/2015 11:33:15 PM

9 years ago

I meant *though she DOES look nice in Hyrule Warriors.

9 years ago

#1 from ACU is very nice looking in a plain/natural sort of way.

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

So…were you just playing Unity and want Elise to be named the number one female character of the year? And then create a list to make it happen?

I like that.

Last edited by mk ultra on 1/7/2015 1:39:07 AM

9 years ago

Not that I lack a libido, but when it comes to gaming this isn't something I even consider… it really isn't so I can't help but be skeptical when I see a topic like this on here. When Yuna turned into a tart in X-2 I was devastated, as she was such a sweet character in X. I also had this problem with Bayonetta as a character who was too cocky and over sexualised to the point where I didn't like her or the game. I know I sound like a board community on media censorship right now, I am fine with sex appeal in films it works but in games, I don't know I just don't feel as engaged in that manner.

Reminds me of the hoards of lads harassing ladies avatars on PlayStation Home… it was relentless and disgusting… which is a shame as Home was built really well it is the community which ruined it.

9 years ago

You're sort of addressing two different issues, and I'm not quite sure how to respond.

What I will say is that in any form of media or some books I've read, I've felt a connection to female characters who have enough human brokenness to connect to. For me, I agree that over-sexualized, fantastical women don't do much for me, either, but there are characters that have enough humanity in their story that I would theoretically find them "hot" or attractive.

For example, I'm pretty sure I coulda fallen for Aerith or Rinoa.

And hey… who DOESN'T find Chloe from Uncharted hot?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

"And hey… who DOESN'T find Chloe from Uncharted hot?"

Answer: Somebody who isn't right in the head. 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 1/7/2015 4:53:32 PM

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
9 years ago

The Polish nazi killing nurse from Wolfenstein!?

At least top 11. The nude cut scenes are subtle, but you can tell the artist put a lot of effort into her design clothing on and off.

9 years ago

Female characters in games always make any game more interesting for me.

My favourite female characters ever are (obviously?) the ones I made myself, especially my Shepard in the ME trilogy but also my character in Fallout 3 – she had a wonderful personality, not very unlike myself. :p
Ah, and my Jedi in the Knights Of The Old Republic…

9 years ago

You tried FFXIV yet? The battle system has a fair number of similarities to KotOR.

9 years ago

Am I alone when I say I wish female in video games should have big, round and bubbly butts? Seems like Lara Croft is alone in that category.

9 years ago

Check out Soul Calibur

9 years ago

I always make my own great characters in the ones that let you, other than that I'm still all about the anime so if we had to do more realistic types I do like this new Lara with her hippy, proper-physics boobs and juicyness. Ummm, the women in Dragon Age suck, Leliana's new personality destroyed her character. Bayonetta's pinhead freaks me the f*ck out. I do like Fetch cuz she's not traditionally hot, is short, and screams broken girl. "First Light" DLC is better than the whole Second Son game.

I may have to try Unity, I love redheads.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/7/2015 5:54:36 PM

9 years ago

I enjoyed this post quite a bit. No usual gamer sexism and good descriptions / reasons for the placement.
Thank you.

9 years ago

This is a horrible list. Elise as number 1? holy sh1t. and no metal gear solid chicks not even on there? cmooon!

9 years ago


9 years ago

Where's the Top 10 Hottest Men in Games 2014?!

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