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How Would You Grade PS4’s First Year?

Believe it or not, the PlayStation 4 has been around for one full year already.

So, what's your evaluation? Does the PS4 score well or are you disappointed?

Historically, the first year for any new console fails to impress. Perhaps the PS4 falls into that category, as we didn't really see any world-ending exclusive software for which the brand is so well known. inFamous: Second Son was a really fun game but it probably doesn't qualify as "AAA." Same goes for Killzone: Shadow Fall and really, one could make the argument that the best games for PS4 were upgraded versions of last year's hits: The Last Of Us: Remastered , Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition , Grand Theft Auto V , etc.

Third-party games have mostly dominated the year, but the good news is that most of them have performed better on Sony's console. Maybe that's what ups the grade a bit; the fact that many high-profile titles simply run better on PS4. The new machine has proven plenty reliable, too (no "yellow light of death" issues, for isntance), even though a few recent updates have proven problematic. It's difficult to assign a grade to the year, just because there have been quite a few extenuating circumstances and neither the PS4 or Xbox One has really come into its own yet. What do you say?

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10 years ago

Well the performance in the market is great. I love the console but I'm physically sick about the fact I can't put my own videos on it. PS Plus games are garbage so that sucks.

Still waiting on the greatness, but the fact that it plays every game better is pretty big.

A for sales and beating the snot out of MS

C for software and capabilities

10 years ago

The console an A.

Everything else, especially games, F.

10 years ago

I think C is fair. That signifies that while there were some fun things out there, there was nothing spectacular.

An F makes no sense. It's not an outright fail because there are still a few things worth having especially when matched up to other gen's year 1's.

Second Son was a decent title, just not fantastic. Watchdogs was pretty good for a first-go IP, and most people agree it will be a great franchise someday. (Also, it was best on PS4) AC:4 was best on PS4. And there are other examples of decent games, along with the fact that multiplats are already seeming to be king on PS4.

So C is good.

But yes… PS4 console sales is surprising even me.

10 years ago

I give the PS4 an A. The console is amazing.

It might have been a slow year for games (although it usually is). But PSPlus can keep any gamer busy, the wave of remakes – TLoU, Tomb Raider, Diablo 3 – are very welcome in a circumstance like this. The third party games have been good and personally the first party games were great but maybe to few and far between.

Buy looking at just the console both Sony and the PS4 have grown and more importantly really make my PS3 feel last gen at this point. Despite how good Borderlands the Pre-Sequel was I couldn't help but feel like it was dated. For that reason I give it an A.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/14/2014 10:29:07 PM

10 years ago

Well said, it's quick to forget how quiet the PS3 or X360 were in their first year, or even the PS2 (which took a while to get going as well). We remember the last years of old consoles and compare them to the first of a new one, which is an apples and suspension bridges comparison.

For my mind, the PS4 has been the best "first year" console I've had, no two ways about it. Yes, it's had a bit of first-year-itis, but I'd say less than previous consoles (within the first 18 months we'll be getting DA:I and The Witcher 3 – that's pretty good form for early-gen RPGs). The OS has had its growing pains, but less so than the PS3 PSN or early Xbox Live on 360. Plus, it's pumping out visuals comparable with PC's twice (or more) its price (I game on both, and the PS4 is punching well above its weight price-wise, something the PS3 and PS2 struggled to do early in their generations).

Last edited by Axe99 on 11/15/2014 4:10:55 PM

10 years ago

Yeah I think people have a tendency to weigh heavily towards the games. Which is fair considering that what the console is for. However we must also remember that controlling the quality and amount of games a console gets is out of reach. Especially in the first year.

I would definitely agree this is by far the best first year of games that I can remember from bot quality and amount. Throw in PSPlus, and it's a fair showing by any means.

Good points about graphics too. That should definitely be considered. And the point about its price was spot on.

10 years ago

Between the lack of software and already having to have it replaced twice I give it a big meh…. It's been a year of crashes and error codes and the best game in the first year was a PS3 game. Ground Zeroes has me excited for the future but it was such a small bite that it didn't really satisfy. Neither did Shadow Fall(gorgeous but boring) or inFamous(again, gorgeous but boring) were anything to cheer about. At this point it seems like I only have a PS4 to play MGS5, Uncharted and TLOU2.

10 years ago

I had no idea KZ SF would be so bland. If that game released a few months ago it would've been 5's and 6's, maybe some 7's for who liked it's multiplayer a lot.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/15/2014 1:01:41 AM

10 years ago

Yea I still haven't finished and actually wish I hadn't bought it. And I didn't even play full price. I was surprised at how uninteresting inFamous was too. I loved the PS3 games. Kinda sad the best games in the PS4's first year were TLOU, BF4 and a game that can be finished in a few minutes.

10 years ago

@ Jawknee
Damn dude u had to replace ur console twice wth u doing to it man or better yet quit try to make love to it. Anyways i still have my launch console and i have no issues with it. This is my generation tht i still have my original console tht isnt a Ps2.

10 years ago

You had an extra special bad experience man

10 years ago

I've had the option to buy KZ SF for $12.99, and with free shipping.
I rather keep my money.

and yah, Jawknee had it bad with PS3 too. I think it died two or three on him too.

My first PS3 died after 2 and a half years. My second one died after about 3 years. I'm on a repaired unit right now. I feel like I'm playing on ticking time bombs.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/15/2014 12:05:05 PM

10 years ago

I'm also somewhat excited for the Nintendo Wii U successor (if there is one coming in the form of a console). I feel like the processing war is going to reach a virtual cieling. Where releasing newer more powerful hardware will become less and less interesting. I think when Nintendo catches up with hardware that matches or slightly exceeds the PS4 and XO, their's could be a pretty nice place to be. Especially considering that if the next Nintendo console released in about 2 years, then they'd be still relatively young on this generation. Where with Wii U they arrived really late to the party in terms of aligning themself with the third party time table. I'd have hardware reliability again with them too. I don't think I've ever, like ever ever, had a Nintendo unit fail on me.

EDIT: I would have free online play back as well, too

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/15/2014 12:15:35 PM

10 years ago

I think I'm already at the point where power is of little interest to me. Granted Sony makes some phenominal games but so far this gen I'm having the most fun with my Nintendo devices. That wasn't the case last gen. Bayonetta 2 is the funniest game I've played in awhile. No doubt we'll see some fantastic looking games on the PS4 but if they're boring to play like Killzone and inFamous Wii U will continue to be my number one console this gen.

I doubt a new Nintendo console will be out in 2 years but it will come at some point. They already have a team working on it and Miyamoto has promised to make core games for core gamers.

10 years ago

I give it 7/10. Nothing special about ps4 right now, maybe 2015 will change this…

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Playstati/Playstation is my final score.

Which isn't a bad score IMO, just needs to be able to send messages quicker and a few other network issues.

10 years ago

I give it a C- and I'm not comparing it to other console's first years. Only one good exclusive in its first year in the form of Second Son and then again, that wasn't too special. It took way too long to get updates and it's still not even there…

10 years ago

one good exclusive. yep. I suppose there was the TLoU remaster, but seeing that it was a PS3 game that doesn't really count.
and look at Drive Club. PS Plus members still haven't been given the game. Why? Because they still haven't fixed it. The game has been broken for so long. Then after Drive Club they release broken PS4 firmware. Two times in a row. They had to release two 200+ MB updates to fix it.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/15/2014 12:59:02 AM

10 years ago


It's average, just barely. Right now the positive sales momentum is the best thing about it.
Other than that it's been a real weak sauce effort by Sony. It just seems like Sony tried a lot harder with the PS3.

The glitchy remote play doesn't help nor does all the terrible firmware updates. Forced PS Plus subscription for online play. It also doesn't help that their 'free games' have been crowded with old games and indie titles. The DS4 battery seems worse than the DS3. which sucks. Then there's the complete botch Drive Club launch. No scratch that C. I'm thinking D range now. For a company that was possibly going to be shut out by MS they've done a pretty weak job. Going into the holiday season MS is doing a much better job in offering better value and bundles. And why the heck does Assassin's Creed Unity perform better on XO? Arguably the most next-gen of games is better on the competitors platform.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/15/2014 12:52:33 AM

10 years ago

Oh yea, lets add the Vita.

Over the past year the Vita gets an F

…an F along side my crappy Sony BluRay player. The eject button broke on it within a few months. No surprise either because the button was made out of flimsy plastic. It operates slow as heck and the remote for it spazzes out frequently. There was a time buying ANYTHING Sony meant quality and longevity….. these days I could just as well as buy a Sanyo or Sorny and get equivalent or better quality and save some money while I'm at it.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/15/2014 10:44:29 AM

10 years ago

I thought year 1 for PS3 was absolute crap. I didn't even touch my PS3 most of year one for PS3 games.

10 years ago

D… Only reason it's not an F is because the console has sold well and that does have to factor in. But the PSN is not up to par for a paid-for service and this is one of the worst first years ever in terms of software. If a game isn't completely broken it's just simply mediocre. The few good ones, aside from inFamous: Second Son, can be played on other platforms.

10 years ago

i think i'd give it a solid B+ maybe A- personally i've enjoyed the time i've had on the ps4 this year the only real downer was drive club those penatlies and the lack there of drift ability in the early stages of the game was anoiying as anything i was being kind with saying that, but other than that its been a pritty good year to me atleast

happy gaming

Last edited by Rachet_JC_FTW on 11/15/2014 3:18:58 AM

10 years ago

I agree with World. If I'm giving it an objective score, then it would be like an 8/10 at most. If I'm comparing it to the competition, then I would have no problem giving it top marks.

10 years ago

I give an A.
All because I sold PS3 before best titles came out like TloU, TR, GTAV, AC4:BF.
So now I could enjoy them in better version.
Of course others like MGS5, I:SS are a blast too.
But 2015 will be the year that our belowed console will spread the wings and fly! 🙂

10 years ago

yay for remasters?

10 years ago


10 years ago

An A for abysmal. One year and not one compelling exclusive from Sony, their fabled first party all but absent. Games are all I care about, sales are for stockholders and mopes who need more sheep in the herd to feel "right", hype and future promises cant be played on disc or digitally. Well, I'm sure next year will be the year the sysytem is worth owning, but right now only my Wii U is the only current gen system that is irreplaceable and Sunset Overdrive makes me glad I decided to give my friend my PS4 instead of the X1.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

We're all pretty sure you've never owned the PS4 to begin with.

10 years ago

good first party games take time

10 years ago

You have a very narrow worldview, I'm guessing.

10 years ago

Ben- *sigh* Because I want great games and even by your and many others admission the PS4 has none in terms of exclusives? I could fake being a Kool Aid drinker and get off on sales, and attempt to be more liked around here, but nah, I'm a bit too smart for that.

World- B.S. the PS4 didn't just fall out of the sky in Sony's lap. And Guerilla, Japan Studio, and Evolution had 3 tp four years between their last big game to make a unique entry into this entry and we got mediocrity and half done games with downloadable patches for voice chat and weather. Infamous was ok but wwasn't as good as the two previous entries. Also, the could have reached out to second parties to also have great content. And contrast that with Sony's talk of a gaming renaissance, it's even more sad. The PS3 had Lair, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Folklore, and Genji, by the end of year one. I know the apologists will say " but but dere was nuthin in da first year on any console".but thats not even close to accurate.

Ungerdog- Did you even buy a PS4 yet?

10 years ago


10 years ago

P.s. Kid… I will at least agree as far as your intellect is concerned, you are indeed in a class of your own.

10 years ago

I don't have a PS4 yet so I can't argue what grade it gets, but from speculation standpoint hmmm, I'll say I give it a C. All though it's only been a year it will get a better grade when time passes :). Just kind of upset these days that a lot of focus has to do with games/online not just mp, but the important things like patches to fix problems etc. And can't get this s*** fixed, they have all the f*****' time in the development cycle.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 11/15/2014 11:23:51 AM

10 years ago

C- for PS4 and D for Xbox One…

lack of games, games. games…

10 years ago

To be fair both PS4 and X1 has had a few exclusives but none of them other than Halo and The Last of Us (which are both games spruced up from last gen) are really any good imo.

Killzone, Second Sight, Ryse and Dead Rising 3 (talking console exclusives here) were only decent because there is nothing else out. If that lot were released when stuff such as the new Gears of War, Uncharted 4, Bloodborne were released noone would give a monkey's about them. But when you're starving for games, even the crumbs will do 😀

Last edited by Kevin555 on 11/16/2014 6:02:53 AM

10 years ago

Hopefully next year will be a significant improvement, but as it stands right today, it's getting a C- from me.

Raising the price in Canada, the first broken dualshock I've ever experienced in my history since owning the PS1-3, still can't save music to the hard drive, Infamous looked pretty, but the only character I liked whatsoever was Fetch.

Although I must say I didn't find shadowfall THAT bad. Nothing too mindblowing sure, but other than the lack of 3d it was better than killzone 3 to me.

10 years ago

I don't have much to complain about with the PS4.My biggest gripe are the features that have yet to make it to the machine. Features that its predecessor has sported for quite some time.

The lack of 5ghz N/AC support is baffling. I'm not a huge online gamer and require it to simply download/upload. A clear path from my Asus 6300v2 router. Had to run CAT6 which really hurt the wallet, but the 2.4-2.6ghz WiFi range is way too saturated in my apartment from the businesses and neighbors (live above a retail shop).

Games – C
It's been about what I thought it would have been. Ironically, I've enjoyed some of the indie games that have made it to PSN. I can't say that I didn't expect it and what has made it to the market has been relatively painless to run.

(EDIT: I say "ironically" because people constantly bash the indies. "didn't buy a PS4 to play mobile games on it!" yet the same people run out and buy Minecraft. Not that I have a problem with it, but c'mon!)

Storage – D
It's not what's inside of it that's lacking. No, I knew what was there! In fact, I knew that I would be in the market almost immediately for an upgrade. The PS3 taught me that I seem to go digital for games that I didn't think I would due to PS+ and other deals. The slim 2.5" standard makes it a pain to find a good mechanical drive with more than 1TB of storage. Poor SSD implementation is such a disappointment. The cost is one thing (which won't be the case during the duration of the consoles life), but the minimal improvement is very disappointing.

UI – A
I enjoy the navigation and think the limited tiles with the 2.00 update only makes it better. A few gripes are the lack of folders and the library tile can't be set in a particular location. Aside from that, it's been very delightful. It's much smoother and responsive than the PS3, which makes me a happy camper!

Multimedia – D
It's not all there yet. USB for music isn't a big deal as I rarely listen to music when I game… At least my own music. The only exception is GT because Lord knows its soundtrack belongs at a Tokyo nightclub; not a racing sim.

Connectivity – F
It really doesn't do anything like this. No network sharing means it just falls flat of being capable of handling everything that I wish I could do instead of switching sources and moving on.

Controller – A
I flat out LOVE the DS4! So much so, in fact, that I'm replacing my PCs DS3 with one very soon. The touch pad isn't supported often enough, but that's not the controllers downfall.

Design – A
It has yet to lose its luster to me. I like it better than day one. So much power packed into a small package. It's an incredible feat!

Overall, it's about C/C- for me. Most of the downfalls can be addressed, though. WiFi is a lost cause. Aside from that, there's nothing standing in the way of improvements and optimization.

Last edited by DemonNeno on 11/15/2014 5:25:26 PM

10 years ago

CAT6, 45ft cost about $10 or less on Amazon.

Last edited by Jawknee on 11/15/2014 9:19:27 PM

10 years ago

I'm too much of a neat freak for that. Bought a crimp/compression tool and built my own cable. Ran it along my Comcast wire with proper grommets and all.

I sometimes hate myself. I purchased through monoprice and never have an issue with their stuff. It ran me ~$50 with my tool, heads, boots, grommets, and cable mounting accessories. Doing things half ass wouldn't make me happy. Wires in doorways are ugly and lazy. Oversized holes for pre-made wires are ugly and harder to conceal.

The way I look at it, $50 could have bought me another controller. Instead, my WiFi (lack thereof) cost me that option.

Last edited by DemonNeno on 11/16/2014 4:54:40 AM

10 years ago

These are my following grades for PS4's first year.
– PSN Servers: A, from what I'VE experienced, I have never had any problems with it.
– PS+ games: B, Most of the indies were actually pretty awesome.
– Exclusives: B, Killzone MP is highly underrated, Infamous was awesome while it lasted, Last of us is Last of us but Driveclub brought it down a grade.
– The system and it's capabilities: B, DLNA and video playback from USB would have bumped it up to an A but overall the OS is nice and easy to operate.

But based on the overall fun I have had playing games either solo or with friends, which is what mostly matters in a gaming console, I give it an A. Here's to hopefully another 5 great years PS4 🙂

10 years ago

Apart from The Last of Us Remastered and P.T, the PS4 has been quite frankly average but i am sure things will change next year when games such as Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 are released.

10 years ago

D – purely because there is barely any "new" games that are worth buying.

10 years ago

Well, i understand that the first year is always tough for a new console.

I give the ps4 a B, for the first year.