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Are People Already Tired Of Destiny?

When Activision boasted that Destiny would have a 10-year lifespan, I had to laugh. Gamers are so fickle they've often completely forgotten about a game one month after it comes out.

But given the sheer size, scope and ambition of Bungie's massive production, I figured it was possible. Just like any other MMO (which is what Destiny is; I don't care what anyone else says), it can thrive on the ever-increasing community and constant support from the developers. It doesn't have a subscription plan built in, though, and paid downloadable content will only get you so far. I've been saying for a long time that if Destiny really wants to keep going, it's inevitable that you'll see either a subscription service or microtransactions.

But that's not the point of this article. As I predicted, the hype for Destiny has basically dwindled to nothing. We're not really even talking about the Vault of Glass or anything right now; the people I know who loved it are already tired of it. Many are saying they're more than ready for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Far Cry 4 , because they're "done" with Destiny . Obviously, we've got a big update coming in December but is that really enough? Gamers tend to move on pretty quickly and really, nobody's talking about this anymore.

Of course, that doesn't mean that millions aren't still having fun playing it online. Maybe they'd rather play it than talk about it and if so, I totally understand. Still…

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Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
9 years ago

I am that's for sure. Traded the game in about 3 weeks ago. I gave it time trust me, I was at level 25 light. Before I traded it in. The game is repetitive.

9 years ago

Yeah, the game is the problem. Not the players.

If they want players to stick with the game. They gotta do a better job at making it interesting.

The gameplay is great. But they failed when it came to how they implemented the story. Which is something that could've hooked players. If it had been done right.

As it is, you find a better story in a racing game. So you eventually will lose interest.

Last edited by Bonampak on 10/26/2014 11:25:43 PM

9 years ago

Yeah I mean I played it as a filler. But one thing is for certain Borderlands 2 will keep me busy far longer than Destiny.

9 years ago

Obviously I meant Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. My phone auto corrected which means I apparently type Borderlands 2 a lot.

9 years ago

Yes, I also hate when my Phone changes "The Pre-sequel" to the number "2"

9 years ago

If I type "Borderlands" because I've probably typed "Borderlands 2" a lot it will auto correct to that. Pretty simple that it's a memory function of the S5. Get it? Good.

9 years ago

With the lack of hype – very unlikely they will ever outsell GTA5. that's going back to your question a couple months ago.

9 years ago

Unfortunately, I think this one will be very difficult to track sales since so many were done online through the download first, play as soon as it's midnight feature.

9 years ago

Play as soon as it's midnight? Surely yuou jest. I had to wait until 2:45 AM to play my digital copy… While people with the disc were playing for 2 hrs already. Such bullcrap with D.D.'s

9 years ago

i quit earlier this week for a day. i plan on quiting again soon

9 years ago

Seriously. That's me every week.

Last edited by SaiyanSenpai on 10/25/2014 11:39:16 AM

9 years ago

I am done until December or so. I bought the Digital Guardian Edition on purpose. I knew this game was a long haul. The shooting mechanics are top notch but the story was bare bones. I highly expect Destiny to be compared to a fine wine that gets better with age.

9 years ago

Yeah, maybe check back in 5 years.

9 years ago

I got to lvl 29, tried clearing the Vault of Glass once, but couldn't keep a team over 3.

I haven't played in two weeks — and I've NEVER FELT BETTER! I took to beating Dust: An Elysian Tail instead. Far more rewarding a gameplay experience.

9 years ago

If this game was ever going to last 10 years, it needed 4 things that it just didn't even come close to accomplishing.
1. Being a vast open world – not hubs that are larger than your typical area in a linear adventure.
2. A longer campaign adventure that had more content which would include a stronger plot.
3. More variety in the mission types and definitely the bounties:more side missions, more strikes, more things to do so the consumer isn't rehashing the same thing over and over.
4. Higher level cap.

The game had great co-op but even with the fun we had playing together the game left us very un-enthusiastic. Yeah you read that right. There were numerous times while doing the strike Playlist the we'd play the same strike 3 times in a row. I know there's not many to begin with but come on…

9 years ago

I have, am and always will compare such games to WoW. But the difference is, WoW has great Lore that keeps players in the game. Without it, the action only will not suffice. Even when additional content will be released.
I haven't trierd Destiny, but I quited WoW for a reason.

9 years ago

It was my first PS4 game – got the white bundle. Enjoyed it, but no where near a long enough story, and repeatedly running the same strikes/missions gets boring. Did intend to start different classes, but only got to lvl 4 with a titan and then wanted my good guns back! Stopped playing at the start of the month, went out a picked up watch dogs and infamous second son from game second hand. Watch dogs is done, time to start infamous, maybe then shadow of mordor will be on sale somewhere.
Basically other games, that have a more interesting, and longer, story have come out (or I've got round to buying) that I want to play more than destiny.

9 years ago

Some people are, some people aren't. Really depends on how far into the game's content you've already dug into. Also depends on how much fun you're actually having playing the strike missions over and over and over and over and over and over and over….

… and over again. xD Honestly, I'm still having fun. Made two new friends last night doing a strike mission (which I've done the 3rd time that day).

9 years ago

I'm not tired of the game but I am tired of the "Are you tired of Destiny? Is Destiny over hyped?" stories. Must be a slow news week if you have to ask these questions when MILLIONS of people are actively playing. Just like when the same Q was asked of WoW when it still had more users than the next ten games combined.
I was sold on this site because of the editorials more than anything else but I guess now that it's dropped to maybe 2-3 eds a day you have to create whatever you can, huh Ben? Tons of games to review/critique/examine and this is the best we get?

9 years ago

so i dont play everyday anymore. the hype has def died down for me unfortunately.

why? the game has nothing to offer me for the time being (even if/when it does, its a quickie). i am a lvl 29 titan. i have yet to score new gear thatll bump me to 30 since all my current gear is maxed out. i have pretty good guns that are almost maxed out, they def do their jobs so im happy w my weapons. the daily/weekly heroics is exactly that. i will login on a tue or wed, knock those 3 out and im done til next week. as for vog, i try to squeeze it in once a week, just depends on my time. i have ran vog about 10 times so far, my fastest run was one hour and ten min. im lvl 4 rep with all factions (vanguard, crucible, new monarchy). so a 10 year life span? maybe, yeah, sure, but it wont be a consistent play for 10 years. itll be like oh hey new material, knock it out, okay done. wait another month for next objective.

so my interest is still there, but the steam has def died down. evil within is being delivered soon so ill be busy w that and then….yes, im going to play the new cod.

9 years ago

Have you beat it on hard mode? Just got my warlock to 30 and my clan is going to run it tomorrow. I planned on alternating this game and ffxiv for the foreseeable future but I'm still having fun in this. It helps when you play with friends. I play this with a bunch of guys I've known for years and its always good times

9 years ago

The only reason I got tired of it is because I don't really have anyone to play with. I have that clan that transferred over from Warframe but the majority of them live in Australia so there's the time difference.
I never completed VoG either and they've all beaten it multiple times.

I'm going to have to start recruiting from gamefaqs or something.

9 years ago

oh hey for those on PS4 who haven't tried VoG and looking for similar newbies, add me up on PSN: ilovebread. I'd love to dive into VoG not to finish it but to learn it's system and mechanics with a similar newbie myself. I am GMT+8, though.. so.. consider the time difference if you're wary of that xD

9 years ago

Yesh – after reading all this I'm feeling kinda dumb for still enjoying it. Been a busy month so just hit level 20 and I will certainly dial it back when COD:AW breaks cover – but for now its my go to game.

9 years ago

i think the thing will be either yes or no you'll still like it or you'll be done with it but its hard to say what the proportions will be

happy gaming

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