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Assassin’s Creed Unity: Next-Gen Is Finally Here?

Yes, I know. Everyone's definition of "next-gen" is different.

For me, I think I'll know it when I see it. So far, I've seen glimpses of "next-gen" prowess in a few 2014 games. I catch flashes of it in fun titles like inFamous: Second Son , for instance.

But thus far, I don't think we've seen a single game for the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One that feels like a significant upgrade from the previous generation. Graphical upgrades are inevitable and as far as I'm concerned, far less interesting than gameplay-related upgrades. I also think that until we start weeding out the cross-generation projects (games made for the old and new consoles), we won't start seeing multiple "next-gen" productions. The first one might be Assassin's Creed Unity , which is only coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC.

There are plenty of reasons why Unity could look and feel "next-gen," and I sincerely hope Ubisoft comes through. In my view, 2014 has been moderately disappointing. Nothing I've seen has really blown me away and based on the Metacritic averages for the year, I'm not the only one. As usual, it takes about a year before we really start seeing games that make us go, "yes, now it feels like a new generation." Unity has the size, ambition, and scope to impress the hell out of me. If it doesn't, I'll have to turn my attention to next year's The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt .

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9 years ago

Tales of mordor looks very "next-gen" to me. Compared to the PC settings, the ps4 is the equivalent of the high settings. Looks great in motion and the orcs look phenomenal.

9 years ago

I hope Unity delivers. I like knowing the game is a true first-next-gen AC game. I may get it day 1 actually.
I've played all core AC's up to this point and this one is built for the new hardware so there's a certain excitement that comes with that, setting it apart from all the past entries.

I feel like this gen has arrived at a level of hardware that opens devs to create pretty much anything they can dream up. A game can be as realistic or as stylish as it wants. The PS4 is pretty much the apex of what the PS platforms have been building up to. It's gotten rid of the unsightly-muddiness-sluggish frame rates and clunky navigational aspects with the XMB and PS store etc. It's all slick and polished.
Now the sky is the limit and it seems to me the best rated console games this year aren't the games making use of all this power. It's the games that money and hardware can't so easily buy. Indie games and small dev games have scored the highest this year. Look at what Velocity 2x did with such oldschool mechanics.
While I love Destiny, I think we're looking at 500 million dollar example of how lavish a game can look but how empty it can feel to so many.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 10/4/2014 1:48:17 AM

9 years ago

IMHO, Next-gen for me is "total immersion" via added peripherals like the Morpheus and Rift. The Playstation 4 and Xbox One are here only to give us a preview of "some" of the upgrades that true next-gen can bring. They're here to ease our transition into what is to become of gaming.

That said, regardless of our own opinions of what true next-gen really is and if both the PS4 and XBOne can live up to their potential of delivering any such experience during their timeline, what matters still is if any of these games (past, present, and next-gen) are actually FUN FUN FUN to play with 😀

9 years ago

I must disagree, there are still endless ways to refine and improve gameplay, AI, battle systems, etc.

As soon as something becomes boring what is "next gen" is the improved way of doing things that uses the potential of the new system to make it happen.

9 years ago

No love for Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis system?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Eh…not really.

9 years ago

You probably dominated them too much, which would make them "scared" of your tactics and unable to respond properly. If you had folded and died they would have learned your weaknesses and adjusted their tactics. I think it's a good start to not just have all enemies on the same level with the same approaches.

9 years ago

Eh Ass Creed does not impress me.Drive Club looks the most promising as far as design, physics and added effects.Will have to play it first.

9 years ago

Unity does have some very high expectations since there has been hardly any titles exclusively on next gen.
From what I've seen so far it still doesn't have anything that actually draws me in and makes me want to play it like the naval combat, diving for treasure with sharks, and harpooning did with Black Flag.
I want to like it, but for one thing the main character seems so bland, and I don't pay for multiplayer so, even though I like co-op, it's online component doesn't matter to me.
I'll play it at some point, but I'm debating whether it is worth a Day1 purchase.

9 years ago

Hell yeah to the witcher 3 shout out!

9 years ago

yeah definately i think AC unity will be our 1st real look at what next gen could be but then the big slay of game comin with driveclub, LBP, the order, unchartered batman and the witcher we'll see what really knocks our sicks of this year or next

happy gaming

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