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How Long Will You Play Destiny?

I've been wondering about this question ever since Activision claimed the game would have a ten-year lifespan.

How long do you envision yourself playing Destiny ? I mean, I'm betting you won't play it for a decade, but do you even see yourself playing it for two or three years?

From an MMO standpoint (if that's what we're calling this game), it's perfectly feasible that gamers will spend years with this title. It happens all the time with MMOs like EverQuest and World of Warcraft ; if we're talking about a continually supported, persistent open-world structure, there's no reason why gamers can't get hooked for extended periods of time. Then again, Destiny isn't exactly like those other games, and I wonder if, despite the support and longevity, it has the staying power.

I don't doubt the game will endure for a long time, and it should continue to attract new players as time goes on. I know Activision didn't mean that gamers who bought Destiny day one would still be playing the game in 2024. At least, I assume that's not what they meant. They just mean the game will continue to entice new players for a long time, and I'm fine with that. I'd just like to know the average amount of time a player ultimately spends with Destiny ; it'd be a very interesting statistic to know four or five years down the road.

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9 years ago

Already stopped.

9 years ago

I've been stopped by other pressing matters, but I hope to play it long enough to deal with the main campaign.

9 years ago

Im assuming they mean across all 3 of the destiny sequels…. surely activision/bungie isnt stupid enough to believe wed be playing the FIRST destiny for 10 years lo

9 years ago

Yeah I think it's just one game they will build on like Warcraft.

9 years ago

except Warcraft and other games like it (final fantasy xi and xiv) have the incentive, money and motivation to do that as theyre taking 200k+ ppls money EVERY month.. so they longer they keep them playing the more money they make….. that isnt the case with Destiny as such Im sure it wont be built upon as much or as frequently as WoW

9 years ago

I expect them to prepare a complete new solar system as a $60 game with all of the marketing muscle behind it. I expect expansion packs to introduce new planets within the existing solar system we have now until then. I'm sure Venus, maybe Mercury, and the quazi-planet Pluto will be coming (every game has it's ice stage)

EDIT: I expect each of the new solar systems to be home of an existing race. For example, we'll get to see the Fallen homeworld, or Hive homeworld etc.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 9/27/2014 11:19:13 AM

9 years ago

I also expect that spaceships won't always be cosmetic. Bungie showed interest in starship battles in Halo Reach. I'm sure Destiny was already being dreamed up at that point. I think it way too early to sum up Destiny as this one time outing with a few expansion packs before it dies out. I see it going for it's full 10 years, probably longer.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 9/27/2014 11:24:19 AM

9 years ago

I'm not planning on anything other than I expect Bungie to support the game going forward for quite a while. I'm 34 hours in and already gotten my monies worth (a while ago).
I'm about ready to stop playing it exclusively though, at least until the expansion packs release. It's basically been all I've played since release, and a lot of it at that.
I'm level 24. My Hunter's Bladedancer skill tree is getting near completion. I can do some pretty dang slick stuff now with him. I don't see any other classes doing what I'm doing. I did get my first piece of Legendary gear…. for a TITAN!
It was a random 'any class' thing I got. I suppose I should be happy with that… or tempted to start a Titan =p

9 years ago

I started off as a hunter too. My first 2 legendary engrams turned into warlock armor.

9 years ago

people still play call of duty 4, if you have a game with a big ass community like this and you keep adding to it creating new and better experiences, people are going to keep playing it.

9 years ago

until i become the one and only legend.

jk. thatll never happen.

but i will keep playing until my fire burns out and i havent stopped playing it since day one.

9 years ago

I'll be playing for a long time, although not 10 years

9 years ago

I'm curious how they are going to go about supporting it in the future.

If they keep sprinkling it with free events and updates and cool stuff like that I will always pop in to see whats new and different.

But I'm wondering if the support is only going to come in the form of DLC, or are we going to see Destiny 2, in two years?

If we do see Destiny 2, two years from now are they going to replace Destiny 1, or will all the players be on the same servers?

So many questions.

9 years ago

Is it worth playing solo? Seems to be it sounds more enjoyable to play with some buddies.

9 years ago

It definitely is more fun with friends. Some of the higher level strikes are pretty much impossible to solo.

9 years ago

Played the Alpha, hated it. played Beta, loved it. Bought the game…wanted to part_ex it 2 days later, now got a level 28 character…bored shitless and wish that I had gone with my part_ex plan, Been stuck for a week at level 28 with no hope in sight and no real reason to care about going further.
This isn't a game at all its a masochists dream. Lots of pain with absolutely no gain…and still I keep playing it 🙁

9 years ago

As a franchise it's a no brainer but as a game…we'll see. I still play Unreal Tournament and Burnout Paradise on my PS3 so it's a possibility.

9 years ago

They meant the first Destiny? I thought they meant as in future titles as well (Destiny 2, Destiny 3)

9 years ago

I've been playing since launch and still can't go a day without jumping in for more. There are a lot of things that could be better, so if it's supported right I'll keep grinding away.

9 years ago

This is the greatest FPS in the history of man. Find some friends and enjoy the ride.

9 years ago

I think it will be another 3 years and it'll fade…
People like it at first then get bored. So far even after the update and release…the gameplay is so so…I may wait till the price goes down to try it…but until then meh…

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