There will be two very big first-person shooters hitting the market during the last four months of 2014.
So, here's the big question: Will you purchase Destiny or Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare ? Both? Neither? Chances are, not everyone will have the requisite time to dive into both and earn significant rewards online.
I'm going with neither just because I'm a little tired of shooters right now. But if I had to pick, I think I'd go with Destiny , just because it's closer to a role-playing-type atmosphere. It also reminds me of Borderlands , which was great fun. I have great respect for what Sledgehammer Games is trying to do with Advanced Warfare – that exosuit looks awesome! – but in the end, I think it'll just be another shooter that thrives on the same ol' multiplayer.
Still, if the campaign of Advanced Warfare is great, I might have to play it. Destiny seems too massive for me to play, anyway; I won't have anywhere near enough time this fall. So, how's about you?
I think both games look awesome. I won't get CoD day one. It'd be a rental for me. But I do like the CoD formula and I do look forward to playing a few versions of the series on this new hardware.
Destiny is a day one purchase for me. I'm feeling quite excited for it.
I also think many gamers will play both. I think of it sort of like music or movies. Content made in similar or same genres is likely going to attract repeat customers.
Neither, there's Dragon Age and Shadow of Mordor coming so there's no reason for me to make do with shooters.
Destiny for me! We got a ways to go before good FPS start to release so that's gonna be a nice high budget filler. Plus, CoD is old and tired and busted. Destiny is gonna be a sort of a… kind of a…. well, a thing.
Destiny, easily.
Destiny, can not wait til I can play all day on the 9th with one of my buds. We're trying to see how far we can go in the 1st day.
Last edited by KingRed on 8/30/2014 12:02:53 AM
neither,i don't care much about shooters and i don't like mp at all[for some reason sp sucks me in much more and that is what i want ;)]
But but but the Gordon Freeman!
Yeah your right,i forgot the word "most",there are some exceptions[very few]
Gordon Freeman is like the main dude in the Crew. I suppose he got tired of waiting to star in half life 3 and took it to the streets with racing.
this is what the main dude looks like in the Crew. I wonder it's like a gag or something.
Again, Destiny isn't just your average online shooter. Bungie were right not to label it an MMO or online shooter or competitive online shooter because it is none of those things.
It is much much closer to that single player experience that you enjoy.
Far too many people are writing Destiny off just because it has online features and game modes. Those game modes represent a fraction of the game, which you have no obligation to play.
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Sequel. However I'm getting Destiny too. Probably get Cod around the holidays. I'm looking forward to all of them.
Preordered the white PS4/Destiny bundlerooski, so I know for sure I'm going to dive into that. Just upgraded my innernette too, so I should be all set!
Both are a bit too fast for me these days (they both look great though), so Sherlock Holmes: Crime and Punishments and Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor will be my two 'release season' purchases.
Shut up!
Destiny, if it feels anything like Halo in the slightest.
Destiny is the pick, you damn noob!!!
Destiny is pre-ordered waiting to pre-load. I've never liked CoD and never will.
As a side note Ben, not having enough time to enjoy something is the most illogical statement I've ever heard/read. Unless you're on the front lines seeing active duty, I don't get it.
Both !
Special editions with steelbooks and season passes.
Pre ordered Halo too so my xbone doesnt feel too left out.
The FPS genre really is dominating with this new generation.
Neither. I simply don't care for online shooters. There is only so many time I can shooter a player online and carry on with it. I just find it very repetitive. But then when it comes to gaming, I seek for interactive story telling – which is why JRPG's are my most favourite genre. To put it simply, this rodeo is not for me.
Just a word of advice, if you are writing off Destiny as an online game the likes of COD you are making a huge mistake, and missing out on one of the best games of the year. It is much closer to RPGs than it is to COD.
Destiny is far closer to Borderlands 2 in terms of gameplay flow than CoD (well, other than the Crucible, but you could ignore that and have a great coop experience) – there's a bit less loot, but it's still a focus, as is developing skills and choosing between alternative skills.
i preordered destiny. cod will be rented
Destiny !!
Destiny for me, it will probably be my only shooter for me this gen, at least in first person.
I never had any interest in any COD game.
This is a toughy…
Uh….lets see. COD or Destiny…
The Evil Within.
Far Cry 4 is the next and last game I buy this year.
Destiny all the way for me. I love the atmosphere and gameplay of Halo and the Destiny beta was some of the most fun I've had in a game so far.
I really wish CoD would have a nice long campaign, but I don't believe it will.
Destiny: Ghost Edition pre-ordered… on PS3.
Might grab the new CoD for 360, but am not expecting much after the last IW effort. Sledgehammer could bring the series back, we shall see.
Campaigns are the key for me. Titanfall really proved how horrible online-centric games are. I play it once a month on PC and can rarely find a match, and then I'm bottom rung anyway.
Titanfall isn't a good example of online only games though. It is the biggest disappointment of the year and just isn't the amazing game people expected it to be.
destiny and neither which is destiny and other
happy gaming
Last edited by Rachet_JC_FTW on 8/31/2014 7:50:21 AM
If I could play Destiny in third-person (like in the hub area), I might buy it. As is, almost certainly not.
COD has no appeal whatsoever.
Destiny seems too massive? Really? That's a valid complaint? In this day and age, where we're receiving less and less bang for our buck in a game… I think that comment should be considered blasphemous. lol But I digress.. any case I am going with Destiny, because the makers and or publishers of CoD lost me when they went with a dual release system as a money grab…. because IMO if you release a game at the beginning of the year and theeeen release another game with basically all the same textures and the same graphics engine in that same year within a year of the original…that to me sounds like it should be an expansion pack and not require a full purchase price.