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Ben’s Week In Review: August 24

I guess I'm one of the few people who just aren't interested in Destiny . Oh well.

What I AM interested in: Assassin's Creed Unity

And not only because it's the first true next-generation entry in the franchise. No, it's also because Ubisoft appears to be making all the right moves this time around.

I saw three great pieces of information in the latest update : First, co-op is absolutely the way to go. Competitive multiplayer always felt out of place in this series, but co-op is freakin' awesome. Collaborating with a partner in that open-world assassin's playground, where you can devise multiple strategies? Sign me up. Second, they've finally adopted a slightly more role-playing structure, with the gear becoming more important. Your equipment will now have an impact on how you traverse the landscape and I say, 'bout damn time.

Thirdly and lastly, my favorite: The part where Ubisoft Montreal is trying to make the conversion between stealth and combat more fluid, more natural. This has always been a sore spot in the franchise for me; once you're spotted, you typically have no choice but to kill everyone in the vicinity. It's important for the AI system to be more intelligent, and for the overall experience to be that much more dynamic. All of these things make Assassin's Creed Unity by far and away my most anticipated game of 2014.

That "Silent Hills" game is going to be absolutely insane

First of all, has anyone figured out if "Silent Hills" is the official name of the game? Or is that just a weird pluralization of the standard name, Silent Hill due to a translation screw-up?

Well, whatever it ends up being called, it's going to be ridiculous . I played the "P.T." demo yesterday and while I didn't quite finish it (I'm stuck at the part with the hanging refrigerator; no idea what I'm supposed to do), it had a definite impact. That is what fear is all about: It's not about shoving a bunch of nastiness in your face, it's about keeping something terrifying just out of reach, just out of sight. Pretty soon, your imagination gets the better of you and you just want out . I also think it's awesome how they might be integrating "The War of the Worlds" in some fashion. Provided it's done skillfully, I'll be impressed.

Personal gaming update

I really wanted to like The Last Tinker: City of Colors more than I did. It's just too underwhelming to finish. Sorry about not getting the Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare review up sooner; I've had a few issues with my connection for some reason, so I haven't had enough play time yet. Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition will soon follow that review, and then I'll try to get to Tales of Xillia 2 . I notice it's not scoring as high as the original, but I haven't done any research as to why just yet. If anyone has already started playing it, how does it compare to the first title?

I'll be playing Diablo III for a while, I think. Like I said, I don't really care about Destiny . The first game I'll really want to play this fall will be Unity followed by Dragon Age: Inquisition .

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9 years ago

Mortal Kombat, The Last Of Us, tons of KZ Shadowfall and small bits of random games here and there. Revelations coop mode is fantastic and fun. Shame its not in the higher budget Resident Evil games.

I'm glad both Resident Evil and Silent Hill are getting some good things going for them. Rebooting the series with better graphics for Capcom is a brilliant idea because people WILL shell out money for RE2's remake. I know I certainly will without even questioning it. Kojima AND Del Toro working together on Silent Hill? Just yes. Yes.

Not much to say this week other than Robin Williams's passing depressing me. When I heard about it, I wasn't really sad. But then I realized that almost everything I watched had him in it. HE was a big character in my childhood and he gave me tons of laughs and enjoyment out of media. It's just sad is all. I hope he was put at rest in the manner in which he deserved.

9 years ago

No aliens in Silent Hill is all I have to say, unless it's a part of that ufo joke endings everyone was being passive aggressive about.

I'm gonna have some great stuff really soon. I'm enjoying Murdered: Soul Suspect and Akiba's Trip right now but they aren't deep experiences.

However Destiny will have deepness online as well is murderous satisfaction, and Dragon Age Inquisition and Raven's Cry are gonna be a double RPG tour de force.

Sept/Oct is gonna be gooooood.

9 years ago

Looking forward to Destiny online. Thanks for accepting my PSN invite 🙂
My mates don't have ps4 yet, so anyone else wanna add me, it's Dukemz

Last edited by Dukemz_UK on 8/24/2014 12:16:15 PM

9 years ago

No problem bro, I can't say I'm good at scheduling time to play together but if we find ourselves on together maybe we can help each other out!

9 years ago

@Dukemz I'll add you if you dont mind. Kind of like World said, I dont know if our time zones will cooperate, but maybe we'll run into each other.

9 years ago

Good to see you have conformed to the masses World, I look forward to talking Destiny with you and all the other PSXE'ers come September.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 8/24/2014 8:48:02 PM

9 years ago

I can't say AC Unity has gotten to me yet, hype wise. I know it'll be cool, and I will check it out. But for whatever reason it's existence hasn't really sunk in. I welcome any upgrades to it's game play dynamics. I can't say I'm yet excited for co-op. I'll likely give that component a chance and determine if it's deserving of my time. My apprehension is that I don't want the single player missions to feel like make-shifted co-op missions or vice versa. I suppose in AC's more open world structure it wouldn't matter all that much as it felt fragmented in structure to begin with, but I supposed there was always that hope that the game would progress to the strength's of a more singular experience rather than go the opposite route.

PGU: I finished Puppeteer. Great game. Endlessly imaginitive with production values that feels about on par with something God of War in terms of volume of art assets and dramatized theatrics. It also pushes some impressive tech effects. I wouldn't mind seeing it receive 1080p 60fps treatment.
Splinter Cell Blacklist is awesome. I'm a ways in. Sam's gadgets are so powerful now it almost feels like cheating. But I really do feel this one may become my favorite, topping even Chaos Theory.

9 years ago

Yeah I've got to agree.

While I see Unity, and I see all the changes they are making, and I like what I see, that hype just isn't there.

It's sort of the same feeling Revelations gave me. I KNEW I'd play it, but I just wasn't hyped. I guess it is the time period that does it, I am not too excited for the French Revolution, I wanted something that was FAR more different than previous games. Like what ACIV did. France just seems too….familiar.

9 years ago

i havent done a pgu in a while

i recently got the platinum for fallout 3. 5 and a half years after i bought it. still love the game. im working on new vegas right now and its so much different from 3.

a few weeks ago i bought a copy of steel battalion for the original xbox off a buddy for cheap. that game is so much fun but so hard. it has probably the coolest controller ever. look it up. 3 joysticks 40 buttons and 3 pedals. i wish sony would make this game on the ps4 with another bad ass controller like this.

9 years ago

Finished "Ready Player One" last week.

And seriously: That book is a *must-read* for anyone that has got at least one grain of gamer in them. The story itself is cool enough, but it's the references to gaming history and gamer geeks that makes this book such an amazing experience.

I say it again: If you got the ability to read a book, read this one. Not to brag, not to obtain an intellectual alibi, just to have a really really good time.
Never had so much fun reading since A Hitch-hikers Guide To The Galaxy.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/24/2014 2:15:43 PM

9 years ago

What's the basic plot/elevator pitch? I'm working on my own fiction based around the culture of gaming and I wonder what else is happening out there. I haven't had time to read since I graduated college.

9 years ago

Without giving way too much: The setting is in the near future, total chaos reign in the real world and everyone are living their alternative lives inside a gigantic mmorpg called Oasis.

When the designer of this game dies, he reveals in his will that he will give his entire fortune and superadmin-rights to this game if they can find and obtain the three hidden keys in the game behind three easter eggs.

The quests/tasks once you find the eggs are related to the creators own upbringing as a gamer in the 70s and 80s.

I don't want to tell more, but it really is a great read, on oh so many levels. The main protagonist and his friends are ultimate gamer geeks, and you'll nod at almost everything that is said and done in this book – both in regards to events inside Oasis and in the real world.

You MUST read this book. It's too good.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/24/2014 3:34:19 PM

9 years ago

Sounds interesting, at your recommendation I'll put it on my tablet to get to later. I'm so busy designing my personal web site right now and I have to finish my own game related serial story. I can't wait to show you guys my site.

9 years ago

Got my ps4 yesterday as a bday present!!! Today after a "slight" hangover, plugged it in to download free copy of ISS… a message about about the PSN maintenance 😮 no gaming on my ps4 today. Might stop by to pick up MGS.

9 years ago

It's a DoS attack. Some are able to log in, but I haven't heard any news of the store being back up yet.

9 years ago

Congrats on the PS4 present!

9 years ago

PGU: My 30 day trial ended for FFIX. I may go back at some stage but I made an impulse buy on Diablo 3 and loot addiction has well and truly taken hold. The combat can be so frantic at stages that you completely forget the button mashing nature of what you're playing and despite the awfully bad writing I am enjoying the silly overly fantastical story.

PS. I wanted to admit to you guys that I just lost my driving license due to DUI. I'm ashamed and don't have the strength to tell anyone personal about it but I felt it was worth noting. I've let myself down.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
9 years ago

You're human. We all make mistakes. What's important is to learn from them and not repeat them. Beating yourself up over it doesn't help anyone. Take this as a wake up call that you did something really stupid and don't ever do it again! Hopefully no one was hurt. But MOVE FORWARD – you can't change the past, only your future.

Most people who get a DWI get ONE and never get another. Most people who get a second one get a third, fourth, and so on. Shoot to be in the first group! Yeah – a big part of my practice is DWI defense in Minnesota. PM me if you have any questions you want to run by me.

PGU – muddling around LEGO Marvel until Destiny releases…….

9 years ago

Exactly what Norrin Radd wrote. Put all energy into the future. The fact that you feel badly about it is a good step.

Everyone makes mistakes; not everyone learns from them. Good luck.

9 years ago

At least you are safe. That is all that matters. Things could have been worse and you may not have been able to post here anymore. Things always get better, even if they go by slowly to get there.

9 years ago

@Norrin Radd @Surfer Thanks for the support. It's nice to have someone on your side. I appreciate it 🙂

9 years ago

It is amazing how the industry has trained the consumer to focus on the future…for example Silent Hills will probably not be out until Holiday 2015 at the earliest. That is 15 months away! Lets see what happens in the next couple least this is just my opinion

9 years ago

Unity looks like it'll be a blast. From what I'm understanding about the whole Silent Hills spiel is that its a plural name, a reboot, and the possibility of aliens is inevitably within the storyline. Unless the teaser is simply meant to screw with us and/or drop a hint as to the type of horror we should anticipate. I'm okay with aliens. Whatever. We just found algae in space (that we accidentally put there), so I've heard it all. Hah! Maybe not.

I'm about to fire up my PC and get back to Black Flag. Had some EDID handshake headaches when I moved my PC to the living room.. Still quirky. Pissing me off, tbh. (AMD 7950)HDMI to Onkyo receiver shouldn't be such a hassle. Made inf for the monitor… Still doesn't handshake after hours of sleep. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

The Last of Us main campaign and left behind were a blast! Now I understand why so few wanted to replay it, but I personally foresee myself playing it again in a few months. Loved the story!

I've entirely given up on watchdogs. One of those games where I took a break from it and I suddenly really, REALLY, suck at it. Bummer.

Finishing up Black Flag and getting aboard for Diablo 3. Not sure if I want to play it on console. Pretty sure that I'll miss my keyboard and mouse. Yeah – PC it is.

9 years ago

I've found Diablo 3 on console pretty damn comfortable in case you were wondering 🙂

9 years ago

I was wondering. Perhaps I'll try it out. Gamestop allows returns, right? Muahaha!

9 years ago

You might not be able to log into psn Ben because of a DDOS attack going on currently. Looks like it is affecting the ps4 more than the ps3. A group calling themselves lizards are taking credit for it, they even had a bomb threat towards the president of sony. Bunch of spoiled brats is more like it. >:(

9 years ago

It's stupid. Their message is intended to represent the lack of action on behalf of Sony to prevent DoS attacks. Everyone and their mother is reminiscing the 2011 attack, which was a hack… Not sure what to say. Stupid? Assholes? Stupid assholes? That feels like the one.

9 years ago

My first ever PGU I think.

Being playing Diablo 3 as much as I can right now. Although I am at a point in my life where I am pretty addicted to watching TV shows. I think I have watched over 15 new shows in the last 6 months.

It's sort of like how people become deeply involved in reading books, I see it as the same thing, I just get so involved in storytelling, but I can't connect with a book, so I connect with a TV. Hahaha.

9 years ago


I'm playing Tales of Xillia 2 now, and I say I like it better than the first one mainly because of the character episodes. Also, the gameplay is a little bit better because you could switch weapons on the battle with your main character, Ludger.

9 years ago

yeah i'm pritty keen for this co-op AC thats doing it right rather than the stupid multiplayer they've had in the other games

happy gaming

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