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Is Chloe Frazer Strong Enough To Carry Uncharted?

“A Thief's End” could be a literal statement.

Maybe it's just me, but the feel of this next Uncharted is precarious in my mind. Nathan Drake voice star Nolan North voiced his opinion that this could be the final Drake adventure and signs seem to be pointed in that direction elsewhere.

Other than the subtitle we recently learned that Naughty Dog is having a small mental identity crisis. We know they want to show us just who Nathan Drake is, but seem to be playing a balancing act by preempting thoughts that Uncharted may go way dark like The Last of Us.

That sounds like they want to finally reveal the whole character, and thus end his story. There's no way this wouldn't cause some dark turns for the franchise, and the overall feel of their trailer is murky. Uncharted has dealt with some of that painful human grittiness before, it would be nothing new, so I believe them when Naughty Dog says Uncharted 4 will retain the overall comical adventure tone. I also think it won't all be fun and games.

However Nathan Drake ends his story, it would be a shame to lose this franchise. Some say it can't continue without him, others wouldn't mind a new cast. I propose another option: the franchise continues with Chloe Frazer, Drake's sometimes partner in numerous situations.

Is she strong enough to pick up and carry the legacy? She's the most physically tough female character of the series, she has all the worldwide hookups that Drake does, her sense of humor is dry and irreverent, plus she doesn't seem like the type to retire.

As a character worth exploring she could have a great deal of back story to draw from, Drake could still take a side role as he has been a part of her adventuring experience, and we deserve a look at why she plays the game a bit dirtier than he does. What drives her? She's not the hero Drake is, but could he inspire her to become one?

On the flip side with a female protagonist you get the fact that Uncharted could just become a competitor to Tomb Raider in consumer's eyes. Tomb Raider's female heroine adventuress routine is kind of locked up tight after that awesome reboot. After all, Uncharted was originally conceived as a kind of “Dude Raider.” So maybe it wouldn't be the best idea. Then again, we just found out Lara will be leaving Playstation and Chloe could be needed to step in.

If Nathan Drake makes his exit I'd be okay with Chloe taking the reigns. I'd also be okay with new characters, but I believe fans want to stay as close to home as possible.

Do you think Chloe can or should carry Uncharted if Nathan Drake's story is complete?