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Ben’s Week In Review: July 27

All these delays are a little worrisome but at least I get more time to play what I want. 😉

We've heard this many times before from developers who produce exclusive PlayStation software

"Only the 'insert new PlayStation console name here' is powerful enough to handle our creative vision." Or something along those lines.

We've heard it time and time again, mostly from first-party designers. I don't necessarily doubt the veracity of their claims; after all, I'm sure they know what they're talking about. That being said, I can't help but wonder if bias seeps into their judgment when they make such statements. After all, they're only developing for the PlayStation brand, right? So, how much experience does a team like Ready at Dawn have with any other platform? None? Sure, I believe The Order: 1886 will take advantage of the PS4's prodigious capabilities, but is it really the "only console that can handle it?" I mean, how can we be sure? How can they be sure? They obviously didn't try to put it on the Xbox One, correct?

Anyway, I just thought I'd bring this up. I don't mind when developers say this and besides, PlayStation has proven its power over and over. I don't believe for one second that Xbox 360 could've handled the Uncharted series (or The Last Of Us , for that matter). I'm just saying, I wish they'd clarify these statements a little better.

A new Bioshock? Well…who's doing it?

It's one of my favorite franchises of all time, so when I heard 2K was teasing a new Bioshock , I was ecstatic.

But then I stopped myself. Irrational is no more. Who's gonna do it?

Will it be an internal 2K team? And if so, what are their qualifications? What sort of experience do they have? I'm certain 2K wouldn't pass this esteemed IP off to a mediocre developer but even so, can they be a patch on the awesome Irrational guys? On top of which, let's not forget that the narrative has always been one of the most critical elements of this franchise. Thing is, Ken Levine was mostly responsible for those scripts and with him gone… Writing is a very specialized skill and it's difficult to find people who can pen such in-depth and engaging stories, especially for interactive entertainment. Without Levine and Co., I just worry about what to expect, you know?

Personal gaming update

I'm not playing much right now; just going to try and finish Grand Theft Auto V . Crimsonland is actually pretty fun; it just doesn't have enough variety or content to hold my attention for very long. And talk about repetitive! Wow . It's a lot more fun when you're playing with a friend or two, though, so I'd recommend it if you've got some wiling buddies. Besides, there isn't much available right now, and there aren't really any high-profile releases until Destiny in September. Speaking of which, I haven't even bothered with the beta; this is just one of those times when the hype has proven to be much too annoying.

I'll probably nab The Last Of Us: Remastered this week; I'll take advantage of that trade-in deal . I just like to have the very best version of any awesome game in my collection. 🙂

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10 years ago

Natural Doctrine Review Ben?

I'm scared for Bioshock, the only one I'd trust writing it is me.

Haven't had much time to game but I did beat Wolfenstein, best FPS in a long time. Incredible what Machine Games did to save this game, and I loved being able to play the original wolf3d level.

Also I got a converter to finally bring my Dreamcast all the way up to 1080p and Gran Turismo 2 look fantastic on it. Got a rod to go DC fake fishing with too but I've been too busy.

Been busy building a supersite that will bring all of my works, personality, media, flair, fun and thoughtful takes on gaming and the industry together in one place.

No worries though, I won't be leaving you.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

If I get it, I'll do it. If not, you can if you like.

Email me around the time it comes out to remind me.

10 years ago

Well, it's true the PS4 can only handle The Order 1886 in its true PS4 form. If it was ported to the X1 it would have to be dumbed down to 720p at 30FPS. So in truth the PS4 can only process and display what RAD has created.

My 6yr old son finished Tearaway all by himself!! I am so very proud! It's the first game he has taken down by himself.

I have been enjoying Destiny but missed the Moon mission today. Looking forward to the final version.

Also having fun with Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate! Nice Vita game however the combat is not as refined as the PS3 versions. That PSN sale was truly epic!

9 years ago

Man, today I took my mom out for lunch and when I said "lets go" she said "hang on i'm almost done grinding." And I looked and saw her playing FFX HD. I'm so proud lol

Nothing but Dark Souls 2 and Revengeance this week. Mixed in with some Last of Us Multiplayer. I absolutely LOVE Revengeance. So good.

9 years ago



9 years ago

MGR:Revengeance is one of my favorites from last gen. To think it was salvaged by Platinum Games on short notice, and still better than just about every game of it's kind is just mind blowing (I nabbed it again for pc off of steam). So I hear Kojima san is interested in developing a sequel with Platinum. I'm stoked.

9 years ago

I woulda cried man. When I was in school my mom told me that a couple times she snuck in my room and played Final Fantasy VIII. That was surprising. But she was an artist at the time and was painting the Squall/Rinoa love embrace, she really liked them.

9 years ago

Your mom's cool.

9 years ago

Personally I see the "could only be done on PS" claims from Sony-controlled studios to be advertisements from their marketing department. If I ran a Playstation site I'd not even distribute those ads without charging for it.

Two weeks summer holiday is over – spent on a fantastic family-owned island far south of Norway. The whole darn place was like a continuous sweet holiday flick.

So I've not played anything but UniWar these weeks. Still one of the best turn-based strategy games on mobile.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/27/2014 3:04:44 AM

9 years ago

Just a thought, but what if the next fallout has a big multiplayer side to it…

9 years ago

I'm hoping for a coop option, that sums up all online features I want in that franchise.

9 years ago

I think that'd be too big.

9 years ago

BeamBoom, come back more. Summer is so bleak we need more posts!

9 years ago

PGU: Just started my 2nd play through of Bound by Flame on the hardest difficulty. So far it's doable, but I know the final boss is going to take forever to beat.
I've also got my ps4 version of The Last of Us preordered so I'll probably put BBF on hold for a while once I get it.

Last edited by Nerull on 7/27/2014 3:36:12 PM

9 years ago

everyone says that boss is tough, I'm glad I put it on easy.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
9 years ago

World, I found the final boss a pain in the butt on easy, too. I got him down but it was quite a battle.

9 years ago

I believed the "Only on Playstation" quote for the PS3, I'm not so sure about it anymore.

Bioshok is one of those games I want to be more interested in, but haven't played since the first one. But it does make me wonder if someone is going to come in and trash the franchise with a crappy game.

I have been playing Destiny way too much this week so maybe it's good that the beta is over. When the servers were down for maintainence I (finally) started The Last of Us. I know, blasphemy. The experiences are so visceral and the graphics are top notch even on after I've been on the PS4 mostly since it launched. I've been contemplating trading it in towards the remastered version, but I want to hold on to the original copy too. So for now I'll just play on PS3.

9 years ago

well i can see where ur cmin from with the RAD with the order and stuff.
i' not sure who they would give the bioshock reigns to i'm sure they'll be care, we are after all an unforgiving lot aren't we and vocal for that matter and i'm sure they are awhere of that i have play any ps3 or ps4 for awhile but i ahve played a lil but of modnation on the vita here and there i've just been on my PC(laptop) mostly for the last month or so but i have been itching to get bk on it at some stage maybe soon i hope i can get myself to.

happy gaming

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
9 years ago

This weekend I played a bit of World of Warcraft and Destiny. Since they opened it up to all without needing a code, I decided to give it a whirl too on the X1. I saw little difference between the PS4 and X1 versions, though my older TV isn't the fanciest and most up-to-date thing on the planet so take that as you will. I'm still getting the PS4 version though as most of my friends who're playing it are playing it on the PS4.

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