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Do You Want Resistance Back?

It has been a few years since the well-received Resistance 3 graced the PS3 and promptly died a terrible sales death.

Folks looking for a decent FPS experience on Vita got Burning Skies after that but it didn't turn out so great, not nearly as good as Killzone: Mercenary anyway.

Killzone: Shadow Fall was fun and pretty but basically a dud in the grand scheme of things. It didn't do for the PS4 adopters what Resistance : Fall of Man did for PS3 adopters. Playstation seems to be having trouble producing it's own Halo, and by that I mean a consistently great and popular FPS that can only be had on Playstation.

If that's ever going to happen it might need to be a new series, but in the mean time events conspire to leave us without the quality that exclusive development exudes in the FPS genre. Guerrilla Games is hard at work on their new IP and hopes for another great Killzone will have to wait a few years. The same is true of Resistance as far as we know. Insomniac is hard at work for Microsoft making that wacky open world shooter Sunset Overdrive. It could be awhile to find them available even if Sony is interested in another game in the series, which they probably aren't.

Though nobody has officially labeled it dead, the franchise is basically tapped out now that it has received severe damage and from public opinion and under-appreciation. Sometimes it isn't enough just to create a great game it seems.

But PS4 is on the rise, like really on the rise. A lot of the new gamers and converts never got to see the awesomeness of the series. There's also the possibilty the franchise was overlooked so much because of the military shooter craze last gen, which is losing momentum and interest in the new generation.

Sony is within their rights as far as I know to put one of their own teams on Resistance (probably not the one who did Burning Skies ) and continue the franchise or even reboot it. They could also choose to strike a new deal with Insomniac after Sunset Overdrive . That would take a long time to bring Resistance back but maybe it needs that kind of rest before a triumphant return.

It's such a rich and fun shooter it would be truly a shame to relegate it to the dust bin of gaming history. If it does ever return Sony is going to have to fully invest in the right ad campaign and put all their weight behind it to make it the kind of hot topic that the first game was.

How about it, do you want Resistance back? Would you give it your full support? Should more time pass? Prefer a new exclusive shooter? Tell us all about it.

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10 years ago

This is one of the great Playstation franchises in my book and needs to be brought back.

Releasing games in the same window as COD and all the other FPS triple AAAs isn't the smartest move though. A spring release would have seen far better sales for Resistance 3. Sony should stick to releasing other genres during the holiday period and accept Activision and EA own the holiday FPS market.

The R3 campaign was fantastic (I played it with the move and sharpshooter) and the multiplayer was pretty decent too. No way should Resistance be put out to pasture.

10 years ago

R3 is one of the best FPS I've played, and R2 actually got me to play multiplayer, and I liked it!

10 years ago

Another great piece here Nelson, as well as Ben, John and whomever else contributes here of course!

Yeah, R2 is what I played online the most, although not having a headset I hadn't played it much until I had one and by that time there were only a few months left. R.I.P Resistance MP. =(
… just for now (hopefully).
May you be resurrected on PS4!

Last edited by H8WL3R on 7/7/2014 11:32:52 AM

10 years ago

I quite liked R:FoM and R2.
I also liked that the first had campaign co-op, but they removed it for R2. Yeah the mp co-op did get repetitive but I liked the classes, the level up/upgrading and had fun with the people I was playing with generally, and even made a few friends. I thought it was great how classes really lent themselves well for playing as a team and how you gained much more xp for performing those tasks when available. I barely played the competitive component in that game though. Would've been nice if they had kept the option to play the campaign cooperatively. Instead of tweaking what they had for mp in R2 they totally altered it, but at least they re-implemented the campaign co-op.
I have all three for the PS3, but have yet to even start R3. I don't have R: Retribution (PSP I believe), nor R: Burning Skies yet though. I wonder if Retribution is available in digital form for the PSV.

Last edited by H8WL3R on 7/7/2014 12:10:16 PM

10 years ago

Didn't care for Resistance 3 at all. Seemed a huge step back from the incredibly ambitious Resistance 2. I say let Resistance go out with some dignity.

PSN French
PSN French
10 years ago

I'm with you, Insomniac is incredibly talented. Why not hope for something new from them?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago


Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Yes it should. Fall Of Man was probably (memory) the first Ps3 game I played. I had an absolute blast playing that game because it was a weird game to be playing during the night. Hearing Chimera scream distinctively before they die is just very satisfying.

10 years ago

Nope. Resistance 3 was such a let down. For me it brought the series down from being an AAA franchise. I loved the first 2 games, but R3 was just so lacking. The story was so un-eventful and the lead character was juts so disorientating, I genuinely could not distinguish the same man from R2 in R3 & while I appreciate the angle they were trying to take with his family, it just never really struck a chord in my like I would have hoped. I'm just done with this series now.

10 years ago

I liked the setting in these games. It had a lot of potential.
But they better improve the coop gameplay then. R2 became too repetitive and R3, while following the campaign had other elemental flaws.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/7/2014 3:48:05 AM

10 years ago

R2 coop was funnnnnnnnn

10 years ago

R2 coop was fun for a while, that is true. But I will always prefer storyline coop over any other variation.
It pretty soon feels kinda pointless without an ultimate goal and a final ending.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/8/2014 3:47:17 AM

10 years ago

I was 14 got a PS3 and Fall of man (11/17/06) beat the campaign around 60 times probably 1000 hours online Resistance 2 came it was cool R3 was trash lost faith in Insomniac

10 years ago

Aw man… make me feel old why doncha. When I was 14, the PS2 wasn't even out yet.

10 years ago

They tried being like CoD and fucked everything up because they tired to be mainstream RIP Weapon wheel

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Pfft. Yes. Great enemy design. Interesting story. Fantastic weapons, and Insomniac's flair for fun? What's not to like?

I'd really love to see them get Insomniac back on it; I mean, Insomniac is already doing the remake/reboot of Ratchet and Clank, so it's not as though they've abandoned Sony completely, but it would be at least a few years away, especially if Insomniac is going to expand on Sunset Overdrive (that will depend on its success, obviously). While Guerilla would make a competent game, I don't think that they could make a Resistance game. Guerilla Cambridge is one option, because I have my doubts that they're going to keep churning out Killzone games for the Vita (although maybe they'll get Killzone while Guerilla Proper deals exclusively with their new franchise). It definitely wouldn't be the Burning Skies team. That was Nihilistic, and they basically folded and got rebranded as Nstigate (IIRC), focussing on mobile games. I think Sony learnt their lesson with that partnership after PSMove Heroes and R:BS (and CoD:BO Declassified).

Would like to see Sony Bend have a shot at it, though. They did a damn good job with Retribution, in my opinion, and would love to see what they could do on the PS4.

10 years ago

This is my honest opinion, and I expect I'll get a lot of thumbs down for this, but here goes…

I got Resistance 3 around the same time Gears of War 3 came out and was clear as day which product was of higher quality and was a lot more fun to play.

I'm sorry, but I don't see what the hype around Resistance 3 was with critics.
– The graphics were good but not great.
– It was plagued with bugs and glitches.
– I had to restart my PS3 several times from freezing issues.
– I wish there was some form of regenerative health because I hit a a checkpoint on 10% health running through a grassy field by an old shack surrounded by enemies. I had no chance. Had to restart the whole damn level.
– The characters weren't overly interesting. While the voice actors were really good, I just wasn't as invested in their story like I was with something like Heavy Rain.
– The Dual Shock 3 isn't the best controller for shooters, let's face it.
– The enemies moved like robots on steroids, jumping and moving all over the screen in ridiculously quick moments, could not keep up.

The guns were fantastic, had so much fun with them, and the levels were quite creative, fun and memorable in moments. (The boat trip while fighting off hoards of enemies)

I did finish the game, but it felt like more of a chore than fun. I played Super Mario Galaxy shortly after finishing R3 just to make me happy again.

I never wish for poor sales upon a game, never. But I can definitely see why some people may have opted over higher quality titles on PS3 or 360 over Resistance 3.

I would like to see a Resistance 4, but with a whole new physics engine that feels more realistic and fluid, and memorable characters with playable throwbacks to their past and family interactions so we can invest in their fight for survival.

10 years ago

I'd rather Sunset Overdrive, if I'm being 100% honest, but Sony's stupid corporate policies blew any chance of that so if the circumstances were right, I wouldn't mind a return of Resistance. I'd want Insomniac making it though.

10 years ago

Sonys policies have nothing to do with Sunset Overdrive?

10 years ago

They don't allow devs to own their own IPs. That's a corporate policy.

PSN French
PSN French
10 years ago

^^ That's not exactly policy, they have given IPs to developers before, although rare. The only reason they went with Microsoft is because they allowed ownership, which means it will eventually come to PS4. I'm sure Microsoft paid them to keep it exclusive for a time. Poor M$ camp, never going to get to play Bloodborne 🙁

10 years ago

Hope so.

10 years ago

Resistance was a B grade FPS title. There was sooooooo many better games out there.

When I think of Resistance I think "generic shooter".

Anyone here who says Resistance is a great FPS game, you're hypocrites! Lol

10 years ago

I agree it was a bit overrated. I think it enjoyed that special "exclusiveness bonus" amongst the Sony fans.

Solid games, by all means, but in the pool of FPS it really was quite ordinary.

10 years ago

True. Everything exclusive is somehow great. R3 is the epitome of mediocrity. Yes, the weapons fairly interesting, but the rest of the game? Gimme a break.

10 years ago

Problem is, FPS is probably the hardest genre of all to excel in cause the competition is just ridiculous.

I think "mediocre" is a too harsh a label. But it did feel generic at times, and did fall short on some crucial areas. So while they were solid, they did drown in a sea of other solid FPS releases.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/7/2014 10:46:58 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

All wrong.

There were no shooters with better campaigns. None. Not even remotely close. There were no shooters with a better assortment of weapons. None. No other shooter created that atmosphere, no other shooter developed these outrageously massive bosses that were not merely visual spectacles, but forced you to actually THINK every now and then (in a shooter, God forbid). There was more variety in two levels of Resistance than there was in any military campaign in the past ten years.

I've played them all. I'm not sure a shooter has come along that I haven't played. Resistance was always head-and-shoulders above any other franchise in terms of the campaign. Only Killzone 2 had a better one.

10 years ago

If you seriously think Killzone 2 had a great story (if that is what you mean by campaign) then our opinions are way too far from each other to have a discussion around this, Ben. Few times has shooters made me blush – Killzone 2 is one of them (most of them makes me just shrug). The extremely overdone caricatures of (in)famous world leaders of the 20th century were just embarrassing, and good grief how predictable that whole affair were.

The story in Resistance 3 however, now that had a lot of promise. It started out so good, but then it looked like the devs lost confidence in their story and started to throw in some silly levels (I still remember the disappointment when I discovered they all of a sudden wanted to throw… Zombies at me!) that turned the entire campaign into something very traditional and – yes – generic.

Same with the coop mode offered in R3: It had such promise but they did some basic errors that left me feel it was only half-done.
So all taken into account, I would call it "just another good shooter". Being a "80+" game really is not bad. It's just that there's so many shooters in that category.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/7/2014 12:00:22 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

I'm not talking about story, no. I'm talking about the campaign experience. No campaign experience has been as diverse, dynamic or as engaging, from the variety of the weapons to the bosses to the environment, as every last Resistance entry.

There's more imagination and creativity in one level of Resistance than there has been in all of the Battlefield and CoD franchises in the past five years. Like I said, I've played them all.

10 years ago

Bah, I just discovered I did a stupid mistake. I was talking about the Killzone 3 storyline up there, not 2. I never got far into Killzone 2.

But anyways: Ben, one is entitled to an opinion even if they haven't "played'em all". Just sayin'.
And Battlefield and COD is like the worst comparisons ever, both being multiplayer centric. If you've played'em all then at the very least don't fall into the pitfall of using multiplayer games as comparison. If I didn't know you I'd by now assume you've not played anything else.

If we talk about the experience, I think Resistance 3 tried too hard to be varied, at the major expense of coherence. To me it was like they didn't trust their own story to be enough to keep the player captivated, so they just threw us into all these set pieces without any real relevance to each other. Unfortunately it just ended up being a "fun park experience", a chain of rides that were entertaining, but the actual story took the back seat along the way.

I think there are other linear shooters who manage to "stick together the set pieces" much better. Like Crysis 2: Although the story itself were confusing to say the least, at least the campaign felt like we were following one.

Or Metro Last Light, who probably is an even better example of a shooter who gave one coherent experience.

So yes, the campaign of Resistance 3 were diverse. That is true. Also, the weapons and the overall handling were really good indeed. It's not a game without positives – like I say, they were solid shooters. But I do agree with those who say they are a bit overrated in the Sony camp.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/7/2014 3:41:48 PM

10 years ago

No one is entitled to an opinion if it's on a topic they have no knowledge about in my books. (not saying that's the case here. It's just a pet-peeve statement of mine) As for Resistance, I don't have a ton of experience with shooters, myself, but I do know gameplay-wise Resistance seems to have more variety and complexity than CoD or Halo (to compare to games I -HAVE- played).

Story is "generic", but I don't care about that since… well… pretty much every damn game out there is generic and almost every form of media we're faced with is full of melodramatic elements. (Complaining that it's generic is the hypocritical piece, by the way, Akuma. :p )

Anyways, it's a shooter, which I'm not big on, so I can't say I thought Resistance was amazing. But it definitely not mediocre, and I do think there's enough there to understand why some people might think it's fantastic. So the hypocritical point is moot.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Metro: Last Light is a tad overrated in my estimation, as it's more repetitive than it should've been and doesn't boast the same creativity we saw on a routine basis in the Resistance franchise.

They weren't overrated in the slightest. There were no other shooters that offered what each Resistance did, which is BOTH a great campaign and great multiplayer. I'm not saying the multiplayer was fantastic, but it never got anywhere near enough credit; R2 was the first game to boast 60 players in one match, for instance, and overall, it was a rock solid multiplayer experience.

In terms of campaign, Crysis 2 and 3 are not in the same league, I don't believe. The "PC-ness" of that series results in that bland, almost sterile atmosphere that is never remotely engaging to me. I mean, I loved Crysis 2. But the Resistance games simply had more soul. They had more of a fantastical format, and the arsenal in R3 remains the absolute best FPS arsenal in the history of FPSs. I'm not exaggerating at all when I say that.

The only shooters that came close to any Resistance campaigns, in my estimation, were Singularity and Killzone 2 and 3. And if you want to call RAGE a straight shooter, I'll name that one as well.

10 years ago

Resistance more complex than…. Halo? Oh my. Geez, I'd put a ton of FPS campaigns ahead of Resistance and Killzone. The Darkness, Far Cry 3/Blood Dragon, Metro 2033, Singularity, Halo Reach, Prey, CoD 4, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Bulletstorm Half Life 2 and Episodes 1 and 2, and Bioshock 1, 2 and Infinite.,

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Halo doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath with Resistance, as far as I'm concerned. Halo has been exactly the same shooter since Halo 2.

10 years ago

Resistance isnt in Halo's league. And I love Resistance, especially 2. Amazing campaign.. But Halo is just better. From weapons, vehicles, level design, co-op, Forge, multiplayer. It's innovated while Resistance has merely imitated.

10 years ago

Last Light is most definitely more repetitive. It's a stealthy shooter and sticks to being that. But I don't want to use that against it when it was executed as well as it were. It delivered one complete package, it didn't try to be a little bit of everything. That's the mistake they did with Resistance.

I agree that Resistance had soul. There was great *potential* there but I do think they got lost along the way, for the aforementioned reasons.
If you are simply looking for a varied line of set pieces to shoot stuff in, Resistance delivered on all accounts. Fun arsenal, loads of different scenarios, solid shooter in itself.
But for me it became too much of a "game" and too little of an "experience", if that made any sense. I want a game world I can enter and stay in. The way I see it Resistance started out really really good, but then drifted off into being just a joyride.

But please note, I still rate Resistance as one of the better PS exclusives, definitely higher than Killzone. Just for the record.

But all the guns in Resistance could not even get close to how I felt using the suit in Crysis 2.

10 years ago

mmm yeah. Halo has not consistently innovated. That's silly to suggest. The most major improvement they ever made from one title to the next was allowing dual wielding in 2. Anything else has been an itty bitty multiplayer addition here… another there… nothing game-changing though. Just refining an already solid title. (Which is why it remains good, as opposed to CoD which just stays the same and lags behind technically)

As for that weird list of yours, I'm not sure some of those titles are relevant in this discussion… for instance, CoD4… go back and play it now. Compared to what we have now AND what the first Resistance looked like, CoD4 looks as grainy as a PS2 production.

10 years ago

That's what I meant. Everyone here calls 90% of other shooters "generic".

I think this whole argument boils down to what Beam said earlier, the whole 'Playstation Exclusive' part of it. I mean, Halo fans would argue till they are blue in the face that Halo is the best game ever made, but it isn't.

Resistance was a mixed bag for me, there was so much potential and so many elements which they tried to excel in, but in the end it all just felt 'meh' to me. Played the first one a lot because there was no other games, the second one was okay, but the third one just felt overrated.

10 years ago

Those titles are relevant. It's not my fault if you havent played the all, which i own and have played them all.. And CoD4 looks a few times better than the first Resistance. From mo cap, water effects, smoke effects, fps, lighting, characters on screen. And the story telling was revolutionary for an fps, telling it real time with no cutscenes. And you really think that it doesn't stack up?? Good grief. Hey, I dont mind that you harass me in the comments section but don't argue just for argument's sake and not have a damn leg to stand on.

10 years ago

Halo 3 did a number of things to the single player campaign that I loved and recognize as innovation. The item drops were a big game changer(if anyone doesn't recognize this they didn't play the game right), and the new vehicles were also nice and improved (unlike most FPS games where vehicles are treated as an afterthought, the vehicles in Halo are very well implemented and can make a HUGE difference in the outcome of a conflict), and played unique. There were also awesome set piece battles that were well beyond anything from any Halo before it. It's okay to not like a franchise but lets not be false about it. But I do think post-Halo 3 things started going downhill. But Reach was nice in it's own right and still captured the magic of the series. Halo 4 just didn't do it for me. The graphics were subperb though.

EDIT: and yes, CoD4 was something special at first launch. It had stellar intense action and animation quality that was second to none. There's no denying that. CoD2 was also quite awesome and it was something I played on PC before it ever saw the light of day on 360. Back then PC was so far ahead of consoles in the FPS realm it was not even funny. PS-side they never came close to catching up until Resistance FoM released and even then it wasn't a showstopper with most critics agreeing that it was great but not THAT great. Honestly, I struggled to even finish R2. It really didn't hold me. The graphics tech was also disappointing and several levels had spots that just didn't feel totally fleshed out. It was good but far from "elite" status.

EDIT2: sorry to be late to the party but I've been a busy guy 😉

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/8/2014 6:50:35 PM

10 years ago

and if anyone needs a Halo 3 reality check. The game holds a 94 percent metacritic rating from 86 critics. Very few games hold such an average. And no games score 90+ that don't innovate in some meaningful way or another.

so please don't be insane people. because it smells like massive bias otherwise.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/8/2014 6:59:03 PM

10 years ago

Sony should produce a remake or a very high remaster of the PSPs Resistance: Retribution for the Vita and/or PS4 and continue that storyline. I love the Resistance world in which a war for the survival of the human race takes place of WW2. How alien technology was being harnessed to create weapons to fight back and create our own super soldiers. To see how far we are willing to go in possibly losing our own humanity to survive.

10 years ago


10 years ago

ish. It could be rebooted and I did love resistance fall of man, not so much 2 and didnt even play 3.

10 years ago

id love to see a resistance 4, but not from insomniac they have other fish to fry.
we SO NEED a R&C on ps4 and i wouldnt trust it to anyone but insomniac.
plus id like to see some new IPs from them they have created some really cool unique ideas in fuse and sunset overdrive lately.

10 years ago

A RFOM reboot would be great.

Resistance is my favorite FPS franchise from last gen.

The best MP game in the early PS3 years, but a big let down in R3 multiplayer, when Insomniac tried to copy COD.

10 years ago

Yep. Largely because R3 was so awesome.

10 years ago

Have it, but yet to start it.

10 years ago

I really enjoyed Resistance 1, 2, 3 and Burning Skies. I would love to see Resistance 4 on PS4! I would love to see humans take the fight to the Chimera! Make it happen Sony!

10 years ago

you also go by CrusaderForever NoRegret?

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