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Opinion Exchange: Beyond: Two Souls On PS4

Recently some code popped up that gave a possible indication of Beyond: Two Souls coming to the PS4.

This news is due to a NeoGAF post that captured a programmer's portfolio which included the code for Beyond: Two Souls to work with the Dualshock 4. Soon after it was posted up it mysteriously vanished.

We know Sony isn't fussed about bringing late great PS3 games to PS4 such as The Last of Us . It's probably a good move too since so many PS4 owners are new console owners or converts from 360 and they never got to experience these gems.

Beyond is a little different though. Whether or not it was a gem seems to be highly subjective since the scores were so all over the place. It's hard to doubt the graphics in any case and it would look even better running on the PS4 for certain. What I'm most interested in is this code for the Dualshock 4.

My biggest problem with Beyond was that the controls were too simple. In fact they were so simple that they created confusion in more complex scenes. The control scheme was clearly made for people who don't play games as opposed to the approach in Heavy Rain where our actions on the controller mimic those done in the game. A change to PS4 could offer more than better graphics, with the touchpad at their disposal along with the rest of the controller they could retool the game to better connect with the gamer.

There's no telling if this would happen but it's fun to think about in case Beyond: Two Souls does get announced for PS4. If you think about it it just makes sense because the fact is this game didn't get the sales it deserved or needed and it probably does deserve to be brought to a bigger audience.

Do you want Beyond to come to PS4 or do you think these remakes are just too much and all Sony resources should be used on new games? If you do want to see a return what kind of improvements would you like to see? New scenes, new controls, cut content? Opinions welcome.

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10 years ago

This game should have been a PS4 launch title, it would have sold much better. However a remaster wouldn't help much now even with extras thanks to the reviews. Last of Us is considered the greatest game of the last generation so a Remaster was a no brainer, Quantic Dream just needs to focus on the future, i'm sure their next game will do better since it's not going to be overshadowed by a new system.

10 years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if the game sees an overhauled PS4 release. Dualshockers reported that Quantic said they have been working with PS4 tech since 2011. This would mean all the mocap work and textures/assets, etc could have been prepared knowing beforehand the game would be upgraded for PS4. Question is, with the game being less than stellar in the reviews and sales department I have to wonder if Sony would greenlight another rendition of the game or just leave it be to avoid anymore financial loss.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/3/2014 11:11:38 PM

10 years ago

with the mixed reviews this game had, I say leave it. Unless they do as Ben said and overhaul the gameplay.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

or world ends with me aka david d nelson

Last edited by Lord carlos on 7/3/2014 11:23:06 PM

10 years ago

a.k.a. David "Double D." Nelson

10 years ago


10 years ago

Oh my mistake! Yes as David said. They're both excellent writers so it's hard to tell the difference sometimes, and I sometimes forget to check who the articles by. Sorry about that!

10 years ago

no sweat matt, none at all.

10 years ago

Holy hell, he brought back the ninja!

10 years ago

I do requests LV

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

Agreed with the simple control scheme,they need to make an expert mode for ps4 and a patch for ps3 would be nice as well.They could use the high rez character models for in game play,they don't need to touch the fps because of the genre but the option for full 60fps should be there.Throw in actor and director commentary and some deleted scenes.
I have to say that i loved this game,i thought willam defoe's performance was amazing and up there with the best in gaming.
nolan north as nate and david
troy baker as joel
Andy serkis as king0 bohan
Just a few off the top of my head.

Last edited by Lord carlos on 7/3/2014 11:24:10 PM

10 years ago

I think they should, will give them time to fix the gameplay mechanics, get it right, and then it could actually sell better on ps4 than it did on ps3.

10 years ago

If it doesn't take too many resources to remaster it then go ahead. The PS4 could always use a "new" game. I'd rather see some of the not so old last gen games get remastered for the new gen (as I haven't bought a game in quite a while and I've been eyeing The Last of Us) Than having to keep my aging PS3 to play those games, or having to pay a good buck for a mediocre stream.

10 years ago

I loved it!! I would be very happy with a PS4 version with touch pad functionality. A gem that I was proud to play and finish. Such an amazing story that was expertly acted. I just hope we hear about a GoW and Uncharted series Remastering for the PS4!!

10 years ago

Overhaul the gameplay please.

10 years ago

I think it needs to come to PS4 as well as TLoU. But they would have capitalized on doing it now rather than later because of the "drought". But this game was begging for a more powerful system.

10 years ago

The game story should not have have been told out of chronological order. I have seen this work in many films like Pulp Fiction or The Godfather Part II, however for Beyond: Two Souls it was a disaster. It did not enhance the narrative at all and it just made the story more difficult to follow. I had a huge conflict with the character early on because a big event happens and I was expecting her to be overjoyed… however she had a massive anxiety attack! This really through me off as it was so early into the story and had I seen the story in chronological order, it would have made sense, but it left me baffled and disconnected from the character.

10 years ago

Yeah Cage is clearly an amateur at that tactic, which is something that's not easy to get right.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I actually really liked the control scheme of Beyond. It was kinda difficult to adapt to, but once I had, it just felt really, really natural. I'd like to see QD expand on it for their next game, rather than replacing it, as they did with Heavy Rain's control scheme (for the better, I would argue).

Anyway, I wouldn't want to see Beyond on the PS4, but that's more because the cross-gen period NEEDS to end, and all publishers need to stop trying to milk a few more dollars out of games that have already had their day in the sun. We need new games, new ideas, new IPs, not rehashes and remasters, with the latter especially not this early in the game when developers are still trying to wrap their heads around the tech (even though remastering would help with that…)

10 years ago

I don't know it Beyond really deserves a bigger audience. A one of a kind experience, but nowhere near what one could describe as a good game. Or even that fantastic of a story. But average is hailed as amazing in this medium for some insane reason.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

If it was on Xbox, it'd be lauded as one of your supposedly superior exclusives, wouldn't it?

10 years ago

Honestly Kid, games are still very behind in many areas.

10 years ago

Come on, Ben. Is Beyond really in the same league as Heavy Rain? Both have average stories, but Heavy Rain had amazing gameplay and situations that are still vivid in my mind four years later. Beyond had terrible gameplay with no consequences so any sense of urgency that should come with a video game is not there. Like I said, it is certainly a one of a kind experience, but it's not good. Doesnt matter if it's on Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Ouya, TurboGraphix, 3DO, Jaguar, Neo Geo, or the Panasonic M2. The result and my opinion would be the same. And I wanted to like it. I don't make a habit of dropping 60 bucks day one on a game just for the privilege to come on the internet to gripe about it.

10 years ago

I would only play it again on the PS4 if the story is told in chronological order.

10 years ago

why the blazes would you want BTS on ps4?
1 it is one of the most average, bitterly disappointing games of the generation!
2 it is the perfect example of what is destroying the industry, it gives the term tired old cliche a whole new meaning!
i mean come on the big bad US military has discovered the afterlife, and they discover big bad china is using it to take over the world and they say its too dangerous for anyone to control, then they try and take it for themselves typical americans, i mean come on can you get any more tired old cliche than that!?
i was so disappointed with david, hes constantly harping on how lame and childish the industry is, than goes out and spews out this crap!
hypocrite much?
and here i was actually expecting something deep and meaningful to come out of the game.
what a waste he could of given his own personal insight into what happens on the other side, but no we have to turn that into some big hollywood cliche.

so forget the wasting QDs time, forget wasting money the game will never see the sales back, its a big fat F*CK NO just because it was one of THE WORST games to ever disgrace the big black beauty!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Don't need this on PS4. Quantic Dream needs to just focus on Dark Sorcerer.

10 years ago

I would definitely purchase this again on PlayStation 4, but I really hope that they add at least one more scene in addition to any other technical polish they would certainly give it.
'Beyond' was really underappreciated, in my opinion, and I still don't understand why reception was so lukewarm.

10 years ago

considering the "game" wasn't even really a game and more of a interactive movie, and it was total garbage, I don't see how putting it on PS4 will do any good.. unless they wanna sucker in more people into thinking their buying a "game"

Last edited by gamer4lifexxx on 7/6/2014 2:39:37 PM

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