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What Actors Belong In Quantic Dream’s New Game?

Kevin Spacey for Call of Duty was quite a coup.

Hollywood actors haven't been strangers to video games but in recent years we've seen a full blown invasion of them. They come in various forms. Keifer Sutherland has picked up the voice of Snake as you all know, joining the likes of Neil Patrick Harris, Liam Neeson, Eliza Dushku and others as voice only actors.

A newer trend has been to fully digitize the actors to trade on their celebrity. The aforementioned Kevin Spacey has gone that route. The cast of Heavy Rain has as well. Those folks may not have been well known Hollywood types but they were recognizable for some.

In fact Quantic Dream's David Cage has always been enamored with this scene, he talks about it often. David Bowie may have been better known for his music than acting but I distinctly recall how he was put forward as a headliner in Omikron: The Nomad Soul . Mr. Bowie even had a little music video in that game which was cool for the times. Later on Beyond: Two Souls brought Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe to life in two great roles.

So who would go great with the kinds of games Quantic Dream makes? It's difficult to cast for a game that we know nothing about but it's not a bad blank slate to suggest actors that we think just plain belong in games. If there is in fact a Dark Sorcerer aside from the old man in the tech demo I think Gandalf himself Ian McKellen would be great. A lot of folks wanted to see Nathan Fillion in a live action Uncharted , but wouldn't he be great in any video game calling for a snarky hero? Games always get flack for not representing women realistically, maybe a digital version of Natalie Portman or Angelina Jolie in a big role would be on order.

Anything's possible really, even resurrecting deceased legends as we recently saw with Bruce Lee in EA's UFC game. Who would you like to see in Quantic Dream's new game or really any game?