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Ben’s Week In Review: June 29

Still debating The Last Of Us: Remastered …maybe I'll put it on a birthday list. 😉

Nice to see some Hollywood personages reacting so positively to MGSV

You should read some of the comments made by various Hollywood directors and producers, as posted up by Konami this past week.

The statements were in reaction to that epic five-minute E3 trailer that blew everyone away. It was arguably the best trailer of the show and certainly my favorite. I also know why so many in the movie industry respect Hideo Kojima and the work his team does: Because when it comes to cinematic and narrative accomplishments in the world of interactive entertainment, few do it better than those guys. There's a reason why when you finish a MGS, you actually feel moved . It isn't often that I'm emotionally affected by the storyline in a video game, but each and ever MGS has managed to do it.

That's no easy feat, and I don't take it for granted. In fact, as time goes on, I'm starting to appreciate it more and more. As the world continues to embrace the open-world format at the sacrifice of cohesive, compelling narratives and memorable characters, I think we'll see fewer of these cinematic linear masterpieces. Even MGSV is sorta open-world, but at least Kojima isn't selling out entirely. At least that unbelievable drama will remain, and I'm expecting something very special.

Anyone else psyched for that First Light DLC?

It's just too bad I have to wait two months.

The First Light standalone expansion pack for inFamous: Second Son is scheduled for August 26 , and I can't wait to try it. I usually don't partake of DLC; when I finish a game, I consider it done. Call me old-fashioned but when I see credits roll, I'm moving on to the next adventure and I'm not likely to return to previously finished games. However, just because I liked the Neon powers so much, I know I'll have a blast with First Light. Besides, I believe Fetch's story in the game was under-developed, and I'd like to learn more about that character. I don't think I'm the only one, either.

These standalone expansions are a little weird, though. They say you don't need to actually own Second Son to play it. Okaaaay…but who the hell would want to play it if they haven't already gone through the new inFamous ? I mean, how would the story even be relevant to you? I'm not complaining or anything; I just don't know anyone who wants to buy DLC for a game they've never played. It's not like a demo.

Personal gaming update

After completing Wolfenstein: The New Order , I was pretty satisfied. It's a straightforward FPS with a great campaign, and that's all I wanted. I'm glad the developers have a "clear idea" of what they intend to do with the sequel, but they'd best not muck it up. Focus on the single-player action again and I'll be sure to buy it. You can implement a multiplayer mode if you like, but if I think it cut into the campaign, I'm gonna be unhappy.

I've downloaded Trine 2 for my girlfriend and I to try, although I'm afraid the platforming aspect might be a little too demanding. I'll be back to Grand Theft Auto V and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag for the summer, as there really isn't anything coming out that I want. Oh well, great chance to catch up on huge games! 🙂

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10 years ago

The MGS5 trailer was epic awesome. I do wonder if Keifer Sutherland's presence in the game had something to do with Hollywood's sudden interest in an MGS trailer. 'just wondering because MGS has been no stranger to epic E3 trailers in the past and so here and now out of no where film people decide to take notice…
I have no doubt MGS5 will be great but I have doubt's about it's narrative driven play. That is, how it holds up to past entries. How can anyone forget the first MGS with the events involving Meryl, pyscho mantis, Gray Fox (bloody hallway) Sniper Wolf, Otacon and others, where the environments were custom built to the story line events.
I still believe to this day that the original MGS was the most ambitious and breakthrough game of the PSX era. It tackled things no others games came close to during that era.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/28/2014 10:29:17 PM

10 years ago
see, even the original MGS can be made into an awesome MGS5 style trailer!

10 years ago

Killzones Coop thing is pretty epic. Really enjoying it. Requires complete teamwork. Anyone tries to be rambo and they… They don't last long. Played MGS2 and beat it. Jack and Rose's relantionship sounds so real. Cool game though. Moving onto number 3 next soon.

Replaying Far Cry 3 and damn is that game EPIC.
Also bought the Cursed Crusade. Very fun game, and if this was given more time and attention it would have been very successful.

Ton of games have been played this week. Its been nice catching up on stuff. Also, these Sony deals have been pretty cool. One day I'm sure they'll match the quality of the Steam sales. Oh, The Order 1886's premium collectors edition is completely badmass. 150$ but I feel its worth getting.

Hope everyone had a good week.

10 years ago

That's whats scary about losing traditional Japanese games to westernization, their replacements don't try to be moving to the human condition. They just throw usout the action and hope it's enough.

Fetchs quest is a prequel I think, so it can stand alone and be played at any time for a lower entry fee. I might get it on the cheap some day since she was my type.

I'm doing crazy missions in FFX-2 with that wild YRP trio and occasionally just shooting people in Resistance 3, Inversion, Mindjack, and now Crysis 3. The backlog is strong with this one.

Gonna try to bring you a Japanese game review this week. I'll say so far that it is familiar and unexpectedly impressive.

10 years ago

I've been on an Injustice binge. It's warming my ambitious mind to what MKX will offer. Finished up Child of Light and really enjoyed it. Began Trine 2 and have been addicted to it, but in that weird way of just wanting to see the credits roll. While it is fun, it gets a bit repetitive. Upgrading skills makes it far too easy, while other low points make it dull. Still starving for PS4 games to keep it relevant, so I nabbed a PSN copy of TLOU Remastered (pre-order). I didn't get a chance to play it on the PS3, so I'm aching to get my hands on it!

Just bought my son and his sister their first console of their own; a Wii U bundle with Mario U, Luigi U and Mario Kart 8. Kart 8 has a free game offer upon registration, which will land us a free copy of Zelda winder Walker HD. Should be a bundle of fun for a 4 and 7 year old.

10 years ago

sounds like a good family pack

10 years ago

It's great to see No Man's Land receiving the level of interest it has received after E3.
When I criticize Sony for having too traditional 1st party exclusives, this is what I have in mind. What if NML would have been made by a Sony studio exclusively for that platform? Man I'd sprawl around like a proud cock all day long.
*IF* – of course – the game turns out to be as great as it seems.

Been playing Xcom Enemy Unknown all week, and man has this game revived my interest in the turn-based strategy genre. I love this game like I can't recall loving a strategy game ever before.

This game is GREAT, and I'd even go as far as saying this is something I'd recommend also for RPG lovers, thanks to the customization of the characters in your team, both in regards to equipment, weapons and appearance.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/29/2014 4:59:36 AM

10 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed xcom too. Why so late to the xcom party?

10 years ago

Two reasons: Steam Summer sale, and Xcom:EU finally being ported to Linux. With the latter being the main reason. 🙂

10 years ago

It was free on EU PS+ for a long time. I gave it a try and was hooked to the end.

10 years ago

Especially the AI impresses me in that game. Imagine if shooter AIs could be as good as that!

It's been a long time sice I played a game where I went, "baaah just ONE more mission…" over and over, but this game is addictive!

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/29/2014 2:18:44 PM

10 years ago

I finished my 2nd playthrough in 2nd Son as inFamous. Like past inFamous entries, it grows on you, and I'm sure like past entries, I'll be returning to it multiple times in the future. Beautiful game, with a strong artistic streak to it. Did anyone notice that the endings differ not only from which side you end up on, but the magnitude of it, too (an inFamous ranking will add something a little bit extra to the ending, to say if you only ended with a "Most Wanted" rep)?

I've played some more of Knack, again, and It's a lot better than I thought from reading all the critical reception on it. The design of the game seems to reflect the same principles of power through simplicity that Cerny based the ps4 architecture off of. Sure the controls are obviously child-friendly, but when playing it on difficult, the combat is subtle yet complex requiring a surprising level timing and precision. The visuals, though obviously not quite as stunning as say 2nd Son (which surprises as it is a linear game and 2nd Son is open world), are redeemed often by the textures of the terrain that can be deliciously detailed, and the color palette which can is often a delight to the eyes, and Knack's character model is quite often the center piece of the visuals with all his move parts, lighting and shadows. The story so far seems kinda manila, but the quality of the voice acting and the sound direction makes up for a lot (aside from Knack's own voice).

Then I've also taken advantage of the Steam's Summer Sale. I forgotten what a surprise favorite MGS Rising:Revengeance for, and to play it at 1080p with even a better frame rate is a joy. Considering it was last minute job, It's a huge credit to Platinum Games, and I'm glad Kojima is considering a sequel with them as evident by recent news. Plus, the pc port is well done. I got Skyrim LE, out of curiosity, and finally Enslaved for pc, too. I also got Vergil's downfall for DmC. Lots a great games.

Last edited by Shams on 6/29/2014 8:20:34 AM

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