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Ben’s Week In Review: June 8

Sony's E3 press conference kicks off in less than 48 hours…you ready?

Well, this is not good news…

I know I'm supposed to tackle headlines from the previous week – hence the title, "Week in Review" – but something has just come to light, and I have to talk about it.

A few days ago, I argued that The Last Guardian might be the one game Sony really needs to present at E3 this year. Now, there's an unfortunate, though supposedly legitimate, rumor floating around that in fact, the project has been canceled . It seems two Russian gaming journalists believe Guardian has finally gotten the ax, and that is not good news. It's one of the few games on the horizon that had a legitimate chance to be completely fresh and entirely innovative.

I'm not saying there aren't any great games slated for 2014 and beyond. But so many of them are formulaic in some way; as good a they may end up being, most have the "been there, done that" disease. The Last Guardian could've been one of those games that made you say, "wow, now this is special." Remember Shadow of the Colossus ? Or ICO ? Can you think of any other game that made you feel the way those did? Of course, it's just a rumor; maybe I shouldn't be referring to Guardian in the past tense already. 'crosses fingers'

What won't be at E3 and new release dates made some waves, huh?

The week prior to E3 is often filled with substantial news, and 2014 was no exception. On the one hand, we got the disappointing news that certain huge titles probably won't be on display at the show: Guerrilla's new IP (rumored to be an RPG), and no-go for either Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Hearts III . However, we did get plenty of good news on the release date/trailer front:

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has a concrete date of February 24 in North America, and that new trailer is totally sweet , the new Battlefield: Hardline teaser gave us an October 21 release date , and Gearbox made us all smile with the launch date for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and a new vid in which Claptrap busts a move . Of all these games, I'm sure I want The Witcher 3 most, but I'll have to magically find time for it when it arrives.

Personal gaming update

So I finally finished inFamous: Second Son (did it as a True Hero) and landed my 100% completion that I always get in these games. Now it's on to finishing Wolfenstein: The New Order and after that, I can get back to Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag . Murdered: Soul Suspect deserves credit for trying, but it's just a little too much of a missed opportunity, you know? I just don't have extra time to waste on it. Once I'm done with my formidable backlog, maybe I'll actually be able to finish Watch Dogs . Well, as there's really nothing coming out that I care about until October, I've got time.

That could all change this week, though. Some huge game that I desperately want might be confirmed for a summer release date, but I'm not really holding my breath. That doesn't happen too often. 🙂

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10 years ago

Are we really entertaining the supposed 'rumour' from those two completely random journos with zero credibility?

10 years ago

For those who disliked my comment, Sony has today released a statement confirming that The Last Guardian is still in development and the rumours are false.

So thank you for the pointless dislikes 😉

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

These rumours about the cancellation of TLG seems to randomly crop up now and again, and it seems that they usually serve no greater purpose than to try to get Sony to confirm that work is still ongoing. I want Sony to say something about the game soon to quell the worries, but I don't think they will. The company itself seems to have gone dead silent about E3 this year, refusing to respond to any rumours or leaks at all.
So torn on this year's show. On the one hand, I'm not really anticipating it at all, but on the other, I'm really, really curious about what's going to be shown and unveiled…

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Seems I was right, as Scott Rohde has mentioned on Twitter laughing about the cancellation rumour…

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 6/8/2014 2:45:27 AM

10 years ago

I don't know what to think of TLG rumors now. It seems I've heard so many things of what is and isnt going to happen I just will wait for something official. This is also true of E3. I don't know what to expect Monday, but I'm keeping my expectations low from Sony this E3. Yah, of course there'll be something Uncharted, maybe a tease of a new God of War and a future Gran Turismo release but that's about all I expect.

PGU: I completed both Rayman Legends and ACIV Black Flag this week. Completed as much as I'm willing to play that is. I watched the credits roll on both and did more than the shortest path to the finish line. ACIV really got me with it's ocean explorer/ship battle stuff. The rest of it is pretty standard fair for an AC game. I felt the story was less interesting as ACIII's but the structure and pacing, not to mention bugs, were all much better than from before. I'd give it like a high 8 or something. I really wish they'd do something about letting you stay grounded while you run to chase someone. It's one of those control quirks the series has always had. Sometimes while you run you really don't want to auto-climb a wallside. ANd by doing so, it can clinch a de-synchronization just like that. One last complaint. The Jack Daw's elite status stuff just isn't worth the time. Unfortunately. It requires a ton of resources yet the payoff isn't enough in upgrade power. You can still get pummeled pretty easily if you're not careful.

Rayman was incredible. I have to say it ranks as one of the best Mario'esque platformers I've played. It's really entertaining game-candy. I can't recommend it enough.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/7/2014 11:42:31 PM

10 years ago

Glad you enjoyed Rayman. Its one of my top platformers of all time. Just so much fun especially with 3 other friends.

10 years ago

The Last Guardian and FF Versus are already legendary vaporware. Might as well let it go on a few more years.

E3 has me thinking it might not even be worth watching. We need somethin big! We need something small too: Persona 5! Guess that'll be TGS.

I got the PS headphones, they are awesome as crap. I beat FFX HD! It was like the old days but prettier. I'm onto X-2 now and the new content is neat. Also playing Syndicate (Killzone meets Deus Ex), Drakengard 3, and Nier.

10 years ago

oh sweet. like the wireless ones? I've been wnating those. I usually game at night, which means keeping the volume down. It'd be nice to have a pair of radio wave brainmelting headphones to play my games during them times.

10 years ago

Yeah Newegg had a sale for $20 off. They are even sicker than I thought. Already had to throw Bioshock back in just to hear Rapture creaking and groaning all around me. These will help my audio reviewing as well as just being awesome.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

I have been playing a lot of GTA V and making a lot of money preparing myself for future updates that might add new vehicles. When bored of GTA V, it is then time to coop FIFA 14 2vs2. That is basically it.

Other than that, I know many of you don't care but Forza Horizon 2 is such great news to me.

E3 is around the corner and Monday will be such a crazy day. I work Monday but the constant updates from numerous websites will keep me entertained and help me get thru the day. Keep me posted Ben!

10 years ago

RIP Japanese Games ('cept of course Nintendo's lot).

10 years ago

I hope The Last Guardian isn't cancelled. After all it has been through it would be a real shame, not without reason though. If I don't hear anything at Sony's E3 conference, I will believe it is doomed. Also not happy that Final Fantasy XV is not making an appearance, I wasn't expecting Kingdom Hearts III as it really is too early but I was kind of hoping for a release date for XV – Silly me I know… but now Lightning Returns is finished it is the prime time to push XV forward and get us excited for it again.

I know I will be content with E3 due to The Phantom Pain appearing. Last E3 was possibly one of the best trailers I've ever seen for a game and I just cannot wait to see what they deliver this time. I also want a confirmation on Wii-U's Xenoblade 2 and a release date, it was set for 2014 and they haven't even given us a titles.

PGU: Final Fantasy X… yes still 😛 Nearly got all my characters to 255 stats, just have to get everyone's luck to max. I tried the 200 lightning dodge mini game…. just not going to happen o_0

10 years ago

Dodging lightning is easier if you equip a weapon that reduces your encounter rate to zero.

Also, just realized… The last SquareSoft FF game was prophetic!


10 years ago

well i just have to point out that they said guardian not 'the last guardian' just saying but as for everything else the witcher 3 looks awsome amzing and not interested in battlefield or COD at this stage as for the new borderlands i could give that a go as for KH3 or FFXV not really my thing GG new game will want to keep tabs on that. and i was really hopefully for murdered soul suspect i was looking a nice new addtion to the scene i might still get it just cos but it was a lil disapointing from your reaction to cos i respect your opinion but ah well maybe u'll like it. and hopefully towards the end of june i will finally be able to pick up and play watch dogs and infamous SS cos i have been looking forward to them and i've had no time so that might be a nice lil mid year break treat after i've completed all exams and said things.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

As usual the witcher 3 is looking awesome, but even with the release date it's still so far away.
Whether TLG is cancelled or not, it's had no news or video shown for years so it's ceased to be any concern to me.
I'll be keeping an eye on the E3 streams, but my expectations are pretty low.
PGU I haven't been playing much since getting my platinum on Second Son and Stick of Truth. I was curious about Watch Dogs, but if I do get it, it won't be til the price goes down.
Speaking of which I finally got Shadowfall and Killzone 3 to tide me over. The latter was only ten bucks and is in 3d unlike everything on next-gen, but Shadowfall has at least one major selling point: no Rico.
I'm also waiting for my used copy of Enslaved to arrive which means I will own pretty much every 3d game released and my tv will soon be relegated to the occasional 3d movie.

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