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Is This The Most Anticipated E3 In Years?

For years, analysts and journalists alike have agreed that the video game industry was suffering from "generational fatigue."

The previous era dragged on longer than any generation before it, so there's probably some truth to that theory. Now, as another E3 is upon us, we have to wonder: Is this the most anticipated show in years? Perhaps since 2005 or 2006, when the last-era systems debuted at the trade event?

For one thing, we're at the start of a new generation and the first year is always critical. Interestingly enough, that first year is usually pretty empty (unless your name is the PS2), as gamers have become accustomed to an early drought. It's important for all the manufacturers to prove that it won't happen this time around; it's all the more important for the PS4, because Sony specifically made that system to be appealing to developers. No more waiting three or four years before designers finally get a handle on the architecture, right?

Let's also not forget the numbers: The industry suffered in 2013, as the numbers fell significantly just about every single month…until, that is, the new consoles dropped in November. Gaming is now enjoying a resurgence and as such, the excitement and hype building around E3 has risen dramatically. Now, granted one could argue that last year's E3 was even more exciting because the PS4 and Xbox One were set to launch, but both consoles were officially revealed before the show, remember? That kinda took some of the punch out of that show, in my eyes.

At any rate, I can't wait to see if Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are up to the challenge, because when excitement is high, so are expectations…

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10 years ago

Keeping my fingers crossed for Onimusha's bold and exciting return to gaming.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/6/2014 11:57:51 PM

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago

yah, like we're all looking forward to Solid-state Disc Drives in our PS4's being announced.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago


10 years ago

The reality is an SSD doesn't do a ton to help load times on the PS4. And considering 500 GB is not nearly large enough a drive when some games come in at a 50 GB size, Sony will move toward a 1TB HDD and then a 2TB LONG before they start looking at SSDs.

10 years ago

Um, same sht different day though right?

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

I have barely any hype for this E3 mainly because I have no idea what the heck is meant to be (and expected to be) shown.

Pretty much been playing fighting games and doing assignments for the past month so I'm pretty out of touch.

10 years ago

I'm literally in the exact same boat :/
I'm not really seeing all the hype for this year's E3, especially considering how much has been revealed so far.

10 years ago

I was hyped for it, then I heard FFXV was gunna be a no-show. I think last year will be the best E3 for a good few years.

10 years ago

I feel like there was more hype around last year's show with two new consoles being shown off. This one seems anticipated too but I can't say I'm looking forward to it. With all the delays this year, it just puts a dampener on everything and I expect most of what will be shown is crap we already know about.

10 years ago

You are straight out of your mind my friend. This isn't even the most anticipated E3 of the last 2 years. Last year was in all likelihood the last truly exciting E3. As this year I believe has begun a trend of doing most of the announcements outside of the E3 black hole. This year is particularly uninteresting as everything for this year has been pushed and we already know what most of next year looks like. There's room for a handful of surprises but not many.

Last edited by SHADOW on 6/7/2014 2:37:12 AM

10 years ago

I have to agree with the part about the constant leaks and pre-E3 announcements that have diluted the whole E3 hype.

We already got word of what is going to be at the show. Complete lists of everything on the floor at E3. There will be some "surprises" unveiled at either Sony's or MS' presentations. And those only happen because each company pays for a timed exclusive.

In the past, you hardly knew what to expect at E3. These days, you got too many people trying to get exclusives for their site, blog, podcast, twitter account, etc. that it just spoils the fun of finding out things during the actual presentations.

But yeah, last year the hype was intense thanks to the PS4/X1 reveals. I don't think we'll get anything as intense this year.

10 years ago

You putting the blame on the people covering stuff like this is their fault. That's not fair in my opinion. You can kind of blame them for the couple of legitimate "leaks" (Battlefield Hardline and Project Beast) but so much else were thought out planned info dumps from the publishers. The publishers seem to be tired of having their big announcement get drowned out in the sea of dozens of other announcements. The irony of course being that now the 2 or 3 games that do get actually announced at E3 will have a way bigger amount of attention.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I'm not really feeling E3 this year. It just seems as though far too much has been leaked to keep people excited for the show itself. I mean, the slow leak has made it feel as though E3 has been carrying on for the last three weeks, and it's kind of annoyed me. There's just been way too much speculation going on, and I'm almost completely over it already :/
I'm not anticipating too much personal excitement for E3, because my expectations have been ruined.

10 years ago

This is one of the less anticipated, for me anyway. Other then Star Wars: Battlefront, Witcher 3, and Civilization, there really isn't anything I'm looking forward to. Kingdom Come Deliverance is one I'm really looking forward to, but I helped fund that one so I already have a copy coming when it's ready.

10 years ago

definitely not the most anticipated, most of the content being showed we know about, hell even some of the surprise releases have been leaked!
and theres no new hardware coming out of it, well at least nothing thats been expected or leaked, so.

definitely the most riding on it though.
normally by this time in the year we have a pretty good idea of whats coming till the next E3, things to look forward to.
but this year, especially with the massive lack of ps4 first party titles, theres a BIG expectation on $ony to blow the doors off and finally start showing what some of their studios are doing.
though thats not looking very likely, i can see this year being a really slow meh year from here on out.
hopefully next year will shape up allot better!
it better!!!!!!
can only go up from here…………

10 years ago

I feel the same as some of the comments so far, I don't feel any type of hype going into E3. Maybe in hindsight, after I know of the unannounced games, will I be hyped.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

This year could be stellar for the reasons pretty much mentioned by Ben.

Last year's E3 was alright. I think the most important part of last year to remember how much it showed off the power and influence of the core consumer. Remember the back lash Microsoft had when they first reveled there XB1 policies? They tried to punch the fan base in the face and got kicked in the balls for it! It actually made me proud to be a gamer. Most of the time we're embarrassing ourselves *cough COD,DMC fans cough*

It really brought out the grand old theme of console gaming. Something that an elitist PC gamer wouldn't understand.

10 years ago

E3 has sucked for years, since before the PS3/360 launch. The worst kind of marketing nonsense there is, presented by people who have no idea how to present, and attended by the worst kind of entitled 'gamer'. Aside from the novelty of my first time, each year I attended was pretty much depressing in myriad ways.

It's only gotten worse since then, and new consoles don't fix that. The event itself is the problem.

10 years ago

Somehow I do not think there is going to be any big excitement based on the game delays for the PS4. Then again… Sony may… I say MAY have some surprises to wake everyone up.

Disappointed about the The Order being delayed, but would be nice to see something new, longer in duration and exciting from it. Less spoilers if possible.

Will have to see. I don't have the PS4 yet so what ever happens really will not affect me at this time. Hopefully when I get the PS4 end of year or next… they will be much more.

Keep playing!

10 years ago

The ball for this gen being an early hit with great new software has already been dropped. Gamer expectations for this E3 probably can't be reached, and so gamers are probably trying to not be too optimistic about this show.

A year ago I would have said it'd be the hottest thing, but I've had to recalculate since then.

10 years ago

Also, I now want a picture of me in mid-air. Who will toss me?

10 years ago

I can't be the only one that wants to be completely blindsided by Sony with games that have NEVER been leaked mentioned or referred to whatsoever? In my ideal E3 we get all of the above AND 1 totally brand new super secret AAA game for each platform. 1 for the PS3, 1 for the PSVita and 1 for the PS4. New IP. In other words a total surprise. Sony has been pretty good lately containing leaks but could it be possibly that they are true wizards at it to pull off such a masterful plan? Don't let those Movie Theater events go to waste Sony. It's a perfect opportunity to blow people's minds.

10 years ago

yeah they really need to come out all guns blazing as much as possible and give some time frames realistic ones at that no more delays please.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

No, I'm not in the least excited for this E3. We'll have to wait and see if these devs will push more concrete info like release dates or continue telling us about their new screenshot collection.

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