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Ben’s Week In Review: June 1

What a crazy week!

The Order is delayed and I'm not sure if I should be worried

So we found out that The Order: 1886 wouldn't make it this year ; it has been delayed until 2015.

The reason? Developer Ready at Dawn says they want to "deliver on the experienced we promised." Well, I'm behind that, but I've heard similar explanations in the past. In fact, it's starting to become the default explanation for any highly anticipated title that hits the skids. Isn't that precisely the reason Ubisoft Montreal gave for pushing back Watch Dogs ? I mean, word-for-word? Well, anyway, I haven't decided if this delay should worry me: On the one hand, I'm remembering The Last Guardian , which just evaporated. Furthermore, I have some idea how badly Sony probably wanted to see The Order launch for the 2014 holiday season.

If the new Uncharted isn't coming out this year, either, that's a problem. You can't own the busiest part of the year with Driveclub . Sure, the big-name multiplatform games will result in hardware increases on all sides, but if Sony wants to maintain its lead, they want at least one or two AAA PS4 exclusives for the October-December period. Without The Order , it may seem somewhat bland… And what really caused the delay in the first place? Maybe if I can get a straight answer to that, I'll be less concerned.

Battlefield: Hardline is coming, and Visceral is doing it? Hmm…

Another piece of news that leaves me on the fence. When I heard that Dead Space developer Visceral Games is making the newly announced Battlefield: Hardline , I couldn't come to a conclusion. Visceral made some great DS titles but the third entry slipped; it was more of a third-person shooter than a true survival/horror experience. Then again, Battlefield is a shooter, yes? And of course, Visceral is going to get all sorts of assistance from EA on this one. Plus, I do like the idea of an entry that doesn't involve the military; this one is based on police work (SWAT, for instance), and that could prove intriguing. Still, Visceral has the chops, but they don't have a ton of FPS experience.

Also, let's not forget that EA is going to have throw down with Activision again. We've already seen Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and it has gone over quite well. Can Hardline possibly compete with that level of hype? Oh, and let's not forget that a lot of BF fans are really bitter about the issues that plagued BF4 multiplayer. Another hurdle to clear in 2014.

Personal gaming update

Watch Dogs is a great game, even if it wierds me out a little. I've never been a big fan of voyeurism; I was creeped out when I first saw "The Real World" on MTV and honestly, reality TV has only gotten creepier (i.e., more twisted, more dysfunctional, more disgusting). Therefore, I'm not the biggest fan of the concept in Ubisoft's latest. At the same time, I always applaud highly ambitious works in any medium, and Watch Dogs definitely qualifies. It's also a ton of fun, and the twists on the standard open-world formula are much appreciated.

Truth be told, I actually like Transistor more. It's just so unique and beautifully designed, you know? It's fantastical, too, so that when I'm playing, I'm not constantly worrying if I'm playing in a virtual world that actually mirrors the real future. Yeah, in a lot of ways, I still use gaming to escape, not confront. 🙂

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Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I'm not worried about The Order. The footage they released looked solid, but people were expecting spectacular. The delay will wind up being good for the game. What will it add, though? The core features, setpieces and narrative should be locked in by now, so I'm guessing that they're just going to spruce things up a bit more. Make the AI more dynamic, maybe make the game a tad more colourful and put in an interesting new weapon or two… Why not?
I have faith in Ready At Dawn.

I'm really down on Battlefield: Hardline. I mean, it has nothing to do with the concept of Battlefield, aside from the fact that it's coming from the same publisher, so why not just make it a new IP and remove any and all need to tie it to the franchise. Reminds me of Blood Dragon and Assassin's Creed III. Publishers' risk-aversion leading to the diluting of potentially epic new ideas in order to keep their bottom line up.

Personal Update.
Still haven't played anything since I got through Flower a few weeks ago. Between uni work and non-gaming procrastination, it just ain't happening. But uni proper is finished now and I'm back at home for the holidays. Just have exams to get through, which finish in just over two weeks. Kinda glad to be at home, but also not, because it means the dodgy old internet and family-related stress that I haven't had to deal with for three months…
Anyway, I'm just typing nonsense. Although I haven't been playing, my backlog continues to grow as I picked up the FFX/X-2 Remaster and ACIII: Washington Edition as a form of self-congratulation for being done with the first semester. $34 for the latter, and I get all the DLC for free. BONUS! 🙂
And I'm definitely looking forward to getting back to writing for pleasure once I'm done with this uni stuff, because I've missed it.
Anywho, that's enough rambling from me.

10 years ago

Enjoy FFX! It really sucks you in and the updated graphics are actually better than many PS3 projects.

10 years ago

Get the destruction sphere thing done in every trial WHEN YOU ARE THERE THE FIRST TIME! lol

I skipped one because I had to go somewhere and just wanted to get to a save point so I could leave. I figured I'd go back once I got an airship.

I didn't realize it, but the dark aeons (it's international version now!) block your return. lol… now I can't get Anima until I power level strong enough to beat the dark aeon blocking my path to the temple…

Last edited by Underdog15 on 6/2/2014 9:41:25 AM

10 years ago

PGU: Wildstar, baby!
A lot of fun. I can see myself playing this for the rest of this year, or at least until GTA5 comes for PC/PS4.

10 years ago

PGU: Just got a 3D TV so have been going back to some of the old 3D games like Super Stardust, Motorstorm Apocolypse and Uncharted 3. The latter is certainly enhanced by the 3D in my opinion. There has not been many decent 3D games recently.

Just bought Prometheus, Avatar and Life of Pi on blu ray 3D. Amazing!

Apart from that it has been Dead Nation on the Vita and waiting for my preorder of Borderlands 2 for the Vita to arrive.

10 years ago

I am too impatient for the delays. While I didn't anticipate much for the ps4 launch, less than I imagined has become of it. I'll hold my breath for e3…

PGU: Castlevania Mirror of Fate on the PC was very fun! I was a tad worried at first, but I'm glad I gave it a shot. Found it on steam for $15, which was a steal for this 3D game in 2D form. The story brought a tear to my eye… So much was altered for the reboot… So little of it happened to be what I've experienced, read, and known to be Castlevania's Belmont family.

Child of Light was a good, colorful, game in such a grime world. It was enjoyable, although very little about this IP was challenging. It had moments of redundancy, but it was all in good fun. Really missed the turn based combat system. Glad to see it incorporated into such a model!

Lego Marvel Heroes is downright frustrating. I bought it to entertain my nearly 4 year old son. Neither of us were impressed. I don't get the love for the game. Such medial tasks seem far too dragged out.

Injustice on PS4 was okay. Honestly played it for 30 minutes and haven't looked back. To be fair, I intended to buy it for the sake of gaming with company. Once I get my extra DS4/DS3 support (latter probably won't happen), it'll yield more pixel time in my living room.

ACIV on the PC has been a fun experience, but Holy glitches! I'm hoping it's more of an AMD GPU (7950) driver issue. That'll have to wait.

Arkham Origins was available for $15 on steam and it was well worth it. It was fun, and PC gaming with a DS3 is way too pleasant for such games. This game, on mute, turned my son into a batman fanatic. He now owns a bat suit, which he wears to the playground, batman swimming trunks and goggles, and various batman shirts. Hey, dad isn't going to argue! Although a spectators sport for such a young kid, the large map gave him the opportunity to soar in-between battles. I'm not convinced that the shock gloves were a great addition to the combat, but it did ease up the npc on the PC (tons of foes at once). Overall, a lot of fun, but not as polished or exciting as Arkham City.

Warframe on the PS4 was a waste of my time. Just not my thing. I'm trying to keep this PS4 relevant in the living room, but falling short of loving a console that lacks the media support of its predecessor. My S9400thx 7.1 Onkyo system isn't impressive at all without a functional center speaker in any PS4 application and that's flat-out unacceptable. Sony needs to get their sh!t together. Like, yesterday.

Busy past two weeks! Haha… Jebus.

10 years ago

PGU: just bought watch dog and it great IMO, another great entry from ubi keep up the great work and keep giving us excellent games

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

The Last Guardian would be so nice. I don't want to say it's Sony's Zelda, but I would like the two games for similar reasons.

E3 can't come fast enough, but on the other hand best case scenario we leave with more waiting for games we want even more than we did before.

PGU: A link to the Past, Wolfensein, and Limbo. Some great contrast in there. Almost done with Zelda before I move on to GameBoy Zelda.

Wolfenstein: New Order is awesome! Really don't want the game to end. KS2,3, RAGE, and now Wolfenstein really have that over the top punch with the collision detection when you lay waist to the enemies. Can't seem to get enough if it.

Limbo is very entertaining. If there has ever been an arguing point for dark humor in video game's Limbo has to be up there. I don't know why but seeing that poor kid get mutilated time and time again never gets old.

10 years ago

I couldn't find a decent way to defeat Jecht on FFX even though my team is monstrously strong so I'm training at Omega Ruins. Damn you Jecht!

I got a bug that told me to rebuy and replay Nier, so that's what I'm doing.

I'm also pushing forward in Drakengard 3 now and then cuz I like the story/character but it's a broken game, it's hard to see how the Nier guys let Drakengard 3 get so messy.

10 years ago

well i'll take ur word for it i'm still not sure wat i'm gunna do based o wat i've seen and heard.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

PGU: I'm not getting anywhere because I'm playing 4 games right now. lol. So small bits of progress in all four.

I'm still spending a little time in FFXIV:ARR (still fun). The other three games are FFX, Child of Light, and Valkyria Chronicles 2.

I'm a little disappointed at how predictable the AI is in VC2. Every fight is a cake-walk.