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Opinion Exchange: Playstation Plus

I'm not sure we got what they sold us.

We'd like to know what our members think about the PS Plus service. I think it's actually a deceptively simple question. I've been a member for a few years now and it seems to have stopped being what it once was while abandoning what I thought it planned to be.

The idea was that for a tidy $50 a year we would get some big name “free” games every month, cloud saves, early access to demos, exclusive betas, free avatars and themes, full game trials, and exclusive discounts. It did do that but some things seem to be falling by the wayside now.

While we are still getting some great games like Arkham Asylum and Puppeteer , I've noticed a sharp trend toward feeding us the smaller indie titles whenever possible, especially on PS4. It probably isn't very profitable for Sony or 3rd party publishers to offer their games on PS Plus so who knows how long the top quality ones like Bioshock Infinite will continue to be offered. I wouldn't be surprised if, with the massive influx of indie and budget games on PS4, those will be the only kind we get in the future. With the changeover to the next generation now we are forced to get PS Plus just to play online as well. Most think it's not too much to ask since we get plenty of content for the cost, but it is a big change some might not appreciate.

As far as the other things go I can't remember the last time there was an exclusive demo, exclusive full game trial, exclusive beta, new avatar, new wallpaper, or theme. The avatars and themes have been the same low quality ones month after month after month. I have to admit the extra discount prices are a steal, but they usually just get me to buy stuff that isn't very good anyway and which I end up not finishing.

I think it would be nice to actually get some new content beyond those games that seem to be waning in quality and maybe even something that shows off their other services like a free show, movie, or song every now and then. As it is, it almost feels like PS Plus is slowly (while people aren't looking) turning into a games subscription service and nothing else. If the PS4 games keep up the way they are going I might just drop the service once I'm done using my PS3. The rest of you multiplayer lovers are going to be locked into it though, whatever it becomes in the future. We already saw some wierdness happen with Driveclub . That could be when the price will rise too.

So how about it, is everyone happy with PS Plus as it is? No? Just want to complain that those games aren't “free”? Go ahead, let's hear it.

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10 years ago

I am a little peeved the promised betas haven't happened. That was a big draw for me. The trials are nice, but less important. I also miss the wallpapers. I used to get every one and give them all a go for a while. So that definitely is a minus.

Overall, though, I'm still quite happy. We've had some great titles come through, like Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite… both games I never got around to buying but wanted to play. So I do feel, at the very least, I'm still getting more value than I'm paying. So, while I admit there's a decline, I'm still happy with it.

10 years ago

17$ every 3 months for free stuff, irregardless if I like it or not, is still very generous.

Sure, people are getting tired of the indies and whatnot, but Sony spoiled us with like 4 AAA games, and gave it to the ps+ guys for free.

I'm still happy with the ps3 portion, but the ps4 portion NEEDS something. Even a kz shadowfall discount for dlc or something.

10 years ago

It's not free if you paid 17 dollars for it. If it was free, people would be able to get it without ps plus.

10 years ago

I like how you pay for a service, and one of those perks of the service are games free of charge… or… free.

With that logic, you could say that "buy one get one free" is never free, either. You simply pay half price twice, really. Or a regular customer at a restaurant gets a free appetizer… well, it isn't free because you only got it for being a regular paying customer.

Dude, yes you pay for the service, but lets not get nit-picky about what constitutes free. Otherwise, you'll need to take on basically every sales tactic out there.

10 years ago

My analogy to anyone who complains about the "it's not free, you pay for it" nonsense is this: sex with your girlfriend is free AS LONG AS SHE'S YOUR GIRL. It's a membership benefit. You're not a member, you don't get the benefit. End of discussion.

10 years ago

I think the situation with quality PS+ games on PS4 will clear up in the coming years. It's that the console is so slim on titles that the service isn't going to shore up the classic hits right away. I'm sure both Sony and publishing partners know that by sheer virtue of there being a limited selection of titles to choose from on the new platform that there's better profits to be had from selling them, rather than giving them away for residual profits.

I can't complain about what they've done for PS3 and Vita so far this year.
I really like SF X Tekken on Vita. I also found out that I loved Grid 2 (it sold me on the PC version). I also warmed up to DMC, even if Capcom's call will always have been a bad one in my mind. But seeing that it is what is, it's a solid slasher. There's also the discounts that add up as well.

Ultimately, with PSN now being pay-to-play online I just don't have a choice. I need my online fighters and so I have to do PS+.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/20/2014 10:45:35 PM

10 years ago

I wish Grid 2 had a cockpit/windshield view, then I would play it.

10 years ago

I wish it did too. I managed to accept it's loss because with the game being so fast and white knuckled, especially later on in the game, I want all the screen view I can have. So it wasn't really a big factor for me in the end.

But I did read the next Grid game will have it.

Btw, if you're feeling bummed about PS+ perhaps consider getting it on the cheap during Black Friday. I got my subscription from Amazon for $30 last year. I plan to do the same this year.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/20/2014 11:05:44 PM

10 years ago

Ps+ in PS4 is pretty weak. I really hope That time bring back the Ps+ awesomeness into the PS4

I'm getting tired of waiting for greatness

10 years ago

I thought it was pretty obvious that PS+ isn't going to offer us any big name titles on the PS4 for quite some time.

You can't expect them to offer up Knack or Killzone only 6 months after release, not on a console with a small choice of games. I would say that by the start of next year we will start seeing bigger games on PS+

And regardless, I still love PS+. It gave me TONNES of free fun on my PS3.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 5/21/2014 12:15:17 AM

10 years ago

I completely agree with you. I don't understand how people can say no good games come out on plus any more. Just in the last few months: Batman Arkham city, remember me, tomb raider (just started playing this one, effing awesome game), metro last light, bioshock infinite. Not to mention all the other smaller games. PS4 just came out, if Sony gave away their big games they would be giving away all their AAA games they have going for PS4 right now. OMO plus is a steal especially if you got a chance to buy it for $30. Oh forgot to mention not sure if this is because I'm a plus member but I've had PS now since the first beta.

10 years ago

I full get that argument, there aren't many big PS4 games, but what I'm trying to say is that with the giant flood of indies Sony may decide to never give us the big titles free ever again, or to do some on a much rarer basis than they did on PS3. A bait and switch if you will. These things do happen.

10 years ago

I hear what World's saying. Especially since PS+ came late into the PS3 life. There were plenty of AAA games out there that had basically completed their sales cycle already. Starting from day 1, it's going to be tough to keep up.

But yeah… at this point, it's a little strange to bemoan the fact PS+ has no games for PS4… especially since there's just straight up no games for PS4.

10 years ago

I doubt that's going to happen now since Microsoft is bringing games for gold on the xbox one. Sony will want to stay ahead.

10 years ago

It will all be up to the third party companies in the end, not sony or MS.

10 years ago

Well yeah, but 3rd party devs/publishers aren't going to either Sony or Microsoft and saying "we're interested in putting our game for free on your service". Sony and MS got to do the courting.

10 years ago

Plus for the Vita is worth it, no question, especially for the more recent adopters. Right now, you get Uncharted: GA, Gravity Rush, Wipeout 2048, Unit 13, Surge Deluxe, Pixeljunk Monsters, and Velocity Ultra. You have probably over 100 hours of playing time without having to "buy" a game.

10 years ago

No matter how you look at it, it's a generous offering. You pay money for certain things and in return get certain things back. In reality it goes full circle but you are getting more than what you pay for.

10 years ago

No matter how you look at it, it's a generous offering. You pay money for certain things and in return get certain things back. In reality it goes full circle but you are getting more than what you pay for.

10 years ago

I actually don't mind the indie games on the PS4. I never would have tried stick it to the man, and I ended up loving it.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

It used to be a premium service, now it is just a service…

10 years ago

I disagree. The value is still pretty damn impressive. The last couple months alone I got the new Tomb Raider, Batman, Bioshock Infinite… and on top of that, I got a bunch of those Japanese sale games at about a 50% discount on top of the discount to everyone else.

In less than a quarter of a year, I got more than a year's worth of PS+ value. Seems pretty premium to me. I would like more bells and whistles, though. (wallpapers, betas, etc.)

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Sure, but you know what I mean. It was an optional premium service. Now, it is a requirement if you want to play online. In my opinion it should of been $30 a year for online play, $50 a year for PS+.

10 years ago

you know what explaining anything about PS4 PS+ is useless because those complaining about it are just to ignorant to look at the facts now that i got that off my chest

PS+ i honestly haven't seen a decline in quality im willing to sign up for another year in 2 months when my year ps+ ends

PS+ isn't free im willing to admit that but when you pay 50$ for 350$ i honestly don't care that i Spent the $$ i care that i got an extremely big discount on games

to me it's cheaper than gamefly and you don't need to wait for the delivery

10 years ago

any irks I have with the service are completely overruled by the prices I get on games.

10 years ago

based on the fact that were not receiving half the stuff they promised, the beta access for instance, id say its a rort!
even the games are a bit poorly chosen, either games no one has heard of, or games so popular everyone has them and on top of that they offer them years after release making the problem worse.
red dead redemption a perfect example, they offered that years after release, by then every man and his dog had that game!
whats the point of offering such a popular game like RDR, years after release?
thats like a store saying hey if you come buy something from our store will give you a copy of avatar, or a harry pothead book.
seriously, who hasent got freaking avatar, or a pothead book!

$ony would be much better off offering a choice that way people can choose.
if i had a nickel for every time ive heard someone say im getting rid of my sub because every "free" game is a game i already have, id be the richest man alive!

perhaps have a big budget popular but older game like RDR, for those 1% who dont have it can enjoy it.
and those 99% who do have it can choose, perhaps a big budget game but something which did not sell well or was quite unique and niche so theres a large market of people wanting to try it, but dont want to spend the cash, like the new DMC or even dark souls 2.
then offer 2 choices, out of 4 indie titles per month to cover the PSN download market.

Last edited by ___________ on 5/21/2014 4:44:08 AM

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

We got Metal Gear Rising, Bioshock Infinite and the latest DMC: Devil May Cry literally less than a years gap from their release.
You missed out on DMC bro but are you sure you haven't checked your download list for it?

Also got Uncharted 3, Dark Souls, Borderlands 2, Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen, Battlefield 3 and countless HD collections very fast. For me, PS+ paid for itself ten fold.

10 years ago

exactly my point, who owns a ps3 and does not have uncharted 3?
or bioshock infinite?
they might as well put GTAV or COD ghosts on there!
kinda pointless giving something to your customers, when that something 99% of your customers already have it!

Last edited by ___________ on 5/21/2014 9:44:44 AM

10 years ago

I didn't own bioshock… or tomb raider… or Arkham Asylum… (just to name more recent freebies)

I'm pretty happy.

If you look at number of games sold vs. consoles sold, most games haven't hit most gamers. So there's always a case to be made for Plus.

10 years ago

Likewise Underdog15, and I still don't own some of those… yet.

Some of the ones mentioned that PS+ has had to offer that are yet to be added to my physical collection are: Bioshock Infinite, Borderlands 2 (GotY Edition), Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, Uncharted 3 (GotY Edition), Tomb Raider (plan on getting PS4 Definitive Edition) to name a few.

Luckily I bought DmC a few months ago for $9.99 from Future Shop. I have yet to open it up though, but I have seen my bro-in-law play it and looks quite decent. My friend has played through it once so far and she really liked it, maybe even a bit more than the originals if I recall.

10 years ago

I'm in the same boat as underdog. I did not own these games before ps plus(I know I know, you don't really on these games. Figured I'd mention that before some one puts in their 2 cents). Can't speak for any other gamers but I'm sure there are more than just two people out there like underdog and I.

10 years ago

ok thats 3 out of the how many thousands?
small franchises like metro or enslaved would be perfect for plus, not 10s of millions sold units franchises like friggin red dead!
anything with the R* name is automatically guaranteed to fly off the shelves like yesterdays news!
as i said before, might as well offer COD!

10 years ago

I literally just said I named those three because they were the most recent….

I also have gotten:
Little Big Planet 2
Bioshock 2
Demon's Souls
Sleeping Dogs
Infamous 2
Just Cause 2
Saints Row 2
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Virtua Fighter 5

Just to name a few more… (and there are many more)

Some of those are high scoring games, and many did not sell multi-millions. Don't forget, even if they gave away CoD, many would pick it up that didn't. Even if a game sold like 8 million copies, there's still another 80 million PS3 owners that didn't get it. (That's our point)

But then again, I'm just using facts and not whatever the hell information you prescribe to….

Last edited by Underdog15 on 5/22/2014 10:27:33 AM

10 years ago

(Heck, I would probably give Ghosts a whirl if they gave it on plus for free)

Don't forget ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, Borderlands 2, DMC, Metro: Last Light, Resident Evil: Chronicles Collection, Battlefield 3, Saints Row the Third, LBP Karting…..

Not sure where you are missing the value.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 5/22/2014 10:34:05 AM

Remo Williams
Remo Williams
10 years ago

I understand the people that call it a rental service, but I've already saved over a hundred dollars in the past few months on discounted games I purchased. I still don't like "buying" digitally, but getting games like Red Dead Redemption and LA Noire for $5, and the MGS HD Collection for $12? That is approaching Steam levels of awesomeness. As long as the sales continue, I'll be renewing my subscription year in and year out.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

PS+ is too much. Make them stop

10 years ago

Am I the only one who finds it ironic that Sony would require PS PLUS for online multiplayer with its new console after the 2011 data breach affecting 77 million registered accounts? Wow Sony fans are a forgiving bunch.

Last edited by Palmetto on 5/21/2014 8:04:56 AM

10 years ago

People still paid for XBOX Live after tons of accounts were stolen in 2008 and after hackers took it down for 2 weeks at Christmastime in 2007… so probably, yes.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 5/21/2014 9:15:22 AM

10 years ago

PsPlus on the Ps3 is still very good value for money, but on he PS4 thats a whole different story, On Ps4 we are now forced to have the service if we want to play online, they bombard us with almost every unplayable, boring indy game made, but nothing actually worth playing (apart from outlast) my Ps Plus ran out in may and it wont be getting renewed until the service becomes WORTH IT. Sony is slowly ruining there own console just by the abismal ps4 psplus service.

10 years ago

I still think plus is amazing value for money. To get FULL value, u need all 3 consoles

10 years ago

Well. After the membership became more or less mandatory (due to online gaming), what was there to expect, really.
No need to feed the fire with goodies when everyone pays regardless.

10 years ago

If Microsoft does it too, though, then there will be a need to stay ahead. And it seems that will be the case.

10 years ago

the only reason I have it is for online play…I had it on the Ps3 and literally only used it for the occasional avatar, background, etc. I rarely used it to download a game, but loved the demos. I have noticed that the content for psplus is negligible on the PS4. Personally, I would be far happier if they included a free movie rental once a month or something to that effect.

10 years ago

I'm really happy with my cloud saves, my auto updates, and my free ps3 games. However the free themes and avatars are almost non-existent and when it all started, one of my favorite things about it was the free ps1 classics. We haven't had a free ps1 classic in over a year.

I play my ps1 games on my vita all the time as there are not many vita games available that I have much interest in. Bring back the ps1 games.

10 years ago

I am thoroughly pleased with the games included in PS Plus. I really don't like subscribing to yet another service that pretty much will never end, much like my cable, internet, netflix, and everything else. But the value is undeniable. Cloud saves are awesome, as are automatic system software updates.

I do hope there is enough pressure to eventually eliminate the fee and just have more sales on games to cover that same cost, a la steam.

10 years ago

Better games. That is all.

10 years ago

Been a plus member since it was created. I feel that it had provided me with everything I could ask. This year alone I got DmC and Bioshock which is good value for my $50. That's not including the games like Grid 2 that I never would've played if it wasn't for Plus. I do admit the themes for the ps3 have come to a hault but out doesn't really rub me the wrong. Plus is beneficial if you make use of it.

I do wish they'd give us themes for the PS4..this basic blue is rather boring

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