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Is Naughty Dog’s Mystery Game A New Jak?

When a studio like Naughty Dog says they're working on "two brand new experiences," people tend to pay attention.

The Last Of Us creative director Neil Druckmann recently told Edge that in addition to the upcoming Remastered edition of TLoU for the PS4, his team is cranking away on two other projects.

One of those projects is presumably Uncharted 4 . Okay, so what might the other one be? Chances are, old-school platforming fans are dearly hoping Naughty Dog brings back the Jak and Daxter franchise, or at the very least, Jak . See, the duo split up after their award-winning debut adventure on the PS2; after that, we got several Jak titles and Daxter had his own game on the PSP. In recent years, we've heard Naughty Dog say J&D occupies a special place in their hearts, and we did get those excellent HD remakes on PS3.

We've also heard Naughty Dog says they haven't entirely abandoned the IP, and they'd love to come back to the series someday. Maybe that day is now…? What do you think the chances are of this currently unannounced project being a fresh Jak game? And if it is, have they reunited the comical duo? It'd make for a great new game on the PS4, don't you think?

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Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Considering they tried and failed to make a new Jak prior to their creation of TLoU, I don't think it's a new Jak. And I don't want it to be a TLoU sequel, even though that's probably where the smart money goes. I desperately hope it's a new IP because that's what the new-gen needs.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

While (it's not Jak) {
If it's not a new IP;
then I won't really like Naughty Dog;

10 years ago

If it isn't a new Jak (which I wouldn't mind myself)and a new franchise I hope it's more vibrant and cartoony like Jak and Daxter was. I'm kinda burnt on the dark and gritty.

10 years ago

I'd be a happy for a new Jak entry by ND.

10 years ago

I don't want a new Jak game, the trilogy is over and to be honest, I was not found of the direction Jak 2 took in making it a 3rd persona action game with a serious tone, I missed the delightful platformer the 1st game had to offer.

If anything Crash Bandicoot is long due from retirement, Mind Over Mutant and that other Titan game utterly sabotaged Crash and I would like to see Naughty Dog recover it. Call it Crash Bandicoot 4 to link with the PS4 and make all the other games post Naughty Dog irrelevant – The only title I would miss is Twinsannity but it would be a noble sacrifice to get rid of all the other games which are terrible.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 5/17/2014 4:12:43 AM

10 years ago

I also preferred the original Jak game to it's sequels, but I believe ND is a better dev today and they would be able to do it right given the chance.

10 years ago

I would love a new jak game as i loved all 3 of the ps2 ones. I also wouldnt mind a new ip since we really seem to be lacking them atm.

10 years ago

Being fair, they already took that risk last year with The Last Of Us, I'd be surprised it that happens again soon.

10 years ago

yeh your not wrong that was a risk and luckily for them it rocked 😀

10 years ago

I'm still waiting for my Uncharted go-kart game.

10 years ago

If it were Jak, I would love if it were a return to traditional platforming, like the first game. While I did enjoy the subsequent GTA affairs, we need a new, full-blown, AAA, old-school, traditional platformer. There are enough games with guns.

10 years ago

I would be super happy. But I would like it to return to its Jak 1 roots. That game was the best of the bunch and just so well done.

If its a new IP thats cool too, I just want something to be bright vibrant and colourful that resembles a pixar movie. I want them to do a really good action platformer that focuses on the environmental traversal elements of the genre.

I liked Knack, but I wish it had more actual platforming instead of combat.

10 years ago

I would like to see them create something that brings the delightfulness that Ratchet and Cla n k has been bringing for years. While I'd prefer ND to work on something that's a little more mature, I actually believe they could truly recreate the pixar experience.

10 years ago

forget this game.

Last edited by shaytoon on 5/17/2014 3:36:19 PM

10 years ago

i would love a new jak game we've held out hope for awhile but i won't take anything for anything untill a formal announce ment

happy gaming =)

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