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Ben’s Week In Review: April 27

Role-playing fans ought to be pretty darn happy about what's coming…

Dragon Age: Inquisition is lookin' hella sweet

Being more of a fantasy fan as opposed to a sci-fi follower, I've always been partial to BioWare's Dragon Age franchise. I've always acknowledged Mass Effect 's excellence – as evidenced by my reviews – but personally, I'm more of a sword 'n staff kinda guy.

As such, I've been very satisfied with what I've seen of Dragon Age: Inquisition this past week. The new trailer they released with the official launch date is bad-ass , and I loved checking out all the new screenshots . Not only will the game be immense and ideally incredible, it should also be the product of a developer who listened . I paid very close attention to the negative feedback we fans gave to BioWare after Dragon Age II . I still say that the game was great; it just didn't live up to expectations.

Inquisition , on the other hand, seems primed and ready to deliver. It really appears as if the designers addressed just about every last complaint gamers had, and that's worthy of my applause. Why can't other developers do this…? Anyway, it's also great to have an anticipated new JRPG on the horizon as well; Tales of Xillia 2 landed a US release date. RPG goodness everywhere!

I miss Prince of Persia

When I saw that Ubisoft accidentally teased a new Prince of Persia , I was immediately excited. I maintain that the first PoP to drop for the previous generation was absolutely fantastic , even if the follow-up, Forgotten Sands , wasn't as good because they wasted too much time on combat. If they're going to do another entry, they had better return to the formula that worked: Platforming and puzzles, with a little bit of combat worked in. Sands of Time was one of the best games of the Xbox/PS2 generation, by the way.

Although, it seems as if they might actually produce a 2D side-scrolling installment, which hearkens back to the good ol' days when PoP was an insanely difficult old-school adventure. Using the UbiArt Framework ( Rayman Legends ) could result in a very intriguing game, and I might be on board for it. Gotta see what they're planning to do first.

Personal gaming update

Still working on some digital/indie title catch-up; I'll deliver a Mickey and the Castle of Illusion review this week, for instance. Might try that DuckTales remake while I'm at it. I need to get back to the big games as well, but I've got plenty of time. There's really nothing coming out between June and August. We've got Wolfenstein: The New Order and Watch Dogs in May and then nothing until The Evil Within on August 26 and Destiny on September 9. There's a definite lull there and I should be able to play what I want to play. Still not sure if I'll finish Final Fantasy X HD

What do you plan to play during said lull?

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10 years ago

Considering the PS4 slump I will try to make a dent to my PS3 backlog. It's just too large to mention. (Ashamed);)

10 years ago

20 pages! That's how long my rough draft on my Frankenstein research paper is. It's kept me from gaming for a week. Now I'm back!

Wayull I just bought The Walking Dead so I'll enjoy playing that after Jurassic Park. I also got a fresh copy of Bayonetta for the collection and Zone of the Enders HD to see if I like it. I've also got Mugen Souls Z on the docket for late May.

I almost don't even wanna bother with Second Son but I should finish it, then I might sell it. Looks like inFamous died with Cole MacGrath.

10 years ago

so wasn't Frankenstein invented while some people were stuck in some home for a few days due to some sort of geological disaster, maybe a big storm, or something?

10 years ago

That is correct, during the Year Without A Summer there was a succession of volcanos blowing their tops which resulted in a hella rainy cloud year. Mary Shelley, then 19, holed up with other major writers in Geneva where they amused themselves with a ghost story competition. My favorite book 🙂

My project was on the scholarly side though. I stake out a thoughtful position and find evidence in the text and pick through books and articles from people smarter than me to find points that bolster my position or that I can argue with etc. I think I've got a pretty unique position.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/27/2014 9:11:56 AM

10 years ago

This year is full of rpg games and considering the size of the four I have in mind – FF14, Elder Scrolls Online, DA: Inquisition and The Witcher 3 – I don't know how I'll make time. However DA Inquisition looks the best from what I've seen.

The PoP reboot was really good and I enjoyed the Forgotten Sands a lot too. Although I missed the puzzles the platforming was still there and in fact the combat was much better than previous games. But my favorite was The Sand of Time, and I hope that type of focus comes back.

PGU: been playing a lot of FF14. It's super fun. They really made a great game with endless things to do. I must say though there is a huge lack of emphasis on playing with friends, albeit you can. It's just that the main story including side missions are really single player oriented in that they seem to be meant to be played that way. Also I've noticed that even when I'm in a party the quests I pick up are not picked up or even available by the other party members. So what it comes down to is cooperative play is narrowed to dungeons, fates and free play all of which is simply raiding and farming. No complaints otherwise it runs super good and looks great on the PS4. Might I also add that the servers are super stable. They've done a good job re shipping this game.

10 years ago

Inquisition looks good. I hope the battle system is really now more refined. Might get it someday because of the jrpg priorities that are coming. Tales of Xillia 2 and Tales of Zestiria. Also planning on getting a Vita for Oreshika Tainted Bloodlines. In the meantime, still playing Agarest War 2. The story is getting more exciting. I'm now near at the end of the second generation.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago


Bought the new Yu-gi-oh! Millenium Duels game on PSN.

Played it for 4 days straight.

Not even embarrassed. Ok a little ashamed. Too much fun why did I ever stop playing for a decade? Strategy is off the roof (with luck).

10 years ago

I'm interested in Inquisition but not hyped. Seeing that it launches around high profile games built from the ground up for the now current-gen of hardware, namely AC and Batman, I know whatever Inquisition does it will likely feel constrained by it's last gen roots. I need consistently strong reviews for it to win my time.

I haven't played through a PoP in years. I don't hold much opinion there.
I will say Ubisoft is probably becoming my current favorite publisher. They really know how to make some winning franchises. Really long running ones too. SPlinter Cell is back on track. They pleased the critics with ACIV. Rayman Legends is fantastic. Far Cry 3 is great. Plus, we have Watch Dogs around the corner with strong looking game play. (can't say I'm totally amped on being a dude who's greatest weapon is his smartphone with killer apps. Talk about the epitome of the modern everyday metro-guy-hero cash in game. I hope I don't see too many Aiden's out in the public shortly after it's release. But hey, whatever.)
So yah, Ubisoft rocks.

PGU: Finished Infamous: SS. I did it all too. I collected every shard, destroyed every camera, etc etc etc. I didn't play through as evil or on expert or did I try to do quirky trophies like knocking out 3 coughing people etc, but I got the bulk of it.
It's a great game and well worthy of it's hype.

I moved onto ACIV: Black Flag. I'm very early in the game so I don't have much of an opinion yet. ACtually the graphics look like a large step back after having played a lot of Infamous. THe people just look so fake now. I know that much. But it still looks nice and sharp and stuff.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/27/2014 1:12:39 AM

10 years ago

I'm not hyped for Inquisition yet either. Partly beause DAII made me feel like a Government building inspector and partly because it's still kinda far away.

10 years ago

really dont know what to expect from inquisition.
it was announced so long ago, and we had not heard boo for such a long time, then out of the blue here comes a trailer and announces a release date?
just like that?
no live gameplay demos, no previews, no information whatsoever on the game!
and now out of the blue a release date?
not to mention the last game was a disaster, and the less said about biowares last game, ME3, the better!
not to mention action adventure games always are pretty ho hum simply because there half done, half completed.
a game means a good story, and good gameplay, not one or the other!
especially a ADVENTURE game, its the name, ADVENTURE, meaning you need a good character set with character development, adventure means at the end of the game you look back and say wow what a journey weve been through, wow i cant believe how much my characters changed.
but sadly VERY few games these days actually deliver on that!
adventure game by name, not by nature.
and the other half, amazing in depth complex involving combat.
not mash square as fast as you can, congrats you win!

i REALLY want to see another PoP, but i want to see the darker more sinister prince.
a PoP meets GoW, and i dont mean that as in change the combat, of course not!
i mean a much darker grittier gorier gameplay, severed limbs left, right and centre!
copious amounts of blood and intestines laying on the floor, and a dark sadistic minded prince, a prince who has been corrupted by the sands.
if they are going to bring back PoP though, one thing they MUST remember!
and this is what i REALLY miss about GoW!
the death traps, for the love of god bring back the death traps!
thats exactly what made PoP, not the parkour acrobatics, but the fact that you had to do that cool gymnastic stuff, while dodging spinning blades and spikes in such a tight area.
one thing that really spoilled the last PoP game, you really did not have the fear, the challange, the sense of how the *&^% am i going to get through that!
gee, thanks for giving me plenty of room……….
i miss the good old days where these types of games were a challenge!
we totally need to bring those back, and what better way to do it than with probably THE originator, and definitely the best at it!

just finished octodad last night.
wish it was a lot longer, seems really steep the price, 20 bucks for a 2 hour game, and especially when the gameplay is so god dam simplistic!
one thing that REALLY annoyed me, its just so simple.
go to the roof and knock down a crowbar, than use said crowbar to tap a crate, and the crate falls apart.
thats it, just by touching it.
i thought you would have to wedge the crowbar into the planks of wood and wiggle it about just like a real crowbar, not just touch it and presto chango the wood has magically dematerialised!
all just a bit too simple and basic.
another thing which makes it so god dam frustrating is the controls.
the game requires you to be so precise and accurate, but there is NO finesse with the controls, you ask for a millimeter and your given a kilometer!
you need a dentist drill to take out a tooth with delicacy and precision, but instead your given a stick of dynamite!
yea it will get the job done, but its not exactly the most delicate accurate way.
especially the levels like the supermarket level, i have never shouted at the TV so f*cking much in my entire life!
slipping over the shelf, than in between the two shelfs, my god i think im going to need throat surgery now thanks to this!

octodad demonstrates perfectly though why im so flat on indie games.
yes there only made by such small teams, but why does that mean they have to be so basic and simplistic?
octodad could of been an amazingly creative game if it wanted to, given to amazing talented developers like sony japan studio im sure it would of been.
but as it is your left feeling, is that all?
creative for sure, but it could, and should, of been, so, so, so, so, SO, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more!
i really hope they do a sequel, but if there is, please for the love of god, some more depth and complexity please!
i dont like games where its just press 1 button and thats it the levels finished, simplistic crap a blind toddler could master!

10 years ago

yeah the idea of a prince of persia like rayman legends would be rather cool and enjoyable i think for those of us you enjoy that kind of thing it's not for everyone but it is for me i think

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

Castle of Illusion was decent, but I have to admit I have not played it since. There is just no incentive to replay it. I still hope for a remake of World of Illusion which delivers in replicating the amazing co-op experience of the SEGA classic.

PGU: Playing Persona 3 still, I have a huge PS2 backlog to play through just in time for this years drought. One thing to note is that it is game over when the lead character dies in battle… Final Fantasy XIII's reputation had harpoons thrown at it for this feature, yet I have never heard anyone put Persona 3 down for it – and it was release beforehand! But I really am enjoying the game, better late than never.

10 years ago

Well it's different because Persona has always been that way, Final Fantasy got along just find for decades without either having 1 single leader or having the game end when 1 person died so it was a double punch to the gut for fans. It's less about the feature itself than unnecessary changes for the franchise which change the experience.

10 years ago

Was a big fan of Warrior Within back in the good ol PS2 era. I wonder if the combat still holds up?
I'm starting to get a little excited about Watchdogs but I'm being cautiously skeptical, at least until the reviews start rolling out.

PGU: Currently waiting on Pure Chess to finish downloading. Never been the best at chess but here's hoping this will encourage me to give it a fair try.
Now I must get back to this assignment. Only 4 days till it's due. Nightmare!

10 years ago

Good luck man! My advice, wake up early and just pound it out before you get too tired to do anything.

10 years ago

The story why I got this GTA4 DLC now is kinda interesting: There was a Rockstar campaign on Steam a few weeks ago, where they offered every GTA between GTA3 and GTA4 (inc DLC) for very little (we talk about five euro or something, it really was nothing). I do of course own the old GTAs from before, but on disc. So while I esentially just could have bought the DLCs for just about the same, I bought the whole collection – *again* – just to have them included in my Steam account and thus available forever and ever without having to keep those damn CDs.
I guess this is the final proof that I have definitely moved into the digital realm: I actually prefer it to physical copies now.

Anyway, back to Gay Tony: This is FINALLY the GTA I love. This really made the entire GTA4 worthwhile for me. I love the protagonist, the characters, the whole package.

What a perfect warmup before GTA5 arrives for PC/PS4!

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Anything GTA4 is great really

10 years ago

Is the protagonist gay?

10 years ago

Banky: I disagree. GTA4 was a disappointment to me.

World: Nope it's the boss of the protagonist that's gay. He's a club owner, you are his henchman. Seriously, Gay Tony has the spirit of the "good old GTA". I am just so happy now.

(I also tried that other DLC with the bike club. Didn't like it.)

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/27/2014 12:28:04 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Ballad of Gay Tony is #totesamazeballs

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

I disagree with your disagree

10 years ago

And I respect – even approve of – your disagree of me disagreeing with your approval of the title in question.

10 years ago

Not me, Beam. GTA4 is crazy overhyped. I disagree and will never approve of that game being considered good. 😀

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

I disagree with your smiley

10 years ago

You're making it bigger!

10 years ago

Drakenguard 3 on May 20th! Almost forgot. Also hopefully get back to FFX HD when there's time.

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