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Next-Gen RPG Battle: The Witcher 3 vs. Dragon Age

It's probably fair to say that right now, these are the two most anticipated role-playing games of the new generation.

As time goes on, other contestants will arrive but for now, let's focus on these two: Which is your horse? Which one intrigues you more? Which do you think will pull down the higher review scores? If someone forced you to choose, which one would you go with?

Now that we know more about Dragon Age: Inquisition , that's a hot topic right now. BioWare finally gave us more information and media and all of it was pretty damn spectacular; RPG fanatics everywhere have been drooling all week. The latest batch was especially impressive, and fans are already selecting the protagonist's class. It really does seem as if the developers listened to all the feedback from Dragon Age II , then went above and beyond when implementing that feedback into Inquisition . Bigger, better, more dynamic, and more immersive the whole way 'round!

But it can't possibly be bigger and more epic than The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , right? A game that's supposed to be, what, 20 percent bigger than the massive Skyrim ? Hundreds of quests, a huge amount of freedom, and perhaps an unparalleled free-roaming nirvana. Will it be deeper than Inquisition ? Will it be less constrained by an underlying narrative that pushes the action forward? Or will it deliver on all fronts and simply trump the new Dragon Age in just about every category? It's very difficult to say right now because both these titles look immensely compelling.

We'll get Dragon Age: Inquisition on October 7 of this year, while we have to wait until February 2015 for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt . Maybe the one that's closest gets the nod just 'cuz we get to play it first. 😉

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10 years ago

im noticing quite a few RPGs coming out, i feel there has been a kind of resurgence of them this new generation or is it something else im not seeing?

10 years ago

It's just unusual to get them early on in a new generation, typically they take forever. We are just lucky some have been in development for awhile.

10 years ago

The Witcher … all the way. Not even close.

10 years ago

I think Witcher will be better since it will have the advantage of being an actual next gen experience but the fact that I'm stuck with that guy bothers me so I'm more interested in Dragon Age right now where I can make my own character and do crazy things with my posse.

10 years ago

For the longest time The Witcher 3 was gonna be THE game to convince me to get a next gen console. But now that I have a new PS4 sitting there its all about what comes out sooner. It really blows that The Witcher 3 got delayed but in all reality it'll give me plenty of time to sink my teeth into DA:I, which will be my first Bioware game by the way.

Then… After a few months of the Witcher 3 I'll hopefully finally have FF XV for a different take on what a 'next gen' RPG is like..

10 years ago

I think Witcher looks more ambitious. I never played a Witcher game before though.

10 years ago

Me either, it's a shame they weren't good enough devs to work with PS3.

10 years ago

Exactly, World.

They were unbelievably lazy to not make PS3 versions of their first two games.

Last edited by JROD0823 on 4/26/2014 5:16:18 PM

10 years ago

I looove Dragon Age! Unfortunately I think that The Witcher will garner the higher reviews. That is all right b/c DA comes out first, and I may not even play Witcher.

10 years ago

Can't say. Feeling like witcher 3 devs are full of crap, and never having played a dragon age game I couldn't really know which is better. From what i've seen from both games, dragon age looks super awesome.

10 years ago

Witcher devs are some of the best devs in the business. They patch and update the game for free months and months after release. IF a new bug is found years later they will fix it in a patch. Their games are DRM free and if you buy a copy you can share it with 5 friends and all play it at the same time(Witcher 2 let you do this).

They might be over hyping their game but the Witcher 2 is one of the best RPGs I've ever played. It is a dense game with so much to do and you know your choices actually affected the ending of the game there is something like 16 endings, and not just 3 different colours 😉

10 years ago

I really love the dragon age universe so I'm more into that one, but I have a nagging feeling that Witcher will actually be better.

While I'm glad we're getting lots of rpgs, I just wish they weren't all favoring the action style of play.

10 years ago

Highest metascore will go to The Witcher due to technical excellence, my personal favourite will be Dragon Age due to superior writing and characters.

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/26/2014 2:45:08 AM

10 years ago

witcher, obviously.
exactly why CD are one of the best devs out there, they do EVERYTHING, and they do it PERFECTLY!
graphics, story, characters, world, combat, everything is done incredibly well.
most adventure games make you pick, amazing world like skyrim but boring simplistic combat.
or amazing combat but boring worlds and story like dragons dogma.
witchers really the only franchise that gives you both, amazing story and worlds, AND a amazing combat system!
not to mention they always put out the best looking games, i mean jesus christ the witcher 2 on a high powered PC is still to this day, 3 years after release, still one of the best looking games out there!
next gen my a$$, a 3 year old PC game looks better than this so called "next gen" crap!

10 years ago

Dragon's Dogma world … boring? DON'T MAKE ETHIRD SMACK!!!

10 years ago

yes, boring!

10 years ago

Doesn't matter to me. Hell, they are RPGs will be purchasing them both.

10 years ago

Pretty much this.
It's RPGs, they will both be good. They will of course both be purchased.

10 years ago

I'm saying Dragon Age as a fan of the series. I'm looking forward to The Witcher 3 and would love for them to release the two previous games on the PS4 prior to the new game coming out but since that's not happening, Dragon Age all the way.

10 years ago

The Witcher because is not published by EA.

10 years ago

The witcher 3 map will be GIGANTIC x100000, you know that just two areas in the witcher 3 are over 52 square miles, 132 km2. Skyrims map is about 14.8 square miles. The city of novigrad is bigger than skyrim. I hope both games will be good.

10 years ago

This is a funny article.

These two games are releasing far enough apart that there is no need to choose one over the other.

I will buy both games, and enjoy them all the same.

No sense in picking favorites.

10 years ago

As JROD says, why not pick both? While they're both WRPGs, they're also both distinctly different experiences, and I'm looking forward to both a heap. Played through the Witcher 2 not too long ago and it was tops (I highly recommend it to anyone with a PC up to it, or a 360), and I really enjoyed both DA:O and DA2 (DA:O more, which is unlikely to surprise any who've played both, but they were both great games).

I think they'll be different enough from each other that picking a 'best' won't necessarily be relevant. It's a bit like CoD and BF – they're both FPS, and they both do what they do well, but they're different enough that it's not that one or the other is better, they just suit different tastes (for RPGs, I like a good range of flavours, hence both :)).

10 years ago

Haven't played the past Witcher but The Witcher 3 looks promising.

Played Dragon Age 2. Despite of the overly used Kirkwall, I enjoyed it because of the Final Fantasy XII inspired battle system. And the trailer of Aquisition looks great.

And if someone force me to choose one rpg. I will choose X from Monolith Soft.

10 years ago

If I were writing this, I'd include Child of Light. I think its going to be worthy RPG. Time will tell.

10 years ago

Witcher 3s gameplay will ultimately decide whether the game will become boring in time because of its size. That was the case for me with skyrim but Witcher 2s gameplay is already better than skyrim. So Witcher 3 will be better. Another concer for me with such open games is the storytelling. I like good graphics and gameplay but also enjoy and want cinematic or well stylized methods of telling the story. Skyrim was useless as hell in this respect. But mainly, the gameplay will need to be good enough to keep me playing to discover the entire map.

Don't get me wrong, I love witcher 2 and doing one last playthrough now (6th i think), but I'm excited and concerned about witcher 3.

With Inquisition, I think the engine is capable of better graphics. I'm not exactly blown away. But I know gameplay will be deep.

Passion never dies, it is only reignited

10 years ago

I'm more excited for Witcher 3 because I trust those guys at CDProjekt Red. Witcher 2 is one of my favourite RPGs ever, and if they can do better than that then Witcher 3 might be my favourite game period.

Now I hate EA so I'm skeptical about DA:I. I hated what they did to mass effect as everyone around here knows and no I don't want to start a debate on that again, its my opinion on the games and I felt like 2 and 3 were just good in some areas but mostly messes.

DA2 was a huge step back in terms of well everything. Combat changed, recycled areas, no customization, it felt like ME2 all over again except way worse. So no matter how cool DA:I looks I am still very skeptical of exactly what it is I will be getting with the final product.

DA:I is Biowares chance to get me back on board with them again though. I loved all of their games up until ME2 and 3 and DA2. Jade Empire and ME1 are my favourite Bioware games and up there as some of my favourite games of all time.

I'm going to wait on reviews and certain user reviews I really trust before I drop money on DA:I but Witcher is going to be preordered because I have faith in those guys.

10 years ago

The Witcher 3, day one purchase (excellent so far). Dragon Age, I will have to wait for reviews to decide since last one was not my favorite. Besides Witcher 3 Im looking forward for another Fallout or Elder's Scrolls that are not made for online-only play (crossing fingers for next one).

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