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Ben’s Week In Review: April 20

Really busy week but things are starting to calm down, so maybe I can keep pushing through my backlog.

Sorry Jenova, respect won't come until gamers grow up

I always like reading interviews with Thatgamecompany boss Jenova Chen, because he and I see eye-to-eye on so many issues concerning the video game industry.

I especially like his desire to see gaming appeal to a wider, more diverse audience . I think we all want that. We've taken so many strides and yet, as far as mainstream outlets are concerned, we're still not legit. Chen is right in saying that developers must continue to branch out and try styles of gameplay that attract older individuals and females. But unfortunately, while many aspects of this industry have matured, the general consensus is that gamers themselves haven't. Sure, there are some civil, laid-back adults involved in gaming but for the most part, our forums and communities are infested with the worst kind of immaturity.

Honestly, it scares people who aren't familiar with the hobby. That level of rampant egoism and hostility is frightening to those who don't understand what passion and anonymity do to gamers when they're online. All anyone has to do is record ten minutes of a standard Call of Duty multiplayer session, send it to some news outlet, and we'll never be taken seriously again. Hell, it'd probably spawn a rash of new studies. The point is that until gamers grow up, the industry just won't go anywhere.

By the way, Jade Raymond isn't wrong , per se. But you have to admit, to outsiders, it certainly seems like only immature teen boys participate.

I really hope Sony unleashes some new exclusives at E3

One insider says Sony is cooking up an amazing E3 presentation and I hope that's accurate. Right now, I'm looking for PlayStation 4 and Vita exclusives because I'm really not seeing many on the horizon. Sure, there's Uncharted 4 but I don't see much else, do you? There's The Order: 1886 but we have no idea when that might arrive. How's about a new God of War ? Gran Turismo 7 for PS4? Or maybe a brand new exclusive IP, like Quantic Dream's The Dark Sorcerer project we saw last year? I'm losing faith that we'll ever see The Last Guardian again, but who knows? We could definitely use a bunch of new Vita titles, too.

AAA Vita exclusives , please. I'm not impressed by games I can also play on the PS3. Based on the portable's sales, I'd say few are impressed. Like the PSP, this new unit requires a certain amount of top-tier exclusive titles to remain relevant. Taking down the 3DS probably won't happen, but I'd at least like the Vita to survive .

Personal gaming update

As I said above, I'm still working through my backlog. I got a new FIFA game to review but I'm not looking forward to it (despite the fact that I really liked FIFA 14 ). Sports simulators just suck the life out of me these days. I'm very much looking forward to Child of Light , however; everything I see and hear about that game has me itching to play it. It's just one of those extraordinarily special titles you do not want to miss, IMO. I've also got a few more indie games I want to play.

Oh, and if you're looking to read something, I suppose you could read my new book. 🙂 I posted it up on Facebook and Twitter but totally forgot to mention it on the main site. You can find it here ; you can pick it up at Amazon or Barnes & Noble. It's just an experiment; anybody can toss up an e-book. I'm saving other projects for a more traditional publishing route but I figured I could give this a try. 🙂

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10 years ago

been playing Ragnarok odeseeys ace on PS3 its quite fun ive finished all 400 floors of yggdrassil i play mage

as far as PS4 goes MMOS are the future of PS4 like it or not once games like Black Desert hit it then i may have a reason for picking one up.
as for right now the PS4 is a piece of junk current gen games like drakengard 3 which comes out next month or Tales of Xilia 2 blow away everything on the PS4

10 years ago

I really hope Drakenguard 3 turns out great.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I may have to get over my distrust of digital distribution for Drakengard. Y no physical release in the Euro regions?

10 years ago

No clue Lawless, might have to look into that one.

10 years ago

I pre-ordred a US copy from Play-Asia. I am not settling for a digital copy. But I am really looking forward to Drakengard 3. I loved Nier and have yet to play Darkengard 1 & 2, but I heard this is a prequel so I presume it will be a fair starting point?

10 years ago

Despite what Mr. Tidux said I'm actually a little worried about Sony's E3 presence. Based on sales they may not NEED to do really well (God knows MS needs to) but I'd love to see the excitement ball keep rolling. We need exclusives for that, but announcing stuff too early isn't good either.

I'm not really able to play much because of this final paper for my degree, but if I can make enough progress in that hopefully I'll have somethin soon. Ben tossed me Demon Gaze to review for everyone, Looking forward to doing that as soon as I can. 🙂

10 years ago

Im really excited for demon gaze! Im also hooked on conception 2. This week is an amazing week for vita owners. We got 4 huge announcements: oreshika, freedom wars, soul sacrifice delta and tales of hearts r! Also a release date for danganronpa 2.

Oreshika is the game im most excited for. Its a turn based rpg set in feudal japan.A japanese demon has cursed your family lineage so your goal is to become powerful enough to overcome the curse. The game has permadeath so if you die before passing on your lineage its game over. I highly recommend checking out the trailers on youtube.

10 years ago

Cool I'll have a look at it 🙂

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

You should try to snag an interview with Jenova Chen… I think it would turn out as a phenomenal read.

Yeah, Sony definitely needs to lift the lid on at least a couple of truly note-worthy AAA titles at E3. Failing to do that will just kill excitement. Although, seeing that inFamous: Second Son photo mode in action has made me want a PS4 all the more. Some of what has come out of that is downright incredible. Just thinking of the games that'll be available on the system by this time next year gets me antsy. But dat backlog…

Personal Update:
It's been a long week, mostly 'cos it's the lecture recess and I've been trying to use it to get ahead of my assignments for the rest of the semester. I've managed to get two out of the way and made some progress on a third and fourth, so I'm not doing too badly. Can't wait to get back to uni on Tuesday though, just because it's so damn boring living in the city with nothing to do.
Finished Mass Effect, watching the progress bar as the second installs right now. It's at 75%. 🙂 Really want to do an analytical breakdown of the first game… but I may just wait until I've played all three and lump them altogether then. Not sure.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

I've been part of a roundtable discussion with him, which was fun.

10 years ago

I hope Sony's E3 conference is really good. I'd like to see The Order gameplay above all else. I hope to see something regarding Uncharted 4 and I just hope there's lots of surprises.

PGU: Well I picked up FF14. I always said I wouldnt do subscriptions but with the initial buy in of $40, 30 days free and only $15 a month I'll still be under the price of a new game after 2 months. So I figured what the heck. I feel now that im in it for the long haul. This game is epic. Totally bad ass and a ton of fun. It's just overwhelming. .

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/19/2014 10:29:41 PM

10 years ago

Screw a wider and diverse audience. Bring me the bash em, blow em up, slap em around, shoot em, boot em, AWESOME VIDEO GAMES WITH HUGE BOOBIES.

Bring me pacman and galaga. If you make a game that makes me think politically then I hope you die.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago


10 years ago

We really do need a PS4 DOA Beach Volleyball game.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

"We really do need a PS4 DOA Beach Volleyball game."


10 years ago

Hey Ben im kind of surprised you haven't created an article on the slew of new JRPGs coming out for the vita this year. Its really exciting!
One of the games releasing Oreshika is a sequel to a ps1 game then ported to psp which is one of the most requested sony first party jrpgs to get localized out of japan. Definitely worth checking out.

Last edited by SayWord on 4/20/2014 12:45:17 AM

10 years ago

Im not surprised….this site had no mention of Deception 4. If it aint FF or something hyped like Child of Light, it doesn't really exist. There was an article for a Silent Hill port that may not even come here, though, Yay. I understand the job of intersting articles that draw hits, but having another person on board that's informed in different titles wouldn't hurt. Not a knock, just a suggestion. Sorry for piggybacking off your initial comment, SayWord

10 years ago

I can try to follow these niche titles a little better if folks want, the truth is there's so little out there from which to even be made aware of them I only recently even learned about Deception. That other stuff Sayword is talking about I'm just hearing of now, but I'll write em down.

10 years ago

Hey, we appreciate that, man! I can only speak for me but I am bored with the FF, Cod/ Titanfall, PS4 vs XB1 sales and resolution articles. Not that they are the majority here, but each one of those is a wasted opportunity to spotlight some of these lesser known RPGs coming our way. And for the fighting/ anime fans: JoJos Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Yeah, you know what, Kid?

Even your suggestions sound like knocks. Find a way to word things differently and maybe I'll consider what you say.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

World, if you want to keep an eye on the niche Japanese titles, you should check out Siliconera. It's pretty much all they follow and then you can deliver the news here. 🙂

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago


I had started and played FFXIII for four days straight earlier this week. I enjoy it, even like it. It's really quite marvelous but just shy of excellence because: GODDAMN NEVERENDING CORRIDOR LEVELS IN SUCCESSION wth.

Took a break once I FINALLY reached Gran Pulse – first time in the franchise where I skipped so many good farming enemies.

Whyyy did I avoid it for so long man. I swear there was such hate which is what made me wait. It is undoubtedly the best looking (graphically) RPG ever created.

Now the PS3 is back at mine for 4 months I will now get to practice 30m-1hr a night on fighting games. Arc Systems Works are Gods.

Bring on Persona 4 Arena: Ultimax and Guilty Gear Xrd!!!

10 years ago

FF 13 = great game and RPG.. Them's just the facts.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Yes indeed.

10 years ago

FFXIII had a fantastic story compared to its sequels, great music too!

10 years ago

my great RPG's need more towns with random NPC's walking around who repeat useless information, like "Townville has been down ever since the cataclysm" and "my chicken Toby is lost, can you find him ?"

10 years ago

Cool news about the book Ben.

I finished KZ: SF. The less said the better.
Infamous SS is really giving me some great times.
I'm 58% complete and I did some truly next-gen level mayhem taking down DUP towers in the Lantern District. Those towers that aren't just heavily guarded mobile buses.
anyway, having helicopters and dudes everywhere firing at me while I'm falling 100 ft from their heavily protected tower, then neon dashing up like 150 ft to the top of a nearby highly detailed looking building just to let off a couple shots at the chopper before his barrage of missiles whiffs into my neon trail is just nuts. The scale of action is a new level for me. I felt like a busy bee that couldn't be stopped even with a huge army on me. Felt like a marvel movie action scene or something. pretty sweet.

10 years ago

A man murdered his one year old because he was playing some game on his xbox. Really finding it harder and harder to take this hobby seriously when others take it that far. Its vile knowing someone could do something so sadistic and horrible. I can't say more than that because nothing I can do or say will change anything.

Bought several of the games from the epic 99 cent sale. The trials rip off is a lot of fun, but I do wish it had user created content. Tokyo Jungle surprised me and its kinda fun.

Gave up on SH platinum stuff. SH3 is so bad, so bad, not even my love for bad games and movies can save it. People hated ACM and I loved it. Thats how bad it is.

Want women to play video games? They do, just are not open about it. Has anyone here played a game with a gamer girl? They're hit on by everyone. Sad stuff to see everyone acting like teenage boys. And custom characters are like 70% female as well. I've seen so many guys running around as girls, in just about everyone game giving that option. Anything with a boob or butt slider is used, to the max.

I finally caved and bought Tomb Raider definitive edition. I have a thing for Camilla Luddington so I figure why not see her video game persona in 1080p. I guess its sexist though to be attracted to a female so I apologize. I know im being a bad person for finding her attractive.

10 years ago


Of course, that is a word taken entirely too lightly (if at all) in this day and age. And I say that from personal experience.

10 years ago

Oh I am hope for some of the big titles to be announced this E3, the console has yet to tempt me. I presume as Sony sold their S-E shares Final Fantasy XV won't be a PS4 exclusive 😛

I now can play PS2 games again! I bought a PS2 Slim with a JoyTech monitor, which is a really decent sized screen. I am now playing Persona 3:FES for the first time and… it is just my type of game completely. The world is so engaging and the battle system is turn based and fast. I'm only a few hours into it but I can tell there will be plenty more but into it.

10 years ago

Love P3 I've gone through the main journey many times but still haven't finished the answer epilogue (a little more than halfway through too).

10 years ago

I think everyone agrees here that we really need E3 to be great this year. I need something to be excited about!
Personally I'm hoping for next gen dragon's dogma announcement 😉
Also, bring the ps1 classics onto the ps4

Not that it matters, I'm on a self imposed gaming ban until my assignment is finished and presentation for work is ready 🙁 bad times.


10 years ago

I am hoping for another amazing E3 this year!


Still hooked on FFXIVARR!! Lomins Lominsa and Grindia. Really beautiful new locations. My Gladiator just received Shield Bash which works great as a enemy special negating technique. The game is so beautiful! Anxiously waiting for the family day to go by so I can play some more:). However it's great outside today, 72 degrees! Looking forward to Octodad on Tuesday, I hope there is PS+ discount. Have a great week everyone!

10 years ago

Guys, I can't access the PS Store for a week now.
It keeps telling me it's under maintenance.

Anyone else experiencing the same thing?

10 years ago

Great work on the book Ben :).

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Yeah I'm getting your book Ben

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Bought. cha ching

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