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What Franchise Made You Play Previous Entries?

Watch Dogs has been in the news a lot lately and the topic is success of the new IP.

Ubisoft has been 100% behind the quality and general awesomeness of Aiden and his hacktastic city. If you recall they were committed to making it a new franchise some time ago. If that happens it could join the ranks of their other open world adventure series Assassin's Creed.

I'm a little skeptical that it has the punch behind it to become an overnight success story but as usual it's best to wait until it actually arrives to start predicting with any level of certainty. Maybe it's just good advice for developers not to count their chickens before they hatch. Some of you will recall that Capcom had all the confidence in the world that Dontnod's noble effort Remember Me would be a hit and command franchise status. Even though it scored decently in that 7 range I have yet to hear any plans for a sequel.

Not all franchises begin with smashing records, I think Assassin's Creed was one of those lucky projects that hit people where they live and it's not realistic to expect the same from Watch Dogs . When Killzone 2 dropped I wondered what ever happened to Killzone 1 because I'd never heard of it. As it turns out it wasn't so great. What it does put me in mind of though are the times I got swept up in sequel excitement which eventually brought me back in time to play previous games.

The big money might be in sequels but lifetime sales of games can certainly be helped by the popularity of better-done sequels. Games are lucky in that regard, unlike movies their sequels are often better. I got on board Resistance with part 2 and 3 took too long for my waiting ability so I went back to play the first and found a lot to love. I started the Tales series with Graces F and moved on to Xillia , but when the Symphonia chronicles were released I jumped at the chance to experience the roots of the games I had so much fun with. While the Tomb Raider reboot wasn't my first outing with Lara it did compel me to buy the Tomb Raider Trilogy because I never did finish Underworld or Legend . It was a trip to go back and see how puzzles and platforms were handled before now.

What franchises did you find so compelling you went back in time to play earlier games just to see how it all began?

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Dell Taco
Dell Taco
10 years ago

It was Uncharted 2 that really had me want to play the first uncharted. I always just pushed the first game aside thinking it would be a tomb raider type game.

10 years ago

Mass Effect 2. mStill the best campaign Ive ever played. The first one just didn't do it for me – way too rpg-ee.

10 years ago

I haven't done so yet, but I plan on going through the first two Bioshocks due to Infinite.

10 years ago

Metal Gear Solid!
Final Fantasy!
Resident Evil!

Last edited by Japanese_Gamer on 4/19/2014 1:45:20 PM

10 years ago

Assassin's Creed. I played AC2 before AC1. For some reason I felt compelled to go back and play AC1, even if AC2 didn't hook me. I ended up liking AC1 a lot. It's repetitive formula made me somewhat hooked on the franchise. After which I scrambled to play AC Brotherhood.

Ratchet and Clank. I didn't enter the R&C games until the PS3 games. My love for those made me go back and want to play the PS2 editions.

EDIT: Final Fantasy deserves mention, but it's an unusual circumstance. I actually had played the original NES Final Fantasy with my brother. he actually mostly played it, but I watched. Sometimes he would let me grind battles for him. But our NES game kept losing the save file. We ended up ditching the game out of frustration.
Later I revisited FF on the SNES with FFII but at the time I was too into other games so I lost interest in it after about 15-20 hours.
I then went to FFIII when it was new. That one got me. I played it through. Fast forward to today and once I clean up on Xenogears I'll revisit FFIV on my Vita.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/19/2014 1:54:44 PM

10 years ago

…and yes, once I finish up on FFIV (that'll take two years =p) and save it be for Suikoden II's release, I'll likely grab FFX HD collection and probably try the girly dress-up edition, FFX-2. If that fails me (again) then I'll play FFX again.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/19/2014 2:04:41 PM

10 years ago

these keep hitting me, but Rayman Legends has made me a franchise fan. I couldn't really get into them before, especially during the PSX days when they felt like crappier Mario games. But man, Ubisoft has really raised the bar. Legends fully deserves a 9+ rating. I'm really impressed by the ingenuity behind it's classic 2D platforming play. The genre can't be considered dead on anything outside of Nintendo platforms with this franchise around. Dang. impressed.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/19/2014 3:41:40 PM

10 years ago

Mass Effect, I played ME2 first.

The Witcher, started on the sequel first but shortly I realized this was something I wanted to see from the beginning.

10 years ago

I'm curious. Do you prefer ME1 to ME2 or vice-versa?
it seems those who liked ME1 more than ME2 had played ME1 first.
I happen to be one who did play through ME1 first, but I still preferred ME2 overall.

10 years ago

ME2 felt a lot more polished, imo. But it was a really great experience to get introduced to the iconic figures we see again in ME2.

But yeah – ME2 is my fav of the three. In fact it's one of the best games I've ever played.

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/21/2014 7:01:15 AM

10 years ago

For myself, playing GTA4 made me want to try any or all of the previous GTA's, but there were other new games, plus others in my backlog that I still wanted to try out, that I still haven't gotten around to playing any of the previous GTA's. Some day though……

Red Dead Redemption was one that actually caused a sudden dead-eye hankering for me to go & play both, RDR 1 & also Gun too.

Also, the latest Tomb Raider(& best TR IMO) made me go back & play the PS2's TR Legends & Anniversary, & then the PS3's TR Underworld(which I just finished up a few weeks ago).

Oddly enough, I have no desire(at least for right now)to try TB 1, 2, or 3, even though I have all 3 of them in my collections(the graphics just didn't pass the test of time for me these days).

10 years ago

Oh, 2 more….

Red Faction, started off with RF Guerilla & Armageddon before going backwards into the series older archives.

And the same with Just Cause…Played CJ2 before 1.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/19/2014 4:13:24 PM

10 years ago

Oh, FarCry was another one.
I started with FC2, & liked it so much that I then went back to play FC1, FC Predator & FC Instincts.

10 years ago

Bioshock. I played 2 before 1.

10 years ago

That's certainly rare.

10 years ago

Hitman;Absolution Made A Fan Out Of Me

10 years ago

good man! love the hitman series! it has evolved so much since the first game!

10 years ago

Ratchet and Clank: Got my PS3 in January 2010 with TOD and loved the game then played all the PS2 games last year and loved those even more.

Metal Gear Solid: Played the demo of MGS4 at least 50 to 70 times and loved every minute of it, i know it sound crazy but i played part 4 then part 1 (going to buy the HD collection soon since i never played 2, 3 or PW).

GTA: Played GTA 4 first and liked the game a lot, i remember playing GTA3 and VC but never owned or finish them, then after finish part 4 bought the GTA collection for PS2 and completing all 3 games to 100% with SA becoming my favorite game of all time.

Red Dead Redemption: Great game and went back played RDRevolver and even if that game wasn't as good as Redemption it was worth playing.

Max Payne: Before the release of MP3, went back played 1 & 2 and both games were amazing.

Last edited by Kokushi on 4/19/2014 2:33:33 PM

10 years ago

Don't miss R&C: CiT
It's my favorite of all that I've played.

10 years ago

AC4 played it and loved every second of it. I own AC and AC2 but lost faith in the series then with AC4 went out and bought the ezio tr

10 years ago

Ezio collection and AC3 beat all of them to 100 percent working on AC3 know…

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Devil May Cry 4 made the collection a must when it came out. Similar story for the PS3 vs PS2 Ratchet games. Still need to buy the MGS Legacy Collection for the goodness to be found within, thanks to MGS 4. I don't really like jumping in in the middle of a series when I know that it has narrative ties to its predecessors, so I don't typically do it unless the game is bandied about as being #totesamazeballs.

10 years ago

The Ratchet and Clank Future series made me play the Ratchet and Clank Collections.

God of War PSP made me want to play the God of War Collections

Uncharted 2 made me go back to play Uncharted Drakes Fortune

10 years ago

honestly not many Ar tonelico i played 2 first then played 1
i hate admitting this Tales of Destiny was my first played phantasia on an emulator
Star ocean 2 same scenario

i actually did play FF1 on the NES was dissapointed FF2 FF3 FF5 never got an international release til later systems like FF2 PS1 in FF origins
or FF3 DS/PSP FF5 FF anthology PS1

so i don't count those because i didn't have access til later

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Tales of Xillia. Persona 4 Golden – still have yet to buy Persona 3: FES but it is inevitable.

10 years ago

motorstorm cos i played the 2nd 1st and then i just recently did start the 1st one but i've never really had that with gaming personally

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

Final Fantasy

10 years ago

Chrono Cross
Heavy Rain
Final Fantasy 7
Mortal Kombat 2
Tekken 2
The King of Fighters 96
Yakuza 3

10 years ago

ace combat

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