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Ben’s Week In Review: April 6

It's getting warmer and the game drought is coming…like I've said before, time to play catch-up!

Xbox One just not as powerful as PlayStation 4…?

If it's true – and I'm not saying it is, not being an expert on computer hardware – then Xbox fans really just need to get over it. Every time I turn around, another Xbox follower is desperately trying to prove that Microsoft's console is every bit as powerful as Sony's.

That's why we see articles like the one that claimed the performance gap between the two consoles would dwindle and disappear. In fact, Oddworld creator Lorne Lanning said no such thing ; he was merely talking about schedules and budgets and all that. Just Add Water CEO Stewart Gilroy made it plain that this is "physically impossible," as the PS4 has "more compute units and faster memory," among other things. Okay, so what? The Xbox was more powerful than the PS2 and the latter just stomped the former into the ground. Yeah, it had a year head-start and the Xbox was Microsoft's debut, but still, the less powerful system dominated.

The point is that you don't need to be the most powerful gaming console around to enjoy success. Maybe Xboxers should stop worrying about what the Xbox One can do, and start worrying about what games it might have. Because right now, I can't name even one compelling exclusive on the horizon aside from Halo 5 , and I'm sick to death of that series.

No, Deus Ex does NOT need an online multiplayer mode

I know the common belief is that every single video game in existence "requires" an online multiplayer option of some kind. However, in many instances, that isn't true at all. In the case of Deus Ex , it's definitely not true. This franchise has always thrived on delivering nigh-on unparalleled single-player campaigns, complete with great stories, characters and solo adventures. So, when I heard that Eidos Montreal apparently plans to implement a multiplayer mode in the new Deus Ex: Universe project, I just rolled my eyes. From a design perspective, it's not necessary. I'm sure there are plenty of possibilities and it could be cool, but it's just not essential.

Work on giving the fans what they've always wanted from this franchise. Just don't farm out the boss fights like you did with Deus Ex: Human Revolution (still one of the most mind-bogglingly bizarre development decisions I've ever seen), and you'll be fine. Forget the damn multiplayer and focus on what you do well, and what the fans want. It's really not that hard.

Personal gaming update

Despite my hefty backlog, I just can't seem to stop playing Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster . I'm going too fast, though; I always used to grind for a bit so I'd be ahead of the curve; now I'm facing a Seymour boss battle that's kicking my ass. I really forgot that games were significantly harder at one time, and let's not forget that FFX was considered easy by previous standards of that franchise. I still say FFVII had a lower difficulty, though. At any rate, I need to move around the Sphere Grid some more before tackling that boss battle. Then maybe I can get back to inFamous: Second Son and the scores of other games I have yet to complete.

One of them will not be Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z . What an insulting mess. My girlfriend and I are progressing in Dragon's Crown and after showing her Champions of Norrath on PS2, she wants to play that. Gotta go dig up another PS2 controller. 😉 Too bad they don't have games like that anymore these days, but I have high hopes for Bound by Flame .

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10 years ago

Haha, I walked into Seymour's battle on Mt. Gagazet today and got smashed to bits, I definitely went too fast. But man the story really got to me again.

10 years ago

God that fight sucks in such a good way

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

That wasn't the one, though. It was the one just before the Tidus/Yuna scene in the lake.

Didn't have Reflect…with that spell, the battle is a zillion times easier. 🙂

10 years ago

Remember that Rikku stealing from those two goons stops their hi-potion use! You probly already knew but just in case.

10 years ago

I don't grind until after i get the airship and i had no issues with either battle. Could be my memory though. The only battles giving me trouble now are the captured monster creations and some of the omega ruin monsters

Last edited by aaronisbla2 on 4/6/2014 2:56:58 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

No, that's not the one. No Hi-Potions; just Seymour and his weird little alien-like friend there who cured him and drained him.

10 years ago

I too cannot stop playing FFX/X-2. Playing the game has made me realise why my interest in gaming has dwindled over the past generation. I initially blamed this dying interest on my adulthood, but now I realise it's the lack of games attending to my taste. I seriously am surprised by how much fun I'm having. 🙂

10 years ago

Finished my first playthrough on expert as true hero in 2nd Son. The narrative and characters aren't as engrossing as the first title's, and it lacks the epic set pieces of the 2nd in the series, and I actually preferred the kinetic nature of the combat of both previous titles…yet it retains the unique quality of inFamous franchise…how it grows on you. I will also say how startling beautiful it is at times, and how much easier it is to traverse the beautiful environment, and how Halo's designer made some good enemy AI and combat situations, and forts. Paper trail, despite being a bit tedious and an obvious way to make customers to hold on to their copies, expands on some key characters missed out in the main story (something previous inFamous entries sorely needed). I still have quite a bit more play time before I can give my opinion of the game with certainty. But, is it the best in the series? Probably not. Is it the best game in PS4's early library? Probably, yes.

Last edited by Shams on 4/5/2014 11:22:56 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I've been wondering about Paper Trail. I know that SP are releasing it episodically but what I want to know is whether it will be always available, or is it a timed bonus for those who bought the game at release?

And another question about if:SS, what's the story with the 'Cole's Legacy' DLC? It was supposed to be available to those who preordered the special edition of the game, but I have heard absolutely nothing about it. Have they not released it yet, or… what's going on there?

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 4/5/2014 11:40:50 PM

10 years ago

Good question. I got a limited edition, and although I'm pretty sure I entered my dlc code for Cole's Legacy, I have as of yet to play any such missions. Paper Trail seems to be available to any customer. I'm waiting on Part 4.

10 years ago


I completed Coles legacy dlc it was 5 missions. You unlock Coles jacket when you finish plus they give you some information about what happened to cole.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Thanks for the info, guys.

10 years ago

Yeah I did Cole's Legacy too, it pops up as yellow exclamation points I think. They become available early on and yeah Cole's jacket is awesome cuz it hides Delsin.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I just want to say that I think you're being a bit jaded on the XBO exclusives list. I think that Quantum Break is something that would interest you, considering its story-driven nature, though maybe the sci-fi overtones and TPS mechanics overcome that? Also Sunset Overdrive because, well… Insomniac creating another game that seems to have the principles of R&C behind it, rather than the comparatively po-faced seriousness of Resistance and Fuse.
I would say D4, but it's Kinect-controlled, apparently.

As I wrote in the article, I think MP in Deus Ex could be glorious if done properly. Thing is, I just didn't care that much about the story in Human Revolution. Sure, it had some great themes and ideas behind it, but I thought that Jensen was a stiff and it really detracted from my enjoyment of the story. Also, it was too focussed on typical game tropes and not enough on the trans-humanist/neo-luddite debate that was put forward. It was one of those games that could have been, and the purported name of "Mankind Divided" makes me hopeful that the next game is going to be more about what I want it to be. *fingers crossed*

Personal Update:
Been reading for uni. Last book was Mrs Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf, which was… I don't even understand it. Seriously, no idea what was going on there. Now I'm reading The Tall Man, which is novelistic journalism about the death of Cameron Doomadgee (the Aussies should likely remember the case; it caused something of a sensation here a few years back). Only read a little of it, but it is very interesting.
Been playing Mass Effect, and like I wrote the other day, I'm finding it unexpectedly difficult. Not the game in general, mind you, but culmination battles (I can't call them boss battles here). Like, I'll mow through every adversary in a level and suddenly get decimated twenty times in a row by some big bad that was introduced three seconds ago. It's utter madness and feels like really poor design. That being said, I do love the RPG elements and having to be aware of the squadmates you have and their outfitting, not to mention the Biotic powers, which I didn't realise for several hours were utterly vital if you want to play the game properly. Also, while the opening of the story was nothing special, I'm really starting to get into it. Can't wait to see how it proceeds.
And, as a point of personal disappointment, I haven't been able to work on my writing project of late. A part of that is a lack of time, but most of it is because I've written myself into a very awkward place that I can't seem to get around, even though I know exactly where the story goes from there. It's right in the middle of the story, too. I hate middles; they're always such a slog. Not sure what to do, because I'm tempted to leave off and start on a different part of the story (the work itself is actually a series of interconnected novellas, so doing that wouldn't necessarily harm it).
Anyway, that's quite enough rambling.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Mrs. Dolloway isn't really a commentary; it's more of a pictorial of sorts. That's why I really liked it. 🙂

10 years ago

Does Halo5 really count as a true Halo game since bungie doesn't work 4 Microsoft anymore

10 years ago

Yes it does.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

One of the creative leads at 343i came directly from Bungie, the series is still called Halo, and the series is still (generally) following the rules set way back in Combat Evolved. A change in developer does not automatically not belong to the series it claims to.

10 years ago

Well, I was enjoying FFX until I had to part with my Vita… but… I will (eventually) get it for my PS3 – now that I got a new one with a properly functioning disc drive. Either way, I was finally able to accomplish Warriors Orochi 3. What a roster!

Definitely anxious for more on Bound by Flame, but I am finally getting into my backlog with a vengeance. Finally about to beat MGS4, slowly trudging my way through Red Dead Redemption, but then there is Tales of Xillia and a number of other games. Essentially… I still have my work cut out for me so I'm in no rush to play anything new.

Remo Williams
Remo Williams
10 years ago

I'm okay with companies adding multiplayer features, but I think Bioshock II proved that trying to shoe-horn in a multiplayer offering doesn't work for every game. That is not to say that Deus Ex would not benefit from it, but I hope they concentrate on their strength (story-heavy, content-rich, lengthy campaign) before trying to add features.

PGU: After not having owned a console (other than handhelds) for over two years, I finally picked up a PS3 about two weeks ago. I have since proceeded to finish Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (very memorable experience) and I just wrapped up Bioshock Infinite last night before proceeding to stare at the screen in awe. From a gameplay perspective it was a near-perfect refinement of what was found in the first two games, and the story is one of the best I've experienced in a game. I imagine I'll be thinking about it for some time.

10 years ago

Multiplayer can be hard to do right and much of the time it's just unneeded. Unless it's one of the big franchises such as Halo or Call of Duty then the lobbies will be ghost towns six months later. That was kind of the problem with Bioshock 2 for example. I actually liked the multiplayer in that game and it was easy to find a match in February when the game came out but by July? *Crickets*

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 4/6/2014 3:20:10 PM

10 years ago

yeah i think they have to say that xbow fans need to stop trying to make their console as 'gud' as ours cough cough ps4 cough cough. and just hope they gunna get some half way decent games cos i know sony's 1st party games more often than not great games so i'm not worried but i know the xbox guys are worrying cos their xbox only games might not be as gud and the multi plates aren't gunna be nearly as gud

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive look like pretty good Xbox One exclusives. And it's not exactly like PS4 is full of awesome exclusive content. Sure, if you love indie games it's got some good stuff but I'm more into the bigger budget productions. After inFamous: Second Son what exactly does PS4 have this year in terms of exclusives? It's pretty dry across all three of the new gen consoles.

10 years ago

The Last of Us. Again.

10 years ago

Kid loves TLOU. He knows how incredible it is. He's such a TLOU fanboy.

10 years ago

Yeah it's going to take AWHILE before things get rolling. I do hope 1886 hits home though.

10 years ago

I'm really looking forward to The Order 1886 myself. I'm not overly concerned about lack of multiplayer because even in shooters, the first thing I play is the single player campaign. I know lack of any type of online multi is going to be a negative for some people and it's understandable, but hopefully only having to focus on one aspect will allow Ready at Dawn to really nail the campaign with strong gameplay and a great narrative.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 4/7/2014 2:17:32 AM

10 years ago

Been playing Deception IV, Witch and The Hundred Knight, and Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z

Last edited by n/a on 4/6/2014 7:52:38 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

So, you spend months coming in here, bashing The Last Of Us, attacking anyone who likes it, and you sit there and play appalling junk like Yaiba?

……yeah, credibility has now dropped to zero.

10 years ago

How's Deception IV?

10 years ago

That whole Xbox thing is a carbon copy of the Wii U thing. First it was going to be ten times as powerful as the PS3. Then some guy leaked the spec's before launch and they were dismal. Nintendo guys said "But they'll make up for it with architecture!" which is pretty comical on more than one level if you think about it. Then it launched and the dismal performance was there for everyone to see, but suddenly that didn't matter because it was going to sell a billion units, have full third party support and a terrific lineup of exclusives! Then when none of that panned out, last year's E3 was going to catapult Nintendo into first place. Then it was going to be this game, that game and the other game that was going to be "the big system seller!".

The Xbox guys are going through the exact same thing with the exact same excuses, they're just at a bit earlier stage in the whole process. Right now they're still in denial; next will come acceptance and the resultant bitterness. These things take about a year or so.

As far as multiplayer, meh. This is the generation, just like the last half of the last generation, where all games must be bastardized into something to appeal to the Call of Duty kids. At least SE finally got their heads out of their butts and realized this has petty much universally resulted in worse sales, not better, but I guess they're the only ones.

PGU: I dunno, I've got all these great games, I play them for a couple of evenings, and then it's back to Skyrim. 650 hours I've got into that game and still can't quit playing it long enough to finish anything else. It's ridiculous lol.

Last edited by JackC8 on 4/6/2014 8:16:43 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

*cough* Eidos belongs to S-E. So, basically if it's true about Deus Ex getting MP, S-E lied.

If you already knew that, kindly disregard.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

I got my inFAMOUS platinum. I had already done most of the work years ago but only now decided to go for the 350 blast shards. It was relatively easy and fun. That is my PGU. Took me 3 days total. I will do the same with inFAMOUS 2 and inFAMOUS Second Son. That will bring me up to 42 platinums total. God! I can't remember when was my last platinum! Must if been 2 years ago. Feels good man.

10 years ago

Wow that's a LOT

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Not enough if you ask me.

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 4/6/2014 2:23:29 PM

10 years ago

I play lots of games and have exactly 0 plats.

10 years ago

I used to get them in competition with a friend of mine. We were neck and neck, but I had a one week gaming binge when the wife took the kids away for a week to her aunt's in Manitoba.

I was cruel. We were tied for plats, and I lined up 5 games to be one trophy shy of a platinum, and I worked my way to being able to get them. As soon as he got another and started gloating, I crushed him with 5 more plats.

It crushed his spirit, and I killed the competition… ah well. Since then, I haven't tried for platinum anymore either. lol

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago


I was in the same situation, only in secret with my own friends list. One of my friends does nothing but aquire platinums so I could never get caught up with him. He crushed me. Poor bastard must have 80-90 platinums by now.

Anyway, I stopped getting them for a while because they were ruining my games. Just recently I got inFAMOUS as it was easy.

10 years ago

I'm now on second generation in Record Of Agarest War 2. Playing in hard mode. Greatly enjoying it.

10 years ago

No H-HOUR no review

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Keep plugging H-Hour, dude. One day, someone might pay attention.

10 years ago

Yeah power is definitely not as big as an issue right now as games are in this early stage.

The Deus Ex team must know what we want from a single player perspective since they did consider player feedback when they made the Wii U edition by modifying the boss fights to meet the tone of the game. So I'm not so afraid.

Still about 3 weeks until exams are over.

Last edited by Teddie9 on 4/6/2014 7:51:40 PM

10 years ago

Tom Hullet went into silent hill 2 and 3 and hosed everything down. Strange seeing silent hill so clean. I like Troy Baker, great VA, but he does not suit James at all. And the new Heather… HA!

No comment on the Deus Ex multiplayer thing… Just no. It'll turn into a fps online experience. Story focus needs to be 100%, tack mp on last second like tomb raider.

I've heard about Dishonored 2's MP thing and I can only hope that story will be the sole focus as well. Stealth games don't need competitive multiplayer and instead need better ai, and it you absolutely need an online function, throw in coop modes or something.

It snowed again, I thought we were in april? Damned mountains and your spontaneous weather.

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