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Drought Incoming: Whatcha Gonna Play?

I just looked at the release schedule for the next few months, and it's pretty barren.

In fact, with the exception of Watch Dogs at the end of May, I don't really see any big heavy hitters until September, when the fall/holiday titles start to flow. Destiny is set for September 9 and it's all downhill from there.

Yeah, there's The Evil Within in late August and a few other promising titles. But for the most part, we're definitely looking at a drought for the next four or five months, so it's definitely time to play catch-up. I'll certainly take advantage, as there are several big games I've never managed to finish. I'll definitely want to sink my teeth into inFamous: Second Son again, and I want to get back to Grand Theft Auto V , Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag , and of course, the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster . Still not sure I'll make it all the way through the latter, but it's just so much fun to play! 🙂

What are you planning to play during this stretch? Or is there a game during the drought that you're really looking forward to? Did I hear that Wolfenstein: The New Order got pushed up? That has some promise, right? If there are any others, feel free to let me know. I'm gonna try to catch up on the digital side, too; I've always wanted to give Fez a try, for instance.

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Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

If I was keeping up with new releases, I'd definitely be looking forward to Bound by Flame, Murdered and Drakengard 3, as well as considering Raven's Cry.
But I'm not, so I'll be playing the Mass Effect Trilogy. 🙂

10 years ago

I HAVE to get Raven's Cry as a Two Worlds II fan with little hope for Two Worlds III.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
10 years ago

I just finished the first story play through of I:SS, so I'll spend some time completing all the side missions and collectibles.

Then in April it's LEGO Hobbit time and May 6 will bring MLB The Show – which will keep me busy for a very long time! Not sure what's coming between then and September 9. Any suggestions? Then October 14 is B:AK – and the rest of the excellent Fall releases follow. Can't wait for info on NHL 15 for PS4!!!

10 years ago

Who needs heavy hitters? I'm picking up Child of Light when it comes out at the end of April, and Strike Suit Zero comes out on the 8th. And then there's Final Fantasy X HD already staring at me in the face. I'm good! 🙂

10 years ago

Drakenguard 3 for the PS3 coming out in May Ben 🙂 That should tide me over for a little while. I have that to look forward to, and can keep playing dark souls forever basically.

10 years ago

What's Drakenguard 3 gonna be all aboot?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

A psychotic magical girl named Zero with a pet dragon that is on a quest to kill her slightly-less-psychotic-but-no-less-magical sisters. It looks bonkers, but oh, so brilliant.

10 years ago

Wow I want in on that.

10 years ago

Yes, I have actually got a copy pre-ordered from the US as in Europe we can only buy it from the PS Store.

I have not played the first 2 games yet, but I hear this is a prequel, so I intend to play through all 3 games in chronological order. I have both on PS2 now and look forward to starting Drakengard 3. Neir was one of my favourite gaming experiences this gen and even if it is loosely based of the first game I wasn't to see what else they've worked on 🙂

10 years ago

I've also read it ties into Nier. Don't remember where but yeah, crazy stuff.

Crazy awesome looking too.

10 years ago

Had a lot of fun playing 1 & 2, will have to pick up Nier as haven't got round to it yet

10 years ago

Basically what lawless said. Also it is made by the same guys who made NIER and I loved that game. Same soundtrack too.

Here is a trailer to give you an idea. I think its going to have japanese voices too.

10 years ago

Currently 105 hours into the last remnant, after that I have a long list of games to play. Most of you have probably already played them all or have no intention of playing them, but I have plenty to play over the next few months.

Alpha protocol
Far Cry 3
Flatout 1-3 and ultimate carnage
Heroes of Might and Magic 5
Splinter Cell Double Agent
Two Worlds Epic Edition
The Witcher 2
Divinity II Developer's Cut
Remember Me
Payday 2
Metro: Last Light
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Kingdoms of Amalur
Devil May Cry
Bioshock Infinite

That's what I have and have not played yet, not to mention I really want the FFX HD remaster. I'm late to the party, but I'm never short of games to play.

10 years ago

That's quite a list, probably about 4-500 hours or so…
Need to get back to playing Dark Arisen and Amalur at some point, but got Far Cry 3 to finish, and have started FFX HD as of yesterday, good to be back in Spira

10 years ago

Yeah it kinda seems daunting, especially considering that's just what I already own and doesn't even compare to what I have in my wish lists across all my gaming platforms.

It also doesn't include any games from my handheld platforms. Been playing ff vi on my vita and in the time I've been playing it I've built up a huge list of free games from PS Plus.

10 years ago

I'll be working through Second Son, FFX, FFX-2, and FFXIII-3. That's a lot of FF.

Getting Raven's Cry in May. Wolfenstein looks like fun but not $60 fun, so probably wait. Evil Within will be good.

This is the typical drought time, so that's why I wanted a bigger launch and more real next gen games. Now all we can do is hunker down and let the Super Duper HD updates roll in with 100 indie games ahead of each.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/28/2014 11:45:31 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

How are you liking SECOND SON? I am absolutely hooked! Never thought graphics could look so beautiful. *sheds a single tear from right eye*

I have to say neon is my favorite power so far. The third one, I'm not digging so much. But I just unlocked it, so it may grow on me.

10 years ago

It's all right, plenty of fun to be had. I'm not hooked like I was with the last two. Kinda feel let down.

10 years ago

Ben, give FEZ a try it's a wonderful game. Already into it on the Vita/PS4 with cross-saves. The high scores make a lot of sense to me.

Thank goodness for a drought. I have a ton to play. However I am praying Bound By Flame is good. Also will get AMS2 when it hits $40. My son and I want Mario Kart 8. Also looking forward to E3 and more info on PSNow. Need more info on the Target Earth Revisited. Strike Suit Zero looks like FreeSpace! Want to get into Warframe a little more as well. Also looking at Child of Light and FFX for the Vita/PS3, not sure what console I am getting it for. Getting excited again for Watch_Dogs again regardless of the graphic degradation.

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 3/28/2014 11:47:50 PM

10 years ago

What about Murdered Soul Suspect and Wolfenstein? There should also be plenty of indie games out during that time period on PS4 so it will still get plenty of love from me.

Last edited by Xombito on 3/29/2014 12:24:18 AM

10 years ago

Yes, there are plenty of indie games… I'd argue that is part of the reason we have a drought of proper console releases…

10 years ago

@ Vivi_Gamer

Murdered Soul Suspect & Wolfenstein are not indie games so your so wrong there.

10 years ago

. . .

I didn't say they were, I was referring to the second half of the comment. But I don't care for either Murdered Soul Suspect & Wolfenstein in all honesty.

10 years ago

My ps3 backlog is huge. I might write off a few games in the coming months, if PS+ allows me. Hehe.

10 years ago

Diablo 3 with expansion for ps4.
Tales of Xillia for ps3
Tales of Symphonia for ps3
Blacklight Retribution for ps3
Mercenary Kings for ps4
Toukiden for PS Vita

Not to mention Mario Kart for the Wii U and also all the Nintendo DS games coming out for the Wii U.

I would say Im gonna have a busy summer. 🙂

10 years ago

it's better than last year but it's still not great and the devs and pubs need to have a more even release field over the whole year

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

seriously, dont waste your money.
if you need a new TV just get a normal full HD model 4Ks not really going to come in for a few years still.
there are still zero mediums out there that support 4K, hell there is not even a HDMI standard for it yet!
what would you use the extra resolution for?
theres very few out there that are in 4K, and those that are 400GB+ so you need basically a whole external HDD per movie!
and 4K movies are download do you have a large and fast enough net connection to download a 400GB+ movie?
there is no medium for 4K content yet, and there wont be for years still.
bluiray simply cannot hold enough data for 4K, and its successor SCAD is apparently only for professional use.

TV shows dont exist in 4K, nor do games, well unless you have a 3000 dollar PC to hook up to it.
not to mention the prices are still pretty high for 4K because its new technology, wait till 4K OLED TVs start releasing hopefully next year and the price of current LED 4K TVs will fall through the floor!

if you can wait you definitely should wait, nows a really bad time to buy a new TV because of all the new technologies out there driving prices through the roof.
not to mention the HDMI 2.0 standards not going to be put into place for a while still.
its funny theres rumblings that laser TVs are going to make a strong comeback next year, and that is why alot of manufactures did not display OLED TVs at CES this year.
i thought it was strange that neither $ony or panasonic showed off a OLED TV this year, especially when it was their star draw for CES last year.

if you cant than stay away from overpriced 4K TVs, you will get the same picture quality, if not better, out of a normal full HD display for todays content.
something with local dimming really helps keep the colors as rich as possible while not washing them out, exactly why the bravia W850a is the critics darling ATM suppose to be one of the best sets on the market.
and a good 2K cheaper than $onys 4K set, well here at least.

BTW if you think samsungs 4K TVs look good, wait till they release their new OLED TVs!
now thats a TV worth its money in gold!

10 years ago

I agree with Underline. It's too early to buy a 4k TV yet.
You'll get much, much more for your money by getting a HVTV:

10 years ago

its not that bad actually im quite pleasantly surprised how many games we have coming over the winter months.
normally april – july is absolutely deserted, but in that timeframe we have:
Leggo the movie
trials fusio
leggo the hobbit
child of light – the last game for april
may sees spiderman 2
bound by flame
wolfenstein the new order
watch dogs
elder scrolls online (ps4 and xb1 Pcs released) last for may
june sees murdered soul suspect
and sniper elite 3.
ok not great, theres only 2 games in june one at the start, and one at the end, and july as usual is totally deserted, but the winter period this year looks MUCH better than what it normally is!

so besides playing those theres still a few games i havent started yet.
pretty much all the wiiu games, DKCR and M3DW i havent played much of so id like to get more into those.
i havent gotten far in thief either, really want to like that game but its just so mundane, boring, and slow paced!
its like doing homework, just bores the &^%$ out of you!
havent started MGSGZ either, might pick that up tonight since platting infamous second son is freaking killing me!
id rather have bamboo shoved under my fingernails than play another second of that borefest!

havent been able to get CLoS2 working yet either, christ i freaking LOATH steam!
every single god dam time i buy a game off steam it NEVER works!
pissing me off so much because pretty much every game these days requires steam activation so im pretty much up the creek without a paddle its not like i can go somewhere else.
i even uninstalled the game, uninstalled steam, bought the retail version of CLoS 2, reinstalled steam, installed CLoS 2, and it still wont f*cking work!
and best of all neither konami or steam customer support want to hear it, thats todays customer support for ya, go tell someone who cares!
youve given us your money, now f*ck off!

10 years ago

You must just have crap luck. My steam has never done anything like that EVER, and I have been using it since it was in beta.

10 years ago

Same here. Never a problem with Steam. Occasionally an issue with a game in particular, but nothing a reboot couldn't fix.

10 years ago

i think its because im running a UHD monitor.
every time a game wont work on my desktop i just turned my laptop on and played it on there and they worked fine.
thats not a option anymore though now i have a macbook pro and most games dont work on mac.
what pisses me off most though is steam does not want to know you, its give us your money, than f*ck off.
quite a few times ive sent support requests and they just bounce you off, so you say fine if your not going to give me what i paid for, than i want a refund, and again they tell you to go jump.

10 years ago

My friend couldn't get Dead Island to run on her computer and she got a full refund for it. So I don't know I'm going to attribute it to poor luck on your end.

UHD monitor shouldn't cause these kinds of problems.

Again I don't know the full details though.

10 years ago

through the publisher yeah, but never through steam they dont give a flying %$#@!

10 years ago

Haha it really is a drought isn't it? March has really pulled the punches and now we have left overs fro the rest of the year.

There will be a few games theat pack a punch, I have big expectations from Watch Dogs and The Evil Within in August could be promising. The only game I have pre-ordered now is Drakengard 3 – Which I have pre-ordered a US copy due to it being a digital release only in Europe. But I am really looking forward to that.

However, the biggest release I am waiting for is Xenoblade 2 on the Wii-U. The first game was the definitive JRPG experience of the generation and offered everything I could ever hope for in a JRPG. I have a Wii-U in anticipation for this game and just canot wait for it.

But for now… and for most of the year it will be Final Fantasy X. I have made an oath not to cheat the Dark Aeons this time with Zanmato, so I am going to be spending a good 300hrs on FFX alone… then I have FFX-2 too 100% complete and The Last Mission to experience 🙂 – I am not worried about being bored this year.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 3/29/2014 4:23:33 AM

10 years ago

Jesus! Where to start? I have a huge backlog of games which I want get 100 % out of! I currently play The Last of Us multiplayer which is one of the best MP I've played in a while. So when I'm done with that I'm going back to Left Behind.

Also, almost done with The Metro. Which seriously surprised the hell out me, REALLY good game! So need go back to that game to someday!

List of games not finished:

– infamous: SS
– Killzone: SF
– Bioshock: Infinite
– Mass Effect 3
– Assassins Creed: Black Flag
– GTA5
– Skyrim

Etc etc etc

10 years ago

Just my opinion but Skyrim's a game you'll never "finish". There's just too much to do. I'm well over 250 hours and I'm maybe 50% thru the storyline and side quests.

10 years ago

As a joke to myself, a very sad joke, I will be playing and Platinuming both Silent Hill 2 and 3 HD release. Why? Because I like challenging myself. There's no real phsycological horror games anymore so what better way than causing intensive trauma on myself?

Thankfully I got Dark Souls 2, FFX, Watch_Dogs and whatever else really to play. I know my lady is happy about the dlc for minecraft and wants to start a new server to play around with the new texture packs. But yeah, should be fun. Also replaying Shadowfall and playing warframe off and on.

Got too much to play during the drought, so I'm not to sad about it. I really might go crazy this time… One can only hope though. If I need to bump up the ante, I'll buy the twilight series and watch those while playing.

slow and smart
slow and smart
10 years ago

For now i'm still playing Thief,did all the side-missions,now only the last 2 chapter's remain.
Next i will buy me murdered soul suspect and Wolfenstein the new order,to hunt down Nazi's is ALWAYS fun.After that?hmm a game from my collection that i didn't finish[total of about 7 digitalgames[some old ps2 games] and 8 on disc],then PROBABLY the evil within and after that i will continue the games that i didn't finish.
And this all up to the end of the year,hopefully Uncharted 4 and the order 1886 will be released by then,then i will buy the ps4[also then witcher 3 will be released soon in a couple of month's next year]

Last edited by slow and smart on 3/29/2014 7:24:20 AM

10 years ago

I'd need a full year to work through my backlog lol. On PS3 I've got several Sly Cooper games, Mass Effect 3 (might pick up the first one too), Bayonetta, LA Noire, Two Worlds 2, Dead or Alive 5, and I'll get Lightning Returns eventually. Then on PC I've got Dead Space which I just got for free the other day. It's a huge favorite of mine and I platiumed it on PS3 but figured it's time I give it another playthrough. Also have the beta test of Assetto Corsa (racing sim) and the full version of that is coming out pretty soon, then there's

F1 2013 (I'm only about 4 races into that)
Alan Wake
Dirt 3 (played it a bit and it was fun)
Tomb Raider
Bioshock Infinite
Sleeping Dogs
RaceRoom Racing Experience
The Witcher 2

Think that'll keep me busy.

10 years ago

Spent a couple of months playing mass effect in order, doing all side quests, etc. Wanted to get the 'best' ending, and all 3 are great games.

10 years ago

There is no gaming drought for me. I have to play through FFX-X2, SS and The Witch and The Hundred Knight and Tales of Symphonia HD. Then There is Demon Gaze and Coneception 2 for the vita in April. Then we have Mind Zero for the Vita in May along side Drakengard 3 and Watch Dogs. Man this year is terrible on the wallet. =(

10 years ago

Just get Batman Arkham Origins an DeadSpace 3 on a bargain.

In the backlog I have Crysis 3, Tomb Raide DE.

On the vita I'm starting Deception IV

So I have plenty to plays for a couple of months

10 years ago

I could see Dark Souls II holding my attention from May to the end of the year. I also still haven't finished the persona 3 epilogue. Finally I am definitely interested in Watch Dogs and Child of Light.

10 years ago

Well for the moment I'm just getting stuck into my 2nd playthrough of Second Son. This time on expert for the trophy and to play the good side.
The evil ending itself was so underwhelming, but the gameplay makes up for it.

Then I still have to go back and finally finish Ghost of Sparta in 3d, and maybe I'll get Killzone 3 for it's 3d.
I'm also going for the platinum in stick of truth, but frankly I'm hoping to use the drought to finally get some substantial work done on my painting.

10 years ago

Since i might get a 3ds with zelda and Bravely default , i won t have time to get bored .Those 2 are only the one a truly must have but there are plenty more i want on it and Ds ,which i never owned .

Also have lot s of unfinished games i want to get back into and Titan fall i still haven't played thx to dark souls 2 .

Lastly i got ff hd to buy and also child of light, deception 4 ,The evil withih ( can t freaking wait )to get later .

10 years ago

I'm getting MLB 14 The Show on Vita which will probably keep me busy until May when Borderlands 2 for Vita and Watch Dogs release. I'm actually expecting Watch Dogs to be complete crap but I'm still going to give it a chance.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 3/29/2014 10:36:33 PM

10 years ago

Time to clean up my PS3 backlog while I wait for The Show to come out. Still need to play Dishonored, Brink, Resistance 3, and finish TLoU.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x