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What’s “Next-Gen” About Assassin’s Creed: Unity?

This is a legitimate question; it's not sarcasm.

We really don't know enough about the new Assassin's Creed entry, and that's why I'm asking. All we really have is that debut trailer for the next installment, Assassin's Creed: Unity .

We see the term "next-gen" in that video, so it begs the question: What's going to be "next-gen" about this fresh entry? Are they calling it that simply because they're designing it with the next-gen consoles as the barometer? In terms of power and capability, what will the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One allow the Ubisoft developers to do? Specifically, what will it let them do differently and better ?

Do you have any ideas?

I've been playing and enjoying this series since its inception, so I know where Assassin's Creed can improve. It could use better AI, a refined control mechanic, and perhaps a few more stealth options for those of us who prefer to play like a true-blue assassin. I do like the French Revolution setting (it's rife with great possibilities), so I think that's a good start. "Bigger and better" is the common upgrade these days, but I want specifics concerning these "next-gen" updates, you know?

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10 years ago

I think a lot of people will want those specifics, because the new generation is getting hammered with not feeling new enough.

I do think it's funny that they always say their cross-gen product is super next gen, then when their true next gen game comes they use the same lingo to push it as really really next gen now!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

That's a fine question. Thing is, the original Assassin's Creed was one of the first games to really be able to make a claim of what next-gen gaming was at the time. It was something fresh and unfamiliar. I just don't think that Unity will be able to replicate that feeling unless it offers a truly massive overhaul to the core formula. They say it's been in development for three years, and that's cool, but that doesn't mean that they went into it with a blank slate thinking, "Let's define next-gen gaming."

Great graphics and bigger crowds of NPCs do not next-gen make. Having seen naval warfare on the previous generation, the bar has really been raised for the series, and I don't think that Ubisoft will be able to reinvent it in such a way that it defines the next generation. I'm actually not seeing that from any game. Most, like Second Son, are what we've seen before, but more. Others, like Destiny and The Division, are what we've seen before plus online integration. Neither of those approaches are bad or wrong, but they don't scream freshness.

I'm just not seeing a true next-gen leap from a gameplay standpoint anywhere. But that raises the question of what you call next-gen gameplay and, for me, that is, simply, more nuance, more control, more immersion and more subtlety. From what I've heard of Ground Zeroes, it actually comes pretty close to what I'm thinking of.

10 years ago

I think the industry is just going through the whole next-gen phase, to sell everyone on the idea we are in to something new. Just like how they try to sell us next years cars.

Give it a year, as long as we get enough games, and then they will have moved on to the more important things. Like the games being solid storywise, visually and sound. Yep, I doubt it too, because to me its just going to how it looks and such on one console and the other.

Slowly, I have been tuning the "buy me" thing and just looking at the games and features and whether they work for me.

Keep playing and they will continue to keep trying to sell us on whatever they are trying sell!

10 years ago

I'm looking forward to that too in the coming months. Many decent games but few gems are released at the beginning of a console generation.

This time around it seems that the weaknesses aren't derived from an unfamiliarity with the new hardware, but rather there's simply too much of an emphasis on the visual presentation(effects and set-pieces specifically).

10 years ago

Its next gen cause there's robots shooting guns at other people using guns shooting at people with guns.

Seriously though, I'm 100% over this series. Its gone WAY to far. I'll be happy replaying 1 and 2 because this has gotten way out of hand.

10 years ago

and thats the question troubling every "next gen" game, and thats why so many people are disappointed with whats out so far, because nothing really feels next gen.
im hoping to see something thats wow, something that we just wouldent see on last gen systems.
and im not talking about a nice shinny coat of paint, im talking about gameplay, story mechanics, something we havent seen before, something that makes that 550 dollar box worth its purchase!

we REALLY need to see a change and upgrade in the core gameplay mechanics though, while playing ACIV on launch of the ps4 something snapped with me, and the obligatory hide in the grass or conveniently placed haystack simply was not cutting the mustard anymore.
we really need to see a whole shakeup of the formula, instead of just simple solutions like conveniently placed items and conveniently placed guards and AI.
thats what next gen is all about, breaking the "typical game" stereotypes weve become bored of, and proving it can be done other ways, and actually those ways make allot more sense and are allot more fun.

its nice to see them splitting the development now so theres no more worries of the current gen version holding back the next gen version.
but that said it creates a new worry, is it 2 new teams with the same resources they would of had before?
or has ubisoft literally said ok everyone sitting on this side of the line is next gen, and everyone on this side is last gen, thus cutting the resources and budget in half.
im hoping the next gen version is seeing the resources and budget that all of ACIV saw.
i guess only time will tell.

Last edited by ___________ on 3/22/2014 3:58:07 AM

10 years ago

it is a resonable question but like u say we need to know more about this to make desive judgement on this one, one thing though is that we can be fearly certain it'll be either the same as or better than AC4

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

And here we go with our annual AC game. I will totally skip on this as the series has already worn it's welcome. After the abysmal ending of 3 I can't bring myself to care or continue with this series. Should have saved development time and used the resources to make Watch_dogs look better.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
10 years ago

I think the question posed is very thoughtful. It asks a fantastic question without an obvious answer. In the past next-gen was easily quantifiable by characteristics as a bump in graphical prowess (HD) or gameplay (from 2D to 3D) immersion.

The advances left to us are more nebulous in nature – much more difficult to observe with the eyeballs. How do you "see" better enemy AI? How do you witness better character development or story telling? Those experiences are much more personal in essence and their reception & perception will vary by individual.

Perhaps the notion of next-gen will not be defined by any one observable thing – in fact, it's possible next- gen might be a different experience for everyone. Some people are graphics whores (guilty!) and some are all about the story. Some want realism in the experience (AI) and yet others won't be satisfied until they get the whole package. Maybe the question should be, what defines next-gen for YOU?

10 years ago

tbh it looks like all the rest.

10 years ago

To answer your question the term "next gen" is just saying that its only for ps4 xbone. How about we wait till we see more befor writing or casting judgement on it

10 years ago

Two letters: AI.

There are no longer any excuses to make those cheap short term memory and essentially script-based AIs any more. Not with the new powers of these computers.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/22/2014 12:55:36 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

It is probably just marketing.

10 years ago

What's so next gen about it? The fact that the gameplay is actually 1080p. People seem to forget why this gen came to be. Which is not for the leap in experience but in the raise of pixels you see on the screen, that and the fact that now games will take up more space on BDs thanks to Microsoft. I honestly don't know how is it that people expected any more.

10 years ago

I think the new name for current gen should be "upgraded last gen".

The new generation to me just feels like I've upgraded a PC with a shiny new graphics card.

I'm not complaining though, I was quite content with the way things were on the PS3, the extra resolution, sharper textures more poly's etc is a nice bonus!!

10 years ago

Ubisoft could do something truly revolutionary this gen and not put out an Assassin's Creed game every single year.

But it's Ubisoft so that isn't going to happen.

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
10 years ago

Don't give Ubisoft too much flak. To be honest, AC4 and Far Cry 3 were quite good games.
I'll probably pass on Unity, but I am very excited to see how they use the horsepower of this generation's consoles with Far Cry 4. The Himalayan setting has this game right at the top of my list of most wanted games.

10 years ago

Far Cry 3 is one of my all time favorite games, and part of the reason why it was so good is that we don't see Far Cry games every freakin' year. Across all platforms we've had 10 Assassin's Creed games in 7 years. I feel perfectly fine giving Ubisoft flak for milking a franchise that hard.

10 years ago

I bought the 3rd one because it was nt just a long expansion like those after 2 and bought 4 because Watch dogs was delayed , it was next gen and mainly because of the setting .

Sadly , that one doing nothing for me unless the gameplay see a big change .That or they erase the animus .

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