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Which PS4 Exclusive Will Be Revealed Next?

Exclusive software is just so important, especially when a promising new piece of hardware is on the market.

For Sony's PlayStation 4, we've seen a few exclusives already ( Killzone: Shadow Fall and Knack , for instance), and we know about incoming titles like inFamous: Second Son and Uncharted 4 . But what might be coming down the pike? Which will be the next announced PS4 exclusive?

Perhaps it'll be whatever Quantic Dream's new project is; they're obviously on board with the PS4, as evidenced by the developer's Dark Sorcerer tech demo they showed off last year. However, this title could still be a long ways off, so maybe this won't be next on Sony's announcement list. Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy have long since gone multiplatform, so they're out. What else could be considered a possibility?

I think it may come down to one of two titles: Gran Turismo 7 or a new God of War . I know we just saw new entries in each franchise in 2013, but Sony has stressed the importance of both IPs. Furthermore, we heard that GT7 might indeed launch toward the end of 2014 on PS4, and Kazunori Yamauchi himself said it was only a "year or two away." He made that statement only about halfway through 2013, by the way. As for GoW, I honestly think we might be looking at a reboot, simply due to the completion of the Kratos story arc. At least, we're assuming it's complete.

Which PS4 exclusive do you think we'll hear about next?

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10 years ago

To be honest im a lot more curious to know what new JRPG Sony is making. Dart almost being in playstation allstars and Yoshidas pretty recent tweet about legend of dragoon selling more in the west cant be a coincidence right?

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

I really really really want what you're hinting.. a little too much.

10 years ago

The Last Guardian….

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I'm going to guess that it'll be the next one from either London Studio or Media Molecule. THe next project from either would bolster the diversity of the line-up, Media Molecule's from the viewpoint of sheer creativity. What they showed off at the PS4 reveal event was incredible and I can't wait to see how they make a game out of that concept. London's would almost certainly be a more family oriented game, but I would hope that it has more substance than Singstar or Eyepet. More like Medievil >.>

I suppose they could announce Bend Studio's project soon, considering that Golden Abyss launched over two years ago, but I think that Sony want to present something different and Bend pretty much do action games, and we already know about a few of them. Can I say Level-5's promised game?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago


10 years ago

id like to say SM new game really want to see what corys working on now, but that seems a long ways off so i doubt that will be announced anytime soon.
so i gotta go with one of the smaller studios, perhaps bend or someone else.
really dying to see what bend is working on, especially after all the recent rumors and leaks of a syphon filter reboot!
either that, or $ony FINALLY admits TLG has been delayed to switch over to the ps4.
oh or maybe the same for agent.

10 years ago

I think it's very doubtful we'll see GT7 until 2015. At the earliest. Kaz also said that GT6 would have a course creator and a B-spec mode, which we're still waiting for. Heck the January 1st Vettel event still isn't out yet. They said we'd get a new track every month as DLC – that's 20 days late now. When he gives a time frame of "1 – 2 years" he means 2 years at the very least.

I don't care too much about God of War, over the last 8 years they've exhausted all creative possibilities with that franchise.

I'm really hoping for some NEW IP's. Some non-shooter, non-sequel NEW stuff. That's what I buy consoles for; not to play the same stuff I've been playing for the past 7 years.

10 years ago

Yeah, I don't think it will be GT7, but I say that because Kaz said 1 to 2 years. I don't know about you guys, but 1 to 2 years is a pretty big gap of an estimation. We're talking about 1 whole year here. My safe bet will be sometime early next year at the earliest.

Also, atm, Kaz said recently at Taipei, PD is focused on GT6 support. GT7 should be close to releasing soon only when the focus shifts more into GT7 rather than GT6.

Most importantly, GT6 just released. I don't care how important GT7 will be for the PS4, but I would never release GT7 announcements when GT6 just came out. It's unheard of that a game gets released, and the sequel gets announced asap. At least for me.

10 years ago

To be honest I do not have a clue, BUT I do believe it will have to be a NEW game franchise. New system, new games.

The old brands do bring supporters from one gen to the next but now is the time to draw new gamers to brand new games exclusive or not.

A new Gran Turismo or GoW is not going to cut it. ITs possible a new GoW will be a SPECTACULAR game, but for its not going to draw new gamers upfront before it would launched based on the series history.

I am sure Sony has something new coming, I hope. They cannot solely rely on Naughty Dogs and Suck Punch to bring something freshness, although ND has proven with a lot work they can, but they cannot be the sole supporters for Sonys success.

Heres hoping and keep playing!

10 years ago

I'm hoping for the next god of war. Not only do I just love the games, I'm so curious to see how far Sony is willing to go in what will surely be a new direction. Is it a straight Greek mythology reboot? Will they move to Norse or Egyptian mythology? Ascension hinted at an Indian antagonist, if memory serves. Besides the setting, what will the gameplay look like? I'm betting on a slightly more open style that still has a forward, linear trajectory. I'm just so curious!

10 years ago

I would say Uncharted: Something. I'm not convinced we will get the full on Uncharted 4 and I don't think the teaser counts as a reveal. I think it will be a surprise.

10 years ago

maybe Disgaea 5 will be announced or record of agarest war 3
or Maybe drakengard 4 will be announced If drakengard 3 sells well in the west

as far as Legend of the dragoon 2 goes Sony cancelled that like 2 years ago

but then again Level 5 might pull out some New IP because ND isn't the only company that likes making new IPS

10 years ago

What i think ? I think gow need to be replaced by a new i.p .

10 years ago

I hope it's a new IP whatever it is, guerilla's other game, Santa Monica's new IP, or maybe the guys who have been making portable games(The Syphoon Filter guys) have something for us. I just want it to be a new IP or something we haven't seen in awhile.

10 years ago

Hopefully whatever it is will be a brand new IP.

If it is just another GoW or something I will be REALLY disaapointed.

Sad to say, but I hope Sony is on the same page as MS, they seem to understand the importance of new IP.

EDIT: I also want a gameplay reveal for The Order. That looks like my most anticipated PS4 game right now.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 1/29/2014 9:03:19 PM

10 years ago

Developers are already talking about *almost* maxing out both new consoles, so it's a good thing GT6 came out on the PS3. I hope GT7 is a long ways off still, otherwise there is too much overlap. Can't have that.

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