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Don’t Have PS4? What Game(s) Are You Waiting For?

Millions already have the PlayStation 4. But you don't.

And you have your reasons. Mostly, it's not about the price, it's not that you have a giant current-gen backlog you want to work through; it's just because the launch lineup didn't impress you. Not surprising.

Therefore, you're waiting for the games. Okay, so what game – or games – are you waiting on? Which titles need to be on store shelves before you spring for the PlayStation 4? Or maybe you're not quite that patient; perhaps you're just waiting for the official announcement of a certain title. Until then, you're going to bide your time and save your cash, right? Personally, if I didn't have to buy one for work purposes, I probably would've waited until next holiday season, when Uncharted 4 might be available. That's what I'd be waiting on.

I'm not big on spending a lot of money on something I won't use immediately. Thing is, after finishing a few of the launch titles for the PS4, I haven't gone back to it since. I've still got Gran Turismo 6 , Grand Theft Auto V and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag sitting here, begging to be finished. And I know what it's like to plan ahead; I know how responsible gamers think. They want their pricey purchase to be justified. They want games they know they'll love and then they'll take the plunge.

So, which ones are on your list?

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10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago

Well the problem is that this game is not only multiplatform, but multi generation as well. Its hard to showcase warrant a PS4 when PS3 version is just as impressive

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
10 years ago

I've heard Asian takeout is riddled with that stuff and it's also not very good for your heart and cholesterol.

10 years ago

Errrr, the PS3 version won't be just as impressive. Kojima said so himself.

10 years ago

I intend to get a Playstation 4 with The Phantom Pain. Not so excited for Ground Zeroes, so I will just buy it on PS3. If a special edition of Metal Gear Solid V is released with both parts on PS4 I will get that and a PS4 day one.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

if it looks as good as gta5 on PS3 then theirs no complaints from me!

10 years ago

MGS5 and/or inFamous.

10 years ago

PS4 game library bot big enough for me or variety.

Just got Bioshock – Infinite for $19.99 for the PS3 at Best Buy. On sale until Jan 2. Still a whole lot of fun to be had on my PS3. Mind you, the checkpoint saves suck in the game, but whatta gonna do.

Keep playing!

karneli lll
karneli lll
10 years ago

I hope you are not a ps+ member, if you are you'd better return it ASAP

10 years ago

For myself, I've just recently got into Diablo III on PS3. I'll still be spending quite a bit of time with it over the next month or two. If not more. Then there's the FFX/X-2 Remaster in March. I know I'll be spending just as much time with that as I have been with Diablo. By the summer the PS4 lineup should be much more substantial. Perhaps I'll pick one up then.

10 years ago

I really enjoyed Diablo 3 it was a lot of fun. However the moment I heard the PS4 version would get the expansions I put it down and sold it. I had all intentions of playing through to the hardest difficulty also.

10 years ago

For myself it's probably not any single game, but instead the overall short term forecast of true next-gen level exclusive gaming experiences.
I'm in a position where having a powerful PC already allows me to see things in 1080p and with smooth frame rates.

10 years ago

MGS V and FFXV or something from Rockstar which ever comes first.

10 years ago

There is so much left for me to play on the PS3, i am currently playing Tomb Raider, in addition to that, there are at least 6 other games ill get before even thinking about a ps4 purchase. Hopefully i can catch up before spring hits, because the new EA UFC game might be first on my next gen list.

10 years ago


10 years ago

I have a ps4 but haven't been playing much waiting on infamous second son watch dog nd a official release date on uncharted 4

10 years ago

I'm gonna get a PS4 when MGS5 ''The Complete Edition'' gets released, but if MGR gets a sequel released before MG5 I would buy a PS4 for it.

10 years ago

Destiny, FFXV and Uncharted. Maybe Watch Dogs. Dunno yet.. i was really waiting for Destiny. But now i gotta wait til next summer/fall.

10 years ago

minimum 2 games which will make me say WOW, THIS is what weve waited SEVEN freaking years for!
so far i havent seen that, so far the reactions are more along the lines of is that all come on that could of been done on ps3!
what games those will be, well probably the order 1886 and the division will be the first to release.
still cant believe what i saw of the division, i mean holly crap balls if the final game looks and plays like that than ill eat my hat!
even for a high end PC that just looks too good to be true.
i would really love to say infamous, but after seeing it in october it somehow looks significantly WORSE than the trailers!
i hope thats a really old demo or something, because if thats how the game releases, than theres going to be ALLOT of angry fans!
allot of people are expecting infamous to be the first big ps4 game, i just hope it lives up to that.
after all the past 2 infamous games have hardly been technological marvels, so i have extreme doubts.

Last edited by ___________ on 12/28/2013 2:43:23 AM

10 years ago

To be honest, I have no idea. There are some neat games announced so far, but nothing that makes me think I HAVE to get a PS4.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

It's mostly the backlog thing for me.

Even so, give me inFamous, Uncharted, The Order, Valkyria Chronicles, Watch_Dogs, Media Molecule's project and whatever Ninja Theory is working on and I'm there. Imma be backlogging before I even get the damn system.

10 years ago

Beyond Good and Evil 2 and The Last Guardian would certainly help open my wallet.

slow and smart
slow and smart
10 years ago

well in the beginning the difference between ps3/ps4 will not be that much,so as long the ps4 games come also to the ps3 i sure will not buy the ps4,there is no need for me NOW[thief/wolfenstein/lords of shadow 2 will also be on the ps3]
so 1:games that come only on the ps4 and
2:the games i want like Witcher 3,order 1886 and later on uncharted 4 and fallout 4
then i will buy me a ps4

Last edited by slow and smart on 12/28/2013 3:29:22 AM

10 years ago

I'm not waiting for any game in particular. I'll get a PS4 when the software lineup is big enough to warrant a purchase.

10 years ago

I built a gaming PC this summer so I've got that for all the multiplatform stuff. I'll get a PS4 when there are enough exclusives that really interest me to justify the purchase. Gran Turismo 7 would be a big help, along with Infamous and The Order 1886. Bioware never has controller support for the PC versions of their games so I'd get the next Dragon Age and Mass Effect on PS4. And none of the Final Fantasy games (save for the old ones) were available on PC this gen so one of those would help a lot too.

10 years ago

I'm not entirely sure anymore. There was a time I said that Watch Dogs was my system seller, but to be completely honest I don't really *need* a ps4 since I got a pretty good PC gaming rig already. And to buy a machine just for an exclusive or two a year – especially since the typical exclusives don't interest me much – seems like quite an overkill. I don't even have enough time as it to spend on the multiplats I'm most excited about.

So I don't know…!

10 years ago

I know that you want to play Watch Dogs and Infamous: Second Son. WD will be on PC you see (say that five times fast) but if you want your Second Son fix then PS4 is the only way. There's not a lot of compelling software for the system yet and I haven't really done much with mine since I finished Black Flag but in two years there'll be a lot of games to play. At this point, you're buying for the future but when the exclusives that interest you arrive then you'll be ready. It's not really all that different from the first year or so of PS3.

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 12/28/2013 2:59:05 PM

10 years ago

Like I say, the exclusives represent just a title or two during a year. I don't *need* Infamous, not with all the awesome games coming out these days.

In two years from now the system will likely be cheaper. So why buy it now? There really are no reason to "buy for teh future" – one can only save money by waiting until all the games are there.

Don't get me wrong, I want to get a PS4 eventually, I just don't feel any rush at all.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/28/2013 6:30:43 PM

10 years ago

Yeah, there's no reason to rush. You're probably smarter for waiting than I was for buying on day one!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

For the record, there are a lot more than just one or two exclusives a year. There might be only one or two that you WANT, but there are others. Some are downloadable, some are niche titles (JRPG, strat/RPG, etc.) that aren't on your radar, but they will exist.

10 years ago

I wouldn't say there's more than a couple of exclusives a year that hold a certain degree of significance, Ben. The rest are just… Fillers, more or less. Might be of interest once you own the platform but for the rest they are easily missed or just flat out uninteresting, simply cause there's so *many* games released these days.

Their existence are simply irrelevant during a purchase process.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/29/2013 3:38:37 PM

10 years ago

MGS5 BABY! and the next best thing in gaming

10 years ago

Kingdom Hearts 3, Imfamous, The next uncharted and/or naughty dog game, Final Fantasy 15, and that game by the people who made Joe Danger, something in the sky or whatever its called.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

Waiting on the 1st naughty dog game,thats when next gen starts for me!
Untill then the PS3 is fine for multi plat/cross gen titles.
On an interesting side note,The last guardian has shown up recently on the uk psn store as a coming soon title & still marked as a PS3 exclusive,that & Agent has also been bumped up to "Coming soon" a couple of months ago on rockstar's social club…….methinks sony are waiting for the buzz surrounding the PS4 to die down before reintroducing TLG & Agent.
PS.rumour is Agent if funded by sony so its exclusive to playstation.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

IS funded by sony

10 years ago

In all honesty, I am still content with that the PS3 has to offer next year. Playing Final Fantasy X & X-2 will no doubt keep me busy, then there is MGS: Ground Zeroes and Lightning Returns too, then Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD REmix later in the year.

None of the new IP's excite me, Watch Dogs & The Division are games I would get if I had a PS4 but they're not system sellers for me. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the big deal, I want to experience that in the best possible way so a PS4 will be needed. The next potential is Final Fantasy XV, considering its history on timekeeping I will not hold my breath for it.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

I hope there's a version with both GZ & TPP when mgsv TPP launches,it is blu-ray after all !

10 years ago

Waiting for it to be available in stores.

10 years ago

I'm thinking about waiting to get the PS4, stuff happened at xmas that basically broke the flow of every thing. So at the moment i am going to buy a Vita on the 3rd in January, and then start saving up for the PS4.

Not sure what game to get first for it though, but that should hold me over as well as FF10HD when that releases in March and hopefully by March, or April Sony has a good supply feeding the PS4 to the US market so i can easily get it.

I'm just hoping every thing goes smoothly, but that's life. You can't predict a lot of things that will happen in the future.

Last edited by Clamedeus on 12/28/2013 8:05:50 PM

10 years ago

The only reason stopping me from getting a PS4 is that i would end up paying around $650 to 700, because where i live (Dominican Republic) anything you buy off the internet that is more than $200 you have to pay a ''special tax'' and my neighbor that always travel to the US every year didn't do it this year 🙁

10 years ago

I know the title is targeting people who don't have the PS4 yet, but as an owner of one I'll be hypothetical and say that the game that would sell a PS4 to me if I was holding off on one would probably be Dragon's Age Inquisition. Or probably any RPG, The Witcher 3 is looking damn fine.

In fact I really wish there was a RPG on release as opposed to having all these shooters. I love my PS4, I do and I know more great games will be along in 2014. But shooters are limited imo in how far they can push new tech, when a good immersive open world adventure just has so much more scope. AC: Black Flag is hands down the best game on the new console at the moment and it's also available on last gen consoles (PS3 is not current gen now that the new gen is available, it's last gen but still relevant because of it's numbers but it's definitely not current).

So even as someone who took the leap into the new current gen (PS4), there's lots of games I'm still looking for.

10 years ago

Final Fantasy XV

10 years ago

Kingdom Hearts 3 and FFXV.
I'm a big fan of KH so no way I'm gonna miss it, beside, the game mechanic is still the same so why not.
As for FFXV, well, as an FF fan, I'd say SCREW THAT ****.
But as a gamer, the game looks totally awesome and I'd be a fool to ignore it.

Though that doesn't mean SE has won me back.

10 years ago

if i didn't have a ps4 it wud be infamous or the order

happy gaming =)

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